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Messages - Rfh

Help! / Re: About Blank Formula
September 09, 2018, 08:16:00 am
Yes, it can be done. You just need to repoint the routine of 11,13,18,19,46 that is only:

jr r31

to some free space and write your formula. Glain made an ASM that makes Formula 11: Damage = MA * (WP+Y). You can check it here: http://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?topic=7864.0

IIRC there is no allocated space for formulas >= 65, so it should involve some tricky ASM with formula call routine.
Help! / Re: Female Ramza hack?
August 30, 2018, 10:58:04 am
Search function on the site is always your friend. I found a female Ramza sprite that you can add with Shishi:
Quote from: Auron on April 02, 2018, 06:38:59 am
Sprite Request:  Noctis from final fantasy XV or Lightning Farron from final fantasy XIII Would be pretty awesome

They actually exist:


The Lounge / Tactics Alexander
March 24, 2018, 10:52:44 am

I'm surprised that nobody had commented this in the forum.
Square Enix has their own sense of humor, and for April Fool's day the company released a trailer for a non-existent tactical role-playing game called Tactics Alexander. It's gorgeous, it has a delightful pixel art, music, promising plot and also feel like a stab in your heart when you realize that it's not real.
It makes me wonder, what is the purpose of this trailer?  Is it just publicity of FFXIV aimed for retro SRPG gamers or do they wonder about the people interest in SRPGs and they want to see how people react at the trailer?
Square Enix have remixed some the Final Fantasy Tactics songs:

What do you think about them?

The most of them sound pretty different from the original, but it not means that they are worse, just different.
I specially like how Battle on the Bridge sounds, but I highly dislike Ultema The Nice Body.
The Lounge / Re: Map exploration...
March 24, 2018, 10:15:59 am
These awesome projects make this loved game never die. :)
Spriting / Re: 1 sprite location?
December 23, 2017, 09:32:00 am
The problem is that spriters published their sprites here: http://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?topic=405.380. But what has happened since 2013? The site is completaly dead. I tried to revive it a year before posting some sprites, but the sprites haven't appeared yet in the custom sprites section.

Quote from Xifanie:

Quote from: Xifanie on January 09, 2017, 02:13:46 pm
It's not technically dead... people have just stopped spriting and the few that do never submit their sprites... like people just assume I'll browse their topics for them and add their sprite; idfk.

If anything, this topic is a good place for people to submit their sprites and get proper credit for them. But like I said, hardly anyone bothers doing so.

I want to think that the sprite section is not very active last years because most of spriters are working to Jot5 (?)
Anyway I think that if the Sprite forum were active it would motivate new artists to work in new sprites.

Quote from: Xifanie on January 09, 2017, 05:40:00 pm
And thank you Rfh. I don't know when I'll get around to it because first they need to go through quality control. I think Lijj used to do that, but he hasn't exactly been around much in the past few years.

Because Lijj is mostly gone for the work, it seems that we need a new quality controller.

Journey of the Five Ch.1 / Re: Chapter 2 Progress Log
December 20, 2017, 10:31:58 am
Thank you for the hack work involving this mod. The game seems very well rebalanced, at least for basic jobs (I'm not played enough to unlock the rest of the jobs) But I'm worried of one thing. In vanilla CT was horriby balanced, because the units become faster when they reach highter levels and spell casting takes a lot of time, making wizards useless. In Jot5 chapter 1 this doesn't seem important because the units doesn't excel from level 20 in a average playthrough. Have you dealt with this problem in Jot5 future update? A CT scaling system with caster speed sounds good.
Journey of the Five Ch.1 / Re: Chapter 2 Progress Log
December 20, 2017, 12:16:21 am
Quote from: Bonesy on December 19, 2017, 11:15:44 pm
Did you never read that they're working on the Ch 1 update/rebuild/whatever first? jeez

I'm just answering what to wait about the game, the main post hasn't been updated in two years, but because the activity I don't think that the game still lacks the same things of 2015. So, would the next release be a chapter 1 update, chapter 2, a complete game or nothing is sure at the moment? I ask this because I saw this:
Quote from: Angel on August 03, 2017, 12:32:31 pm
Yes, we're still doing Chapter 2. And 3, and 4.
Journey of the Five Ch.1 / Re: Chapter 2 Progress Log
December 19, 2017, 10:40:24 pm
Just wondering, what is missing to do of chapter 2? The main post has't been updated since 2015
PSX FFT Hacking / Re: ASM Requests
December 19, 2017, 10:32:58 pm
Quote from: Heisho on December 10, 2017, 10:20:41 pm
Hello everyone.

I was wondering if somebody knows a way to change the Formula 44 that instead of using the target's MP use the caster's MP, or better yet, the caster's HP.

Thanks to anybody who can help

With a hex editor, in BATTLE.BIN change at 0x11FE58 98 by 94

If you also want use caster's HP instead of caster's MP also change at 0x11FE64 2c by 28
Quote from: Tobbzn on November 04, 2017, 07:41:33 pm

Level and monster scaling
In order to improve difficulty, you scale enemies to the party's average level. This generally works well, but there are some unfortunate consequences. For example, picking up new clan mates that you never level up will put you at an advantage in the late game by cheesing your average level.

The issue is that if you do this, enemy monsters will still vastly out-stat you to the point that they outspeed your ninjas and their "Targets all" abilities one/two-shot your low-HP jobs, even if you're level 50 and they're level 37. Meanwhile, enemy humanoids pose virtually no threat, which is also not that fun.

If the levels were based on the average of only your 8 highest-level guys, non-monsters would be more threatening even if you have some low-level party members, since you'll be hiring Story characters that prevent cheesing.
Conversely, some monsters should have their abilities or offensive stats (Attack/Magick/Speed) slightly toned down (20%?), but it would be a fair tradeoff to increase their health so battles lasted longer and weren't all about alpha strike and hard CC. Alternatively, you could give all classes +1 or +2 HP growth, making enemy humanoids more of a nuisance while making monster alpha strike more survivable.

I have always been aware of it, I usually get rid of the units with low level to keep the game challenging. What you say would be the best, but to make the assembly hack it's neccesary a further exploration of the rom map. I get motivated to do this mod because the work of rom exploration made by Lennart. I would love to do this, but I don't have the time needsly. I acually have priorities in my life. I'm still thinking in modding, but I prefer modding PSX FFT because it offers me much more posibilities because all hacking stuff already made for this game. This last year I writted more than 24 pages of ideas of what I want in a possible mod. I'm goint to use a lot the ideas that I used in my FFTA2 mod but with limitless posibilities. Surely the mod isn't going to be released in the next 5 years. I already done some of heavy ASM hacks, but basically everything is on paper. Don't think that the mod is unrealizable, if I work on it at the same rhythm that I worked for FFTA2 redesigned I will finish it around just 4 months. I know the time because I know how to make everything that I want on it.

Quote from: Tobbzn on November 04, 2017, 07:41:33 pm

I had the idea that since Dual Wield is unavailable to players, adding more bonuses to it so that it acts like Dual Wield, Shieldbearer, Monkey Grip, and all the stat-up abilities at once would allow you to make humanoids a threat even though their gear might be worse than the player's. This could also help friendly NPCs survive the beefed-up monsters.

Item availability
This is mostly an issue for the early game, and it's possibly made worse by me using the AP+ clan privilege. I've attempted to pick different jobs on my second playthrough, but it feels like some of the basic jobs really lack gear options because everything's locked behind the Bazaar - and you have no Steal Loot until the mid-game so loot is tight. It feels like the game really opens up upon reaching Fluorgis, even more so than in the vanilla game. Not only do you get access to new races and classes, but loot abruptly diversifies.

  • Humes feel encouraged to take the Soldier-Paladin path because those are the ability weapons you get early, and the abilities take a lot of AP so you stay a Soldier a lot while leveling. Hunters can unlock moderately early, but it took me forever to get any ability greatbows beyond "Hunting" - and since you're unlikely to get a fourth Thievery ability until Fluorgis, going the Thief-Ninja route leaves you with only Mug, Steal MP and Steal Gist for a long time, none of which are reliable.

  • Bangaa similarly get stuck as Warriors for quite a while since White Monk abilities are few and far between, but late-game the only job I can't see myself using is Bishop - unless I hire a brand new Bishop that doesn't have terrible Magick stat, of course.

  • I've been wanting to build a physical Viera, but the early game seems to only have caster weapons available. For my third playthrough I'll probably do the early game as a Green Mage since the Attack growth isn't as terrible as other casters, but I still wish I could put them on the Fencer or Archer-Sniper track immediately.

  • Nu Mou and Moogles both straight up run out of ability-granting gear in the early game. Since ability instruments and ability knives are in particularly short supply, the first advanced path you can take is when you unlock tier 2 elemental rods, heavily encouraging the Black Magick -> Time Magick route. While Nu Mou do become very useful with their advanced classes in the late game, I feel like I've never gotten the hang of Moogles - possibly because I spend the early game jumping between the jobs before running out of abilities to learn, so the stat distribution ends up a bit wonky.

I think ideally a lot of Bazaar items that don't use level 4 loot could be unlocked from the start, since Steal Loot is unavailable until the midgame. A nice consequence is that a lot of the bazaar entries that you're likely to never actually bother to complete, like Bronze Armor or Colossal Sword, would be removed from the bazaar list so you wouldn't have to spend so much time scrolling. The easy way out: Grant most E-tier gear at the start.

If Thief can't have a 4th useful ability knife, Ninja could only require 3 Thief abilities to make that path more viable as a starting career.

Tonberries and Tonberry Kings can't act, making the AP+ clan trial and several missions trivial. Edit: They can act, but only when Charmed. It's like the AI is turned off unless charmed.
Sometimes Headless act as though they can't attack or use abilities - they just run around like headless chicken. I particularly remember one in "The Cat's Meow" acting this way.
At some point, Ignis Fatuus was randomly learned by all my Humes, despite not having unlocked Sorcerer.
Some of the Kings of Cinquleur have empty ability sets, presumably because they used to know skills you've removed.
Berserkers have the highest MP growth, for some reason.
Triple Edge (Sky Pirate) does not trigger Counter.
Sky Attack (Sniper) can be learned, but is not on your list.

I wish I could just remove invisible traps from all missions that have no Rangers or Hunters on the enemy team. If they were visible you could plan around them, but this romhack is sufficiently unforgiving that a single trap can make your house of cards fall apart. I was thinking about doing an LP series for this hack, but I realized I'd be save scumming traps, which would make it feel cheap. Unfortunately Libra is locked behind Adaptability II, which is a late-game clan trial.

Make the Dream Claws (Chroma Gem skill) available in the store as a baseline, so you could aim for a way to reveal traps early, at the cost of having a Tinker skillset on your team.

I think that the level cap is good at 50. I finished the game at this level, but can reach it before if you do a lot sidequests.

I agree with the rest of the things you say. The item availability is the same of vainilla, and the most of battles are untouched. Lennart made a exploration of every battle of the game, but there isn't a editor for it, so actually it should be done manually with a hex editor. (very tedius) Making a battle editor for this game require a huge amount of time, because the +300 fights and because you need to manage a lot of names and data. Iniatilly I want to do it, but quickly I found myself with lack of time. I would love to improve no monters fights, giving the unit better equipment and abilities.

Because my lack the time and my interest in PSX FFT, i'm not think that I will release a new patch for it (At most one that corrects some serious errors if they are found). So everyone is welcome to take my work of this mod, and continue improving it with everything that he wants.

Thank you very much for your remarks
Spriting / Re: Lion's Bizarre Spriting Adventure
October 23, 2017, 04:21:15 am
Quote from: Lionheart537 on October 02, 2017, 12:07:10 am
After a much longer than intended break (extended further by discovering neir automata) i got back into doing some work for this sprite again. I looked at some vanillas and you're right Satoh, they flow more than the blocky hair I had before. After reworking it myself several times I ended up using your example with tiny edits (hope you don't mind). I also decided to rework all the dresses. Here are my current concepts.
From top to bottom are
1. The original
2. reworked dress and hair with new highlight (can't find a suitable shade for this hair color though  :cry: )
3.  reworked dress and hair with added decor in place of a dedicated hair highlight.

Which do you guys think looks best and how would you improve them? I mostly like the dress and hair design changes but i see a few wrinkles I'll iron out tomorrow. *note for this frame the dress is slightly wider, opened-out than how most should appear, this is intended*

You made a definitely a huge improvement of the port that I made some years ago. I would love to see the sprite finished with these concept!  :)
Quote from: dreamtrain on September 27, 2017, 05:15:54 pm
I really liked this project, its the only FFTA2 rebalance that appeals to me, but the lack of dual wield was a dealbreaker to me, I would like to teach myself how to tweak with these kind of hacks, I'd be adding Dual Wield back.

Also it seems like past a point the game can't be played because of the issues with level cap, as well as the one shot cockatrice in that quest. Anyone having any other issues?

A intesting way to rebalance Dual Wield is to make that each attack do 0.75 of original damage.

I don't know what issue of level cap you mean. Can you explain it?
Spriting / Re: Viera Sprite?
July 08, 2017, 01:14:00 pm
There is a unfinished sprite of Fran made by Valkirist:
Quote from: Raijinili on May 05, 2017, 06:40:55 pm
Polynomials by definition have finitely many terms. If it's "infinite degree", it's a convergent power series.  In fact, e^x is described by a convergent power series.

Yes, and the power series are considered a generalization of polynomials.
In fact, you can easily see that the power serie of my last post is just e^x^2  :lol: :lol:

Quote from: Raijinili on May 05, 2017, 06:40:55 pm
Being a recurrence relation doesn't prevent it from being polynomial.

In fact, FFT stat growth is linear.
MA_lv = MA_1 * (lv + MAC) / (1 + MAC)

Not just roughly linear, but actually linear even with rounding, because the bonus per level is constant as long as you don't change jobs.

I saw the dependence of level and RawStat and I thought that the recurrence relation cannot be lineal but in fact it's a constant growth.

Your formula it's clearly the explicit solution of the recurrence relation:

Thank you for realizing my mistake.  :P

Spriting / Re: We need MOAR Monsters
April 30, 2017, 09:43:25 pm
I've seen many Altima based attemps of spriting, but they didn't go further than their concept. Now you can be in the history. Keep working on it, Conman  ;)
PSX FFT Hacking / Re: "Quadratic" Ability Formulas
April 30, 2017, 09:13:51 pm
Quote from: Raijinili on April 27, 2017, 12:35:56 am

Exponential is much, much faster than any polynomial.

Well, a lot of polynomials have a finite intervale where they grow faster than a exponential function. For example 2*X^2 grow faster than e^x in (0.357 , 2.153), but in fact can be proven that there is a point where in any x value higher than this point a polynomial is lower than a exponential.

But it doesn't happen with a convergent infinite degree polynomial, like Taylor series.

For example:
is higher than e^x in the interval (1 , ∞) 

Quote from: Raijinili on April 27, 2017, 12:35:56 am
Not sure what to call Geomancy, which is (approximately) a second-order polynomial in two variables, but without any squared terms.

Talking about how they growth, MA and PA is a function of Lv, but this function isn't linear (it's defined as a recurrence relation: http://finalfantasy.wikia.com/wiki/Stat_growth_(Tactics)) so we cannot talk about a quadratic formula in terms of Lv
I really like your sprites. Is Deis sprite proyect active?
Site Submission / Re: Sprites
January 31, 2017, 09:50:13 am
Quote from: Elric on January 27, 2017, 08:54:17 pm
I wasn't talking about the walking cycle, I was talking about the portrait, which is why i brought it up.

And yes, I know Smash made the portrait, that's also why I said it, lol.

What I was asking was if you tested it, cuz IIRC the portrait has issues, since Smash doesn't use only 16 colors most of the time, nor does he use the correct palette order for ports in many cases.

I asked Kagebunji because I understood that you were not sure if Smash did the portrait.

I tested it: