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Final Fantasy Tactics: Redesign Job Discussion [Newest: Formula Updates/Misc!]

Started by RavenOfRazgriz, March 06, 2011, 07:46:08 pm


I'm making a separate thread for my Job Discussions now because, despite my best efforts to scrounge every character I could while still maintaining highly detailed notes, I hit the character limit.  The Damned will surely mock me now.

For those not in-the-know, this thread is for discussion of the various Jobs that will appear in Final Fantasy Tactics: Redesign I intend to list many "returning" Special Jobs and Monsters in addition to the Generic Jobs once I've sorted those out, hence why I decided to make a second thread instead of hijacking some other post in my main thread.  For a quick overview, each Generic Job has a specific role and/or focus it conforms to in terms of stats, skills, etc., so redundant skills are minimized and very niche and situational Jobs like Necromancer are disfavored.  I still have 3 empty Job slots though for anyone who would like to submit some sort of idea now that the breakdowns for most of the Jobs I've already planned have been revealed.

Opening Notes

Unless otherwise specified, any formula involving WP and/or with "Weapon Range" set also has "Weapon Strike" set, meaning it strikes twice with Two Swords.

Classes follow a 2 Reaction, 2 Support Skill setup as closely as possible.  Reactions and Supports that a typical Final Fantasy Tactics may regard as "weak" on the Vanilla game are intentionally placed on early Jobs to encourage use and explore their new potential from skillset and mechanical changes.  Currently unused Reactions and Supports are:

---Reaction Commands---

HP Restore
Gilgame Heart
Finger Guard
Arrow Guard

---Support Commands---

Equip Change
Move +2
Jump +3
Cannot Enter Water
Any Ground

For those looking to actually compute out stats, remember that Growths are:

HP - 10
MP - 10
PA - 50
MA - 50
SP - 255

Basic, technically mixed class with low stats but an unrivaled equipment pool. Contains basic combat skills and a variety of Fury, Will, and CT augmenting perservering skills focused around the user, making it a great buffing skillset.

"Apprentices with no chosen expertise, focusing on combat fundaments and bravado."

HPM - 85
MPM - 85
PAM - 90
MAM - 90
SPM - 120 (7)
Move - 3
Jump - 3
C-Ev - 15

Weapons: Knives, Ninjatos, Swords, Greatswords, Katanas, Axes, Spellswords, Wands, Gauntlets, Guns, Crossbows, Bows, Polearms, Poles.
Shields: Can Use.
Headgears: Helmets, Hats.
Bodygears: Armors, Clothings.
Accessories: Shoes, Rings, Armlets, Cloaks.

---Skillset - Basic Skill---
"Squire Job Command. Focuses on basic combat actions and aiding allies."

"Lunge at the target with a reckless tackle that knocks back."
(CasFury+30)*(TarFury+30)/10000*PA*4. 100% Knockback, 1/10th Recoil.
Can be Physically Evaded, Reacted To.  Countergraspable, Counter Flood.
Range 1, Vertical 2, Effect Area 0, CT 0, MP 0. Hits Allies, Enemies.

Throw Stone
"Hurl a small stone, distracting the target."
100% Cancel: Confuse, Berserk, Charm, Sleep, Charging, Performing, Defending.
Can be Physically Evaded, cannot be Reacted To.
Range 4, Vertical 3, Effect Area 0, CT 0, MP 0, Direct. Hits Allies, Enemies.

"Give a rousing speech, steeling self and any allies nearby."
100% Fury +4.
Cannot be Evaded, Reacted To.
Range 0, Vertical 2, Effect Area 2, CT 8, MP 0, Auto-Area, Perservering. Hits Self, Allies.

"Rouse the spirit of self and surrounding allies."
100% Will +4.
Cannot be Evaded, Reacted To.
Range 0, Vertical 2, Effect Area 2, CT 8, MP 0, Auto-Area, Perservering. Hits Self, Allies.

"Rouse self and allies, causing an adrenaline rush."
100% CT +20.
Cannot be Evaded, Reacted To.
Range 0, Vertical 2, Effect Area 2, CT 8, MP0, Auto-Area, Perservering. Hits Self, Allies.

---Reaction Commands---

Blind Fury
"Become increasingly reckless when attacked, boosting Fury."
Fury +4 when attacked by any means.

Blind Will
"Become increasingly strong-willed when attacked, boosting Will."
Will +4 when attacked by any means.

---Support Commands---

Any Weapon
"Equip any Weapon regardless of Job."

Any Gear
"Equip any Headgear or Bodygear regardless of Job."

Empty Job Slot 1
Currently Unused.  Feel free to suggest something!

Empty Job Slot 2
Currently Unused.  Feel free to suggest something!

---Reaction Commands---

"Automatically consume one Potion when damaged."


---Support Commands---

"Dispense healing items during combat."
Enable Item Command with Range 3 Direct while Active.

Mirror Item
"Health or mana healing of an Item is reversed to damage instead."

Ranger (Archer)
Mixed class with no slant, using Bows and Crossbows with Shields. This class is swift, its most defining skills being magic-based elemental weapon strikes and the powerful Oil Bomb.

"Fighter specializing in ranged combat and disruption."

HPM - 85
MPM - 70
PAM - 120
MAM - 120
SPM - 135 (8)
Move - 2
Jump - 4
C-Ev - 5

Weapons: Guns, Crossbows, Bows.
Shields: Can Use.
Headgears: Hats.
Bodygears: Clothes.
Accessories: Shoes, Rings, Armlets, Cloaks.

---Skillset - Ranger Feats---
"Ranger Job Command. Disrupt foes with survival skills and weapon techs."

"Focus, guaranteeing a hit on the enemy at the cost of power."
[Weapon Damage]/2.
Cannot be Evaded, Reacted To.
Weapon Range, CT 0, MP 4. Hits Allies, Enemies.

"Catch a weakened enemy off-guard, killing them instantly."
100% Hit 100% HP Damage. 100% All or Nothing Cancel: Critical.
Cannot be Evaded, Reacted To.
Weapon Range, CT 0, MP 12. Hits Allies, Enemies.

"Attack with special dispelling weapon techniques."
[Weapon Damage]*2/3. 100% Random Cancel: Regen, Reraise, Haste.
Can be Physically Evaded, Reacted To. Countergrasp, Counter Flood.
Weapon Range, CT 0, MP 6. Hits Allies, Enemies.

"Harness wind and weapon together, blowing back the target."
(CasFaith+30)*(TarFaith+30)/10000*MA*WP. 100% Knockback. Wind Elemental.
Can be Magically Evaded, Reacted To. Countergrasp, Counter Flood, Counter Magic.
Weapon Range, CT 3, MP 8. Hits Allies, Enemies.

"Harness flame and weapon together, obliterating the target."
(CasFaith+30)*(TarFaith+30)/10000*(MA+4)*WP. Fire Elemental.
Can be Magically Evaded, Reacted To. Countergrasp, Counter Flood, Counter Magic.
Weapon Range, CT 6, MP 12. Hits Allies, Enemies.

Gunk Bomb
"Toss a Poisoned bomb at the target."
100% All or Nothing Add: Poison.
Can be Physically Evaded, Reacted To. Countergrasp, Counter Flood.
Range 3, Vertical 3, Effect Area 0, CT 0, MP 6, Direct. Hits Allies, Enemies.

Oil Bomb
"Toss an Oil-filled explosive at the target."
100% All or Nothing Add: Oil.
Can be Physically Evaded, Reacted To. Countergrasp, Counter Flood.
Range 3, Vertical 3, Effect Area 0, CT 0, MP 10, Direct. Hits Allies, Enemies.

---Reaction Commands---


---Support Commands---

Jump Boost
"Increase Jumping power, allowing unit to reach greater heights and cause more damage with the Jump command."
Jump +2 while Active.

Accuracy Boost
"Increases the final accuracy attacks and skills by 25% of their current value."

Physical based class with affinity to fisticuffs. It focuses on physical Wind and Earth skills, mixing damage and healing to be an all-around solid unit despite its inability to equip any form of headgear.

"Disciplined martial artists than channel the power of the planet to their fists.

HPM - 100
MPM - 55
PAM - 160
MAM - 120
SPM - 120 (7)
Move - 2
Jump - 3
C-Ev - 15

Weapons: Gauntlets.
Shields: Can Use.
Headgear: Hats.
Bodygear: Clothes.
Accessories: Shoes, Rings, Armlets, Cloaks.

---Skillset - Martial Arts---
"Monk Job Command.  Channel the energies of the planet during battle."

Machinegun Punch
"Punch rapidly, overwhelming the opponent and leaving them unable to dodge."
Cannot be Evaded, can be Reacted To. Countergrasp, Counter Flood.
Range 1, Vertical 0, Effect Area 0, CT 0, MP 4. Hits Allies, Enemies.

Dark Fist Burst
"Channel black Ki, drawing in and attacking all surrounding targets."
(CasFury+30)*(TarFury+30)/10000*PA*10. Dark Elemental.
Can be Physically Evaded, Reacted To. Countergrasp, Counter Flood.
Range 0, Vertical 1, Effect Area 2, CT 0, MP 10, Auto-Area, Direct. Hits Allies, Enemies.

Wave Fist
"Channel wind around the fist and fire it, striking a far-off target."
(CasFury+30)*(TarFury+30)/10000*PA*6. 100% Knockback. Wind Elemental.
Can be Physically Evaded, Reacted To. Countergrasp, Counter Flood.
Range 3, Vertical 2, Effect Area 2, CT 0, MP 6, Direct. Hits Allies, Enemies.

Earth Slash
"Channel the planet's rage into the arms and strike targets ahead."
(CasFury+30)*(TarFury+30)/10000*PA*8. Earth Elemental.
Can be Physically Evaded, Reacted To. Countergrasp, Counter Flood.
Range 4, Vertical 1, Effect Area 4, CT 0, MP 12, Linear. Hits Allies, Enemies.

"Use Ki to create a healing breeze around self."
(CasFury+30)*(TarFury+30)/10000*PA*8 Heal HP and MP. Wind Elemental.
Cannot be Evaded, can be Reacted To. Counter Magic.
Range 0, Vertical 1, Effect Area 1, CT 0, MP 8, Auto-Area. Hits Self, Allies, Enemies.

"Use ki to purge negative afflictions with the power of the planet."
(CasFury+30)*(TarFury+30)/10000*(PA+85)% Cancel: Undead, Petrify, Addle, Vampire, Confusion, Berserk, Sleep, Immobilize, Paralyze. Earth Elemental.
Cannot be Evaded, can be Reacted To. Counter Magic.
Range 0, Vertical 1, Effect Area 1, CT 0, MP 6, Auto-Area. Hits Self, Allies, Enemies.

"Resuscitate a target by channeling one's own ki to them."
(CasFury+30)*(TarFury+30)/10000*(PA+70)% All or Nothing Cancel: Dead, Heal 34% HP, 1/3rd Recoil, Darkness Elemental.
Cannot be Evaded, Reacted To.
Range 1, Vertical 1, Effect Area 0, CT 0, MP 14. Hits Allies, Enemies.

---Reaction Commands---

Healing Surge
"Channel ki when hit, focusing the body to repair damage automatically when attacked."
Add: Regen when attacked by any means.

---Support Commands---

"Become in-tune with nature, boosting the effectiveness of all elements."
Boost: Fire, Ice, Lightning, Earth, Wind, Holy, Dark.

Priest (White Mage)
Magical based class focused on healing and buffing, touting decent health and the second highest mana pool. Its skill pool is the only one to contain such a wide spread of healing and supporting skills, and Holy Element allows their effectiveness to be further boosted.

"Devout mage focused on the mending and defending of others."

HPM - 95
MPM - 100
PAM - 90
MAM - 120
SPM - 120 (7)
Move - 2
Jump - 3
C-Ev - 5

Weapons: Wands, Spellswords.
Shields: Can Use.
Headgear: Hats.
Bodygear: Clothes.
Accessories: Shoes, Rings, Armlets, Cloaks.

---Skillset - White Magic---
"Priest Job Command. Aid allies in battle with protective magic."

Healing Breeze
"Refresh target with holy magic."
(CasFa+30)*(TFa+30)/10000*MA*6 Heal HP. Holy Elemental.
Cannot be Evaded, Can be Reacted To. Counter Magic.
Range 4, Vertical Inf, Effect Area 0, CT 2, MP 8. Hits Self, Allies, Enemies.

Divine Wind
"Refresh a small group with a surge of holy magic."
(CasFa+30)*(TFa+30)/10000*MA*9 Heal HP. Holy Elemental.
Cannot be Evaded, Can be Reacted To. Counter Magic.
Range 4, Vertical Inf, Effect Area 1(v2), CT 7, MP 24. Hits Self, Allies, Enemies.

"Channel magic to restore mana."
(CasFa+30)*(TFa+30)/10000*MA*5 Heal MP. Holy Elemental.
Cannot be Evaded, Can be Reacted To. Counter Magic.
Range 4, Vertical Inf, Effect Area 0, CT 3, MP 2. Hits Self, Allies, Enemies.

"Call the target's spirit back from the other world."
(CasFa+30)*(TFa+30)/10000*(MA+65). Heal 50% HP. All or Nothing Cancel: Dead. Holy Elemental.
Cannot be Evaded, Can be Reacted To.
Range 4, Vertical Inf, Effect Area 0, CT 6, MP 20. Hits Allies, Enemies.

"Bless the target with a second wind."
(CasFa+30)*(TFa+30)/10000*(MA+90)% Add: Reraise. Holy Elemental.
Cannot be Evaded, Can be Reacted To. Counter Magic.
Range 4, Vertical Inf, Effect Area 0, CT 3, MP 8. Hits Self, Allies, Enemies.

"Bless the targets to have their wounds mended continuously."
(CasFa+30)*(TFa+30)/10000*(MA+90)% Add: Regen. Holy Elemental.
Cannot be Evaded, Can be Reacted To. Counter Magic.
Range 3, Vertical Inf, Effect Area 2(v2), CT 4, MP 14. Hits Self, Allies, Enemies.

"Bless the targets to gain a physical-deflecting barrier."
(CasFa+30)*(TFa+30)/10000*(MA+75)% Add: Protect. Holy Elemental.
Cannot be Evaded, Can be Reacted To. Counter Magic.
Range 3, Vertical Inf, Effect Area 2(v2), CT 4, MP 14. Hits Self, Allies, Enemies.

"Bless the targets to gain a magical-deflecting barrier."
(CasFa+30)*(TFa+30)/10000*(MA+75)% Add: Shell. Holy Elemental.
Cannot be Evaded, Can be Reacted To. Counter Magic.
Range 3 Vertical Inf, Effect Area 2(v2), CT 4, MP 14. Hits Self, Allies, Enemies.

---Reaction Commands---

"When healed, distribute excess healing among allies."
Triggers on all forms of healing, including self-heals.

---Support Commands---

"Skills that heal health or mana are boosted by 25%."

Focus Defense
"Decrease all forms of damage by 15%."

Wizard (Black Mage)
Magical based class focused on raw, single-target damage. Modifications to the Will mechanic make tiered spells unnecessary, so this version contains a unique spell of each of the six offensive elements (Fire, Ice, Lightning, Earth, Wind, Dark) along with the Non-Elemental Flare Spell.

"Sorcerer dedicated to the destructive dark arts."

HPM - 70
MPM - 60
PAM - 80
MAM - 160
SPM - 105 (6)
Move - 2
Jump - 2
C-Ev - 5

Weapons: Wands, Spellswords.
Shields: Can Use.
Headgear: Hats.
Bodygear: Clothes.
Accessories: Shoes, Rings, Armlets, Cloaks.

---Skillset - Black Magic---
"Wizard Job Command. Tear apart foes with destructive elemental magics."

"Raze the target with a destructive surge of fire."
(CasFa+30)*(TFa+30)/10000*MA*12. Fire Elemental.
Can be Magically Evaded, Reacted To. Counter Flood, Counter Magic.
Range 2, Vertical Inf, Effect Area 0, CT 8, MP 26. Hits Allies, Enemies.

"Scatter shards of ice across a small area."
(CasFa+30)*(TFa+30)/10000*MA*9. Ice Elemental.
Can be Magically Evaded, Reacted To. Counter Flood, Counter Magic.
Range 3, Vertical Inf, Effect Area 1(v2), CT 5, MP 18. Hits Allies, Enemies.

"Shock the target with unevadable lightning."
(CasFa+30)*(TFa+30)/10000*MA*6. Lightning Elemental.
Cannot be Evaded, can be Reacted To. Counter Flood, Counter Magic.
Range 6, Vertical Inf, Effect Area 0, CT 2, MP 6. Hits Allies, Enemies.

"Summon windy blades to cut and blow back the target."
(CasFa+30)*(TFa+30)/10000*MA*7. 100% Knockback. Wind Elemental.
Can be Magically Evaded, Reacted To. Counter Flood, Counter Magic.
Range 5, Vertical Inf, Effect Area 0, CT 6, MP 16. Hits Allies, Enemies.

"Split the earth under the target, disrupting them."
(CasFa+30)*(TFa+30)/10000*MA*8. 100% All or Nothing Cancel: Charging, Performing, Defending. Earth Elemental.
Can be Magically Evaded, Reacted To. Counter Flood, Counter Magic.
Range 3, Vertical Inf, Effect Area 0, CT 3, MP 12. Hits Allies, Enemies.

"Shatter the target's spirit, dealing damage to their lifeforce."
(CasFa+30)*(TFa+30)/10000*(MA+70)% 50% HP Damage, 25% MP Damage. Dark Elemental.
Can be Magically Evaded, Reacted To. Counter Flood, Counter Magic.
Range 4, vertical Inf, Effect Area 0, CT 4, MP 20. Hits Allies, Enemies.

"Obliterate the target with forbidden magic."
(CasFa+30)*(TFa+30)/10000*MA*12. Ignores Shell, Arcane Defense.
Can be Magically Evaded, Reacted To. Counter Flood, Counter Magic.
Range 4, vertical Inf, Effect Area 0, CT 8, MP 22. Hits Allies, Enemies.

---Reaction Commands---

Absorb Mana
"Absorb mana when targeted by a mana-costed skill."

Magic Parry  (Creatively borrowing this from FDC since it fits very well here.)
"Gain the skill to parry magic with equipped weapon."
W-Ev also applies with magic when equipped.

---Support Commands---

Focus Power
"Boost all damage by 15%."

Mana Efficiency
"Reduce mana costs by 25%."

Dimensionalist (Time Mage)
Magical based class focused on distorting turn order and movement ability. It also contains weak, Non-Elemental damage spells that cover a large area the highest Speed of the Spellcasters, making its skillset one of two that is great for anti-sandbagging.

"Skilled magicians who use magic to distort time and space."

HPM - 75
MPM - 85
PAM - 80
MAM - 130
SPM - 135 (8)
Move - 3
Jump - 3
C-EV - 15

Weapons: Wands, Poles.
Shields: Can Use.
Headgear: Hats.
Bodygear: Clothes.

---Skillset - Time Magic---
"Dimensonalist Job Command. Distort space and time to create various effects."

"Distort space to increase the flow of time in an area."
(CasFa+30)*(TFa+30)/10000*(MA+75)% Add: Haste.
Cannot be Evaded, Can be Reacted To. Counter Magic.
Range 3, Vertical Inf, Effect Area 2(v2), CT 4, MP 14. Hits Self, Allies, Enemies.

"Distort space to decrease the flow of time in an area."
(CasFa+30)*(TFa+30)/10000*(MA+105)% Add: Slow.
Can be Magically Evaded, Reacted To. Counter Flood, Counter Magic.
Range 3, Vertical Inf, Effect Area 2(v2), CT 4, MP 14. Hits Self, Allies, Enemies.

"Disrupt the flow of time entirely on a single target."
(CasFa+30)*(TFa+30)/10000*(MA+95)% Add: Stop.
Can be Magically Evaded be Evaded, Reacted To. Counter Magic.
Range 4, Vertical Inf, Effect Area 0, CT 5, MP 18. Hits Allies, Enemies.

"Disrupt the pull of gravity, allowing targets to Float."
(CasFa+30)*(TFa+30)/10000*(MA+85)% Add: Float.
Cannot be Evaded, Can be Reacted To. Counter Flood, Counter Magic.
Range 4, Vertical Inf, Effect Area 0, CT 4, MP 10. Hits Self, Allies, Enemies.

"Warp space around the target, sending them into the future."
CasFa*TarFa/10000*(MA+65)% Add: Quick.
Cannot be Evaded, Can be Reacted To. Counter Magic.
Range 4, Vertical Inf, Effect Area 0, CT 6, MP 16. Hits Allies, Enemies.

"Disrupt the pull of gravity, crushing targets to the ground."
(CasFa+30)*(TFa+30)/10000*(MA+95)% 25% HP Damage, 100% Random Cancel: Float.
Can be Magically Evaded, Can be Reacted To. Counter Flood, Counter Magic.
Range 3, Vertical Inf, Effect Area 2(v2), CT 5, MP 18. Hits Self, Allies, Enemies.

---Reaction Commands---

Critical Quick
"When near death, warp time to move instantly."
Add: Quick when placed into Critical via damage.

"Accelerate time around self when attacked."
Add: Haste when attacked by any means.

---Support Commands---

Short Charge
"Charge times for all skills is halved."

Arcane Defense
"Boost magical defense by 25%."

Magical based class focused on both support and damage that covers obscene ranges, often the entire screen, and spanning most Elements.  Actual output is some of the lowest of any skillset, as its main draw is culminative damage/healing/buffing over an extreme area instead of large damage on one or two targets.

"Spellcaster that calls forth Espers to strike large areas in battle."

HPM - 70
MPM - 140
PAM - 100
MAM - 120
SPM - 105 (6)
Move - 2
Jump - 2
C-Ev - 10

Weapons: Wands, Spellswords, Poles.
Shields: Can Equip.
Headgear: Hats.
Bodygear: Clothes.
Accessories: Shoes, Rings, Armlets, Cloaks.

---Skillset - Summon Magic---
"Summoner Job Command. Call forth powerful Espers to aide during battle."

"Call forth Esper Moogle, healing all allies."
(CasFa+30)*(TFa+30)/10000*(MA*4) Heal HP. Holy Elemental.
Cannot be Evaded, can be Reacted To. Counter Magic.
Range 0, Vertical Inf, Effect Area Inf, CT 0, MP 20, Auto-Area. Hits Self, Allies.

"Call forth Esper Silf, revitalizing all allies' mana."
(CasFa+30)*(TFa+30)/10000*(MA*4) Heal MP. Wind Elemental.
Cannot be Evaded, can be Reacted To. Counter Magic.
Range 0, Vertical Inf, Effect Area Inf, CT 0, MP 20, Auto-Area. Hits Self, Allies.

"Call forth Esper Carbuncle, shielding all allies."
(CasFa+30)*(TFa+30)/10000*(MA+55) All or Nothing Add: Protect, Shell. Earth Elemental.
Cannot be Evaded, can be Reacted To. Counter Magic.
Range 0, Vertical Inf, Effect Area Inf, CT 0, MP 20, Auto-Area. Hits Self, Allies.

"Call forth Esper Shiva, smiting a cluster of enemies with Ice."
(CasFa+30)*(TFa+30)/10000*(MA*8). Ice Elemental.
Can be Evaded, Reacted To. Counter Flood, Counter Magic.
Range 3, Vertical Inf, Effect Area 2(v2), CT 0, MP 20. Hits Allies, Enemies.

"Call forth Esper Ramuh, cutting down a row of enemies with Lightning."
(CasFa+30)*(TFa+30)/10000*(MA*6). Lightning Elemental.
Cannot be Evaded, can be Reacted To. Counter Flood, Counter Magic.
Range Inf, Vertical Inf, Effect Area Inf, CT 0, MP 20, Linear. Hits Allies, Enemies.

"Call forth Esper Ifrit, smiting all enemies that surround with Fire."
(CasFa+30)*(TFa+30)/10000*(MA*10). Fire Elemental.
Can be Evaded, Reacted To. Counter Flood, Counter Magic.
Range 0, Vertical 5, Effect Area 2, CT 0, MP 20, Auto-Area. Hits Allies, Enemies.

"Call forth Esper Titan, smiting all others with an earthquake."
(CasFa+30)*(TFa+30)/100000*(MA*4). Earth Elemental.
Can be Evaded, Reacted To. Counter Flood, Counter Magic.
Range 0, Vertical Inf, Effect Area Inf, CT 0, MP 30. Hits Allies, Enemies.

---Reaction Commands---

Emergency Mana
"If mana is low, restore mana when damaged."
Restore all MP if damaged by any means while CurMP is 20% or less of MaxMP.


---Support Commands---

Blood Price
"Pay for magic in blood, expending twice the mana cost from the unit's health to cast instead."

Arcane Power
"Boost magic power by 20%."

Physical based class that fights with either a pair of Daggers or a Crossbow and Shield. Focus is using swiftness to debuff the enemy via a combination of gear theft and status, as well as using the Mug command to help keep the team coffers buffered.

"Swift unit that befuddles the enemy before robbing them blind.
Innate: Dual Wield."

HPM -75
MPM - 55
PAM - 90
MAM - 110
SPM - 135 (8)
Move - 3
Jump - 3
C-Ev - 10

Weapons: Knives, Crossbows.
Shields: Can Use.
Headgear: Hats.
Bodygear: Clothes.
Accessories: Shoes, Rings, Armlets, Cloaks.

---Skillset - Plunder Feats---
"Thief Job Command. Confuse, subvert, and rob the target."

"Blindside the target with the weapon and quickly steal some gil."
[Weapon Damage]. 100% Steal Gil.
Can be Physically Evaded, Reacted To. Countergrasp, Counter Flood.
Range 1, Vertical 2, Effect Area 0, CT 0, MP 4.

Pocket Sand
"Reach deep and hurt sand into the target's eyes."
100% Random Add: Darkness, Slow.
Can be Physically Evaded, Reacted To. Counter Flood.
Range 3, Vertical 1, Effect Area 0, CT 0, MP 6.

"Assail the target's mind with trickery."
(CasFury+30)*(TarFury+30)*(PA+85)% Random Add: Confusion.
Can be Physically Evaded, Reacted To. Counter Flood, Counter Magic.
Range 3, Vertical 3, Effect Area 0, CT 0, MP 8.

"Push the target away quickly."
100% Knockback.
Cannot be Physically Evaded, Cannot be Reacted To.
Range 1, Vertical 0, Effect Area 0, CT 0, MP ?.

Take Shield
"Quickly grab the opponent's Shield."
(CasFury+30)*(TarFury+30)*((PA+SP)+50)% Steal Shield.
Can be Physically Evaded, Reacted To. Countergrasp, Counter Flood.
Range 1, Vertical 2, Effect Area 0, CT 0, MP 6.

Take Headgear
"Quickly grab the opponent's Headgear."
(CasFury+30)*(TarFury+30)*((PA+SP)+30)% Steal Headgear.
Can be Physically Evaded, Reacted To. Countergrasp, Counter Flood.
Range 1, Vertical 2, Effect Area 0, CT 0, MP 12.

Take Bodygear
"Quickly grab the opponent's Bodygear."
(CasFury+30)*(TarFury+30)*((PA+SP)+20)% Steal Bodygear.
Can be Physically Evaded, Reacted To. Countergrasp, Counter Flood.
Range 1, Vertical 2, Effect Area 0, CT 0, MP ?.

Take Accessory
"Quickly grab the opponent's Accessory."
(CasFury+30)*(TarFury+30)*((PA+SP)+40)% Steal Accessory.
Can be Physically Evaded, Reacted To. Countergrasp, Counter Flood.
Range 1, Vertical 2, Effect Area 0, CT 0, MP 8.

---Reaction Commands---

"When hit, get an adrenaline surge."
CT +10 when damaged by any means.

---Support Commands---

Move Boost
"Increase Moving power, allowing the unit to traverse greater distances with ease."
Move +1 while Active.

"Keep a keen lookout, reducing evasion by a quarter to apply it on all sides."

Empty Job Slot 3
Currently Unused.  Feel free to suggest something!

Magical based class with some physical competence. Highest HP among casters, to the point it can function as a tanking, frontline mage.  Uses single-target status magic to debuff enemies in a menagerie of ways before taking them on toe-to-toe.

"Divining magician that curses enemies."

HPM - 110
MPM - 45
PAM - 100
MAM - 140
SPM - 105 (6)
Move - 2
Jump - 2
C-Ev - 10

Weapons: Wands, Poles.
Shields: Can Use.
Headgear: Hats.
Bodygear: Clothes, Robes.
Accessories: Shoes, Rings, Armlets, Cloaks.

---Skillset - Divination Magic---
"Oracle Job Command. Harness divination to inflict all manner of status."

Imbue Fury
"Distort the target's mind with divination, filling them with righteous fury."
(CasFa+30)*(TFa+30)/100000*(MA+105)% All or Nothing Add: Fury.
Can be Magically Evaded, Reacted To. Counter Magic.
Range 4, Vertical Inf, Effect Area 0, CT 2, MP Cost 8. Hits Allies, Enemies.

Imbue Will
"Distort the target's mind with divination, filling them with unbreaking will."
CasWill*TarWill/10000*(MA+105)% All or Nothing Add: Will.
Can be Magically Evaded, Reacted To. Counter Magic.
Range 4, Vertical Inf, Effect Area 0, CT 2, MP Cost 8. Hits Allies, Enemies.

"Manipulate divination, robbing the target's eyes."
(CasFa+30)*(TFa+30)/100000*(MA+95)% All or Nothing Add: Blindness.
Can be Magically Evaded, Reacted To. Counter Flood, Counter Magic.
Range 4, Vertical Inf, Effect Area 0, CT 4, MP Cost 6. Hits Allies, Enemies.

"Manipulate divination, robbing the target's legs."
(CasFa+30)*(TFa+30)/100000*(MA+75)% All or Nothing Add: Immobilize.
Can be Magically Evaded, Reacted To. Counter Flood, Counter Magic.
Range 4, Vertical Inf, Effect Area 0, CT 4, MP Cost 10. Hits Allies, Enemies.

"Manipulate divination, robbing the target's arms."
(CasFa+30)*(TFa+30)/100000*(MA+65)% All or Nothing Add: Paralyze.
Can be Magically Evaded, Reacted To. Counter Flood, Counter Magic.
Range 4, Vertical Inf, Effect Area 0, CT 6, MP Cost 14. Hits Allies, Enemies.

"Distort divination, inflicting a plague that saps health."
(CasFa+30)*(TFa+30)/100000*(MA+95)% All or Nothing Add: Poison.
Can be Magically Evaded, Reacted To. Counter Flood, Counter Magic.
Range 4, Vertical Inf, Effect Area 0, CT 2, MP Cost 10. Hits Allies, Enemies.

Rot Flesh
"Distort divination, inflicting a curse that makes flesh mimic the Undead."
(CasFa+30)*(TFa+30)/100000*(MA+85)% All or Nothing Add: Undead.
Can be Magically Evaded, Reacted To. Counter Flood, Counter Magic.
Range 4, Vertical Inf, Effect Area 0, CT 4, MP Cost 16. Hits Allies, Enemies.

---Reaction Commands---

Mana Shield
"Block damage with mana, though excess damage is sent to HP."

Damage Transfer
"When damaged, return 25% of damage to sender."

---Support Commands---

Turbo Mana
"Mana-costed skills and their costs are boosted by 25%."

"Regain mana while moving."
Regain 10% MP each time unit moves.

Dragoon (Lancer)
Physical based class that focuses on armor and high speed over power. Carries a large number of defensive weapon-based techniques as well as the health-sapping Lancet skill, making it a great choice for a proper tank unit.

"Nimble, incredibly durable armored units inspired from dragons."

HPM - 140
MPM - 95
PAM - 120
MAM - 80
SPM - 135 (8)
Move - 3
Jump - 4
C-Ev - 10

Weapons: Knives, Polearms.
Shields: Can Use.
Headgear: Helmets.
Bodygear: Armor, Robes.
Accessories: Shoes, Rings, Armlets, Cloaks.

---Skillset - Dragon Skill---

"Sap the life force from enemies with a strange technique."
(CasFury+30)*(TarFury+30)/10000*PA*6 Drain HP and MP.
Can be Physically Evaded, Reacted To. Countergrasp, Counter Flood.
Range 2, Vertical 4, Effect Area 0, CT 0, MP 8, Direct. Hits Allies, Enemies.

War Cry
"Release a powerful war cry passed down from ancient times."
Can be Physically Evaded, Reacted To. Countergrasp, Counter Flood.
Range 1, Vertical 2, Effect Area 1, CT 0, MP 12, Direct. Hits Allies, Enemies.

Cherry Blossom
"Strike surrounding enemies with a reckless burst of power."
(CasFury+30)*(TarFury+30)/10000*PA*9. 1/4th Recoil.
Can be Magically Evaded, Reacted To. Countergrasp, Counter Flood.
Range 0, Vertical 2, Effect Area 2, CT 0, MP 16, Auto-Area. Hits Allies, Enemies.

"Use strange powers to heal and remove negative status."
(CasFury+30)*(TarFury+30)/10000*PA*8. Heal HP. 100% Random Cancel: Blindness, Addle, Oil, Chicken, Frog, Slow, Death Sentence.
Cannot be Evaded, Can be Reacted To. Counter Magic.
Range 0, Vertical 2, Effect Area 1, CT 0, MP 10. Hits Self, Allies, Enemies.

"Unleash a Draconic cry that causes the target's movement to swiften."
(CasFury+30)*(TarFury+30)/10000*(PA+80). All or Nothing Add: Haste.
Cannot be Evaded, Can be Reacted To. Counter Magic.
Range 2, Vertical 2, Effect Area 0, CT 0, MP 12. Hits Self, Allies, Enemies.

Dragon's Wind
"Call forth a refreshing, healing wind."
(CasFury+30)*(TarFury+30)/10000*(PA+100). All or Nothing Add: Regen.
Cannot be Evaded, Can be Reacted To. Counter Magic.
Range 2, Vertical 2, Effect Area 1, CT 0, MP 8. Hits Self, Allies, Enemies.

"Channel strange power and taunt a nearby enemy, enraging them."
(CasFury+30)*(TarFury+30)/10000*(PA+70). 100% All or Nothing Add: Berserk.
Cannot be Evaded, Can be Reacted To. Counter Magic.
Range 1, Vertical 2, Effect Area 0, CT 0, MP 16. Hits Allies, Enemies.

---Reaction Commands---


---Support Commands---

"Gain access to the Jump command. Jump range also mildly increases."
Opens Jump command and boosts Jump by 1 while active.

"Wield two-handed weapons with one hand."

Defense Boost
"Boost physical defense by 20%."

Mixed class with no slant, containing some of the highest physical and magical output among generic classes at the cost of most other stats. Skillset is based on the A2 Parivir, wielding physical-based weapon skills across most of the games elements, dealing above-normal damage and often carrying status.

"Frail but powerful fighter able to call forth the spirits of weapons to cut down foes.
Innate: Doublehand."

HPM - 60
MPM - 60
PAM - 160
MAM - 160
SPM - 105 (6)
Move - 2
Jump - 2
C-Ev - 15

Weapons: Katana, Bows, Polearms.
Shields: Can Use.
Headgear: Helmets.
Bodygear: Armor, Robes.
Accessories: Shoes, Rings, Armlets, Cloaks.

---Skillset - Flair Arts---
"Samurai Job Command. Harness the spirit inside weapons to imbue them with Elements."

"Unparalleled Fire-based attack. Enemies not run through instantly are doused in Oil."
Charge +5 Weapon Damage, 100% Random Add: Oil. Fire Elemental.
Can be Physically Evaded, Reacted To. Countergrasp, Counter Flood.
Weapon Range, CT 8, MP 22. Hits Allies, Enemies.

"Powerful Ice based attack that also impedes the target."
Charge +1 Weapon Damage, 100% Random Add: Slow. Ice Elemental.
Can be Physically Evaded, Reacted To. Countergrasp, Counter Flood.
Weapon Range, CT 4, MP 10. Hits Allies, Enemies.

"Swift Lightning based attack that breaks evasion."
Weapon Damage. Lightning Elemental.
Cannot be Evaded, can be Reacted To. Countergrasp, Counter Flood.
Weapon Range, CT 2, MP 8. Hits Allies, Enemies.

"Curious Wind based attack. Power is low, but it also damages the target's mana."
Charge+2 Weapon Damage/2 to HP, Charge+2 Weapon Damage/4 to MP. Wind Elemental.
Can be Physically Evaded, Reacted To. Countergrasp, Counter Flood.
Weapon Range, CT 4, MP 4. Hits Allies, Enemies.

"Shattering Earth based attack. High-power strikes the enemy and forces them back."
Charge +3 Weapon Damage, 100% Knockback. Earth Elemental.
Can be Physically Evaded, Reacted To. Countergrasp, Counter Flood.
Weapon Range, CT 5, MP 14. Hits Allies, Enemies.

"Foreboding Dark based attack. Powerful strike severs the target's ties to the living world."
Charge+2 Weapon Damage, 100% Random Add: Undead. Dark Elemental.
Can be Physically Evaded, Reacted To. Countergrasp, Counter Flood.
Weapon Range, CT 6, MP 16. Hits Allies, Enemies.

"Pure Holy based attack. Sharp light blinds the target."
Charge +1 Weapon Damage, 100% Random Add: Blindness. Holy Elemental.
Can be Physically Evaded, Reacted To. Countergrasp, Counter Flood, Counter Magic.
Weapon Range, CT 4, MP 8, Hits Allies, Enemies.

---Reaction Commands---

"When Critical, react to any damaging technique with a powerful weapon attack at 150% power."


---Support Commands---

"Grip the weapon with two hands, boosting power to 150%."

"Use Iaido to draw forth the magic spirits of Katana during battle."
Use Iaido with various Auto-Area reaches.

"Regain health while moving."
Regain 10% HP each time unit moves.

Physical based class that can carry magic well with the help of Spell Edges. Uses Will-based "magic" sourcing physical power and self-buffs that better help killing opponents. Unique in that combining it with Equip Heavy Blade and Monkeygrip allows it to use double Katana, a scary trait given Katana's high base WP, powerful beneficial effects, and solid evasion.

"Swift warriors that use special, foreign magics and dual weapons to down foes.
Innate: Dual Wield."

HPM - 70
MPM - 65
PAM - 90
MAM - 90
SPM - 135 (8)
Move - 3
Jump - 4
C-Ev - 15

Weapons: Daggers, Ninjatos.
Shields: Can Use.
Headgear: Hats.
Bodygear: Clothes.
Accessories: Shoes, Rings, Armlets, Cloaks.

---Ninjitsu Magic---
"Ninja Job Command. Strike down foes with strange Ninjitsu magics that bypass some defenses."

"Ninjitsu that summons a flame pyre beneath the target."
(CasFury+30)*(TarFury+30)/10000*PA*9. Ignores Protect, Defense Boost. Fire Elemental.
Can be Physically Evaded, Reacted To. Countergrasp, Counter Flood, Counter Magic.
Range 3, Vertical Inf, Effect Area 0, CT 0, MP 14. Hits Allies, Enemies.

"Ninjtitsu that blasts a target with a flash of lightning."
(CasFury+30)*(TarFury+30)/10000*PA*3. Ignores Protect, Defense Boost. Lightning Elemental.
Cannot Evaded, Reacted To. Countergrasp, Counter Flood.
Range 6, Vertical Inf, Effect Area 0, CT 0, MP 10, Linear. Hits Allies, Enemies.

"Ninjitsu that chokes surrounding targets with water."
(CasFury+30)*(TarFury+30)/10000*PA*6. Ignores Protect, Defense Boost. Ice Elemental.
Can be Physically Evaded, Can be Reacted To. Countergrasp, Counter Flood.
Range 0, Vertical Inf, Effect Area 2, CT 0, MP 8, Auto-Area. Hits Allies, Enemies.

Shadow Cloak
"Quickly strike all surrounding enemies with equipped weapon."
[Weapon Damage].
Can be Physically Evaded, Reacted To. Countergrasp, Counter Flood.
Range 0, Vertical 0, Effect Area 1, CT 0, MP 12, Auto-Area. Hits Allies, Enemies.

Sleeping Gas
"Toss a gas bomb that makes the target pass out."
(CasFury+30)*(TarFury+30)*(PA)+70% All or Nothing: Sleep.
Cannot be Evaded, Can be Reacted To.  Countergrasp, Counter Flood.
Range 3, Vertical 4, Effect Area 0, CT 0, MP ?.  Hits Allies, Enemies.

"Cover the weapon in venom, poisoning if the blow lands."
Weapon Damage/2. 100% Random Add: Poison.
Can be Physically Evaded, Reacted To. Countergrasp, Counter Flood.
Weapon Range. CT 0. MP 8.

Smelling Salts
"Use herbs to quickly revive an ally."
(CasFury+30)*(TarFury+30)*(PA+45)% Heal 21% HP and Cancel: Dead.
Cannot be Evaded, Reacted To.
Range 1, Vertical 2, Effect Area 0, CT 0, MP 6. Hits Allies, Enemies.

---Reaction Commands---


---Support Commands---

Attack Boost
"Boost physical power by 25%."

Speed Boost
"Increase movement speed, allowing the unit to set on targets faster."

"Unit gains intense reflexes, drastically increasing C-Ev."
C-Ev is boosted by 30 while Active.

"Throw equipment from inventory at enemies, knocking them away."
Enable Throw Command with Range 6 Direct while Active. (CasFury+30)*(TarFury+30)/10000*(PA+SP)/2*WP/2.

Physical based class with high power and HP, but low mobility and speed. Can also make an effective tank, though its skillset consists only of weapon-based debuffs that shatter positive status or gear as well as the Shatter Leg skill, allowing it to keep enemies in range and debuff them to helpless levels and outlast them via superior HP.

"Powerful, armored physical fighter specializing in weapon techniques that disassemble foes."

HPM - 120
MPM - 85
PAM - 140
MAM - 100
SPM - 105 (6)
Move - 2
Jump - 2
C-Ev - 10

Weapons: Swords, Greatswords, Axes, Spellswords.
Shields: Can Use.
Headgear: Helmets.
Bodygear: Armor, Robes.
Accessories: Shoes, Rings, Armlets, Cloaks.

---Skillset - Battle Skill---
"Knight Job Command. Shatter the enemy's defenses will well-placed weapon techniques."

Shatter Shield
"Shatter the opponent's Shield with a well-placed weapon strike."
(CasFury+30)*(TarFury+30)/10000*((PA+WP)+50)% Break: Shield ELSE Miss.
Can be Physically Evaded, Reacted To. Countergraspable, Counter Flood.
Weapon Range, CT 0, MP 8. Hits Allies and Enemies.

Shatter Headgear
"Shatter the opponent's Headgear with a well-placed weapon strike."
(CasFury+30)*(TarFury+30)/10000*((PA+WP)+30)% Break: Helmet ELSE Miss.
Can be Physically Evaded, Reacted To. Countergraspable, Counter Flood.
Weapon Range, CT 0, MP 14. Hits Allies and Enemies.

Shatter Bodygear
"Shatter the opponent's Bodygear with a well-placed weapon strike."
(CasFury+30)*(TarFury+30)/10000*((PA+WP)+20)% Break: Helmet ELSE Miss.
Can be Physically Evaded, Reacted To. Countergraspable, Counter Flood.
Weapon Range, CT 0, MP 14. Hits Allies and Enemies.

Shatter Accessory
"Shatter the opponent's Accessory with a well-placed weapon strike."
(CasFury+30)*(TarFury+30)/10000*((PA+WP)+40)% Break: Accessory ELSE Miss.
Can be Physically Evaded, Reacted To. Countergraspable, Counter Flood.
Weapon Range, CT 0, MP 10. Hits Allies and Enemies.

Shatter Guard
"Shatter Protect, Shell, Reflect and deal damage with weapon techniques."
(Weapon Damage)*2/3. 100% Random Cancel: Protect, Shell, Reflect.
Can be Physically Evaded, Reacted To. Countergraspable, Counter Flood.
Weapon Range, CT 0, MP 6. Hits Allies and Enemies.

Shatter Leg
"Shatter the opponent's legs and deal damage with weapon techniques."
(Weapon Damage)/2. 100% All or Nothing Add: Immobilize.
Can be Physically Evaded, Reacted To. Countergraspable, Counter Flood.
Weapon Range, CT 0, MP 4. Hits Allies and Enemies.

Shatter Lifeline
"Shatter the opponent's life force with strange weapon techniques."
100% Hit 20% HP Damage.
Can be Magically Evaded, Reacted To. Countergraspable, Counter Flood.
Weapon Range, CT 0, MP 8. Hits Allies and Enemies.

---Reaction Commands---

"When attacked, assume a defensive stance."
Add: Defend when attacked by any means.

---Support Commands---

Stat Boost
"Increases health by 25% and mana by 50%."

Animalist (Blue Mage)
Mixed class with a slant to magic power. Able to equip an odd menagerie of weapons in Swords, Sticks, and Guns, it can only learn skills by being on the wrong end of them.  One skill can be learned from each of the 16 primary monster breeds, giving it the largest primary skillset of any unit in the game.

"Fighters keen in both melee and magic and in tune with the beasts of nature."

HPM - 90
MPM - 75
PAM - 110
MAM - 110
SPM - 120 (7)
Move - 3
Jump - 2
C-Ev - 10

Weapons: Knives, Swords, Wands, Spellswords, Poles, Guns.
Shields: Can Use.
Headgear: Hats.
Bodygear: Clothes, Robes.
Accessories: Shoes, Rings, Armlets, Cloaks.

---Skillset - Blue Magic---
"Animalist Job Command. Call forth power gleaned from monsters."

White Wind - Heal self and surrounding units. (Chocobo)
Mighty Guard - Add Protect, Shell, Haste to self surrounding units when Critical. (Behemoth)
Tail Swing - Strike and Knock back all surrounding units. (Dragon)
Catwheel Kick - Weak physical attack that disrupts the target, Canceling Defending/Charging/Performing. (Coeurl)
Triple Breath - Powerful breath attack that hits 3 adjacent units for 50% damage. (Hydra)
Darkness Wave - Hit self and all surrounding units within 2 area for 25% HP damage. (Skeleton)
Ethereal Drain - Absorb MP from the target. (Ghost)
Demon Gaze - Attempt to add several bad status simultaneously. (Ahriman)
Quill Cascade - Attacks many times, each hit dealing minor damage. (Jura Aevis)
??? - ??? (??? - need a Fire-based monster to replace Pigs)
Leaf Blaze - Blast foes within 2 area with powerful earth magic. (Treant)
Holy - Smite target with powerful magic. (Minotaur)
Bad Breath - Blast units within 2 area with a bevvy of negative status. (Malboro)
Goblin Punch - When Critical, user puts the remnants of their strength into a powerful but inaccurate desperation attack.  Deals high damage and kills the user if successful. (Goblin)
Self-Destruct - Explode, dealing moderate damage within 2 area and dousing hit units with Oil. (Bomb)
Aqualung - ??? [Water based technique]  (Mindflayer)

---Reaction Commands---

Double Magic
"When affected by a magic based technique, use the same technique on the caster."

"When attacked, reply with a weapon attack of one's own."

---Support Commands---

"Tame monsters by beating them to within an inch of their lives."

"Learn Blue Magic on-hit regardless of Job."

Your typical FFT Mime with shuffled innates and slightly different stats.

"Faceless unit that mimics the actions of others on its side.
Innate: Barehanded, Double Magic."

HPM - 255
MPM - 255
PAM - 170
MAM - 170
SPM - 105 (6)
Move - 4
Jump - 4
C-Ev - 0

Weapons: None.
Shields: Cannot Use.
Headgear: None.
Bodygear: None.
Accessories: None.

---Skillset - Metronome Art---
"Mime Job Command. Mimic the actions of others during battle."

Changes to Mimic: The Mime can now Mimic most skills (including Blue Magic, Special Skillsets such as Snipe, potentially other monster abilities, and pending on if something works out, even the Reactions of their allies).  However, they are slow and unable to evade any assailants that come down on them, meaning an ill-used Mime can be found dead fast.

---Reaction Commands---



---Support Commands---

"Become filled with righteous power, causing all damage given and taken to be boosted by 25%."

"Become filled with staunch keenness, causing all damage given and taken to be reduced by 25%."

The Damned

Geez Meteor has a wide range. Then again, it is Meteor.

I feel better about deciding to give Haste and Slow AoEs of 2 as well, though I must admit I'm rather surprised you gave Dimensionalists any offense at all beyond Gravity. I'm guessing Comet uses the Meteorain animation?

Quote from: RavenOfRazgriz on March 06, 2011, 07:46:08 pm
The Damned will surely mock me now.

[Insert hypocritical mocking with much finger-pointing here.]
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"


Thought about it, killed Meteor and Comet, since Gravity does the job I wanted them to do plenty well enough on its own.  Nom nom nom, free ability slots.  Also reduced Gravity to 25% damage.  Comet did use the Meteorain animation though, yes.

Today's update is the rather offbeat Ninja class.  Don't miss it, because we're almost done with the generic stuff!  At least, until someone gives me some usable Job suggestions at least.  Once Mime and Animalist are done, I'll likely take a day to juggle some R/S around and fill in the gaps with ones I've been withholding, etc., then move on to either Special Jobs or Monster Jobs.  Not sure which yet.

The Damned

What is there that needs to be done with regards to Mime, exactly? Are you actually going to give it RSMs to learn? (I've considered doing as such, though mostly for the OP RSMs I'm not sure that I want to get of just yet.)

As for Ninja, it's probably the first class so far that I've felt rather "meh" about (though I now kind of feel that way about Time Mage with it losing both Comet and Meteor). I really don't like Payback, especially on a class that can kill itself AND has revival.

(Speaking of which, won't the canceling of reraise not take place if it kills the target? I forget what happens with Self-Destruct moves and their status infliction. I guess you could just change the order, though....)

Beyond that, I'm noticing all the Knockback you're planning on giving to things. That hasn't proven problematic with your rather severe reduction of movement ala ASM'd?
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"


Mostly editing innates and the stuff it can Mime.  Don't intend to give it much else unless I have leftover unassorted stuff to give out.

Time Mage will get another skill when I think of something suitable to give it.  Maybe I'll give it back Reflect unless I think of something better.  It's primarily a buff/debuff class that secondaries in sandbag nuking.  They have less skills than Priest/Oracle, but Haste/Slow/Stop/Float/Quick are all pretty high up in terms of power compared to most other buffs/debuffs.  I was honestly rather unhappy with Comet and Meteor anyway, and you pointing out how redundant they were with Gravity despite me somehow missing that fact made me decide to just off them.

Ninja's revival and self-killing aren't really related, it can't revive itself after all.  It's meant to be a sort-of Monk foil using Fire/Ice/Lightning/Dark instead of Earth/Wind.  The Lifebreak skill is compatible with Two Swords, but it has the lowest HP value... between that and the /2 divisor on higher health classes, you still can't oneshot anything.  It's more just meant to be something an HP-spec'd Ninja can actually use for damage over a PA, MA, or SP spec'd one.  If you're worried about Phoenix Down looping, you're often better off just using Suicidal Lunge again since most enemies have more health than your Lifebreak will do anyway.  Regardless, though, I do admit it's probably the class I put the least amount of design effort into so far because I had to ad-hoc its skillset from losing all my notes, so Suicidal Lunge at least may get dropped for something else, which should fix any balance problems the set would have.

As for all the Knockback, I may be overdoing it a little, but most Knockback skills are intentionally weak-end and nearly always evadable to stop people trying to spam it and lock things down.  I may need to take it off Throw, but Throw itself is honestly very weak damage-wise now.  I may just remove the PA component entirely to weaken it more and make Knocking things around its main feature.

Also considering just outright letting every class use Shields.  Almost every class that can use a one-handed weapon can already besides Summoner, Dimensionalist, Ninja so I'm honestly seeing no reason not to just let everyone have them to add more value to Battle Skill / Plunder Feats / Concentrate and a few other things I'm adding.  Undecided, but honestly, giving a Summoner or a Dimensionalist a Shield won't end the world, and lolNinjasWithShields, so...

The Damned

Fair enough points to all of those things. (May I ask what happened to your notes? I vaguely recall you mentioning something relating to them recently, but I'm still rather constantly addled as of late.)

With regards to Ninja, I meant more that the skillset has revive AND the suicidal attacks, meaning you don't really sacrifice not having revival because the skillset has it in addition to the things you wanted to attack. I'm aware they can't revive themselves. (Hmm...maybe I should make Reraise unable to target self now that I think about it....)

As for Shields, it's difficult to say without knowing what your Shields look like. I'd vote against it, personally, but you know your system and equipment far better than I do, so....
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"


Quote from: The Damned on March 08, 2011, 02:48:19 am
Fair enough points to all of those things. (May I ask what happened to your notes? I vaguely recall you mentioning something relating to them recently, but I'm still rather constantly addled as of late.)

My computer blue screened while I was writing up my original post the first time, causing me to lose 8 hours of work, mostly in regards to Jobs.  This means I lost my only saved drafts of Dragoon/Samurai/Ninja with non Jump/Iaido/Throw skillsets, among a few other things.  It was mostly restored, but I cannot remember what my Ninja did for the life of me so I had to basically make this set from scratch when posting it.

Quote from: The Damned on March 08, 2011, 02:48:19 amWith regards to Ninja, I meant more that the skillset has revive AND the suicidal attacks, meaning you don't really sacrifice not having revival because the skillset has it in addition to the things you wanted to attack. I'm aware they can't revive themselves. (Hmm...maybe I should make Reraise unable to target self now that I think about it....)

It's also the weakest Revival at 21% besides Phoenix Down, and due to being Will + PA based has a fairly low hit rate compared to the Monk's Revive (though the Ninja's entire skillset besides Shadow Cloak is boosted by Barehanded), and lack of compatibility with Elements means it's not getting boosted that way.  The Suicidal Lunge also takes 40 MP, so you can't get many uses out of it unless you spec MP or run Blood Price with a more competent skill than Phoenix Down reviving you (most likely Priest's Raise, which also has a somewhat inhibitive MP cost and a CT), etc.  Sure, this set gives you a bunch of offense and a revival skill, but that's it.  No Buff/Debuff/Heal/etc, just some mostly weak-but-Protect-ignoring offense skills, a kamizake technique, and the second-weakest revival skill in the game.  Regardless, Suicidal Lunge and/or Smelling Salt can easily be removed when I think of something better to put there or someone else gives me a usable suggestion for them.  Ninja's definitely the class most likely to see revision beyond hit rate or Y fiddling, regardless, even if I honestly somewhat like the flair this class came out having despite how ad hoc it is.

This discussion bit on MP reminds me though, Mana Efficiency is possibly going down to 25% reduction.  I'm not sure yet.  I need to cross-check a lot of my MP totals again, and possibly do some across-the-board MP cost buffing.

Quote from: The Damned on March 08, 2011, 02:48:19 amAs for Shields, it's difficult to say without knowing what your Shields look like. I'd vote against it, personally, but you know your system and equipment far better than I do, so....

Crystal Shield is something like 29%/20% and you'll be able to dual wield a number of them on Thief/Ninja.  (Not sure if all or just some.)  Mantles also cap at around 15%-20%ish (can't recall, too lazy to check), so even with Abandon, your best evasion stack is 30 / 29 / 29 / 15 for physical attacks (only doable on Thief/Ninja, and assumes I let Crystal Shield be Dual Wielded, and will only apply at 50% worth if you're smart and attack from the side), and you... don't exactly have a weapon to kill things with.  Shield evasion and evasion in general is far lower than in Vanilla due to there being more sources for it from Shields/W-Ev/Mantles on basically everything now.


I decided to update with both Animalist and Mime today, since neither class holds a lot of substance.  (Animalist because I need to re-re-re-re-re-make the monsters to make its skills, Mime because it's... Mime.)  Don't miss it!

Tomorrow I'll likely shuffle around and fill out the R/S a bunch and potentially post previews of the sprites I'll be using and my WIP custom palettes for them, then move on to either returning Specials or Monsters, not sure which.

The Damned

Yeah, Blue Mages are kind of a Catch-22 when it comes to wanting to do things in an orderly manner. I keep trying to think of a better name than Animalist, but so far I'm not liking anything I've thought of.

With regards to monster selection when it comes to Uribo-replacement, yeah, I've been pretty stumped by that as well, though I don't have your problem in wanting another Fire-based attack. Off the top of my head, I can't really think of another Fire-based monster between you keeping Bombs, Dragons and Hydras all around. Closest things I could think of be maybe Flans, who are arguably too similar to Bombs, and maybe Tonberry, though the latter is reaching merely because of their little lanterns. I'm not even sure if there's a Flan sprite, though.

As far as skills go, looks like a pretty nice, similar spread, though Self-Destruct being there makes me wary. (Although I just realized something else....)

I'm curious as to whether you had Holy on that ability list before that topic came up in ASM'd. I vaguely recall you've disliked Holy before that, hence my uncertainty.

Speaking of uncertainty, I'm not sure how I feel about Mime having absolutely no C-EV or immunities. It seems rather...odd, but we'll see how it works out. (For a moment there, I misread that you wanted Mimic to not be automatic as well and instead be a menu option. Not sure where I conjured that from.)
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"


yeah i've been looking for a flan sprite for my own patch the last couple of days and it doesnt look like anyone finished one.

Let me rephrase. There was the one that was imported from FFTA and was yellow and looked like crap, but was functional. No one has finished a good one as far as i could find.
I will show you the power of SARDIIIIINES!!!!


Well, Self Destruct isn't doing Lifebreak damage, but rather mid-to-high end Fire damage across the area.  So it's affected by your standard defensive skills and such.  I may also possibly flag it as Critical only and make it the Bomb's Desperation Skill, I'm unsure.  (Every breed is getting a Desperation Skill now, some of which are Blue Magic as you can see.)

I'm adding Tonberries, but not as a normal monster.  I need a normal, recruitable Fire-monster to round out some element distribution nonsense, since I don't think I can bullshit flaming pigs unless someone wants to light the Uribo sprite on fire.  The Uribo itself will likely stay as something not part of the primary monster set if that doesn't happen, though.  Flan could maybe work, but ugh FFTA.  And what RandMuadDib said, no good sprite for it currently.

That slot has flopped between Holy and a skill called Cleave a couple times, since the Minotaur have Holy for a similar reason to why they do in ASM'd as I didn't want the skill gone entirely, and wasn't entirely in favor of making it an AI-only skill on Zalmo and a few other units.  I detest it on Priest because Priest has no business using that kind of spell.  Minotaur are very aggressive, and Blue Magic by definition is a slapdash of crap piled together, so it worked out this way as they needed a non-self-area magic skill.

Mime has no immunities because there's no reasons status based teams should automatically have to go "fuck" when there's Mimes across the board.  Mimes have no C-Ev because they're honestly pretty beefy and are a well of free actions between Metronome Arts and Double Magic + 255 MP multiplier.  Hell, I'm pretty sure you can pull off triple casts of spells such as Cure if you do it correctly using that.  They don't have teh leet uber PA or MA, but turns are more valuable than ever because you need more than one to kill things... and Mime gives you free turns in spades.  It has a skill curve to use correctly, but them's the breaks.  Mime's always been that way besides possibly in super-recent renditions of 1.3 where they have over 9000 Move... and earlier on when they got status immunities, because that's also not a feature from Vanilla.

The Damned

Yes, I'm well-aware that the status immunity wasn't part of Vanilla. We don't exactly want to start using Vanilla as the measuring stick for things, though, even as much as we all enjoyed it.

Again, reasonable and interesting assessments all. Provided I stay for the rest of the night (once I finished reading what I'm reading at present), I'll inform you if I think up any reasonable monsters that can be a three-of.

To clear up confusion, though, Self-Destruct DOES kill you still, but it does fixed damage now that isn't the stupid Shock one?
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"


Just saying as much, in case you were thinking I removed a buff they had in Vanilla for some reason or something.  I don't use it for a yardstick, but I don't really use 1.3 as one either.

Alright, any ideas for useful monsters or jobs to fill the holes in the Job Wheel are always appreciated.  I'm thinking one of the remaining 3 human jobs will likely be some sort of mana-battery, since there is no dedicated outlet to MP recovery, just a few assorted skills.

Self-Destruct does MA based damage at this time, actually.  Like all Fire skills, its a high-risk, high-power move... except the high-power is a bit spread over an area instead of concentrated on one unlucky fucker and the high-risk is death on self.

Edit: I forgot to mention when I updated the post, but all units can now use Shields, Dimensionalists and Wizards can use Poles, and I think I gave one extra class that I can't recall access to Spellswords.  May give Dragoon access to Swords and Spellswords as well.

The Damned

(Damn it. I meant to respond to this last night before I fell asleep.)

I wasn't bringing up the Mime thing because they weren't the same as Vanilla or the same as 1.3. It was more of "hmm, that's odd. I wonder how that will end up working out" thing, especially since it's not like Mime needs to be immune to everything under the sun like 1.3; mine certainly isn't (and never will become as such--in fact, it might lose some immunities).

As for the jobs you still "need" to fill in, would being a mana-battery be a strict necessity? I mean, it seem like a kind of narrow niche, especially since I'm assuming that you're keeping Ether and Hi-Ether around.

At present, I have no further comments about Self-Destruct and allowing everyone to use Shields. They're both sensible paths, so we'll see how they turn out. Dragoons having Swords and Spellswords seem fine. I think mine can use Swords (though it doesn't matter since at present they're forced to use Jump again...sigh).

Before I forget again, though, I must admit I do find it odd that both Thief and Ninja have Dual Wield innately. I suppose it's better than alternative of giving Thief innate Concentrate like in 1.3., but....
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"


Animist, Shaman, Naturalist, Loremaster, Technician, Wild Child... there's seriously nothing better than Animalist?! I would go with "Trepie" before that.
  • Modding version: PSX


Animist works.  I pulled Animalist out my ass with an FFTA reference guide at retarded o'clock in the morning while half awake because I realized I had all one-word class titles then "BLUE MAGE."  Would've looked quite classy, I know.

Updated with some nice truffle shuffling of R/S around and filling in all the empty ones I had been holding back, so everything sans Summoner and Mime has exactly 4 R/S, and I have 7 empty R slots and 7 empty S slots.

General idea is something like Squire + Knight + Ranger + Priest + Wizard for tier 1, Thief + Dimensionalist + Blue Mage + Summoner + two of the Blank Jobs for Tier 2, Ninja, Dragoon, Samurai, Mime, etc. for Tier 3.  I'm 99% asleep currently so this is a horribly shoddy plan that needs far better revision latter but you get the basic idea.  When I have the empty classes filled in, Attack Boost and Defense Boost will be moved to those, and Defiance and Vehemence will be moved to respective Dragoon and Ninja.  There's still also likely a few other things I can shuffle around, but the basic framework is there and at least somewhat sensibly visible now.

I also decided to make my boosts all 15% / 20% / 25% to close the gap between normal units and glass cannon units a tad and to weaken retard-power-tank setups.  This'll be coupled with a universal buffing in base PA/MA... later, when my brain is functioning better.

Regardless, don't miss this Truffle Shuffle of moderate balance proportions and your chance to suggest some R/S that could potentially fill the missing gaps because my brain's currently dead!

The Damned

Meh, I dislike the name Animist, if only because of it was the name of the FFTA class that has nothing to do with Blue Magic whatsoever. It was obviously the first thing I thought of, but I've long since discarded it.

At present, the only other option for Blue Mage that I think is decent is "Changeling", but even that's kind...of meh. I might still end up using it, though, if I can't think of anything else.

Nothing to say about the RSM shuffle, mostly because I can't tell what got moved where. I must admit that I wasn't really paying attention to most of the RSMs at present anyway. Apologies, RavenofRazgriz.
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"


Changeling would fit a Morpher more than a Blue Mage, and honestly Morpher's a better name.  Animist/Animalist are still some of the best I can get.  Erm... Druid?

Haha.  It's fine.  I'll need to do it again when I fill the empty job slots and make the Job Wheel proper, I just wanted to get everything listed and get something a bit closer to what'll be in the final draft of things.  I still need some more R/S ideas too, I have just enough for every class besides Mime to hold 4 R/S total from the looks of it if I turn everything on that list into a usable R/S, which would make my undiagnosed OCD very pleased.  I just can't think of anything, and I'm trying to avoid using the evasion based ones for the same reasons I removed Maintenance, Innocent, currently have no non-gear sources of Reflect, etc. - I hate skills that outright demolish you just because you have a playstyle, and not because anything you're doing is actually wrong besides "this reaction says all magic suckzorz!"