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September 20, 2024, 09:24:30 pm


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Bad Habits and stupid things i do.

Started by Aiolon, August 16, 2015, 01:47:06 am


Lets be real we all do it! those silly stupid and embarrassing mistakes following us everywhere! those fails that make us facepalm and  make us say:im a retard... but the worst thing is that WE CANT STOP DOING IT!
and no im not talking about your adictions or the twisted and weird things you do when you are alone.

here are mine all 100% legit and 100X10^9999% Stupid

1. "Cooming" new word
cant help it i know the word its "coming" but i just dont know why my brain keeps writing the information as cooming, i think its because i usually see the word with a sOOn that has double o and maybe thats why but i swear i need to edit the cursed word every single time because i always write it or type it as cooming <_< (and it sounds WRONG.. really wrong)

2. Where the hell are my glasses? oh there they are.. :oops:
common mistake.. i have myopia so i only wear my glasses when i need to read or when i watch TV but sometimes i forget to take them off and 10 minutes later im desperately looking for them and then.. oh im still wearing them... derp

3. Sometimes i dream that i fall off my bed.... damn i did it again
im 19 years old and i fall off my bed twice per month~ not kidding it became an habit and now i sleep on a quilt to prevent more injuries but yeah i still fall.. dont ask how

4. maybe you should use apostrophe more often - NO
i can't help it i never use apostrophe even if i know when and how to use it but i just don't see the point if people understands, i know some people find it annoying and i have tried to make the use of ' an habit but i have failed many times :/ oh well blame spanish for not using it but spanish has something worse: " á é í ó ú "

5. Muack -3-
...this is the most embarrassing thing i do. thanks to this habit some random dude almost punched me in the face but well he had a reason. whenever i see people getting their faces close to share a kiss i inmeadiately and instintively proceed to do a "muack" sound yeah the very same sound of a kiss then i cover my mouth and walk away slowly. i remember i was waiting for my niece at her school and then a guy kissed his sexy girlfriend and i did the "muack" way to loud so he heard it and he was like: you wanna kiss my gurl? what if you kiss my fists fking psycho gtfo before i break your face... i was dying i couldnt say anything but sorry and then walked away dying in the inside. i was 17 then and i still do it with more discretion but still its just wrong.

  • Modding version: PSX
Wizzard: I have returned once again.
Chocobo: Wark?
Wizzard: yes.


1. Getting high and forgetting things I was just told 5 minutes before, but remembering nearly every event command by heart.

2. Drinking half a can of Dr. Pepper, forgetting about it for an hour, then having to dump it out and get a new one, because fuck flat pop.

3. Taking PMs with offers to help seriously.
  • Modding version: PSX


Here's mine:

1) Trying to be funny and cute, or making references to ancient video games when it isn't really relevent at the moment (i.e. school or serious meeting) and getting looked at like I'm an alien or something.

2) Drink half a coke can, leave it out without dumping it, and before I know it I have to empty like thirty cans. And also drinking from an old coke and having to spit in a napkin or something.

3) Long pauses before I answer someone. I like to "contemplate" my thoughts before saying them aloud, but I think it makes me appear to be ignoring the person so I feel very weird. Especially if I'm making a big deal out of something that's really not, like if someone asks me what music I'm listening to but I don't quite want to say it.

4) Wearing a pair of socks that don't match or a pair of stained jeans that I don't realize are stained until I've been out and about for a half an hour. Or a perfectly fine pair of jeans but just wearing them backwards. Yeah, I am not a 8:00 AM kind of person (unless I stay up all night, then I'm perfectly fine for some reason).

5) Twirling my hair when I'm nervous, and having to pull out all the knots because they can't be brushed out easily. Even worse than that, walking all over the place with my hair like that but not realizing it until I get in front of a mirror.
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This is FF Tactics. All the Tactics you can ever have, all in one byte.


I... can't imagine putting jeans on backwards by accident. I've done gym shorts, pajamas, other stretchy things, but nothing unstretchy with a zipper. x.x
  • Modding version: PSX
* Angel should quit being a lazy bitch
<@Elric> I agree to that as well

nyanyame nyanyajuu nyanyado no nyarabide nyakunyaku inyanyaku nyanyahan nyanyadai nyannyaku nyarabete nyaganyagame
At the end of the day, are we not all trapped inside lemons?