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Topics - AeroGP

Old Project Ideas / FFT Balance Testing
October 29, 2010, 09:53:30 pm
This is thread to start testing for an improved FFT build for PVP tournament use. I need testers who aren't afraid to totally tear this game apart for the sake of this mission.

ROM is vanilla, no changes.
Nothing is banned. (EDIT: Since people want to troll, 4 generics, level 1. Not a ban, just common sense.)
First 8 teams posted in this thread will be taken for random rounds against one another (about 3 for each team).
I'll post the results, and then we can go from there.
You're free to join in and run some of the matches yourselves to make things go faster, but it's not required. I'll just run more if I need more verification.

Oh, and try not to hold anything back, okay?
FFMaster is the host of this tournament. Please PM him with your completed teams, and make sure that all JP costs are correct before submitting!
Timer til deadline

3(maybe more if more people join) Swiss rounds(1 battle). Top 4 will enter single elimination(best 2 of 3).
Initial bracket placement will be randomized by http://davidpeter.me/misc/bracket/
During the Swiss rounds, you may not fight the same person more than once.
Map will be randomly selected from a large pool of maps, based on rounds. (First round, a small map will be selected; second round, a large map; and third round, a medium-sized map)
At least one map will occur at night and/or during a rainstorm/snowstorm.
In terms of unit placement, Unit 1 will always be closest to a higher panel or, if there isn't one, closest to the front of the team. The opposite can be said for Unit 4.

  • Teams will consist of 4 generic humans at Level 35, controlled by enemy AI routines.
  • Fury and Faith range is between 40 and 70. Minimum Fury for the party must be 200; minimum faith must be 220.
  • Each unit has 3000 JP to spend on various abilities. It costs 250 JP to unlock ANY job.(includes Squire/Chemist)
  • As an addendum to the above, Elemental can be wholly purchased for just 600 JP.
  • Only two units can buy any individual ability. Innates do not count towards this. (i.e. four units could have the Punch Art skillset, but only two could have purchased Earth Slash; conversely, you can have two Chemists and a Knight with Throw Item)
  • Only two units can equip any individual item.

Item List

PX_Timefordeath - Ⓕⓡⓞⓖⓢ, Ⓔⓨⓔ ⓜⓤⓢⓣ ⓕⓡⓔⓔⓩⓔ ⓣⓗⓔⓜ.
The Damned
Skip Sandwich

When sending teams to FFMaster, you must use the following format without any additional text:

FFM EDIT - use this layout
Primary Class:
Primary abilities known:
Second abilities known:
Right Hand:
Left Hand:

  • All fields are case-insensitive. (You'll probably want to capitalize names, though)
  • Name can only be a maximum of 16 characters.
  • Sex is male or female ONLY.
  • Skillset action abilities have no limit on writing style, though the briefer yet more understandable it is, the better. Refrain from writing JP costs, though.
  • Leave any blank slots empty. DO NOT write "blank", "---", etc.
  • Don't forget proper spelling. Whilst it will probably be corrected when recieved, it saves FFM a bit of a headache. For example, Magic AttackUP is "Magic Attack UP", Move HP UP is "Move-HP UP", H-Bag is "H Bag", etc.
FFT Arena / FFT Arena: Discussion Thread (7/8/10)
July 09, 2010, 01:30:23 am
Hasn't been updated in a while.

I've decided to post this, and I actually want the changes to be brutally massacred to dust. I want to help make this the best a.i. tourney patch it can be whilst staying true to FFT. Any recommendations are good; I will swallow my pride and make changes if I feel they are actually justified.


Uses Final Fantasy ASM'd as a base. (See this thread for more information)
  • ASM'd growths implemented, EXCEPT Speed.
  • Jump increase to 3/2 still requires Spears.
  • Axes get new formula ([(0 + (1..PA)) + PA] * WP); Flails retain 1.3 formula ([WP] * WP)
  • "Equip X" is unchanged. (No Equip Crossbow+Bow, for instance)
  • 1.3 Sage class is used.
  • If possible, Two-Hands hacked to only increase WP by 50%; otherwise, Samurai lose innate Two-Hands.
  • Thieves lose innate Concentrate. Instead, they gain Vanish: 1 CTR, Self-inflicted Transparent.
  • Bulldemon family gains Counter reaction, since Caution is now innate to all monsters.
  • Other ASM'd skillset changes and new abilities are PENDING. (These need to be discussed for competitive purposes)
Fury Hack is also inputted at Brave+40% damage done and taken.

Thieves/Ninjas lose 1 Speed.
Mime is allowed with average PA/MA. (Only one mime per team)


Daggers DO lose +1 Speed (Again...)
Orichalcum is 9 WP, 5% W-EV, +2 MA
Assassin Dagger is 12 WP, 5% W-EV, 25% Poison
Air Knife is 11 WP, 5% W-EV, Wind-elemental, 25% Sleep

Ninja Swords
Hidden Knife is 7 WP, 0% W-EV, Initial: Transparent (it sucks, but whatev)
Spell Edge is 12 WP, 10% W-EV, 25% Don't Move
Iga Knife is 11 WP, 15% W-EV, Wind-elemental; Boost: Earth
Koga Knife is 11 WP, 15% W-EV, Earth-elemental; Boost: Wind

All swords have 10% W-EV
Ancient Sword is 14 WP, 25% Don't Move
Ice Brand is 13 WP, Ice-elemental
Rune Blade is 11 WP, +2 MA
Blood Sword is 10 WP, Absorbs Damage as HP (Undead reversal, Not usable with Two-Swords)

Knight Swords
Defender is 18 WP, 30% W-EV, Cancel: Don't Move, Don't Act
Save the Queen is 16 WP, 25% W-EV, Always: Protect

(This is actually pending, and I'm looking for some really good ideas on what to do with them)
Murasame is 12 WP, 20 W-EV, +1 MA, Water-elemental, Restores HP
Heaven's Cloud is 13 WP, 20 W-EV, +1 PA, Wind-elemental
Kikuichimonji is 16 WP, 20 W-EV, 25% Silence

Axes are now 1-handed, but cannot be used with two-swords or two-hands.
Giant Axe is 7 WP, 25% W-EV, Earth-elemental, Boost: Earth, Wind, Water (note: no Axe proc)
Slasher 12 WP, 30% W-EV, 25% Decapitate

Thunder/Flame/Ice Rod are 4 WP, 5% W-EV, 25% Bolt/Fire/Ice2
Poison Rod is 8 WP, 5% W-EV, 100% Poison
Wizard Rod is 4 WP, 5% W-EV, +2 MA
Faith Rod is 4 WP, 20% W-EV, Always: Faith, 25% Faith

Healing Staff is 8 WP, 10% W-EV, Restore HP, Boost: Holy (note: NOT holy-elemental)
Wizard Staff is 4 WP, 10% W-EV, +2 MA
Gold Staff is 10 WP, 10% W-EV, +2 PA, 25% Dispel

Flails lose Two Hands compatibility, but DO NOT return to regular random formula
Flame Whip is 10 WP, 10% W-EV, Fire-elemental, Boost: Fire
Morning Star is 11 WP, 10% W-EV

Mythril Gun is 9 WP, 5% W-EV, +2 MA
Blaze Gun is 12, 5% W-EV, 5-Range, Casts Ice/2/3
Glacier Gun is 12, 5% W-EV, 5-Range, Casts Fire/2/3
Blast Gun is 12, 5% W-EV, 5-Range, Casts Bolt/2/3

Hunting Bow is 12 WP, 5% W-EV, 25% Second Attack
Gastrafitis is 14 WP, 5% W-EV

Long Bow is 12 WP, 5% W-EV, 5-Range
Windslash Bow is 10 WP, 5% W-EV, Wind-elemental
Mythril Bow is 11 WP, 5% W-EV, +1 PA

Lamia Harp is 13 WP, 10% W-EV, 25% Confuse
Bloody Strings is 13 WP, 10% W-EV, Absorbs Damage as HP (Undead reversal)
Fairy Harp is 13 WP, 10% W-EV, 25% Charm

Battle Dict is 13 WP,  0% W-EV, 25% Zombie
Monster Dict is 11 WP, 0% W-EV, 25% Sleep
Papyrus Plate is 9 WP, 0% W-EV, 25% Petrify

Partisan is 14 WP, 20% W-EV, 25% Cancel: Protect
Oberisk is 13, 10% W-EV, +1 PA
Holy Lance is 11, 10% W-EV, Holy-elemental, 25% Holy

Ivory Rod is 10 WP, 15% W-EV, +2 MA
Octagon Rod is 12 WP, 25% W-EV, 25% Frog
Whale Whisker is 11 WP, 15% W-EV, Water-elemental

All bags are 12 WP, 0 W-EV
C Bag is +1 MA
FS Bag is +2 PA
P Bag is Always: Regen (stays for now)
H Bag is Half: all elements

All cloths are 0 WP, 35% W-EV, Initial: Defend
Persia is Always: Protect
Cashmere is Always: Shell
Ryozan Silk is Initial: Haste (wanted Always: Regen, but... =/)

All throwables are 9 WP, except Shuriken which is 11 WP.

Ice Shield is 20% P-EV, 15% M-EV, Absorb: Ice, Weak: Fire
Fire Shield is 20% P-EV, 15% M-EV, Absorb: Fire, Weak: Ice
Gold Shield is 20% P-EV, 15% M-EV, Absorb: Thunder, Weak: Earth
Aegis Shield is 10% P-EV, 50% M-EV, +1 MA, Cancel: Silence
Crystal Shield is 25% P-EV, 20% M-EV, +1 PA, Cancel: Stop

Platina Helmet is 95 HP, 0 MP, +1 PA
Circlet is 115 HP, 25 MP, +1 MA
Crystal Helmet is 150 HP, 0 MP, Cancel: Sleep

Twist Headband is 56 HP, 0 MP, +2 PA
Black Hood is 100 HP, 0 MP, Cancel: Don't Move, Don't Act
Golden Hairpin is 80 HP, 50 MP, +1 MA, Cancel: Silence
Thief Hat is 45 HP, 0 MP, +1 Speed, Cancel: Charm
Flash Hat, 30 HP, 25 MP, +1 MA, +1 Speed
Ribbon is 20 HP, 0 MP, Cancel: All negative statuses

Carabini Mail is 115 HP, 0 MP, +1 PA
Crystal Mail is 170 HP, 0 MP, Cancel: Petrify
Reflect Mail is 145 HP, 0 MP, Always: Reflect

Power Sleeve is 70 HP, 0 MP, +2 PA
Earth Clothes is 85 HP, 10 MP, Absorb: Earth, Boost: Earth
Black Costume is 100 HP, 0 MP, Absorb: Fire, Cancel: Stop
Rubber Costume is 50 HP, Absorb: Thunder, Cancel: Don't Move

Wizard Robe is 30 HP, 22 MP, +2 MA
White Robe is 45 HP, 60 MP, Half: Thunder, Fire, Ice
Black Robe is 60 HP, 45 MP, Boost: Thunder, Fire, Ice
Light robe is 55 HP, 50 MP, Always: Regen, Weak: Darkness (stays for now)

Germinas Boots is +1 Move, +1 Jump
Rubber Shoes is 30% M-EV, +1 Move, Cancel: Thunder
Sprint Shoes is +1 Speed
Bracer is +2 PA
Magic Gauntlets is +2 MA
Reflect Ring is Always: Reflect
Defense Ring is Cancel: Sleep, Berserk, Death Sentence
Magic Ring is +1 MA, Cancel: Silence, Absorb: Earth, Wind (note: Absorb: Water is now removed)
Angel Ring is Initial: Reraise, Cancel: Blind, Dead
Diamond Armlet is +1 PA, +1 MA, Cancel: Slow
Jade Armlet is Cancel: Stop, Petrify
108 Gems is Cancel: Blood Suck, Undead, Frog, Poison, Boost: All elements
N-Kai Armlet is Cancel: Confusion, Charm, Half: Darkness
Wizard Mantle is 10% P.EV, 20% M.EV, +1 MA
Elf Mantle is 15% P.EV, 15% M.EV, Initial: Transparent
Feather Mantle is 20% P.EV, 10% M.EV, Always: Float
(Perfumes are dead; Feather Boots is dead until I can think of a boost to give it)

Charm/Haste duration is ASM'd implementation.
Potion is BANNED (or whatever equivalent we come up with so that Hi-Potion (70 HP) is the minimum potion for Auto-Potion).
Cure4 now only heals one unit.
Ice/Fire/Bolt4 are now 10 CT and can hit the caster
Meteor is 12 CT, Dmg_F(MA*45), 70 MP Cost, Hits Allies
Drain is both vanilla Drain and 1.3 Diminish (Dark-elemental, 33% damage healed as hp, Undead Reversal)
Pray Faith and Doubt Faith are now 1 CT
Salamander/Leviathan are Dmg_F(MA*13), 3 AOE
Golem is now 6 CT with Caster Faith/100*(MA+10%) to hit
Zodiac is Dmg_F(MA*47), 10 CT, 99 MP Cost
Chirijiraden is MA*15, Hits Allies and Caster
Last Song is 20% to hit
Nameless Song loses Random Flags
Nameless Dance is now 10% to hit and loses random hits flag
Throw Axe is back in Throw Skillset
Bugs and Suggestions / Cannot view videos on the site
September 24, 2009, 11:52:02 am
"No plugin available to display this content."

Most of the videos are still viewable if you dig into the source, pull out the urls and put them into your browser, so it can't be that the videos have been removed from youtube. I'd like to know what's going on here before I submit any videos of my own.