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Arena battle videos and discussion

Started by PX_Timefordeath, August 04, 2010, 06:49:51 pm


Wow mang! seriously that was a good fight, too bad my get on status team finally lost. Well though your Deep Dungeon team could use a few tweaks IMO, it was still effective nonetheless, not that I'm calling your team bad. GG Barren!

Been loving these Arena vids btw :P


Aye, those were some fun matches. I'm surprised that team of mine is holding up as well as it is.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


Round 2 Match 2 Celdia (Even Worse Than Before) vs Dol (Heartbreakers) Arena 1338

^, Had this uploaded right before I had to leave the library yesterday, so it's here now for those of you who are wondering. <.<

Round 2 Match 3 CT5Holy (Iron Will) vs fdc (Ordo de Veras Vitae) Arena 1338

I probably should've picked a small map for R3, because it's pretty apparent that for the most part, FDC Wins on Medium and Large Maps. That Second Round's too quick to judge for someone to say "Dol beats Celdia on small maps a majority of the time". Granted, if Dol were to have gotten that 62% Petrify proc off in R1 on that Bard, the MP Supply would be cut off drastically, so I guess it's somewhat debatable as to whether Celdia's got the upper hand on M/L maps.

Note: I think an investigation's necessary as to why those quickenings weren't going off all the time. And after thinking about it a lil, quickening NOT triggering contributed to securing Celdia's Comfortable win imo with the Thieves getting less turns in than they should.

Besides FFT Videos in general, I've got another game that I'll be "digging" up and will have uploaded later tonight, so stay tuned for that in the General Forum Section :D

Heh, that was in interesting match, the constant sandbagging from my ninjas did it in for me imo because I'm sure there were instances where they were better off killing your folks, but no matter. The ninjas having to get in range as opposed to a two-handed lancer really hurt big time with those meatbone slashes. And lol at the flare procs going off every time in R3, GG DomieV :P I probably could make the team better, but I'm too lazy to and just thought I'd see how it'd behave like the failed "Three and a Half Children", which I put very little time in testing as well >_>
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


2 small maps+ Stupid AI charging into enemy spell range screwed me over completely.   Heretic's ring did me no good as the Paladin kept wizanabusing instead of using last dance to buy her team the ability to get the lores off successfully. Liked his heretical samurai, but maybe it would work better as a paladin with a shield since muramasa can't be 2 handed.


October 19, 2011, 06:50:06 pm #945 Last Edit: October 19, 2011, 06:50:37 pm by doriantoki
The weather fucked me over, that was the clincher.  As soon as I saw the map, I knew it was game over.  Luck of the draw, as they say.


Pew pew pew.

Muramasa is one-handed only.  I don't get it either.  Is that a Time Mage... with Chivalry?  Is that meant to be a joke or is she running Consecrate for some reason?   Rapefest '11 here.  Malroth might have had an edge if you'd used a Large instead of a Medium round 2... but with that huge DPS coming out of Dol's team, Firs Strike would've eventually caved I think.

Like I say multiple times in my AI Battling Guide, sometimes you just gotta get lucky.

Hey look I lost.  Fucking finally.  I was getting scared for a minute.  Having the right tools like I mentioned in a long post long ago and a bit of luck on the map geometry the second game to cull my mobility and revival did it for him.  I knew I lost when I saw which map you went to third, my team has a weaker showing than usual because no matter which side it starts on, it ends up divided early, but isn't large enough to force 1 on 1 situations like other maps that do this are.  (Unrelated: This is one of my favorite maps to test my team on for this reason.)  GG.  Maybe now I'll update my team for the first time in a month.  Either that or I'll go eat some delicious food. Dunno yet.


Why you gotta keep making teams that make mine look so amateur?! :P

Seriously though, weather and terrain ruined you there. In a less hectic set of maps you would have had that in 2 rounds. Doubly so because I noticed an error on my team that worked in my favor if I'm reading those Ninjitsu skills right. Regardless, GG doriantoki. Always fun fighting your teams. ^_^

Barren check the Brave and Faith on my bards in Diamonds and Guns. I think one of them has the values flipped. Should be 70/40, not 40/70. That would have made some difference in the last match I think.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


Quote from: Celdia on October 19, 2011, 11:32:42 pm

Why you gotta keep making teams that make mine look so amateur?! :P

Seriously though, weather and terrain ruined you there. In a less hectic set of maps you would have had that in 2 rounds. Doubly so because I noticed an error on my team that worked in my favor if I'm reading those Ninjitsu skills right. Regardless, GG doriantoki. Always fun fighting your teams. ^_^

Barren check the Brave and Faith on my bards in Diamonds and Guns. I think one of them has the values flipped. Should be 70/40, not 40/70. That would have made some difference in the last match I think.

Ha ha, that isn't my intention.  But Raz is right, too, though, weather and procs will be a large part of your team, it's just how it is.  And sometimes that is enough to turn the tide.  Although I did notice the weirdness in brave/faith as well, which would've affected the damage caused by Ninjitsu (it's faith based, damage, right?  Like Un-Truth?).


Quote from: Celdia on October 19, 2011, 11:32:42 pm

Barren check the Brave and Faith on my bards in Diamonds and Guns. I think one of them has the values flipped. Should be 70/40, not 40/70. That would have made some difference in the last match I think.

Just checked and you're right, I did had the brave and faith levels flipped somehow. thanks for catching that, now its fixed :P
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
You dare cross blades with me?


Funniest match I've seen in a while, though having too much sandbagging kind of hurt my squad.  Either that, or not giving Auto Potion to Roy.
The destruction of the will is the rape of the mind.
The dogmas of every era are nothing but the fantasies of those in power; their dreams are our waking nightmares.


Games is a strong all-around team.  It was an entertaining match.  I don't know, not really much else to say here.

The ONLY reason I won the first round was that 95% hit missing, that's the ONLY reason, cause otherwise my team fucking sucks!  Wow, this team needs an overhaul.  They do too much spread damage, which is easily healed, while Angelus' team does hard hitting concentrated damage, which is more difficult to recover from, since it puts me into heavy sand bag.  I don't know what to do with this team though.  If that Squire would've been taken out stat, they may have survived a chance, but even then ...


Woo, Quickening works.  Charm wins Game 1 by denying the QuickLancer, insaneSpeed wins games 2 and 3.

Asura Knife wins/loses this match simultaneously for FDC, allowing him to do 700 damage to the Undead Samurai but being worthless vs Black Costume Scholars.  Charm turned that into a clean sweep into a draw and almost a full turnaround, hah.

Um... pain, bloodshed, and agony?  That miracle dodge in the first game is why I dislike the Global C-EV Hack.  That Mediator didn't like using Draw Out on that Squire for some reason, either.  Well, huh.  Just doublechecked all the items in case something was messed up and he definitely doesn't Absorb/Cancel Dark.  Weird AI is weird, I guess.


The AI is just way too anal on who they target, basing it strictly on HP values.  That Squire was dangerous, but was ignored the 2nd and 3rd matches, mostly, where I was prominently massacred, and it's no surprise.


haven't watched too many arena matches as of late but looks my team has it ups and down. I think doriantoki had bloody rottten luck against my team nonetheless. I'm gonna refine my team anyways and see how it goes. GG Mate! hopefully you'll do well in future matches. Cheers!


Looks like those monks and oracles are the new bullies of the playground

Give him the stick, DON'T GIVE HIM THE STICK!

Despite good tanking, like mentioned on IRC, Scorpion Tail is a hard counter to 40/40 units especially when the ninja is running around with salty rage

Good match CT5Holy but when your units bunched themselves up, that's when my team starts to make quick work cause they don't get paid by the hour :P

2 stone gun attack up mediators equals path of destruction

Round 1 was close, Round 2 not so much

Charm is just damn sexy...just saying :D
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
You dare cross blades with me?


October 22, 2011, 09:35:20 pm #958 Last Edit: October 22, 2011, 09:36:04 pm by doriantoki
Heresy couldn't do much damage after they shot their elemental wad, so to speak, but had lastability in their favor.

Sticks are just too strong.  But a beefy team, none-the-less, with ridiculous damage.

I don't know but Derp is always an amusing match.  Didn't stand a chance against the OHKO Ninja and Wizard though.

Blanket had the lastability that first match.  Second match ... wow ... rape scene (but it was a small map).  Slow Zodiar, why you so slow?  Another smaller map, team spread out like wild fire.  Entertaining matches.

More like all that damage was forgotten, am i rite????!  lol, sorry, couldn't help myself.  Auto-Potion shrugged off all that damage.

Is it just me is was the AI dumber than a nut sac acting on my part?  That first round could've ended at so many different turns, in my favor.  The second match I lost because of three things, the placement of units, too spread out (for me), the oracles moving forward and with lower HP, becoming prime targets, and that Oracle deciding to attack instead of trying to rez the other oracle.  This team's purpose is obvious, I just don't know how to "jinx" the AI into doing what it's supposed to be doing.  Even that first round, Zombie was supposed to put an end to all that constant healing rezzing.  So frustrating.

Long range damaging Ninjitsu and Elemental, yes please.  That bag smacking knight, not sure what to think of it ... and she has counter flood, which does squat damage, too.  That thief that first round got screwed with that crit, lol.  Charm was a huge deciding factor here, otherwise theoretically, I would've given it to fdc.


(Watching most of the rest later)

Keep forgetting Suiton is Water, keep forgetting Ninjitsu has retarded range, keep forgetting Heretic's Ring is double Sprint Shoes + double damage + defense, and keep forgetting Innocent got its CT buffed.  Suiton leaking through really sealed it, though, based on the trouble Heresy had taking out the remaining two Paladins once Haste and Innocent wore off.  Even Suiton was only doing about 100 damage without Innocent, so... oh well.  I don't think there's much of a way to cover Suiton without compromising my setup, sadly.  One day, maybe I won't need to build around the awful Paladin skillset and this team will be much more lethal.

How to Beat DERP.  Alternately: Why Scorpion Tail is broke.