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What is your favorite thing about FFT JOT5?

Started by Tempest, June 27, 2016, 08:49:51 pm


LOL, i need some of what you are smoking.
  • Modding version: PSX


no, they're going to surprise us with it not releasing because they're adding cool free stuff to it
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Bonesy#9386


Quote from: Bonesy on July 06, 2016, 02:40:14 pm
no, they're going to surprise us with it not releasing because they're adding cool free stuff to it

This... Might be the most accurate thing you've ever said :P
  • Modding version: PSX
Nyzer: Alma teleports out of her own possessed body.
Raijinili: Remember that you're telling a modding community that the game they love could use some fixing.


Nice job on the synth shop, absolutely gorgeous!
QuoteThat looks like a mighty fine place to pick up a new glass piece. ;)
Looks like Snake has the right idea =P

Hmm favorite thing....

That's a tough question, as there is just a ton of awesome stuff on JOT5. I can't speak for the new hacks or anything, which I am incredibly hyped up for, but they should add even more to my favorite part of JOT5.

My favorite part of JOT5 is the gameplay. I could literally talk for hours about much better this is from vanilla, but I'll try to keep it short  ;). The battle system and character balance is such a huge improvement,  I had trouble deciding my builds for my characters, even as a veteran FFT player(as well as countless other SRPGs). There are no useless builds in JOT5, really you could make any build work without worrying about it not matching up to others. Growth rates have been adjusted to be more balanced and actually make sense (for example, magic users have magic growth!). The new classes and skills are just amazing, and are just so much more thought out than vanilla was IMO. Random encounters actually pose a threat, instead of being a boring hassle. I'm also looking forward to seeing the future random encounters, just like nyzer(?) said, who wanted to fight just archers and knights on chapter 4? I also love the battles being challenging, especially the boss battles, but I even had trouble with one of the mark battles already.
Those damn frogs kept charming my strongest character, who kept killing one of my reviver/healers. While I was busy trying to stay alive, they kept buffing themselves with re-raise and PA+ until they could 1 hit any character. This battle literally took me 2+ hours to win the first time.

My favorite part of any game will always be the gameplay, I'm just a challenge junky, but everything in JOT5 is just beautifully done. Even on CH1 the story is well thought out and creative, and really draws you in. The characters are very well developed and actually have depth to them. Their personalities fit very well to their characters too. The events are absolutely flawless, they are just mind blowing and so damn epic. The sprites/graphics are beautifully done. And the hacks.... my god the hacks are amazing, and we haven't even seen the best of them yet! I can't wait to see what the ARH2 hack is gonna add to the gameplay. Plus soldier shop, marks and synthesizing!? YES PLZ!

In the end I have to agree with Jumza, what makes JOT5 truly shine is the dedication, skill and details that the team put into the game.


Quote from: Guru on July 07, 2016, 01:37:21 pm
Nice job on the synth shop, absolutely gorgeous!  Looks like Snake has the right idea =P

Hmm favorite thing....

That's a tough question, as there is just a ton of awesome stuff on JOT5. I can't speak for the new hacks or anything, which I am incredibly hyped up for, but they should add even more to my favorite part of JOT5.

My favorite part of JOT5 is the gameplay. I could literally talk for hours about much better this is from vanilla, but I'll try to keep it short  ;). The battle system and character balance is such a huge improvement,  I had trouble deciding my builds for my characters, even as a veteran FFT player(as well as countless other SRPGs). There are no useless builds in JOT5, really you could make any build work without worrying about it not matching up to others. Growth rates have been adjusted to be more balanced and actually make sense (for example, magic users have magic growth!). The new classes and skills are just amazing, and are just so much more thought out than vanilla was IMO. Random encounters actually pose a threat, instead of being a boring hassle. I'm also looking forward to seeing the future random encounters, just like nyzer(?) said, who wanted to fight just archers and knights on chapter 4? I also love the battles being challenging, especially the boss battles, but I even had trouble with one of the mark battles already.
Those damn frogs kept charming my strongest character, who kept killing one of my reviver/healers. While I was busy trying to stay alive, they kept buffing themselves with re-raise and PA+ until they could 1 hit any character. This battle literally took me 2+ hours to win the first time.

My favorite part of any game will always be the gameplay, I'm just a challenge junky, but everything in JOT5 is just beautifully done. Even on CH1 the story is well thought out and creative, and really draws you in. The characters are very well developed and actually have depth to them. Their personalities fit very well to their characters too. The events are absolutely flawless, they are just mind blowing and so damn epic. The sprites/graphics are beautifully done. And the hacks.... my god the hacks are amazing, and we haven't even seen the best of them yet! I can't wait to see what the ARH2 hack is gonna add to the gameplay. Plus soldier shop, marks and synthesizing!? YES PLZ!

In the end I have to agree with Jumza, what makes JOT5 truly shine is the dedication, skill and details that the team put into the game.

Please, do go on for hours. Thats the point of this thread! The longer we sit here and discuss the awesome things about JOT5 the better. Helps keep myself and probably others occupied during the wait xD

I agree, and im surprised i didn't mention the events... These events are superior to vanilla haha. More depth and ambition in the things that take place. Sprites bring a refreshing new change to the game, not the same old characters we are all so used to seeing.


no one talk about the events, because it's so ovbious that it would be like saying "we need to breath to live, or drink" XD I mean, who could not love the way events have been made please tell me  XD


Quote from: Hyraldelita on July 13, 2016, 07:35:56 pm
no one talk about the events, because it's so ovbious that it would be like saying "we need to breath to live, or drink" XD I mean, who could not love the way events have been made please tell me  XD

well... I mean just because it's obvious doesn't mean it's not worth mentioning. Vanilla had events too, which were "good", but nothing of this level. Everything is obviously good in JOT5, but it's still fun to talk about it  ;). Just caught that dark link event too, not sure how I missed that. Looks sweet, it made me laugh cuz the slash/knockbacks reminded me of the games with link lol.


Quote from: Guru on July 18, 2016, 11:25:13 am
it made me laugh cuz the slash/knockbacks reminded me of the games with link lol.

I actually wrote the event that way because in Zelda II, when you fight Dark Link at that end, if you crouch on the left side of the screen and just keep attacking he cant hit you and it makes for an easy win :P
  • Modding version: PSX


Quote from: Elric on July 18, 2016, 02:23:58 pm
I actually wrote the event that way because in Zelda II, when you fight Dark Link at that end, if you crouch on the left side of the screen and just keep attacking he cant hit you and it makes for an easy win :P

Man, good times, I remember that being a really tough battle back in the day. Still got Zelda 1 and 2 packed away somewhere lol. It's gonna be an interesting fight though, especially 5 vs 1. Dark Link must be a complete badass.


My favourite thing about chapter 1 Jot5 would be greater malboro.

His Bad Breath and Malboro Singing is great debuff/buff support.

And with Reactive : Regenerator, he's an all around meattank.

Now if only i can get my hands on a Dragon...
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


In current release, my favorite thing is the Marks
In future release, Synth Shop with a secondary item table that is filled from Battle Trophies and Poaching.
  • Modding version: PSX
Winner of the 2nd FFT Arena SCC Tourney. -Geomancers


My favorite part was the Hypnotoad.

I didn't finish that mark, and then I spent a day grinding out of shame so that I could beat the game and be done with it.

Tried to kill the mana frog, got turned to stone, my chemist got charmed and raised another frog and I whimpered softly as my party was very slowly peeled limb from limb. Was one of the most frustrating moments in my life. Broke me a little.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Sorry for the long delay (it's been years)... What I love in this game is: Agrias in long hair, Ramza bearded (like an old man, lol) and the difficult of this game. Again, sorry, but I play this game nowadays, cuz I love it, and I'd love see this game in a new chapter. Tkssssssss
  • Modding version: PSX
"Life is short... Bury! Steady Sword!"