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September 20, 2024, 08:58:01 pm


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Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grim Grimoire Beta 0.7- Last Updated: 2/25/16

Started by Eternal, February 12, 2013, 01:48:41 am


Correct, they're technically images. As far as Engineer, I hope you enjoy nukes and lasers. :)
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817


Looking forward to 1.0. :)

I will start my FFTA2 run with the current mod and update once you manage to release 1.0!

I just "finished" my FFTA run, so logically 2 is next. Normally i wouldnt play FFTA2 right now, cuz im not actually done with FFTA, but the mod im using (Extended) makes me unable to 100% FFTA; so its kinda on hiatus until thats fixed (and i have no idea how to do it myself :P).

Really loved my previous run through of A2, they always felt easy later on, when you got the level ups rolling. Hard mode made a fine early challenge though. (Friggen monster stats)

Personally i think that broken combos arent even a problem (Job/2nd Job combinations, etc). The problem in FFTA series is the broken stat scaling. Doesnt really matter if you dual wield or dual hand, if suddenly a normal attack deals 250+ dmg, the challenge is gone. If i were to mod the game, i would seriously tone down all offensive stat scalings (this will also keep magick relevant end game/higher levels) while keeping HP ratios. Also half all weapon stats or something...

To post something relevant to this topic:
Is the first post updated with all current changes/additions? With all i mean all!
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown



Lennart's ffta2 editor has what your looking for. You can alter the starting and growth stats for all classes however you see fit.  I myself tend to reduce the offensive growth stats by 2/3 or something so that defensive units feel more defensive. 

as for the the current additions I dont think that the first post has updated.  You could use the ffta2 editor to view all the changed abilities but eternal has gone through the trouble of changing all the tool tips for abilities so they say what they actually do.  Outside of jobs and abilities most of the game is the same. The main changes to jobs include the assassin which is now kunoichi, a "deal damage based on lost hp" class, the arcanist which is a heavy magic damage dealer but requires 1 turn to prime a spell, the defender which is now a equipment destroyer, fusiler is now engineer firing lasers and stuff.  There is much more but you can check it out for yourself


Is it wrong that I check this thread almost every day for updates? Probably, but there are worse habits to have.

I had a couple other ideas for abilities:

- You could do a reverse quicken: delay a unit's turn until right before its following turn
- Teleport: warp another unit (either anywhere on the map or within a radius)
- Swap: swap the position of two units
- Are there any existing abilities that lower/boost elemental resistances? I'm thinking nul-fire/ice/etc. or geomancy as an active ability instead of a passive one
- Something else fun would be to swap a unit's weapon/magick values for a few turns


Quote from: chocolatemoose on February 28, 2017, 11:06:17 pm
Is it wrong that I check this thread almost every day for updates? Probably, but there are worse habits to have.

I had a couple other ideas for abilities:

- You could do a reverse quicken: delay a unit's turn until right before its following turn
- Teleport: warp another unit (either anywhere on the map or within a radius)
- Swap: swap the position of two units
- Are there any existing abilities that lower/boost elemental resistances? I'm thinking nul-fire/ice/etc. or geomancy as an active ability instead of a passive one
- Something else fun would be to swap a unit's weapon/magick values for a few turns

me too but dont hope too much for an update any time soon I've been lurking in this thread for a year now.. haha


hey kid, there's this magical thing called jobs

and eternal has one
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Bonesy#9386


Hey guys, you needn't fret. I'm constantly coming up with new and fun job ideas and the like but, as Bonesy explained, it's been hard for me to work on -any- mod lately. I recently got promoted to a new position at work that takes a lot of my free time (and energy- it's hard to come home from a long day at work and want to mod). That said, I've also hit a bit of a drought with my creativity, and I refuse to release anything that doesn't come from my heart. I did that ages ago and learned the hard way that it's just not a good idea. The cool thing about A2 is that it has a ton of room for creative things. I'd like to release a new update sometime soon with the things I've talked about, but the reality is I'm just not -sold- on certain things, and I want everything to be perfect because, ultimately, when I release things like this, I want to commit to them and not change them later.
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817


Quote from: Bonesy on March 09, 2017, 05:20:28 pm
hey kid, there's this magical thing called jobs

Like the thing that affects which skills you can learn and what gear you can use?

Quote from: Bonesy on March 09, 2017, 05:20:28 pm
and eternal has one

He has lots :D

Quote from: Eternal on March 20, 2017, 08:58:44 pm
it's been hard for me to work on -any- mod lately.

Don't worry about it, good things are made slowly.  Thanks for your hard work, and hope your creativity returns!


One thing I *really* don't like about not having doom and instant death skills (correct me if I'm wrong here, only like 15 hours deep into the hack so far) is that it literally makes several of the clan trials impossible, including the one where you have to kill multiple tonberries while doing <20 damage
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Just got everything downloaded and patched, can't wait to play! I'll hopefully have helpful items to bring to your table. I got your mod for FFTA as well and am excited for that as well :) Keep up the good work! I'll come back with developments as I get to them :)
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Hey what's up, I was wondering if you could tell me how you edit and hack outside of using Lennart's tools, is it just windhex? I want to make minor tweets myself and it seems from reading most of the thread, that you're the most prominent content creator here. Sorry for the selfish request, it's not related to your work haha.

  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Hi, been lurking for a while and started playing the current version a little while ago. Is this still being worked on? I notice it's been a few months since Eternal posted on this thread.

  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Quote from: Lamorak on August 13, 2017, 10:43:50 am
Hi, been lurking for a while and started playing the current version a little while ago. Is this still being worked on? I notice it's been a few months since Eternal posted on this thread.


If you scroll up literally 5 posts Eternal explains whats going on, I assume that is still going on.


You would be absolutely correct! Even moreso since now (unfortunately) there have been layoffs and I'm working even more to make up for the folks who aren't around. The cool thing is that I've been really inspired lately and have been jotting down lots of ideas for fun new things. That was partially why I stopped before- I just couldn't come up with any new ideas I enjoyed. I'm glad to see people are interested in A2 though- it gives me hope that even more tools and fun mods will continue to be developed. That said, feedback is still welcome, and I look forward to continuing on this when work returns to some semblance of normalcy. :)
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817


If you're still in the market for ideas, I've been kicking around a few, but not sure if it's possible to implement with the out-of-the-box tools:

A couple for the ninja:
- Bunshin: create a level 1 ninja clone with no equipment and no abilities (replaces throw)
- Kage bunshin: halve character's level/stats and create a clone at the halved level that has the same equipment and abilities (replaces oblivion)

A couple others:
- Buff to increase range (passive)
- Buff to increase AoE (A-ability)

Also, on completely unrelated notes:
- How do you feel about giving many races/jobs inherent strengths and weaknesses? For example, you could make all Gria strong to wind and weak to lightning, then give a job like the Vartan an extra bump for wind (so immune to wind)
- I like what you've done with the Vartan and the idea of dedicating a class to an element. Seems like a ripe opportunity to rethink the black mage and specialize some of the elements around different classes


Quote from: chocolatemoose on August 25, 2017, 12:17:09 am
A couple for the ninja:
- Bunshin: create a level 1 ninja clone with no equipment and no abilities (replaces throw)
- Kage bunshin: halve character's level/stats and create a clone at the halved level that has the same equipment and abilities (replaces oblivion)

A couple others:
- Buff to increase range (passive)
- Buff to increase AoE (A-ability)

These idea's seem cool, but i don't think it's possible to do abilities that spawn an object onto the field besides the Monster's "Summon" ability which doesn't work for player use. (There's nothing in the game that can halve a unit's levels/stats, only one that can raise a unit's levels/stats permanently...) And no if you're thinking of the Duel-horn Ninja boss, the enemy battle formation data for his fight has him with multiple clones of himself set within the enemy slots to make it seem like their clones when they're just enemy ninja's with his name and default set abilities.

For the Passive ability it's also unlikely to add or remove passive abilities that are hard implemented into the game(Which i've also tried to do so in a in experiment for my mod and it didn't work.)

To be honest, i want to see if these can actually be implemented to give us a good view on more options to mod the game with, and more unique ideas that can happen since FFTA2 modding is limited to an extent.  :|
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Zeke Aileron™#0606


You have to admit, though, that giving some races certain inherent elemental affinities (at least as far as resistances/weaknesses) could make some sense and is doable even with the existing tools.
So resistance to air for Grias, weakness to water for Nu Mou/Moogles (fits with their inability to enter water), earth resistance to Bangaa, etc.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


It's been a minute, but I'm working on this again. It'll be a bit, but I'm currently looking over everything (particularly Seeq) in an attempt to make things more interesting. Here's what I came up with for a Berserker revamp. It would need to be tested, of course, but this is the basic concept I have for it. Basically, the Berserker will be very similar to FFXI's Monk job. Essentially, instead of just Berserking yourself and hoping for the best, this revamped Berserker will be all about combos and crushing things to death. (Granted, if you just want to tenderize everything with Berserk, you're more than welcome to with the updated Scream ability). The cool thing is that this job would mesh well with the other physical jobs the Seeq has, making Reavers scarier and Vikings more viable.

Example Skillchain: use Compression to deal damage to the target and inflict Focus on the user, making their next attack hurt. From there, you can chain Impact (making it hurt quite a bit more), or if the enemy isn't going to die easily, chain Final Heaven next to heavily damage and debilitate it. If you just want to nuke something, you can go from Fragmentation (to damage and Oil the target, and make your next Attack command have extra AoE) to Attack if enemies are clumped together, or to Detonation to do tremendous damage to the Oil'd target.

It's still a concept I'm perfecting, but I like where it's going. What are your thoughts?


SCREAM         ->      SCREAM:         Bestows Berserk, Haste, Attack Up, and Accuracy Up to the user.               
HONE SENSES:      ->      COMPRESSION:      50% weapon damage to an adjacent target and Add: Focus on the user.
FURORE:         ->      IMPACT:         Deals two weapon strikes to the target with a chance to inflict Defense Down.
GROUND SHAKER:   ->      FINAL HEAVEN:      Deals tremendous Holy damage to an adjacent target and inflicts Blind and Berserk.
SMITE OF RAGE:   ->      FRAGMENTATION:   50% weapon damage to an adjacent target and Add: Oil with perfect accuracy, also grants Buckshot.
INNER CALM:      ->      DETONATION:      Deals Fire damage to an adjacent target with perfect accuracy, removes Oil.
HELM SMASH:      ->      TRANSFIX:      Draws an enemy closer to the target and inflicts Immobilize.
SMASH:         ->      DUEL:         Grants Counter, Evasion Up, and Critical Up to the user.
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817


Glad you're still working on this!

Some of the Berserker skills seem pretty intense and borderline OP. I can easily see using Scream and having another unit ping me for tiny damage to remove the Berserk debuff early on in a battle.

Does Final Heaven blind/berserk the target or the user?

With regard to Duel, is there a viable Seeq alternative R-ability to counter/blink counter? If not, is adding Counter superfluous?

The one gap I see behind the Fragmentation -> Detonation combo is that you're likely to have other party members take action in between the two Berserker moves, by which time it's not clear that a fire attack would still be super useful. Unless you ran multiple Berserkers.

EDIT: I'm down with the idea of using combos, but given the timing between single unit turns, what if instead of trying to let one job do all the work, you created synergies between two different jobs (different races, to force them onto different characters) for use? The only one I can kind of think of in vanilla is green mage/assassin tranq/last breath, which isn't the greatest, so I think there's room for improvement. If for example, you took the vanilla scholar and had a job that did party-wide buffs (like null-elementals), then you'd have a cross-job combo. Or, per one of my ideas below, if you had one job that used minor debuffs but another job that dealt big damage based on those debuffs, then you'd have another interesting combo.

I was also kicking around a few more ideas apropos of nothing in particular:
- Is it possible to structure A abilities based on specific status effects? I'm thinking a skillset similar to the Trickster's Traumatize, but based on specific statuses. Could do it based on user or target statuses to deal/heal damage or buff/debuff
- A slightly double-edged sword against mages would be to have an A ability that could MP turbo them. Basically to buy a turn or two in return for potentially higher damage coming your way later (of course now I forget if GG starts with full MP or gains it like vanilla)


Quote from: Eternal on November 26, 2017, 10:30:06 pm
HELM SMASH:      ->      TRANSFIX:      Draws an enemy closer to the target and inflicts Immobilize.

I have the draws an enemy closer function in my mod, and it tends to break a lot of the boss fights especially the ones that aren't supposed to be able to move, so you should try to test that out extensively, and it's good to see you back at it again.  :)
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Zeke Aileron™#0606