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Arena battle videos and discussion

Started by PX_Timefordeath, August 04, 2010, 06:49:51 pm


Then why not i reintroduce the FFT Arena rivalry series bewteen two birthday boys? It'll be magic
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Quote from: Barren on August 23, 2016, 02:32:36 pm
Then why not i reintroduce the FFT Arena rivalry series bewteen two birthday boys? It'll be magic

I think the triple feature would be awesome, I'd love to put up a team against the Virgos!
  • Modding version: PSX
Lijj is the best! If you don't know, now you know!
~Elite Romanda Gunner~


Quote from: Barren on August 23, 2016, 02:32:36 pm
Then why not i reintroduce the FFT Arena rivalry series bewteen two birthday boys? It'll be magic

Whichever is easiest for you, Barren!

Just looking forward to the fun commentary~
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Reks#0128


Chiri > Lich. Enough said. We were right to not put anything else on that wizard. We wouldn't have the 4 move, and we couldn't name her Chiri Bot then. lol.

Also, we were afraid the squire wouldn't do his thing, but he's actually surprisingly effective at finishing off units. Especially after a full party chiri. :P

But seriously that clutch pray faith. They really exploited the wizard's reflect didn't they. Things just keep getting more interesting with each match.

PS: I wanted more MA Saves...

PPS: Luck guard being luck guard again.
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This is FF Tactics. All the Tactics you can ever have, all in one byte.


  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
You dare cross blades with me?


Quote from: Barren on August 25, 2016, 11:26:15 am
FFT Arena 1.4a - Happy Birthday silentkaster and Reks!

Thanks for the matches, Barren!

I'll have to rewatch it when I'm not half asleep to comment properly, but I really appreciate that you did such a long feature for us!
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Reks#0128


Quote from: dw6561 on August 25, 2016, 01:33:01 am

Chiri > Lich. Enough said. We were right to not put anything else on that wizard. We wouldn't have the 4 move, and we couldn't name her Chiri Bot then. lol.

Also, we were afraid the squire wouldn't do his thing, but he's actually surprisingly effective at finishing off units. Especially after a full party chiri. :P

But seriously that clutch pray faith. They really exploited the wizard's reflect didn't they. Things just keep getting more interesting with each match.

PS: I wanted more MA Saves...

PPS: Luck guard being luck guard again.

Man was that second match weird, but I'm glad to see our team was highly effective. We didn't have tons of big damage like a holy unit or a dark holy unit but to see the units working effectively was quite nice.

I have to say it seemed like this was an almost counter pick. The Paladin unit kept blocking Chiri, The Oracles for the most part avoided the don't acts. I was surprised to see chiri be so effective against Lich over and over again but I guess that's Draw Out For ya!

I'm glad to see our Time Mage (Which I'd go as far as to say was our lichpin) Slow 2 constantly, followed by Stop and comets really laid down the pressure. I think in another scenario we would lose out of 2/3 just simply because of the unit choices. It really felt like a counter to our team.
  • Modding version: PSX
Lijj is the best! If you don't know, now you know!
~Elite Romanda Gunner~


Streamed a bit earlier - https://youtu.be/w73QH4GntKI
DW vs WKW at start
gatebuster202 vs CT5 (one round) [21:32]
Jaaster vs silentkaster [32:35]
gatebuster202 vs Andrew [55:50]
DW vs Jaaster [1:05:33]
gatebuster202 vs silentkaster [1:18:10]
Anima Zero vs Argy [1:42:00]
Winner of the 1st FFT 1.3 AI Tourney

Anima Zero

A fun way to relax at night I must say.  I had some lucky dodges in the first round that determined the outcome of the battle I feel.

Round 2 though?  That was a slaughter for poor Argy, heh.  Good match though!  Going to make a few small tweaks as suggested by people in the stream to tighten up this team even more.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
"I never cared about justice, and I don't recall ever calling myself a hero..." Zero, Mega Man Zero 4


I loved the matches, lost of fun last night. I missed the opening round of DW vs WKW. :(

Me vs CT5 - This was the type of team I planned to face in most I the Season 5 tourney. Status affliction, shutting down most units. So, armor and Armlets were a must. I do love that you went for Speed Thieves with Frogs though. Probably the best way to get those procs off, not unlike a fast Mediator.

Me vs Silentkaster. Ouch. Exactly what I was afraid off, was running out of MP. I'd doesn't tend to happen on Small Maps. But as we both noted on the stream, our teams do better on opposite maps. Hope I didn't burn my RNG luck last night.

Good Game to both of you. Glad CT5 that your froggen team is not in the tournament as that would be very one sided in most matches. Silentkaster, your team is very nasty, and I look forward to a rematch. I've got less then 15 hours to add MP restore to the TM...
  • Modding version: PSX
Winner of the 2nd FFT Arena SCC Tourney. -Geomancers


64%...Wasn't around for my match and raise 2 didn't miss too often in my tests. Didn't realize the percentage was that low. Knowing that I'll probably rock Raise 1 and MA Up instead of Short Charge for more lore shenanigans, since the lores are kinda weak and the scholars are trying to heal with them.

Also the archers being rezzed with lower HP means meatbone slash might go off more often.
  • Modding version: PSX
This is FF Tactics. All the Tactics you can ever have, all in one byte.


After watching the first set of Tourney matches decided to test  my team vs a certain (amazing) team: i got spanked mostly, but here is a highlight.



Thanks for the videos Truelight. Had some lengthy comments but they all got deleted when my laptop shut off suddenly 🙈.  GG Heroebal.
Some day my people will be free.


GG Shintory. R1 Undead status really did a number on my units, it took my berserked Ninja pretty early and then got my priest too. My team tried to comeback that round as best they could but the undead procs pretty much sealed the deal. I thought it was funny when Shintroy's Samurai counter smacked when the mime attacked him like "hey cut it out, I'm on your team!!" If the mime could speak.."*shrugs* Sorry, I mime things :/ "

Round 2 & 3: Oddly enough Death Sentence didn't really hurt my ninja too much b/c they Shintroy's team just ignored him and the mime kept getting himself counter attacked from it. After some volley's my team eventually made Shintroy's team get into sandbag mode and my team kept the pressure flowing until they eventually beat it out.
I'm surprised my team did as well as it did b/c Shintroy's team had some oil protection which negates some of the ninja's potency.

I liked that Paladin/Squire combo some brutal tomahawk action followed up with Aurablast/earth slash shots. The holy procs going off from Elmdor's Silver bow shots were pretty cool when they went off, but I think the paladin/squire duo kept Elmdor on the defensive too much and he couldn't get too many shots off.  Vigilanti was also pretty well set up to kill undead and could turn Rouroni other unit's undead as a bonus.

Thanks for the exhibition matches Truelight!


that was a intense slugfest. gil toss aplenty! that round 3 lasted a long time. And after being told that martial arts boosts gil toss damage, I will see if that will benefit me. GG WKW. It was a good fight
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Thanks for running exhibitions, guys! Could do without the killua death stare.. It's.. Peering into my soul..

That tomahawk damage was disgusting, I call shenanigans! Could at least take me out to dinner or offer a cigarette before you fuck me like that XD

I can see some mistakes (such as moogle hurting undead *derp) but it's a bit hard to gather weather my team is inclined to do as intended. No douse, but oracle was busy on res duty, and the ninja appears to function alright, but spent too much time on his face to really tell. Cursed ring will probably go (the lowliest of noobs have better luck with ninjas and/or cursed ring than I ever did. Gonna try to work on that..) And we may just give the oracle white magic and remove it from the samurai. If they do nothing but attack, could actually be good. Tempted to give overwhelm, but I don't wanna throw games just because the opponent uses p-ev. Concentrate is good.

GG, vigilanti! Given how infrequently we face off, wish I could put up more of a fight. Well played, cowboy. Well played.

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The bird of Hermes is my name
Eating my wings to make me tame
  • Discord username: rouroni elmdor


  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
You dare cross blades with me?