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☢ ☢ ☢ FFT Arena AI Tournament Season 1 ☢ ☢ ☢ (FINISHED!)

Started by Gaignun, May 01, 2012, 03:48:46 am


Bring it.

(too bad we have to wait 14 matches for ours...)


oh shit, you brought a graphic to this?

yeah true, but we can trash talk until then . . .


Well, if we're in the spirit of amping up for matches that aren't here yet...

I've managed to resist the urge to run test matches of my team against his, but on paper...I'd say it's about 50/50. Ultimately, I'd say his team will live and die by the success rate of Berserk. My team will live and die by the success rate of Equipment Breaks. My team's complete shit without their skillsets, whereas high defense won't be much help if Wiz's units are fighting at their base HP. If he can get at least two units down at once, or the right two berserked at once, then I'm out. Darkness is a mild hindrance, but easily remedied. The same for Poison. I've got Stigma Magic, Esuna, and Regen, three ways to beat Poison, two ways to beat Darkness...and only one unit that would be negatively affected by Darkness. Kiyomori will only hold water in combination with Insult. Once my units are Berserked, they won't heal Poison and Darkness, so they'll peristently try to attack at low accuracy and slowly die of Poison. It's a sound strategy if everything connects on enough units at once.

There doesn't appear to be a lot of damage on Wiz's team. The Thieves will deal concentrated damage and are packing a weapon that factors in speed, but it also factors in Fury, PA, and WP. It would take two speed to increase the damage on a Ninja Sword, Quickening would need to be used twice. As opposed to other weapons that work straight from PA, which could increase their damage more quickly with a skill like Accumulate. Although there is the simple fact of the speed itself, which will offer more turns in addition to occasional power boosts. The thought of those Thieves playing high speed rez-bots is a bit frightening. However, they are packing Phoenix Down which is just not going to fly against my team. Any one of my units can easily put down a newly PD'd unit. Alpha has the most limitations in terms of range and being subject to evasion, but even he could put down a PD'd unit. The other three will have an easy time from 6-8 range, with offensive skills that aren't subject to evasion. If a rez loop starts up, I'll have a definite advantage.

If a rez loop starts up...and it might not. My team deals low to moderate damage against average units. Against tanks like these it will be even lower. The Blast Gun against 40 Faith combined with Shell/Unyielding will only be minimally useful. Alpha has shit for PA and Victor's Romanda Gun won't do much good against 40 Fury combined with Defense Up/Unyielding. Sierra has Holy, but notably Short Charge in place of Magic Attack Up and only 60 Faith, as opposed to 70. Put that against high M-Def and it all spells trouble for me. Add to that the Poison, potential Berserk, Blind, and high speed Thieves dealing speed-based damage (that bypasses all of my evasion gear) and out-turning the entire battlefield. Big trouble.

If there's one thing I feel sure of though, it's that this match will go long. And a long round suits my team just fine. Alpha's likely to take low damage from any melee attacks, which will hopefully trigger a lot of PA Save. As Alpha's PA goes up, the enemy's equipment goes down with support from Victor, attacking from 8 range and hopefully avoiding all the Insult/Kiyomori spam. Echo and Sierra can offer support on offense or defense pretty flexibly. This is sure to be a nail-biter for me, but Wiz at 40 Fury is going to have a difficult time out-damaging the healing on my team.

Which is why I predict that he'll live and die by the success rate of Berserk...by the ability to take away my healing. Even one Berserk proc could be enough for Wiz to take the match if the AI capitalizes properly. Maybe I'm being too generous to myself in predicting a 50/50 match...it's possible that I'm a bit biased. And I haven't seen Wiz's team play yet, so I could easily be missing some factors of how well his team fits together. Maybe I'll just get steamrolled in 5 minutes. I hope that my team can at least force a third round though, or else I'm going to feel very foolish.

If anyone needs me, I'll be sacrificing goats to the Goddess of the RNG.
"D'you know in 900 years of time and space, I've never met anyone who wasn't important before."
-The Doctor-



May 11, 2012, 12:43:56 pm #126 Last Edit: May 11, 2012, 01:41:51 pm by Fantactic1316

Well, fuck.

Too much speed and too much Berserk, I never had a chance. Especially when Berserk gets combined with Poison. Shame my units are too stupid to heal Berserk and it lasts until death. If only Alpha had been closer to the Priests in Round 2, he could have Revived them.

Ah well, no use mourning what could have been. I look forward to getting my ass kicked in the loser's bracket.

Loved the music though. Nemo got me really pumped at the beginning.
"D'you know in 900 years of time and space, I've never met anyone who wasn't important before."
-The Doctor-


Bazinga!  Thanks for the fun match guys!
I really enjoyed it!
Shadowstrike nice work!


Ouch, the lack of healing did FFMaster in. Although the well-placed Bizen Boat @ 3:45 in the match also contributed to having the enemy Time Mage resort to staff smacks instead of Raise 2 spamming.

Nothing surprising here at all. Even with all the breaks, my units were still impervious and didn't go down once.

Ouch man, no DPS from DomieV = game over. Sleeping unit attacked by a 2-handed AU Samurai = face melted.

You: .... Shame my units are too stupid to heal Berserk and it lasts until death.

The only way to heal berserk is to use refute from the mediator skillset, which is something 99% of people don't have.

And you're right about one thing, the pregame analysis you made was quite off proving that you're quite the fool :P
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Well, the match did go long. And you did live along with the success rate of Berserk. I, however, did not live by the success rate of Equipment Breaks. And I did entirely fail to force a third round...which does make me twice the fool. :oops:

And the Master Skillsets spreadsheet lists Cancel: Berserk for both Esuna and Stigma Magic.

Stigma Magic --- C: Ptrf, Chrm, Brsk, Sil, Blnd, Frog, Psn, Slp, DM, DA

Esuna --- C: Ptrf, Chrm, Brsk, Sil, Blnd, Frog, Psn, Slp, DM, DA

Is this an error in the spreadsheet or a bug in the patch?

I might've made Echo a White Magic Mediator if I'd realized. Could've had the Blast Gun innate and Refute instead of Stigma Magic. Ah well, I'll probably tweak the team a bit once the Tournament's over and then put the new one up in the Submissions thread.
"D'you know in 900 years of time and space, I've never met anyone who wasn't important before."
-The Doctor-


Yes, they both don't cure berserk... the Master Guide has many errors and I plan to something make something that will rip pure, legit data. Until then we have to bear with it or double check in FFTPatcher.
  • Modding version: PSX
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<R999> My target market is not FFT mod players
<Raijinili> remember that? it was awful


Quote from: Pride on May 10, 2012, 04:39:23 amI simply adore Gaignun's team. It has a very nice balance between its Offense, Defense, and status effects. Even some lesser seen spells like Dispel Magic being used. Chiri for the pure damage, and the huge aoe of Kotetsu for healing + damage.

A little late on this, but thanks Pride.  I'm pleased to know I have a fan.  I tried to make the team as versatile as possible, although it still has its weaknesses (berserk being one, although that's a weakness for any team without Defense Rings or Refute).


Since the beginning matches, Angelus' squad has improved a lot, most noticeable in the chemist, who's climhazzard procs turn out to be a true hazard for anyone <~55%. Even with the THREE STOPS in the first round, FFMaster's team didn't have the raw damage to put anyone away.

And here we go. SHOUTOUTS TO CELEBRITY DEATHMATCH! damn, throwback and there are people alive today who have no idea what it was. ..As for the match itself, the first round was pretty free. Didn't help that the lancer did LESS damage when berserked than the priest..
Wait, Wiz' team. Is it based on Y U SO DERP? No BIG DAMAGE, but crippling effects? Huh, would like to see what happens in the next round though, since Tactic's team wasn't amazing, with the lancer (who is the damage dealer?) barely does 100, even with berserk. Against Celdia's ninjas, a berserk might be the worst thing ever. But add the darkness on top..

Dat's some bad luck, two 80% strikes missing? The sleep reversal on the first map pretty much ended the map, but the two missing Raises sealed it. Shadow has a lot of status effects as well, it's nice. Petrify, Don't Act, Sleep and who can forget, DEAD.


May 12, 2012, 02:19:15 am #133 Last Edit: May 12, 2012, 09:21:04 am by Avalanche
Wiz´s Team is disgusting if you have to face it : ) and quite strong i realy wonder how my Thiefs would do against yours, well i guess our Teams will be facing each other sooner or later

DomieV´s Team is one of my favorits to bad it has to make its way all through hell

@everyone prepare for Hell, matches are comming soon


Forgot to comment on some of the previous matches

The geomancer doing her job (everyone else of course but more notably her) + Berserk missing = Good Day to Leif

Sleep + Kagesougi for a 600 Damage crit 0.o

Frog Procs and Reflect on the Faith Rod Wielding scholars makes them quite the magical force to be reckoned with.

Higher offensive output + sniping in general from dacheat's units did Otabo in. Slow 2's especially helped out with this.

I was on my toes for this one when I saw the tiebreaker was going to only last for a couple of minutes. Odin hitting was crucial and clinched it for Squidgy that round.

You: Is it based on Y U SO DERP? No BIG DAMAGE, but crippling effects?

First question, not at all. It's actually based on the second team I ever created here in Arena, The Speedsters.

Second question, correct. I'll what I'm doing those is adding in a couple twists by humiliating teams using a severely underrated status (Berserk) as well as the obviously broken Masamune skill from Draw Out. Oh, and I forgot to add obviously quickening, which should've died a long time ago in the fires of hell.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


The Lancer's not really the damage dealer. He's mostly just 400hp of distraction with a couple of mildly useful skills in the meantime. He can become a damage dealer in a long match with a lot of PA Save, but the other three units are supposed to get along fine without him.

The damage dealer is definitely Sierra the Priest (the one with Holy). And Victor the Archer sort of fills that role with Head and Armor Break. Echo does decent damage if she has high Faith targets for her Blast Gun, an attempt to turn high Faith against enemy Mages, even if they're packing a Reflect Ring. But Alpha the Lancer is pretty pitiful...PA Save was an attempt to make him slightly better, but it didn't work out as well as I'd hoped.

Berserk was definitely a great choice. No one makes a unit that's only an attacker, so taking away the use of their skillsets is a highly crippling status.

I never really thought of Quickening as anything deadly, but that's because I could never get the AI to prioritize it. Well done.
"D'you know in 900 years of time and space, I've never met anyone who wasn't important before."
-The Doctor-


I'm so hardcore I comment on a match before it gets posted here!

Ninjutsu is so strong, damn. Not much to say beyond that, except that archer had a really high chance at Don't Act, perhaps good compat? Fairly straightforward fight.


Match 23 - AeroGP vs Reks

Next match took me all day to get a rendering software to compile correctly and will take 7 hours to upload to youtube.  Sorry folks that wanted to see the next match soon  :evil:


7 hours!? Damn. Well, if anyone needs me, I'm going to be standing beside that giant elephant over there.
Final Fantasy Tactics Football Fracas [FFTFF] Link:


Are you running your emulator at around 200 FPS?  Higher FPS is one way of cutting down on length.