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September 20, 2024, 09:33:42 pm


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Messages - Eurystheus

Hi Feuholden I'm getting close to being done with the random battles and deep dungeon so once those are done I will work on the Leveling Mode for everyone to enjoy so the levels won't be a problem. Death Sword and Demon Sword being cast W/O sword is fine and intended so I will go ahead and rename the skills to reflect that they don't need a sword

Hi everyone sorry I haven't been to active lately as my private life has gotten very busy and I have a lot less time to work on my passion project. That said I'm still working on the rebuild of this mod to fix the problems you all are having in the mod. I will be removing the Jump ability in Dragoon as it causes tons of bugs with the game including the one above posted yesterday.

Thank you everyone for playing the mod and hopefully next week I should have an update out for you guys to play.
Alright thank you I'm in the process of trying to fix it and will see what is now causing it to not work but I may have to revert the changes of the abilities back to the previous version
Yeah I think the problem might actually be QOL 1.13 sadly it's looking like I'm going to have to go back to QOL 1.11 as it seemed the most stable version
Hi Seirno thank you for the update to address what you have said
- The fur shop only lets your main character enter the shop when he has secret hunt equipped
- I fixed the Ries quest with the cleric being dead
- Let me see what I can do about Ashley(The Wanderer) skills I left them vanilla TLW so wasn't sure if they would be good here or not
- I'll have to look at holy breath and why it would do that
- For my help what color were the chocobos so I can adjust accordingly
- I've removed Dark Chocobo's Giga Flare in hopes he'll be different than spamming that
 These will all be done with the next patch
Hello Feuholden I wish I knew more about emulators for android but sadly I don't so I'm not sure what to recommend to you to use but if I have heard correctly I think duckstation works fine with it but I could be wrong

On a different note to all who are trying out my mod your names will be added into the game list of random names for units as a way to say thanks for playing and helping fix things wrong with the mod.
Hi Seirno thank you for the update and I'll be releasing a patch soon with the fix for the tempest knife
Hello Grim I mean you could do proposition as I've boosted the amount of JP you get for them. Also I've tried both Midnight blade and Jealous Spirit and both appear to be fine. It won't work on something that is innate to the classes as it can't be removed.

What emulator are you playing on I use PSXFIN to play and all the ability descriptions and classes display fine with no bugs.

Also removing spill over to me anyways makes you actually use some of the classes that you otherwise could skip because of spill over. I understand that it can make it more grindy than vanilla but then again vanilla was to easy in my opinion as you could basically steam roll through the whole game with just monks. I don't want it to be too grindy but I also don't want it to be too easy to unlock better classes.

In the next update I'll lower JP costs down by 20% on the more expensive skills as I think that will solve the grind issue

Regardless thank you for playing the mod Grim I really appreciate the feedback
Awesome glad the Reis Quest is fixed and as far as getting abilities from crystals I'm fine with. Makes it an alternative to farming for JP and if you are willing to hang around a battle to get the crystals I feel like you should be rewarded for waiting.

Also I do agree with the frost bomb change as it was too powerful with the slow proc being 100%
Hello Seirno and Valamar I have nerfed frost bomb to be 19% chance and it does the same as base damage still making it a useful skill but not OP anymore in the newest update.

Also JP spillover has been removed from the game as it made it pointless to even be certain jobs due to it, thus with it you could skip having to even play a class and just unlock the next one without even using the one class. I'm sorry if this bothers people but I think it was the right choice since every class already has Gain JP UP Innate
Hi there Marcci the Title screen posted is in the V1.9Beta static story mod as that is the newest version of the mod
Hello Marcci thank you for trying out the mod to answer your question you only need to patch this with a Vanilla version of FFT and that's it you don't need to do anything else
Hello Seirno I'm sorry if you are having a bad time with the mod. As far as Pummeling fist goes I didn't change the damage on the move it's just that strong from Vanilla, and Throw Stone all I did was change the formula to make it a useful. Since you have pointed it out I will lower the damage on both for the Static story mode in the next update I'm releasing tomorrow. As far as equipment goes I mention that in the description where I have updates that leveling mode might be difficult due to the fact of them copying your level.

But again I'm sorry if you are having a bad time I'll take you suggestions into consideration for the leveling version when I do work on it. Thank you for playing the mod I
appreciate the fact that your playing it. 
Sorry to those of you who have already downloaded the patch I quickly wanted to fix one of the crossbow texts as I was past the text limit for the item and now should be fixed. It's still labeled the same patch as I didn't feel the need to change the version number for 1 edit.
Hello thank you for trying out the mod to answer your question you only need to patch this with a Vanilla version of FFT and that's it you don't need to do anything else
Hello everyone again this one is gonna be kind of different as this was a really big patch and it changed a lot of the items and other core aspects of the game.
To list the changes here
-Sword skills now have PA-EV and MA-EV and are listed in their descriptions
-Fire, Ice, and Bolt now have status procs attached to them
-Outlaw now instead of Distract and Steal Exp now has Ice Bomb and Holy Bomb
-Hunter now has bomb skills instead of the shot skills
-Mustadio now has different abilities as well
-Most Items text for who can use what have been fixed and now show correctly who can where what
-Monsters have been overhauled and now are much more balanced
-Some random battles have been changed completely (still a WIP)
-Zalbag and Worker 7 now are bosses with ??? stats
-Worker 8 has now Thunder Breath and Recharge
-Some Items are different from before
-Armlets, Rings, and Shoes now may have EV on them
-There are more I'm just probably not remembering

- Wiegraf battle 1 and Algus Death Knight battle are both boss battles
- Wizard and Sage both have new skills and were changed somewhat from before
- Changed up Fighter to have 5 different skills then before
- Inquisitor's start with regen was removed as it posed a problem within later story battles
- Nerfed EV on all Jobs, Mantles, and Shields to make for the fact that everything has EV now
- N-kai armlet was slightly nerfed from having half dark
- Made further changes to some of the battles and added some dialogue in the raid of the Orbonne Monastery to give reason for a Valkyrie to be there and on your team in the Izlude Boss fight (nothing much just like 2 lines to the priest saying something about it)
- Added EV to Summoner skills also changed up the skills a little bit
- I also added into the story where you get a Dark Templar, Valkyrie, and Demon
- Not sure if I changed anything else oh forgot to mention Ramza learns Havoc Blade for free in Chapter 4

- Item users in chapter 1 story battles are nerfed the 1 at Doter definitely got DG to 40 Brave (perm.)
- Animation was wrong on a few skills and are changed to match what they were suppose to be
- Fixes to the text of staffs not having WIzard anymore
- Fixed the direction the Valkyrie faces in the Orbonne Monastery Fight
- Further Changed up some items to make some more useful
- The Ore now sell for the correct price
- Even more Text fixes
- Changes Ice bomb and Fire bomb into more useful abilities
- Nerfed Later Ninja swords to have 1 less speed

- Complete rebuild of the previous version in hopes to fix any problems with the game
- Also the main reason for the rebuild was to add Xif's QOL 1.13 ASM hack into the game
- Many sprites have been recolored to fit a team narrative
- Dark dragon sprite has been changed to fit his boss status

- Nerfed Ice bomb from previous update as it was to overpowered of a move now it's not 100% slow its 19%
- Fixed some story battles where guests didn't have job levels

- Added new types of chocobos for the river fight.
- Boco now is a special chocobo and is actually useful (Don't know if current games will get upgraded Boco)
- New demon type called Baron of Hell
- Fixed the text problem with the Tempest Knife
- Guest in most story battles are now controllable
- Worker 7 was given a new job class to separate him from Worker 8
- Item JP was lowered to make up for the fact that no one likes chemists
- Many more changes but can't remember what they were.

- Now guest that join you now have job levels unlocked corresponding to their place in the story
- Muiluda now has a special job to make her battles a bit more interesting
- Some Story battles have been changed to introduce some special enemies
- Frost bomb is now back to the same damage it used to be but still with 19% slow 

- Had to revert to Xif's QOL 1.11 as the fur shop appears to be broken in the newer patches so until they fix the new QOL it will be 1.11 for now
- Chronomancer has 2 new abilities instead of Slow and Don't Move they now have Rewind and Speed Force
- Updated the story battles even further
- Changed up some of the monsters
- New map sprite for everyone to enjoy
- The Wanderer (Ashley Riot) abilities now work as they should with some slight modifications to them
- Some more sprite changes mostly color adjustments
- Some text fixes as well along with a fix to hopefully AI move and players moving on charging abilities they aren't supposed to
- Even more just don't remember

- Zeklaus Desert and Mandalia Plains Randoms are completely down along with a location description of the difficulty and the Boss type of the map.(These boss battles are triggered the same way you trigger the special battles for each map)
- Reworked Speed Force to hopefully give haste with heal sometimes
- Lots of sprite fixes along with major fixes to Dark Templar
- Some item fixes

- Geomancer has been completely changed and now has different abilities
- Dragoons now have jump back in their ability list
- More text fixes
- Sweegy Woods random battles and boss battle are now completely done

- The free skill problem should be fixed now with the rebuild
- The sprites being black should no longer happen
- Built back to QOL 1.13
- Still doesn't work with other emulators so PSXfin is still the best one to use
- Dark Knight class issue appears to be fixed as well

- Hopefully fixed the AI slowdown still see it a bit on Guests I think but enemy appears to be better
- Tested the first battle in epsxe and seemed to work don't know about rest of the game
- I'm not sure of the cause of undead Agrias hopefully fixed now but can't confirm

Bugs that I've noticed
-Ninja's abilities don't display when used (though they work it just doesn't show the name not a big deal)
-(FIXED?)Dark Knight as primary job still is a bit wonky as it works but sort of. As a second slot though the job works like all the skills are unlocked so have fun with it
Not sure if their is anything else

With this being said I'm sorry to those who play the leveling mode or the NG+ Mode as I'm currently working on this and once it's finished with the randoms and deep dungeon I'll be working on those so please be patient.
Otherwise have fun for those who want to try the new version before the randoms and deep dungeons are done
Hello everyone sorry for the long hidatos but I'm back now and will be more active with updates along with a new mod in the works, reason for posting today is I've come out with a small update

-Wing Slash and Corrupting Fist have had slight adjustments to stop at obstacle

-Price for Phoenix Downs are now $800

-Throw stone now costs 100jp instead of 20jp

-Phoenix downs are rewarded in early game story missions now to make up for some of the difficulty
Quote from: AdmiralHabibi on May 05, 2022, 08:29:14 amHello, is the Leveling Mode patch broken? I tried leveling up to 99 but the story missions doesn't seem to level with me
Hi it shouldn't be broken and the enemies should scale to your party level. Also is it a specific mission or all of the missions as this will help me determine the problem better. I appreciate your feedback and will look into the problem myself and see if anything was missed.
Hello everyone the new update is out for people following this thread with a new Leveling Mode where the enemies in the main missions level with you
Hi thank you for your reply and also thank you for playing my mod. To answer some of your questions.

-If the NPC glitches you are talking about are during cut-scenes, then it's a known issue with changing the sprites out for different ones. I know there is a way to fix it, but for now, as I'm not smart enough to fix it, I'll probably be glitchy in some cut-scenes.

-Have not experienced the 100% avoid attack problem but will look for a way to fix it if I figure out the problem

-Sorry about that part of the text being wrong for weapons. I know it still needs to be updated and will be for the future update that comes out. But just so you know, maces can be equipped by Fighters mainly to give them some versatility.

-Not sure why they would do that lol and sorry for the battle giving you trouble, but the next update should give Delita more of a use case than what he is doing currently

-As far as gender equality goes, I will look into it as I'm not sure how to do it (as I would also not mind this change either). Also, might see if I can add that into a version of the mod separate for people who want it once I figure it out.

Once again though, thank you for playing the mod and leaving feedback. I really appreciate it.

Side Note to answer your question about the Leveling update enemies will scale to a degree to your party so yes it will be fixed.