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Arena battle videos and discussion

Started by PX_Timefordeath, August 04, 2010, 06:49:51 pm


Can't really see Buttercup as a Scholar,  more like a 2h punch art dancer with a lionheart


Thank you so much for the video!! Will look at your pointers more when I am at a computer and not on crappy mobile.

Haha, once again the day is saved...

They did a good job...acted more or less how I wanted them to act. Again, elemental absorb teams are not really my favorites, but it was kinda fun building that team.

Yeah, I agree but Bubbles is even less of a scholar. So, I tried my best to fit their personalities. Also, I figured they were too young to fight at the bar!! :P
You've stepped in puddles less shallow than me.


Thanks for the videos truelight.
that triple kill Cyclops in round three... Summoner for the win.


January 29, 2014, 01:48:54 am #2924 Last Edit: January 29, 2014, 12:42:43 pm by reinoe
Quote from: TrueLight on January 28, 2014, 04:28:55 pm
FFT Arena 1.38D - Renioe (Short Circuit) vs. Rouroni Elmdor (Operation Repo)

FFT Arena 1.38D - DomieV (Famous Knights) vs. Silentkaster (Thieves Guild)

FFT Arena 1.38D - Silentkaster (The Powerpuff Girls) vs. Fenire (Returners)

Thanks so much Truelight.  It's always nice to see a new string of matches.

On match 2 when all four of Rouroni's units got into the AoE I actually thought it was about to be a quad kill.  Holy FTW.  I need to find a way to give the Geomancers more MP but I'm not sure if I'm willing to use Half-MP.  Green Beret grants 20mp which means one more quake.  I'm not sure it's worth 2MP and increased likely hood that the Geomancers waltz into trouble.

GG Rouroni.  The rivalry continues so it seems.

At 16:17 one of the paladins tries to use balance for 0HP and 33% chance to hit.  What's the point of that?  Doing literally nothing was better.  Famous Knights is a team that's great together and it's power diminishes greatly when split up.  These units got split up.

The Knights seem exceptionally vulnerable to units that can hit 100% and status inflictors. 

They're still an incredible team to watch.  He was up against a particularly bad matchup and got split up to boot.  Still it's always a pleasure to watch the Famous Knights live up to their name.  Here I am gushing about the Knights and not giving the thieves kudos...

An excellent use of Thieve's inherent ability to use Hidden Knife and Swords.  I usually lean towards sleep sword, but more and more Ancient sword is proving to be the better play.  Maybe Sleep sword needs to get it's power upped to 10 and Ancient sword reduced to 8?  Hard to say since Ancient sword's real power is it's ability to end matches via petrify.

Matches one and two were fantastic back &forth matches.  Round three exemplified what happens when PowerPuff Girls face their greatest  weakness: close combat.  That wasn't pretty.

Three good matches.
My dreams can come true!


Thanks Truelight for the videos!!!!

Not much to say here...Lore spamming and AOE really got Rouroni Elmdor right off the bat and never let up. Reinoe's team is really out for blood...

They pretty much behaved like I wanted them to...the lack of females on the enemy team + the knights high defense made it hard to take down. I really like DomieV's team...and I feel like this was just a bad match up for him since the thieves' speed was so high (comparatively) and all the paladins were constantly separated. Good match DomieV!

Wow, so my team's weaknesses really were displayed here. Had that summoner gone down at all in Round 1, my team would have won. But that little bit of damage that I wasn't able to do spared the Summoner and she took her revenge all too well. Then, those scholars running out of MP at really crucial times...oh my. I could hear CT5Holy's commentary in my head while watching...I heard him saying, "Don't you wish that one had Absorb MP now?" Ha ha. Even without the overwhelming damage, I might have still had a chance in Round 1 if she would have spammed Lore instead of using Carbunkle because of her Low MP. Yeah, that was huge. The Round 3 Triple kill + Bizen Boat on remaining Scholar = very dead Powerpuff Girls. 
You've stepped in puddles less shallow than me.


ughhhh -_-

i just can't get them to work. i may keep the concept on the backburner, but it just ain't working out in this situation. mediators are too concerned with spellgun damage to do anything, and 2 sword fists is weak compared to sword, or staff or something else cool. i was hoping they'd utilize their abilities better to compensate for the low damage. the archers both have meatbone slash and execute, so their 40 fury would mean nothing for instakills.

i'll just have to work on it, no more operation repo for now, please :P

i do have an interesting idea for a team in mind but i wanted to know: if i were to cast "undead" on a unit, would holy do..2x? still null? 1/2?! is there the fire weakness still? i have seen few teams use undead successfully, but there are solid strategies built upon it.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
The bird of Hermes is my name
Eating my wings to make me tame
  • Discord username: rouroni elmdor


The item Cursed Ring nullifies holy. If you just inflict zombie on the unit then its when they have a 50/50 chance of coming. Therefore, holy can still hit them.

As far as two sword archers. Well first of all, they don't have high PA to begin with. 10 is the starting point for males. Same with paladins. Plus bare fist damage is PA*9 (calculating your fury vs target's fury and compatibility also factors damage) so you're looking at maybe 90 per damage punch at best from both archers. Two swords are specific for either inflicting big damage or two different types of status effects i.e. Ancient Sword + Sleep Sword. Dual Cutters + Platina Daggers is another common combo for two swords.

Undead strategies though you think more carefully about because its about how you use them whether its your main DPS unit or someone you can use as sacrificial lamb for your other units to carry weight for the remainder of the fight. Cursed Ring users (although OU) are good in general because they can't really die. You can cover weaknesses like I said in the discussion thread and can be used for anti-elemental teams as well. Just be sure that you really want to use a cursed ring on a unit though because cursed ring and white magic aren't really good friends you see; raise 2 eats zombies for dinner :P
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
You dare cross blades with me?


Quote from: Rouroni Elmdor on January 30, 2014, 11:38:27 am
i do have an interesting idea for a team in mind but i wanted to know: if i were to cast "undead" on a unit, would holy do..2x? still null? 1/2?! is there the fire weakness still? i have seen few teams use undead successfully, but there are solid strategies built upon it.
If you turn an unit undead, they keep their elemental properties. So you won't be doing extra damage with elemental attacks unless they are already weak to a certain element or you inflict "Oil" onto them. They are also now damaged by Raise, Cure, ect. Hope that answers your question.

Anyway, here are some videos from me.

FFT Arena 1.38D - Reinoe (Seven Samurai-3) vs. ShadowDragon15 (Knights of the Round Table)

FFT Arena 1.38D - Silentkaster (Signs of Aging) vs. Otabo (Last Hurrah)
  • Modding version: PSX


Thanks for the videos Truelight!

Reinoe's team was hugely offensive here...and I wasn't sure what ShadowDragon15's team was supposed to be doing. Being defensive and tanky? Sort of...Being offensive with high PA and WP? Kind of...yeah I wasn't sure what to think here. Reinoe's strategy was pretty straightforward...use some high HP, heavy attack units and slash 'em up quickly. Because they took longer to get to the units, you could tell Reinoe was having a bit more trouble on round 2. I think that Raise 2 instead of phoenix down and no 90 HP murasames would have had Shadowdragon15's team sealing the deal there. But the paladins wasting turns doing that gave Reinoe the break he needed to turn the match around. Once it was 2 vs 2, it was over.

Really? That team? :P Yeah, that's the team from Otabo I like the best actually. It's where I got the paladin idea from "Long Live the King." Jumping monks + 8 speed units = Signs of Aging's biggest weakness. I want to make them faster, actually but it will be tough. A few equip changes might do it...eh I guess we will see.

Although I still think I'll lose, I think a better match up against this team of Otabo's would be my team "The Four Seasons" or "Thieves Guild." Maybe even "Ladies Night out" (just because of the speed). I think I would have a slightly better shot with those teams. Though Otabo's team is really good, so I might not have a shot with any of them. *shrug*
You've stepped in puddles less shallow than me.



January 30, 2014, 11:13:17 pm #2931 Last Edit: January 30, 2014, 11:30:39 pm by reinoe
Quote from: TrueLight on January 30, 2014, 02:04:13 pm
If you turn an unit undead, they keep their elemental properties. So you won't be doing extra damage with elemental attacks unless they are already weak to a certain element or you inflict "Oil" onto them. They are also now damaged by Raise, Cure, ect. Hope that answers your question.

Anyway, here are some videos from me.

FFT Arena 1.38D - Reinoe (Seven Samurai-3) vs. ShadowDragon15 (Knights of the Round Table)

FFT Arena 1.38D - Silentkaster (Signs of Aging) vs. Otabo (Last Hurrah)

Wow, when I saw my Samurai doing billions and billions of HP in damage I figured it would be over quickly in Match 1.  Match 2 I was surprised I made a comeback.  Usually "Shino" is one of the stronger performers in the match but even with charging up her Draw Out skills 3-4 times her damage was not particularly impressive.  She may have to become a White Magic bot.  So she's gone from top performer to bottom performer.  RAISE 2 would have been great.
My dreams can come true!


thanks guys, i was just looking for a plausible use for a holy elemental team. not really considering cursed ring nulls holy, and oil isn't affected by dark or holy (unless i'm mistaken?)
i think the null holy should be removed to open up usage on chameleon robe etc. using "holy" to heal someone is effective, but a huge waste of mp/ct/potential in my opinion. using holy weapons is also a gamble not even really worth taking considering the much better options in place.

looks like i'm back to the drawing board, but i've been a little preoccupied lately.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
The bird of Hermes is my name
Eating my wings to make me tame
  • Discord username: rouroni elmdor


Quote from: Barren on January 31, 2014, 06:11:28 pm
FFT Arena 1.38d - silentkaster (Signs of Aging) vs ShadowDragon15 (Knights of the Round Table)

FFT Arena 1.38d - Rouroni Elmdor (Ladies of the Night) vs reinoe (Seven Samurai 3)

FFT Arena 1.38d - Angelus (Scholars R Us) vs Fenire (Fire Arrow)

Well this is match 2 for Knights of the round table where it appears there's some lack of cohesion.

I'm really impressed with the damage coming from Signs of Aging's Bard.  I might have to steal that idea.

Hehe, this Oracles are indded quite tanky.  And also using that tankiness to induce wall for even more tankiness.  I'll probably steal that idea too.

I didn't have much ope in round 1, but in Round 2 it looked like I was about to make a comeback and then wham-double frog proc.  Since Elemental isn't doing anything for me and Kambei is the most flexible unit, I think it's high-time I experiment with talk skill for him.  I could really have benefitted from Refute. 

GG rouroni, the rivalry continues...

That was kinda interesting especially with the best compats flying around.  Angelus' has one of the best if not the best Lore Spam team in Arena.  It has it's weaknesses though.
My dreams can come true!


Guess these scholars are still good. Cheers mate!

Interesting to see a lot of SSC teams here recently


Thanks Barren for the videos!

Well, my team did fine. But of all my teams, this is just the one that I can't seem to be proud of at all. I know my other teams have had victories and losses, but I still like them all better than this one. Sad, because this team was the original concept that got me into arena with my sister. I really feel like this team needs equip breaks to help with the status and one shotting. And I feel like I won here because Shadowdragon15's team got really unlucky with the triple don't act on Round 2, and just got charmed over and over on Round 1 and got lucky with two Petrify procs. CT5Holy, Barren, or anyone else...any good advice for this team? Keeping koutetsu was an oversight that helped serve as anti-sandbag a bit...but now switched it to kiyomori.

I love both of these teams, I must admit. Huge physical damage vs. tanky magic status...how awesome is that. I agree that Raise 2 would have been awesome, or at least made things a lot more interesting and hard to combat for reinoe. Also, I feel like more speed would have really helped Reinoe in the end...but speed is just so hard to stack on samurais...not to mention if you tried, they probably wouldn't be one shotting anyone anyway. IDK, I love the teams though...the oracle team is just fun. They run around petrifying and frogging you til there's nothing left.

Wow, what a match up. Those male scholars getting a turn in at all really sealed the deal for Scholars R Us. I liked both teams again...as both were interesting and unique. Good video!

BTW Otabo, if you were speaking about me as a rival, I'm flattered.
You've stepped in puddles less shallow than me.


GG reinoe, it would seem so!

Petrified frog. Mission accomplished.
first time i've seen them since the update, but they're pretty much complete. no matter how i arrange it, it's impossible for me to give my steal oracle the ideal situation for quickening, but meh. maybe she'll do it one day. any insight on times quickening isn't normally supposed to work (but does) would be appreciated. the only other thing i would consider switching is the wall back to alternate shell/protect2. they would use it just as often as wall, but considerably less casts' as it would hit nearly everyone. they really just want to target themselves, but with the aoe, they'll try to hit as many units as possible.

that was fun to watch. put a big stupid grin on my face when 2 frog procs went off. i was nervous watching the match not realizing it would be... that XD
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
The bird of Hermes is my name
Eating my wings to make me tame
  • Discord username: rouroni elmdor


I daresay, Silentkaster... I do believe I'm ready for this rivalry series you've mentioned.
Strategy is just magical.


Heh, it will definitely be a good time when it happens...but that takes some time usually from the video recorders. It's a lot of resources and time to do those videos because they're so long...usually around an hour. So whenever it happens, it happens I suppose. No rush...cuz I am definitely enjoying the videos that are all out there already!
You've stepped in puddles less shallow than me.