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September 20, 2024, 09:00:27 pm


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FFTA2: Promise Rewritten (Rebalance and Difficult hack)

Started by Kuro, August 21, 2018, 07:42:49 am


Quote from: Madeen on October 29, 2018, 08:05:34 am
Why not mp regen = % of max mp?  Mages cant compensate with normal attack when they are low on mp...

Yeah, I wanted that as well xD But as far as we know, we can only substitute the vanilla value in that byte (10 = 0A in Hex)for a new one. (30 = 1E Hex). We don't know if there is another byte to switch MP behaviour.

I got an idea to get Max MP % which was to set everyone regen to 0 then make Attack command regen MP as well, and you were able to hit empty targets. What is wrong? AI would not attack to regen MP :c IT would be okay for monsters but not so for enemy NPCs. 
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Ah that's too bad :/

Then how about mp regen being dependent on class?  Not possible either?


Nope, it can't be dependant on job or anything else, for now. We can only limit the max MP stored in most physical classes.

At level 50 my Bangaa has 85 MP (Probably 110 at lvl 75) and Nu Mou 342. (Probably 492 at level 75) I played them trying to learn from all of the jobs I could with the focus on making a strong Physical and Magical character.

Jump: {(20 + 0 + E + 90) x [(1 + 4 + 1) / 2 * 1.25]} / 5 = 83 MP ... The new Jump is strong lol

Bangaa Cry: [(10 + 10 + 0 + 90) x ( (1 + 3 + 2) / 2 * 1.25 )] / 5 = 90 MP ... =-=u

Edited: I did calculations the wrong way. Now they seem alright. Jump is too strong maybe. The table should help me to realize which skills are too strong and fix them with changes. The thing is if I remove the Focus on hit the skill would be 25 MP. But too boring. Jump is a good example of skill needing a change.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


That's a shame :/

About jump, honestly if its 50% accurate I'm never going to use it lol, however strong it may be.


Regarding to
QuoteWhy not mp regen = % of max mp?  Mages cant compensate with normal attack when they are low on mp...

I got an interesting idea: I'm going to make the Attack command to consume 5 MP on use. Why? First, as a way to balance even further the use of Dual Wield and finally, to make Wait command gain relevance. 
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Can you just make the attack command increase the turn time more? (Maybe a -20 CT?)


  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Hit a brick wall at Gilmunto...Any sort of back attack is a oneshot, which is manageable but ranged omni-directional oneshots from the dragons are less so.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


^ I hope you managed to pass over that brick wall. If that's not the case let me know again to revise that that battle.

That said, I think I am back after a long break and well I wanted to say something about my ideas right now:

Last patch I released ( adds elemental weakness and resistances for playable races as well as changes in those on 'monsters'. For the next patch (0.9.7)I will not be doing changes in enemy formation since the other stuff is taking me a lot of time.

1. Item command for every job available.

2. Equipment gil cost calculated in base to its new stats. Example Jambiya cost -Most expensive dagger in my mod- is now 25200 instead of 10800 while Dagger-Cheapest- is now 600 instead of 80.

3. Mid and late game gil rewards lowered.

4. MP revamp, skill rebalance and some changes including new skills.

All these changes are obviously a reason to a start a new game so I will let patch 0.9.6 available for everyone and I'll suggest you prepared for a new game after 0.9.7.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Welcome back :)  Looking forward to it, personally I'll be waiting for formations though, but take your time :D


Sure, I will eventually start to alter formation again. I'll update what I've doing these days.

1. Rebalanced Gil rewards, Gil cost of equipment, usable items and loot from monsters. I made a lot of theory that needs testing but I like the way it is now.

2. Rebalanced CP gain. Now it should be much harder to spend coins on the auction token store.

3. Rebalanced equipment stats again. Every weapon but for bows gets +10 overall and Two-Handed Swords got a +30. Shields are now paired with weapons stats. Hats, helms and accesories got a boost as well.

4. Items are open for every job as a fixed additional command. Remade the items skills -mirror included-:

Potion: Gives Regen + a 0.2 of Max HP of user                     = B 200 S 100
Hi-Potion: Gives Regen + 100 HP fixed                                = B 500 S 250
X Potion: Heals as much as one physical Attack,
so it scales with that stat                                                    = B 1000 S 500
Elixir: Heals 1/2 of Max current HP of user and 75 MP         = B 3000 S 2000
Ether: 75 MP                                                                   = B 2000 S 1000
P. Down: Kill Ally to recover HP + Regen  + No damage        =  B 900 S 450
(Mirror revives Ally inexchange of user's life) 
Normal Ailment cure: Status effect off                                = B 300 S 150
Holy Water: Remove Undead                                             = B 600 S 300
Remedy: Cures Most Debuffs                                             = B 2000 S 1000
Eureka: MGK RES Regen                                                    = B Nope S 2500
Grimoire: ATK DEF Regen                                                   = B Nope  S 2500
Dark Matter: Same effect as before for now                         = B Nope S 2500

4. Revamp MP System:

-Units start with Full MP.
-RP Regeneration will be 50 MP
-Attack will consume 25 MP on hit.

5. In process of rebalancing Jobs again so I can adapt them to my new MP System. Base MPs are the most remarkable change. All jobs will start with a higher MP base to allow use of abilities remade. Also I believe now I will make hybrid builds (ATK + MGK)more viable after the changes in equipment and stats growths. Why?

Attack command is the cheapest damage action in the next patch, so unit always benefits in MP from it. Therefore, if an hybrid wants to be efficient to gather MP for future actions while keeping dps it will need to do Attacks.

Melee's will be allowed to perfom weaker abilities than mages due to MP cap and Attack comman consumption.

Mages will be able to drop one nuke in the first turn. However after that command Ether, Wait and Charging MP abilities will be their best friends. (I was inspired by Eternal and Raics from TO: LUCT - One vision mod)

Dual Wield Build with Hume or Viera will make you consume your turn MP, balancing the power of one weapon in each hand.

Counter reactions consume MP as well, if you don't have anymore MP you'll attack for free so I guess Dual Wield works good with Counters.


6. Got rid of ability requeriments for jobs, they will avaliable as soon as you get them for any unit.

  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Fuck me. Patch was almost completed and found a major issue. MP cost only has one slot assigned in hex value so the maximum I can set is FF = 255. I had everything balanced to make use of most of MP bar like Firaga cost was 360 and a Black Mage perfectly built might achieve 644 MP...

I'm going to think what to do now but I don't like the idea of lowering costs and regeneration because it would make me have to redo a lot of stuff.

  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Damned, I hope this is fixable, I'm kinda curious how your hack plays.


It is, I just need to readjust growths but it was a little dissapointing. I thought MP Shield would work better with a higher pool now I will need to lower it.

I'll upload a doc google in the same format than Rfh with the changes.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Cool. Thanks for the update. Looking forward to trying the new version.


I've progressed a lot but I need to test the new Gil economy, the new abilities and the work of the current MP regen. Gria, Seeq, Unique jobs and Neutral Skills are not updated still since they weren't neccesary.

If someone is interested in helping with testing I can share an early patch for those wanting to try it out. But really I need feedback.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Hi I just started playing the hack, I didnt know there were hacks that had brought to life again this game that I love. So playing it since yesterday, I noticed some items had abilities for the class "soldier" but were clesrly not for the class. For example the knuckle 'rising sun' has 'red spring' for soldierd which makes no sense since they cant even equip the item. Ive also noticed it in the 'ancient sword' item. Is this intentional?
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Yeah, the assigment of abilities to equipment was another pending work and it's a good coincidence you brought it on because I completely reassigned abilities to equipment for the next patch so it would be the point 7 of changes. This time I'm making sure I give a good playable version for a better feedback. I'll give you an example:

Short Spear has Jump now.
Leather Knuckles has Attack Up for Berserker, White Monk and Tinker -Yeah Moogles got Attack Up- In fact my intention is giving all "Stat up passive" to all races, sometimes repeated for a better access to different choices of build.
Short Sword has First Aid for Soldier, Warrior and Raptor.

So, as you see, with the reassignment I'm trying to spread abilities in as much equipment as I can along with new passives added. Right now I'm exploring the rom to find a possibility to change AI behaviour while I test the game as it is after the change in the MP System and the Gil economy. So far, I've enjoyed how it is going -after three story missions- but maybe I will make shop even more expensive. For that reason I need feedback, but Gria, Seeq, Unique Jobs and Neutral Skills aren't avaliable, so I'm just giving an early patch to those wanting to report me as you did because game isn't very playable right now. Let me know if you want it and I message you.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


I would love to play it. Will I have to start over again? (just discovered the hacks so I'm new to how it works)
I played the game in normal and the difficulty increase is very noticeable (in a good way tbh), but I noticed my Luso was barely lvl 3 and facing lvl 7 enemies, lol.
If you're planning in upping the prices, I feel like the early items are already expensive enough (as I've ran out of gold) so them being even higher would be too difficult in the beginning imo.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


I'm actually on vacation in Canada right now with spotty internet so I'll have 4 whole days to test this out if you want to send it over