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Arena battle videos and discussion

Started by PX_Timefordeath, August 04, 2010, 06:49:51 pm

Anima Zero

Thanks for the video CT5Holy!

Long match, but the good kind of long match with lots of back & forth salvos being exchanged.  Seems like Reks' team has an edge in small maps where his Squire can get those Death spells off while the rest of his team more or less cherry picks at any weakly revived units.

Gotta love the 300+ damage jumps my Lancer was getting off in the 2nd match.  Imagine if sleep was involved there, heh.

As much as my team won, still think I need to tweak a couple more things (Me giving my Oracle Bahamut, WHY).  Good match Reks!
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
"I never cared about justice, and I don't recall ever calling myself a hero..." Zero, Mega Man Zero 4


Quote from: TrueLight on January 22, 2015, 06:28:04 pm
FFT Arena 1.39C - Reinoe (Knife Knutz) vs. The Damned (Knife Nuts)

Heheheee!  Thanks for the match T.L.
Round 1, the Bizen Boat sealed my team's fate.  All I can say is that I think MageMasher is not a 50% proc.

My team's performance in Round two was spectacular.  Oh a.i., you are a hoot!  My two attacking Ninja's literally taking a backseat while my Item Ninja 3v1' TD's team was really cool.  He wasn't doing a horrible job of it either.

Also G.G. TheDamned. 
My dreams can come true!


OHKO Units vs Mediator
Mostly status vs status. I think it's farily even match up wise, but I'm leaning towards silentkaster's side since this team should counter most single class teams.

Round 1 - Extremely strong start for silentkaster made this almost impossible to comeback from for a single class team. Petrify and frog on probably the only units with refute? gg.

Round 2 - Pretty nice round for otabo. I like the insult, poison, and death sentence combo Otabo has going on. Slow round despite the constant death and odin spells.

Round 3 - I think otabo's mediators being spread out helped him take this one. Love seeing players pairing back row units and romanda/mythril gun effectively. Counter magic petrify almost sealed it for Otabo. silentkaster reversed it by taking out revival units while berserked.

GG. Good round 2 and 3.

Tanky Status vs Absorb/Anti Elemental Team

silentkaster has no elemental damage, better status, and speed so I'm betting on silentkaster to take it. Also because The Damned is damned to lose 139 matches.

Round 1 - silentkaster has complete control this round. Not much else to add aside from status stacking.

Round 2 - Superior speed and mobility shut down The Damned's options this round. So much status stacking, sinkhole, and wasted turns for The Damned.

GG for Ladies Night Out. The legend grows

Tank vs Hydra
Probably the worst possible team to use in the request vs TrueLight. My fault though. I keep deleting my "mime teams on break" message since I post from mobile. Betting TrueLight takes this easily.

Nothing to comment on outside of reaction dragon spirit... as amelee attack in the first round. Thatis something that will have to be looked into.

Summoner vs Themed Team
I think both teams have a good shot at taking it. AOE Damage should be my team's weakness though since I dont have the damage or status to make comebacks .

Round 1 - Got really lucky on all the low % status and odin proc. Curse Wakka for having high faith.

Round 2 - Seeing my team work exactly as intended slowly lose wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Rikku probably could've gone for more crits though. Wakka could've used chakra as well. Tried too hard to make his abilities fitting with concentrade and cover fire being luck/rng based like his slots overdrive.

GG. Game Over for FFX. No idea what FF team I'll make next. Great track choices Truelight.

Mime and Ranged Damage vs DM/DA Anti sandbag team

Great Match all around. I liked the use of DM/DA proccing weapons on two seperate units instead of one and at the same time making a team that is less likely to get in the way of a berserked gun user. Holy's mime getting off so many mimics was great too. Double daravons too strong.

Didn't really have a team to bet on this one since I wanted to see ranged mime mimicking and The Damned's luck turn around.

GG. The Legend Grows. . . .

Ice Absorb vs Dark/Earth Absorb

Still catching up

Some day my people will be free.


Winner of the 1st FFT 1.3 AI Tourney


  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
You dare cross blades with me?

The Damned

January 27, 2015, 08:52:42 pm #3827 Last Edit: January 28, 2015, 06:35:45 am by The Damned
(Note to self: Add Mime weapon-duplication...thing to post about Mimes. I'm even less sure what to make of that Reraise glitch that happened during TrueLight (Crossroads) vs Shintroy (Triple Breath, Squared) though....)

Speaking of which, I needed to re-watch (read: skim the secnod time around) TrueLight (Crossroads) vs Shintroy (Triple Breath, Squared) and silentkaster (OHKO) vs Otabo (Total Mediation) again before I could comment on them. It was been way too long since I watched them and I only vaguely remember what happened in both of them, which is why the commentary with for the first four matches save my own aren't very specific.

Anyway, thanks for the videos, Barren, TrueLight and CT5Holy.

Not much to say about this match except that I thought that CT5Holy would win going in and that while I still say that Gold Staff may ultimately better on the Samurai, at least if she foregoes Salty Rage, that Rainbow Staff damage is really nice (and amusing) to see.

I figured that Shintroy would lose pretty horribly as soon as I saw Mimes. And then I realized they were permanently Berserked, so...yeah. Kind of doomed off the bat there.

The only real thing of note here is the reminder that Berserk no longer (?) blocks Miming now, probably due to the change in "Can React" as far as Berserk is concerned. Hmm...I wonder if that same change would apply to Learn on Hit then. Hmm....

This was generally just a horrible match-up for my team, which makes the result for this rather unsurprising given my horrible luck. Nago probably needs to lose Pilgrimage at the very least since currently using that is suicide unless you block Stop at the same time. I should probably just change him to a Windslash Bow anyway at this point despite Blast Gun still being usable (against teams that don't absorb Lightning or come with Auto-Shell).

I'm not sure how my team's name got mangled though. I can understand getting the pronounciation wrong--I'll put a pronunciation thing next to in the teams area--and all, but it's Baden Baden Loli. I try not to make a huge deal about it, but...yeah.

Anyway, besides Nago and the general match-up issues, gods was Gii useless. Dracula Christ, what I was thinking giving that type of unit Accumulate among other things? Sigh. I'm so bad at making units/teams. Unlike with Nago, how to fix him is a *lot* less clear.

Well, that first round basically ended up for Otabo as soon one of his Mediators got hit with Frog, though ironically that he may have had a chance if that Death had hit the Frog. Still, his team held out a decent amount.

The second was similarly decided rather quickly by the fact the Oracle got hit with Berserk immediately and, like Otabo's Frogged Mediator, never got cured from it.  I'm not sure if Otabo is the first to break the "curse" of Nelveska Temple, but he's certainly one of the few to win a round there despite his team starting out in the temple itself. For some reason, it seems like starting in the temple (of doom) invariably leads to you get slaughtered.

The third round was a good end to a good match in general, especially since it was pretty close despite the fact the site of Balbanes's grave isn't one of the maps I particularly like. silentkaster mostly can back from this because Berserk backfired for Otabo, especially since Decap does way too much damage, and his Squire was able to dodge Don't Act to get off Death and then Counter Magic a fatal Odin back on the Mediator with Summon Magic. Even then, he just barely won because the first Mediator to die happened to Crystalize right before the then-Critical Squire got her turn again after everyone else on silentkaster's team had just died.

So...I could have actually won that first round, even with my bad luck, had Datum: Goofy not generally been a useless idiot throughout this entire match. That explains why I got bad feeling as soon as the A.I. decided to useless meander to right side of stage for some reason. Ugh. Even when/if I make competent teams, the A.I. just kind of sabotages them apparently even when I try to compensate for that. Joy.

Oh well. This match at least shows that Vexen does surprisingly good damage with his Ice Brand for an otherwise squishy mage.

So that makes two matches back-to-back where my team basically gives away the first round that they would have otherwise won being utterly stupid about resurrection. Sigh.

Still, I suppose I would have ultimately lost just because Stop (the spell) is that overpowered currently and because Eliza doesn't have any damn range except for useless-ass Power Ruin; at least the latter I can fix. I mean, it's not like I was going to get Counter Decapitates off of Sekhmet with my luck, especially with Anima Zero's team having a Lancer...who happened to kill my Lancer with one of the utterly weak Breaths off of a spear. So this was probably just another bad match-up for my team--surprise surprise--on top of other things. Way to go, me.

Oh well. At least it reaffirms how stupid the A.I. is about the Power and Magic Ruin unfortunately. It's funny how easily overpowered those would be if the A.I. could use those intelligently.

So...the only team of mine that even took a round of the three is the joke team that's using literally the worst element for Grand Cross in the entire game? I see. Well, that's...just...yeah.

I might have even been able to win the round as a whole if the A.I. wasn't so utterly blind to AoE or if Carlsatan had gone after the Critical Wizard as he had been doing rather than going after the Critical Archer for once. Meh. Whatever. The A.I. is always going to be this dumb unfortunately, at least within its current default restrictions.

[Insert usual, justified kvetching about Kagesougi still causing Don't Act and costing too little MP here.]

Actually, no, I'll spell that complaining out again for once since even with the Quickening & Yell mistake on the Undead Squire and even with as stupid as half of his team acted in the third round, Reks would have doubtless won if it wasn't for that Don't Act BS. Even with my general agreement about CT5Holy's assessment of the Undead Squire's set up being a more than a tad ineffectual, it was essentially a 3 vs. 4 fight in Reks favor since Anima Zero's Oracle was basically useless against most of Reks's units. At worst it was a 3 vs. 3, where the Priest couldn't overpower the enemy team wth the currently overbuffed Stop spell for once. As such, the Lancer and the Ninja were the only actual threats and the Lancer got stuck on resurrection duty too often since Reks only missed one of the ten Death spells his Squire--better than a Samurai for this--flung at the enemy. Even with Concentrate, most of the damage of the Ninja he did would have been and was recoverable until Don't Act hit.

Honestly, at this point, I think I'm looking more forward to Don't Act getting removed from Kagesougi as it should (at the very least) than Quickening possibly dying. It's just immensely dumb, especially since Kagesougi usually comes with Innate Concentrate and Two Swords. I'm not trying to take away from Anima Zero given he's using what's there and his team has other strengths; it's just frustrating that Don't Act is still there.

Speaking of dumbness, even with the disadvantage from Kagesougi, Reks might have actually still taken that third round if Mr. Poe had taken the time to rid himself of Blindness during one of the many turns where he didn't take an action otherwise. Minvera Christ but the A.I. is horribly blind about a lot of things, including--perhaps appropriately--Blind itself. It's not like this is anything new, but it's also still frustrating to see.

First things first, I'd quite liked the music even more than usual this round, TrueLight, so thanks.

Now, I can finally say that my losing streak is finally over after losing at least twelve games straight. A bit surprised that I managed to tkae this so handily between my bad luck--getting hit by 18% Weapon Breaks had me expecting the first round to go far differently--and Knife Nuts as a whole being weaker between both my female units losing their Two Handed Knifing abilities. At least the Thief is a real unit now though  with an actually useful secondary rather than the stupid attempt at Time Magic he had before.

Of course, it rather helped my victory that this particular team of reinoe's lacks revival and also somewhat lacks offense if not going against a team that utterly relies on their weapons, like perhaps my Chivalry as Virus team and the other Cross using teams. As stupidly powerful as Ninja can be, that's largely in part because of Kagesougi's overpoweredness, which none of the units on reinoe's team has.

Not that would have helped much with how dumb the Snipe twins were acting in the second round, but...yeah.

Oh hey, I consciously recognized both of the first two songs, right off the bat, which I think is a first: "A Ring and a Promise" and "Blue Skies." Not sure what the other two were outside of the last song obviously being a remix from Chrono Trigger.

Not much to say about how one-side the first round was as far as offense goes, partly due to the the terrain insurrng that TrueLight's team just bunched up for all the Slow 2s thrown its way. That and the Lancer getting to spam Quickening basically made it obvious TrueLight's team was losing that round. Interesting to note that Stop technically blocks Stop though. I had forgotten about that, given it's not of any real import. (I still feel a bit bad for suggesting Stall even if the A.I. just wasn't using Persuade for some reason given it seems like half of 1.39 matches is just watching people get destroyed by Stop status, but I digress.)

The second round was slightly more even despite TrueLight continuing to get destroyed by status and getting more than a tad unlucky dealing with both Undead units and the Mediator. I have to wonder how the round would have gone had that initial (and only) Seal Evil hit the Monk or if the second Poison Rod swing from the Samurai not missed and failed to temporarily kill him; at the very least she wouldn't gotten hit by that Southern Cross from her own damn teammate.

Besides that, not much else to say except that I'm still not sure what to do with Gastrafitis. Despite the big number out put here, it still seems inferior to at least Hunting Bow, Night Killer and Poison Bow even though the latter two seldom see use for some reason. Shrug. Maybe it's fine as it is so long as you max out damage.

This was basically a 3v3 surprisingly since both the Archer and the Mediator were relatively worthless for Barren and Otabo respectively and ultimately Otabo's team just did had more units that did more damage. Really not much else to say than that.

Good games to Malroth, silentkaster, Anima Zero, Reks and reinoe.

I'm glad my losing streak ends before my Internet possibly goes out. I must admit it was starting to become really tempting to just go with a rote two Ninja with Kagesougi team + filler given how bad luck was/is.

Looks like I have to catch up again though.

Caught Up EDIT:

CT5Holy's team is basically what I feared about Last Dance when it comes to being able to be Mimed even though I still think Last Dance and Dance as a whole is pretty damn bad currently. Good to see it used at least, but yeah, not much else to say about this given how much Last Dance dictated the tone of this match, especially since CT5Holy was getting rather lucky with hitting it even before Mimic.

I will say that the formation for the second map didn't exactly help Andante49 either given that both of his squishier units started out facing both of CT5Holy's harder hitting units. That they died so quickly was thus unsurprising.

Sigh. I knew I was going to lose this as soon as I saw the match up, so I couldn't bring myself to watch the second round. Apologies. I'm just not in the mood right now.

That said, I honestly don't remember why I didn't give Mole Knight Awareness or Power Wrist. Meh. Not like it mattered given everyone on Malroth's team can hit through evasion anyway save for the Mediator, whose job I always get screwed over by anyway. I should probably just go with Projectile Guard on Tinker Knight since HP Restore hates me anyway, though at least it not triggering was due to Don't Act this time rather than bad luck.

[Insert usual complaints about Quickening directly boosting damage on some weapons here in addition to already indirectly boosting damage due to more turns since Speed is everything.]

Sigh. This took way longer than it "needed" to given how stupidly Anima Zero's team started acting mid-way through the second round. He could have taken it easily if the Lancer didn't suddenly start going for Wish on the Undead instead of just spearing them in the damn face or if his Ninja didn't suffer from spontaneous brain-death; as overpowered as Kagesougi and Quickening are, that doesn't matter if the A.I. just starts refusing to use them. I normally don't root for or against teams, but I admittedly just don't like "With Haste II" given how tiresome it is to see Quickening, Haste 2 and Slow 2 over and over (and over and over and...) again, much less in the same match where it's allowed to occur because his opponent's A.I. starts acting like an idiot. I suppose it doesn't much help that Anima Zero's Oracle is still a bit...awkward, especially since Bahamut isn't guaranteed to hit. At the very least, it doesn't help that the Cursed Ring units still eventually get so fast that resurrection no longer being guaranteed doesn't matter. What fun in addition to being about as fair and balanced as Fox News.

Meh. I'm not going to hate on Shintroy for winning, but  half of this match was unfortunately the A.I. acting even more like an idiot than usual. An example of this is that the A.I. almost never whiffs Jump if there isn't any outside interference. I wonder if that was due to Critical A.I. though just Jumping out of desperation though....

Haha. I guess it's appropriate that Otabo's Thief was the one to literally steal victory in round two, especially since Otabo's Bard was the one who did most of the damage in that round. silentkaster took the first and especially the third rounds really convincingly though, so there's not much else to say beyond that I guess.
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"


January 30, 2015, 01:34:14 pm #3828 Last Edit: January 30, 2015, 01:50:33 pm by Shintroy
PA boosting/Mime vs  Linear Damage
Favoritism aside, I think Otabo will take it just because he has status and Witch Hunt.

Round 1 - Tons of PA stacked on both sides due to the map. Silentkaster having a mime and haste was huge this round. Forgot the mime had Talk Skill. Quick Win for silentkaster.

Round 2 - Attribute boosting mime teams tend to be weak on small maps. Otabo just outdamaged silentkaster this one. Pretty close though. Mime vs Thief was pretty sick. Round 3 will probably go to silentkaster.

Round 3 - Extremely small map here. Silentkaster may need time to stack PA, but Otabo needs to set up units to maximize his damage.

GG. Fun  Match up

Paladin vs Balanced Team
Short match. I don't think this is the match the streak ends.

Round 1 - Paladins vs high speed and aoe. Each unit was probably a bad match up for The Damned. Demi 2 too? So one sided.

Round 2 - It was over at the Slow 2 .

Can't wait to see silentkaster's The Damned theme team lol.

Mime+Speed vs Offensive/Tanky Team(?)

Round 1 - Great Opener on my part. Anima quickly brought it back with Raise 2 though. Great round outside of Anima's Ninja being absolutely useless. If he had acted more I would've lost this round a lot sooner.

Round 2 - Great opener for Anima landing a double raise 2. Raise 2 is definitely doing its part as an equalizer. 4v1 at one point. I think my squire refusing to die by Bahamut and clutch cursed ring revival played a huge part in the come back this round. Wish to damage the undead wasn't pretty I'll say that. The ninja does a great solid snake impersonation btw.

Round 3 - Finally got to see quickening being used. The round all came down to who could come out on top of the sandbag loop. The mime landing 2 crits and fall damage won this round

GG. Great match outside of Anima's Ninja. The team had almost every form of revival. Probably too many in most cases. It did well in this match up only because I have 2 undeads. Wish backfired for the Lancer, and Phoenix Down backfired for the Ninja because it kept him from going on the offensive.

Twin Team vs CT Delaying
Just realized what Delay Buster is from. Upset at myself for not realizing it sooner even with an FFX Team. Betting on Holy to take it. Unique and extremely strong team.

Round 1 - As if Paladin/Knight didn't have enough to worry about when it came to speed. Last Dance kept the Paladins from being useful this round. If you can't get out of the Last Dance loop with your spells you're probably going to lose before the monk runs out of MP.

Round 2 - The Dancer and Monk again got the jump on the Time Mages. Over before the paladins even acted.

GG. Great Mime team you got there Holy. So good. Never would've thought of a CT mime team.

And then there's Maude.

Knives vs Knife
No clue who will take this one. Just going to enjoy the match.

Round 1 - The Knife team doesn't really user the knives as much as I had originally thought. Is this the legendary match? Is the Damned really going to take this?
The Damned has the advantage having haste, slow, and kiyomori
This is too intense. Long drawn out round due to breaks and snipe.
All of these DS procs happening I can't take it.
The Damned takes round 1 omg. I don't think there's enough time for a single team to take 2 rounds. There's only 7 minutes left

Round 2 -
The Curse is lifted. I think Reinoe using flails played a huge part in The Damned's win. Should've been loyal to the knife.

Some day my people will be free.


I found it really hilarious how the geomancer was basically able to solo all four summoners by herself; once the Fairy/Chiri loop started, that was it. That Blackmail could have possibly broken it, but then again, she can't damage the geo, so...yeah. Black magic bard can do (and did, in this case) everything a summoner can do, but better. Sigh - summoner is such a worthless class...until I retire from FFT Arena, I'll always hate on, and keep hating on summoners, and all mages in general. Yep.

GG Barren.


Sumoning magic isn't as "good" as black magic in many situations but it has its moments. On a medium map a Bahamut or Zodiac bard is almost gauranteed to be able to damage multiple units on the first turn and on every other turn he's not distracted by other duities,  on the other hand a Chirijiden bard will waste at least 1 turn closing to range and most likely a second turn Masamuning,  it will take 8 turns of chiri spam to catch up to the Summoner bard in damage dealt dispite Chiri's 25% higher damage to low faith targets. Summon magic is also the only way to combine AOE damage and Resurection on a 10+speed Mage chassis,  the short casting times of many low tier summons also allow speedy caster assaults to blanket 8 speed teams before they even get a turn.

As for summoners themselves there are several traits that can be used to some if not great effect,  Robe of lords summoners are the only casters capable of tanking a Bizen bolt hit and still being capable of casting, as well as being the cheapest class to combine with Shortcharge and Restore MP.

as for black magic bards vs summon magic it's a tough fight, but the only black magic element capable of filling the same role that summon magic's massive AOE's do is Fire which is the most resisted in the current metagame with cursed ring users covering their weaknesses, White robe/Flash hat support units and Phoenix crossers


Okay that round 1 was actually a nail biter because my team go wrecked mostly due to the summoner's strong AoE attacks but holy crap my geomancer just soloed her way to victory. Chiri + Bizen Boat saved my ass big time. GG Otabo, you literally almost had me

As for the team itself, I do doubt it can beat other teams that can resist if not absorb my elemental attacks so I don't expect to pull any more miracles like that ever again lol
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
You dare cross blades with me?

The Damned

(Thanks for the videos, TrueLight.)

So, despite generally being useless at doing other productive things, I've at least discerned the reason why one of the songs you've been using reminded me so much of Yuki Kajiura: it's because it is by her. I just happen to have never played the Xenosaga series at all, which is why I had never heard "Promised Pain" before.

I'll admit that I was extremely skeptical when Barren posted that he combined all of his Wizard-element teams into one given how unnecessary that seemed. However, he appears to have hired Witch Hunter Robin post-series given she solo'd Otabo's entire team and immolated them with the blue flames of Chirijiraden until they finally stopped moving in round one. It's a shame how much of that round was Otabo losing just due to how horribly blind the A.I. to what its opponent has said opponent is actively charging, which is part of the reason that "being mage is suffering".

At least the defeat in the second round was far more of a team effort and at least mono-Summoner team won one match rather than getting destroyed there too as I somewhat expected just due to how Summoner has the lowest HP in the entire game. Winning a match at all is more than probably the majority of my teams have ever done by this point. Still, this was weirdly one-sided for how quickly everyone else on Barren's team went down in the first round, so I can completely understand being demoralized.

I suppose being me is suffering too, though at least I already knew that. Sigh. I figured that I would lose this team as soon as silentkaster posted it despite not having a problem with Stop or Stall in actuality--I just think the former is over-buffed currently screws over and screws over anyone attempting to use high Faith without Jade Armlet and the latter just has me feeling a bad for suggesting since Mediators are jackasses. If anything, then aside from Quickening and Mimic Daravon (and Kagesougi having Don't Act), then I only really "hate" Slow 2 as well and that's just because it's way too accurate and wide AoE 2 for how crippling Slow is.

But, uh, yeah. Not really much say about that this since it was pretty obvious I was going to lose as from the get-go. This was basically Baden Baden Loli vs. Girls Night Out levels of bad match-up, only Shell got replaced by Protect and Chivalry's a Virus might actually be an otherwise decent team while Baden Baden Loli currently...isn't. Well, decent outside of that little bit of Nurse idiocy in round two with the Squire stuck facing off literally the only unit on silentkaster's team he couldn't take out.

Between that, my usual horrible luck--Counter Flood Lava Ball kill from the sole (?) Machine panel that exists; dying to Odin; getting re-Slept by Sleep Sword--and dying to Death Sentence yet again when using high HP units (apparently I'm not allowed to use anything but Gold Armor if I'm not using Diamond Armor), this was usual fun affair for me.

Oh well. At least Chivalry's a Virus might be decent since it wasn't a total rout despite the usual Sisyphean nature of an uphill battle between A.I.-led teams.

Welp, when I update teams later today while everyone is being absorbed by the abomination that is Superbowl Sunday, I suppose I'll try some SCC teams with Summoner and Mediator if Otabo's forsaking them. I'm a masochist like that.
"Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try." - FFX's Yunalesca

"Good and evil are relative, but being a dick cannot be allowed." - Oglaf's Thaumaturge in "The Abyss"

"Well, see, the real magic isn't believing in yourself. The real magic is manipulating people by telling them to believe in themselves. The more you believe, the less you check facts."  - Oglaf's Vanka in "Conviction"


Quote from: The Damned on February 01, 2015, 06:52:32 am
Welp, when I update teams later today while everyone is being absorbed by the abomination that is Superbowl Sunday, I suppose I'll try some SCC teams with Summoner and Mediator if Otabo's forsaking them. I'm a masochist like that.

I'll never forsake my mediators, haha. I mean yeah, I took down my SCC mediator team, but that was because I had other teams I wanted to put up; might bring them back at some point. But summoners, psssh, forget them.


February 01, 2015, 03:54:23 pm #3836 Last Edit: February 01, 2015, 06:01:46 pm by Otabo

Thanks for the video, TrueLight. Awesome as always.

Good match, if a bit one-sided. Key unit to disable here was, by far, Shintroy's oracle. Time mage was pretty worthless and chemist didn't really affect the outcome much, if at all. Archer was in a good spot sniping, but couldn't get anything to stick long term. This is why I stopped using Zombie a long time ago; it's just too much of a gamble; if it hits key units, prevents healing and rez loops and successfully crystallizes them, then that's one thing, but you still run that risk of having that same key unit get back up and possibly swing the match. That, plus mages/support units with no berserk protection, and yeah...this is the result. The thief getting back up from undead in R1 to sandbag, give the mediators more chances to 'finally' berserk that annoying oracle, then eventually unpetrifying the mediator swung the match. R2, more of the same; thief getting zombied, then petrified. Monk got to shine in R2, hitting multiple Spin Fists while the mediators were either causing Masamune loops from the archer with Kiyomoris or berserking Shintroy's other units, slowly but surely, then finally removed the thief's petrify. Team moves in for the kill.

Considering how easy it was for Shintroy's team to deal with my thief and my monk, it would have been a different outcome if they had Defense Rings instead of Magic Rings, but oh well. Magic Ring is kinda meh anyway. GG Shintroy.


These kinds of matches are painful to watch. Not because of who the specific players involved are, but because the blind + berserk combo is such an effective strategy, you almost root for the other team to pull off a miracle victory. But it seems they never do. In any event, if any of Shintroy's team had worn defense or reflect ring, it might have bought them some time (though, admittedly, not much since Otabo had two steal accessory users) to put Otabo on the defensive since his Rez power is quite limited. I agree with Otabo that zombie teams are very hard to pull off since the ability is unreliable at best for the AI to prioritize, but it also prevents sandbag loops and it gives that unit a free 50% chance to get up and do more damage. Perhaps a bit more helpful if your team is set up for the long game, but with lack of status prevention and with 4 non armored units, this team has to take control quickly, Shintroy. Good team though, Otabo. Pretty scary...
You've stepped in puddles less shallow than me.


Quote from: silentkaster on February 01, 2015, 05:10:29 pm
These kinds of matches are painful to watch. Not because of who the specific players involved are, but because the blind + berserk combo is such an effective strategy, you almost root for the other team to pull off a miracle victory. But it seems they never do. In any event, if any of Shintroy's team had worn defense or reflect ring, it might have bought them some time (though, admittedly, not much since Otabo had two steal accessory users) to put Otabo on the defensive since his Rez power is quite limited. I agree with Otabo that zombie teams are very hard to pull off since the ability is unreliable at best for the AI to prioritize, but it also prevents sandbag loops and it gives that unit a free 50% chance to get up and do more damage. Perhaps a bit more helpful if your team is set up for the long game, but with lack of status prevention and with 4 non armored units, this team has to take control quickly, Shintroy. Good team though, Otabo. Pretty scary...

Actually, neither of them had Steal Accessory (or Steal Heart, for that matter), lol - so I would have probably been screwed over royally if they had Defense Ring/Reflect Ring or something.  :P. Then again, that was the big risk I took when I made this team to begin with.


Anti Zombie vs Berserk/Self Destruct

Really good match imo. Really love Otabo's team(s). Berserk, Moonlight, Kiyomori, and Masamune is a really good combo.

Between Smite II and III I almost replaced the magic rings with defense since I stopped caring about my archer being charmed and potentially 1 hitting my mages.

Good stuff. Really good anti caster/disrupt team.

Thanks for the matches so far TrueLight, Barren, Malroth, and CT5Holy. Going to take a break from making teams until I can get arena working on this laptop. Can't handle excel.
Some day my people will be free.