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Importing Custom Formation Sprites and Portraits [Warning! Image Heavy Post!]

Started by Celdia, February 11, 2011, 01:02:40 am


Quote from: Celdia on April 06, 2018, 08:30:25 am
Even though its apparently wickedly out of date, I fixed the first post anyways. Thanks, Darth, for rehosting those images. Made super quick work of it.

I realize that if I ever decided to work on a new project, I'd have to relearn how to do everything from scratch again with all the updates in the past years. :D

Of course. :D
I may have to review how to do this again myself, its been too long since I've tried to make custom sprites.

Quote from: dgcool on October 01, 2018, 06:32:11 pm
I hope someone can still help with this (PSP version): I just went through the whole process of changing sprites with ShiShi and then doing the fftpack (FFTEVGRP+CDMAGE) pack/repacking. Now I see all the correct sprites in combat AND in the unit selection screen but NOT in the formation/character overview area. Any ideas? Thank you!!

Its been a while, but it sounds like you didn't do the UNIT.bin WRLDFCE.bin stuff in order to have the new sprite show up in the formation and battle screen menus.  Did you follow the tutorial on the first page, it should still work - I just went through and did it with Meliadoul no problem.
  • Modding version: PSX

Pedro Henrike

Does CDmage only open the FFT PSX? Because I try to open WotL to get the folder "Events" but the following error appears: File Length does not match sector boundary. (And I've tried opening it anyway in CDmage ...

I noticed that in FFTEVGRP does not have all the sprites, as in Shishi, this means that if we change some character in the story and recrute him in the future, when we enter the formation, he is with the image of Ramza, and only becomes normal Sprite that we put) during the battle ... What to do about these?
  • Modding version: PSX


We need to make one thing clear: Which version are you modding?

- You say PSP
- Your profile says PSX
- You create topics both in the PSX (even today) and WotL sections
- You try to use a lot of tools that are only meant for the PSX version

Not to mention that this tutorial is pretty useless now since you can just use Shishi to directly edit the UNIT.BIN and WLDFACE.BIN files. This should be possible for WotL as well... though I forgot if someone managed to change the links between spritesheets and UNIT.BIN or not for WotL. Safest bet is to use a spritesheet that is linked to an unused UNIT.BIN slot (like one of the few unused priests) and use that spritesheet slot for your unit. Though I have to say I can't recall which spritesheets are associated to those, sorry.
  • Modding version: PSX
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Anything is possible as long as it is within the hardware's limits. (ie. disc space, RAM, Video RAM, processor, etc.)
<R999> My target market is not FFT mod players
<Raijinili> remember that? it was awful


It is so hard for me becase my english is not good. I dont unserstand at all. I really want sephiroth, shadow, beatrix, tifa
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


I have a few questions, I wanna change Squire models but there are so many... I need to change all? I don't know if there are there because they are IA models or what. And maybe bugs will happen so I don't know what to do (I have warnings in Shishi).
Alternatively, I want to make a Squire that "evolves" into another unit (or maybe just let them be Squires at the tutorial of the game). I don't know if that is possible.
  • Modding version: WotL

✪ Emergence 2 for PSP (EN/ES) - Play it now! ✪
A vanilla+ experience for PSP. Actual patch: 1.0+. More fixes in v1.1!
  • Discord username: darkskyx#9825


Quote from: darkskyx on January 26, 2021, 03:05:16 amI have a few questions, I wanna change Squire models but there are so many... I need to change all?

In Shishi the only squire's you need to change to effect generics are the one's listed near Chemist (#'s 60 and 61) (all the other one's are just duplicates once you've expanded your ISO with Shishi).

In Shishi's Other Images tab where you can now edit Unit.Bin and Wldface.bin (to edit formation screen sprites) they do not have duplicates so it's more straightforward.
  • Modding version: PSX
Nyzer: Alma teleports out of her own possessed body.
Raijinili: Remember that you're telling a modding community that the game they love could use some fixing.


Quote from: Jumza on January 26, 2021, 10:57:57 amIn Shishi the only squire's you need to change to effect generics are the one's listed near Chemist (#'s 60 and 61) (all the other one's are just duplicates once you've expanded your ISO with Shishi).

In Shishi's Other Images tab where you can now edit Unit.Bin and Wldface.bin (to edit formation screen sprites) they do not have duplicates so it's more straightforward.

Okay, thanks. I don't know if I'd do that because seems hard to me (I saw tutorials and I didn't understand well the process, but I'll try to learn).
Anyway, I wanna make one more question because I had a weird idea:

Is there any way to make a unit "transform" using an ability? I mean, there are boss models that can transform so I thought it would be possible to make that possible. I thought of making Squire a Paladin so maybe instead of just change it like that I can use a skill and other Job to give the model skills and new stats. I know this might be harder to make & surely would be possible writing new code but I had to ask.  If I could do that without I'd use the model (& stats) of Wiegraf (maybe Loffrey if I don't find any good custom).
  • Modding version: WotL

✪ Emergence 2 for PSP (EN/ES) - Play it now! ✪
A vanilla+ experience for PSP. Actual patch: 1.0+. More fixes in v1.1!
  • Discord username: darkskyx#9825


No. The bosses "transform" by switching positions with another unit in the event. You can't give generics special jobs, either.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


March 16, 2020: This tutorial was outdated thanks to updates to Shishi that allow it to access the UNIT and WLDFACE images.

I just finished updating it, but here's the outdated version of it just in case I missed anything crucial when I reworked it.

Now this is something I know there have been a lot of requests for, including from myself back in the day.
Well as the saying goes, "If you want something done right, do it yourself." and that is what I've aimed for here.
Just so there's no confusion: Images will be posted ABOVE the text referring to them. If a picture doesn't make
sense on its own, scroll down and read a bit.

Here's the list of programs you'll need for importing new formation sprites: Shishi Sprite Editor, Graphics Gale, FFTEVGRP, CDMage
This tutorial will start by assuming you have already replaced the sprite in your  ISO with Shishi. If you haven't done that already,
do so.

Ready? Okay, good. You made sure to set the new sprite's SHP and SEQ to the proper Type for the new sprite, right? I'll wait.

Okay, for this tutorial we'll be replacing the Male Monk with Vanya's Spikey Warrior custom sprite.

Step 1: Open your ISO (or BIN or what have you) in CDMage (as "M2/2352 track" - nothing else seems to work for me).
If you do get an error as in the image above, just click Yes. This has never caused an issue for me and it frequently happens.
Locate the EVENT folder, scroll to the bottom and right-click UNIT.BIN and select Extract Files. Repeat this process for WLDFACE.BIN.

Step 2: Open UNIT.BIN and WLDFACE.BIN in FFTEVGRP. This is pretty self-explanitory, I hope. Here's a picture just in case.
Each one will be accessible through their own tabs at the top-left of the window once opened.

Step 3: Find the sprite you're replacing on the list in FFTEVGRP and use the Save BMP function.
(Its possible that this step may be redundant but I find it is the most effective way to get an image
file that FFTEVGRP will accept for Import later.)
I always just save them as the default filename FFTEVGRP creates for them as you can see here.

Step 4: Close CDMage (if you haven't already) and open your ISO in Shishi (Note: Failure to close CDMage
or Shishi when trying to load your ISO into the other program will give you an error.) 
Load up the sprite you have already replaced in the ISO with Shishi and take a screenshot with PrntScrn.
Also if you do not have your new sprite saved in BMP format, select Export As BMP from the menu and save
the sprite into a new file. (Yeah, this probably didn't need an image but I'm being thorough.)

Step 5: Open Graphics Gale and create a new image. Paste your screenshot into this new image. This is
where we will get the graphics for the new formation screen. Just keep it open for later.

Step 6: Open the exported UNIT and WLDFACE images you got from FFTEVGRP in Graphics Gale. I like to zoom
these images up a bit to make lining up things for editing easier.

Step 7: Now we're going to load the color palettes for the new formation sprites. If you don't have a Palette window
open in Graphics Gale already you can get one by going up to View > Palette. In the Palette window click the little
underlined down-arrow and select Load Palette.
Next, click the File button and choose Import From File. This is why we exported the new sprite from Shishi as a BMP.
Open that BMP file and you will get a new window with a whole bunch of little colored tiles. On the left are the palettes
from the BMP you opened. On the right is the palette for the image you're editing, be it the unit or the portrait.
The top 8 rows are the unit palettes while the bottom 8 are portrait palettes. Drag and highlight the top row of colors
from the one you're editing, unit or portrait, and then click the left-most tile on the right. This will replace the entire
IMPORTANT NOTE: The 'Match pixels with colors' checkbox must be flagged (default) for portraits and must be
UNFLAGGED for the unit palette. If you don't get this right your images will look all wonky. I can't count how many
times I messed this up before I realized what the problem was.
Once you've got your new palette loaded to the tiles on the right, click OK and you should see a change in your image.
Repeat this process for both the unit and portrait images and we'll move on.

Step 8: Now this is where we need that screenshot of Shishi. with the new palettes loaded into the UNIT and
WLDFACE images we can now just copy and paste the sprites from the spritesheet and they will look correct. The unit
sprite is easy enough but the portrait will need to be rotated counter-clockwise 90 degrees. Once again, zoom is applied
for ease of editing.
Just grab that little box attached to the line once you've selected the portrait area and drag it up and left until everything
looks nice and aligned.
Then Copy from the spritesheet and paste over the old portrait. Now save your modified UNIT and WLDFACE images.

Step 9: Back to FFTEVGRP. If you followed all the steps thusfar there should be no errors here. Simply select Import BMP
and load up your UNIT and WLDFACE images. Note the blue exclamation points on the tabs for the different files.
These indicate unsaved changes. To save, just click the Save File button in the bottom right on each tab. You will also
want to click Save WLDFACE4.BIN (I have no idea what this file does, honestly, but I create and import it to my ISO
everytime and everything works so I continue to do so. If someone knows if this is redundant, let me know.)

Step 10: If you still have Shishi open, close it and re-open your ISO in CDMage just like in Step 1. You'll want to do
much the same as you did in Step 2 except now we'll be using the Import File function from the right-click menu. Do this

That's it! Close CDMage, load up your ISO and check out the new formation sprite!

Happy hacking! ^_^

(Thank you to DarthFutuza for rehosting the tutorial images, even if the whole thing is greatly out of date.)
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Quote from: Nyzer on March 28, 2021, 01:27:46 pmNo. The bosses "transform" by switching positions with another unit in the event. You can't give generics special jobs, either.
Oh, I see... Thanks for your answer, I tought it was not possible but I had to ask.

But what about adding new custom units using all or some of the unused units? Read this quote from FFT wiki:

Quote from: undefinedThere are quite a few job classes that are unused in battle (...) More information on these jobs can be found in their respected articles; Cardinal, Duke, Duke, Elder, False Saint, Grand Duke, High Confessor, Viscount, and Witch of the Coven.
Simon and Valmafra are unit that are free to use to safe changes, they have their sprite in WLDFACE.BIN and the rest of the units have their sprite in WLDFACE4.BIN... I think it should be possible to add all those units with the help of Sishi Manager, or I'm missing something? It's hardcoded?

The only reason I can think of why people do not use those units it's because everything that is binded to WLDFACE4.BIN maybe you are not allowed to see the sprites in your formation menu or maybe you can't even recruit those units, as those units are all enemies.
But then the solution would be swap those unused units with enemy units that are in WLDFACE.BIN. Example: Olan (guest units can work too but events need to be changed, I guess). I didn't test it but I think it should work. I've seen comments about it from some people but I don't know if it'll work correctly.
  • Modding version: WotL

✪ Emergence 2 for PSP (EN/ES) - Play it now! ✪
A vanilla+ experience for PSP. Actual patch: 1.0+. More fixes in v1.1!
  • Discord username: darkskyx#9825


Hi, sorry to post so late about the topic, I just learned this yesterday and successfully modded the sprite of 8 jobs.

My problem is, when I opened a job in Sprites tab, there's a red text saying it shares an SPR with some other models. Let's just say Male Knight. I modified the obvious choice which is 64, and since it is shared with 3D Male Knight, the 3D also changed (I changed it to Zack sprite).

In game, it successfully shows Zack in roster and battle. Now here's the problem, the generic enemy Male Knights are also changed into Zack, but all black! I haven't gotten too far into the game, so I just encountered only 2 of the 8 jobs I modded, which is Male Knight and Female Summoner.

How do I remove this problem? Did I mod the wrong number, or are there extra steps needed for numbers that are shared between numerous jobs?
  • Modding version: WotL


Quote from: jalovitrue on August 20, 2023, 04:29:03 amHi, sorry to post so late about the topic, I just learned this yesterday and successfully modded the sprite of 8 jobs.

My problem is, when I opened a job in Sprites tab, there's a red text saying it shares an SPR with some other models. Let's just say Male Knight. I modified the obvious choice which is 64, and since it is shared with 3D Male Knight, the 3D also changed (I changed it to Zack sprite).

In game, it successfully shows Zack in roster and battle. Now here's the problem, the generic enemy Male Knights are also changed into Zack, but all black! I haven't gotten too far into the game, so I just encountered only 2 of the 8 jobs I modded, which is Male Knight and Female Summoner.

How do I remove this problem? Did I mod the wrong number, or are there extra steps needed for numbers that are shared between numerous jobs?

If you modify for example a Knight of course enemies will become new units of that character, because you are modifying generic units!!! If you want to create a unique character, don't use generic characters.
You need to modify UNIQUE units to basically delete those from the game (you can move those units elsewhere to create space in another spritesheet).
In the PSP version I recommend Olan (so simple to be changed), Valmafra, Argath-Deathknight-, Archaic Demon (for a monster). Also I'm trying to modify Holy Dragon (it is a normal Dragon) to put there Archaic Demon and I'm not sure about Serpentarius, since it is a boss, but you can technically use it as you can have it in the formation. There are other units like Simon that appear in cutscenes. In the PSP is not simple to modify units since ASM hacks are not made for that version. The most important thing is having those units in the formation.
If you modify units like Goltanna, Simon... keep in mind that you will have wrong cutscenes so you need to modify those cutscenes with new text and new animations or your scene will look wrong. And don't forget that if you remove units you will basically need to modify events too (ENTD mainly).
And technically you can, for example, remove guests sprites, but again... PSP limitations. You'll end up with a wrong portrait or something like that and in the ENTD editing you won't have it easy to link your unit there.

This is included in my post about FAQ for WoTL hacking: https://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?topic=12942.0
  • Modding version: WotL

✪ Emergence 2 for PSP (EN/ES) - Play it now! ✪
A vanilla+ experience for PSP. Actual patch: 1.0+. More fixes in v1.1!
  • Discord username: darkskyx#9825


Quote from: darkskyx on August 28, 2023, 04:10:22 pmIf you modify for example a Knight of course enemies will become new units of that character, because you are modifying generic units!!! If you want to create a unique character, don't use generic characters.
You need to modify UNIQUE units to basically delete those from the game (you can move those units elsewhere to create space in another spritesheet).
In the PSP version I recommend Olan (so simple to be changed), Valmafra, Argath-Deathknight-, Archaic Demon (for a monster). Also I'm trying to modify Holy Dragon (it is a normal Dragon) to put there Archaic Demon and I'm not sure about Serpentarius, since it is a boss, but you can technically use it as you can have it in the formation. There are other units like Simon that appear in cutscenes. In the PSP is not simple to modify units since ASM hacks are not . The most important thing is having those units in the formation.
If you modify units like Goltanna, Simon... keep in mind that you will have wrong cutscenes so you need to modify those cutscenes with new text and new animations or your scene will look wrong. And don't forget that if you remove units you will basically need to modify events too (ENTD mainly).
And technically you can, for example, remove guests sprites, but again... PSP limitations. You'll end up with a wrong portrait or something like that and in the ENTD editing you won't have it easy to link your unit there.

This is included in my post about FAQ for WoTL hacking: https://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?topic=12942.0
Ahh I see, yeah I was trying to find the most relatable jobs for my unique sprites, like a Samurai for Sephiroth (the katana), I was trying to do a FF7 theme.
All that you mentioned... seem like more hassle than it's worth, so I guess a few black sprites for ordinary job is alright, I guess...
  • Modding version: WotL


Quote from: jalovitrue on August 31, 2023, 04:27:45 amAhh I see, yeah I was trying to find the most relatable jobs for my unique sprites, like a Samurai for Sephiroth (the katana), I was trying to do a FF7 theme.
All that you mentioned... seem like more hassle than it's worth, so I guess a few black sprites for ordinary job is alright, I guess...
Maybe you want to play a hackmod with a lot of FF characters instead doing it yourself. I recently fixed a hackmod of some user who precisely did that. If you want to play that kind of hackmod, check the next link. I'm not sure if that project is finished but here you have the link https://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?topic=12287.msg232599#msg232599
  • Modding version: WotL

✪ Emergence 2 for PSP (EN/ES) - Play it now! ✪
A vanilla+ experience for PSP. Actual patch: 1.0+. More fixes in v1.1!
  • Discord username: darkskyx#9825


Could you please tell me how to change the formation sprite with the latest Shish?
  • Modding version: PSX


Quote from: keisuke on October 20, 2023, 04:30:22 amCould you please tell me how to change the formation sprite with the latest Shish?

I updated this very tutorial less than a year and a half ago to be current with the latest Shishi.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Quote from: Nyzer on October 20, 2023, 10:04:21 pmI updated this very tutorial less than a year and a half ago to be current with the latest Shishi.

Could you point me to exactly this tutorial? I have browsed several threads and read through a few tutorials in the tutorials section, but they leave me confused. The tutorials are a mess, sorry to say that. I am used to read or write highly complex tech instructions / configuration sets every day for professional reasons, but the editing instructions here leave me puzzled.

I am happy to rewrite these into a more readable format with clear and precise instructions, but for this I'd need to understand what to do first. Use case: I want to simply change sprites for 2-3 generic characters in my roster, both in-battle and on formation screen. Yet I want to avoid completely corrupting my ISO/BIN files, so I'd like to read precise instructions beforehand.

Replace In Battle Sprite
Extract all the .SPR files or just the one you want. I found it a less of a hassle in the long run to extract them all incase you wanted more new sprites later

First of all, what is "CD Mage"? Is that a software to mount ISOs?
What does "extract the files" mean? Local copy of the files to be edited with Shishi sprite editor? In another thread I read to pay attention when working with Shishi, as it doesn't write edits into RAM but directly onto disk. So, are we editing data on the fly or local copies of data present on the ISO? Id est, we extract files from the ISO, save them locally, edit them with the sprite editor, and then replace/overwrite the files contained in the ISO with our edited data?

Formation screen
I don't even...

The Wiki page for Sprite editing leads to this page about FFTEVGRP, which refers to a tutorial on Shishi here. Uhm... what?
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Bazong


Quote from: Bazong on July 03, 2024, 02:00:13 pmCould you point me to exactly this tutorial?

It... it's this tutorial. The topic you asked this very question in. It has images for every step and everything.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown