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[Old] FFT: Plus battle logs

Started by Dome, August 09, 2011, 07:32:30 pm


and yeah, that got owned easily
Maintenance + gear that prevents Dont Move - Dont Act = GG
Something is telling me that this last fight will REALLY be lame.

Third stage: Three assassins, one with two crossbows, another with maintenance and salty rage then the last one with two ice brands and concentrate.

Cool. Real cool. But it shouldn't be that bad..
hurr, no

Wow Seal and Shadow Stitch TOO GOOD. They have low HP which is cool but damn they are hella fast and hella powerful.

Thanks. And I truly mean that. This is hard, but possible.


and like i said, possible

Jade Amulet is perfect for that. No Seals for you!

-- She's surrounded by three marlboro's and an Ultima Demon



But holy shit that was easy too

Um, did you mean for the marlboros to do basically nothing other than use their Poison technique? I only saw one bad breath the entire battle. Plus, the Archaic Demon was susceptible to Don't Act, which made my ninja perfect for this fight. Kinda underwhelming after the bullshit I went through to get here.
Honestly thought I'd get my ass kicked, but then nothing.

But I'm coming off from that Insane mode hack so maybe I'm expecting too much..


FFT: Plus is an hack for everyone...it's aim is to be balanced and funny, not hard...except the DD
THAT thing is hard (And will become even harder on the next release)

"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"


"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"


December 31, 2011, 11:58:04 pm #105 Last Edit: January 01, 2012, 12:38:23 am by shoruke
If summoners are proving to be too weak to kill anything, the obvious solution is to use more gun summoners. Or a mime. Or both.
Hey, it worked against the Finath River Chocobos.

I especially like the AI quirk where the red chocobos will completely ignore Ramza (who is charging Bahamut, and will soon kill three chocobos all at once) in favor of getting closer to my lancer (who is charging Areiz, and is scheduled to cast it on Ramza after the chocobos' turns). I mean, there's no point killing him if he's going to be revived again instantly, right? Wrong, chocobos. Very wrong.

Also, Angel Rings make you nigh-invincible against Ahrimans. Turns out that being immune to the Dead status effect makes you immune to Death Sentence as well, meaning that Ahrimans will gladly waste their first turn speeding towards you as fast as their terrain-ignoring wings possibly can, and then waste an action bestowing a perfectly harmless status effect on you. If they live long enough to see the Death Sentence harmlessly wear off, they'll waste another turn to put it on again.


Glad you are using summoner :-)
Quote from: shoruke on December 31, 2011, 11:58:04 pm
Also, Angel Rings make you nigh-invincible against Ahrimans. Turns out that being immune to the Dead status effect makes you immune to Death Sentence as well, meaning that Ahrimans will gladly waste their first turn speeding towards you as fast as their terrain-ignoring wings possibly can, and then waste an action bestowing a perfectly harmless status effect on you. If they live long enough to see the Death Sentence harmlessly wear off, they'll waste another turn to put it on again.

Do you think that I should remove this feature?
It's possible to make you vulnerable to death sentece even if you are immune to death

"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"


January 01, 2012, 11:03:55 am #107 Last Edit: January 02, 2012, 12:27:38 am by shoruke
Well, it was rather humorous to troll the ahrimans, but to make them more threatening yeah you should probably change it.

EDIT (to avoid double-posting, although I doubt anyone really cares much either way):
Zalera has a lot of mp, dood!

I "defeated" his skeletons by letting him confuse Ramza, and let Ramza go "help?" Meliadoul with the skeletons... when Meliadoul died, Ramza stood there not doing very much, while the skeletons waited around and didn't dare attack him.
I then defeated Zalera himself by creating a stable CT loop where he would target my lancer every turn with Flarega... and then I would have the lancer move next to him, jump, watch him cast Flarega on himself, and then land on him. Worker 8, Cid, and Beowulf helped. Apparently Beowulf is innately immune to Drain, which is handy.


Beowulf auto immune to drain? What do you mean?

"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"


I had Beowulf use drain on Zarela several times, and he was always hit with counter-magic drain... for zero damage.
Including the critical counter-drain that pushed him backwards, which I thought was quirky.


Got why
Drain new formula is PA*WP...but Zalera doesn't have any weapon!
Any number * 0 = 0
That's why the 0 dmg

"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"


hahaha, broken skill is broken yes
abusing that so fucking hard you dont even know


I'l remove the "Counter magic" flag from it in the next release

"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"


Zalera got raped without it, take away his mp and he's nobody

adramelk on the other hand...wow. must have take 1500-2000 mp from this dude and he's still spamming miniultima and golem
and is the cloud quest bugged? got the stone from the worker, summoned cloud and bought the flower, but going back to the city after he leaves goug doesn't do anything..


Are you sure you did everything properly?
I haven't changed anything about Cloud's subquest...

"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"


Have you still got all of the important characters?


Everyone save one of the Onion Knights and Boco, dropped her for space to get Cloud and Boco for Byblos, provided I can get to it.
Still have Mustadio.


January 05, 2012, 04:47:57 pm #117 Last Edit: January 06, 2012, 09:54:08 am by Dynablade

Fuck you adramelk okay?
had to take a team that doesn't do physical damage, all of the knights, worker 8 and Ramza made quick work of this bastard. Think next up is the undead fight, ugh..


"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"


lol nope.

shrine knight battle, and wow this is kinda gay. Maintenance on two, a chaos blade so that's nice, but the three are quite powerful.
Damage split + ~560 HP AND innate Wall is hilarious. Before this was easily a single turn battle, you just blitz the boss and pray he falls. Now it's almost guaranteed that there will be multiple turns, and the longer it goes on, the worse it gets. Why does one of them have MBarrier? Why can the Sorcerer heal for 300+?
This is really crazy. I want that Chaos blade, but it's really tough keeping my stealing chick alive long enough to pilfer it.
Either I'll get mad and just win the battle through brute force, or...