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Luiakyn's(Omnir's) Sprites

Started by Luiakyn, March 19, 2014, 08:33:54 pm


March 31, 2014, 03:25:23 am #60 Last Edit: March 31, 2014, 04:25:48 am by Seushiro
I did some edits to the gigas. I took out the upper pony making him looked stabbed by a metal rod... removed tattoos unless it can be done not looking like horns. Most importantly.... down to 16 colors

keep up with your work it is inspiring to see sprites being made even in concept stage. Let us all help each other out to give life to this part of the forums and ignite the other spriters to take pen in hand (or the mouse rather) and make art


Thanks ;3 I'm in the testing phase of the giant
Here's the sheet with the old portrait:

Note: I have not tested jump, so I bet it'll look dumb, but it was worth a try :<
And I need to think of a better Defend or prepare pose...


For charging phase, you can make his eyes closed, it would make it different from defend pose, and could actually work.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Good idea, and if nothing else, a great direction to start with : D


April 05, 2014, 01:33:34 am #64 Last Edit: April 05, 2014, 01:38:41 am by Luiakyn
Started on the concepts for Duma (Taurus), Sel (Libra), and Leviathan (Pisces). I'm thinking of renaming "Leviathan" to something else, like Cuchrain is "Cuchulainn". Because of the Esper :( Rebayathan? >.> <Flee>

Obviously not much is done, right now.


Holy fucking god, I want these new Lucavi soo badly.
  • Modding version: PSX


Thanks, bud : D

I'll be a bit, as I don't have solid ideas for them, yet.

Cancer will be an armored knight, but I'm not sure on the decor
Sag is... up in the air. Thinking a horse head
Aquarius might be a demon with a large mouth with water drooling out. Not sure.


April 05, 2014, 03:05:45 am #67 Last Edit: April 05, 2014, 03:18:42 am by Seushiro
That ant eater/ elephant head looks awesome!!!

For Cancer the armored Shell type like a Crab, Lobster, or Scorpion should be awesome.

I also noticed that they should have some type of Bondage/S&M thing going on them so being bound by cracked armor and maybe a Hannibal type Mask is good :)

What I mean about bondage or being bound for the Lucavi:

Cuchrain: Arm Sleeves and Operated Stomach (S&M)
Zalera: Collar, Metal Rods to stop arms, Binded Feet (Bondage)
Adramelk: Arms being tied up by cloth (Bondage)
Elidibs: Yep it is his pet snake but is binding him tight as his hands press against it as if not carrying ut preventing it from crushing him (S&M)

But for Hashalum and Velius I think they may be of higher levels so they are not bounded during their awakening into our world.

Let us not forget the hidden Constellation the 13th :) The Snake! Ophiuchus


Sounding great man. On the Leviathan naming issue, why not name it whatever a different culture used for Leviathan? Just done a quick wiki search. There's:

Yam (Canaanite), Nehebkau (Egyption) Lotan (helper of Yam known as 'wriggling serpent'. Just some ideas for ya man, hope they help.
  • Modding version: WotL


To note with Leviathan(Lotan), I got the idea for his weird head from St. Anthony Tormented By Demons:

It looks like a demented sword fish

Quote from: Seushiro on April 05, 2014, 03:05:45 am
That ant eater/ elephant head looks awesome!!!

For Cancer the armored Shell type like a Crab, Lobster, or Scorpion should be awesome.

I also noticed that they should have some type of Bondage/S&M thing going on them so being bound by cracked armor and maybe a Hannibal type Mask is good :)

What I mean about bondage or being bound for the Lucavi:

Cuchrain: Arm Sleeves and Operated Stomach (S&M)
Zalera: Collar, Metal Rods to stop arms, Binded Feet (Bondage)
Adramelk: Arms being tied up by cloth (Bondage)
Elidibs: Yep it is his pet snake but is binding him tight as his hands press against it as if not carrying ut preventing it from crushing him (S&M)

But for Hashalum and Velius I think they may be of higher levels so they are not bounded during their awakening into our world.

Let us not forget the hidden Constellation the 13th :) The Snake! Ophiuchus

You're right on that :O I don't think Libra will be confined, but the others sound right. A net for Lotan. Might make 2 concepts -- one with and 1 without.

Quote from: kyozo22 on April 05, 2014, 03:43:24 am
Sounding great man. On the Leviathan naming issue, why not name it whatever a different culture used for Leviathan? Just done a quick wiki search. There's:

Yam (Canaanite), Nehebkau (Egyption) Lotan (helper of Yam known as 'wriggling serpent'. Just some ideas for ya man, hope they help.

I was actually thinking of "Lotan", originally. I might take that ;)


Small update -- I'm not sure about this direction. Honest thoughts?


April 10, 2014, 01:46:14 am #71 Last Edit: April 10, 2014, 03:58:17 am by Seushiro
Shading wise some adjustments to arms will work. CONCEPT based..... *slow clap starts* Amazing the way they came out like tormented souls is just awesome the hand cuffs and wretchedness made it above monster and into Lucavi standards...  for Lotan although he is perfect if the net below won't work then try water like the marlboro even if it is not blue water is a reflection anyway or place a spear that he wraps on maybe... But Genius work


Just going to say it plainly, Duma/Taurus looks like he belongs with the originals. If I didn't know better I wouldn't be able to say he isn't straight out of vanilla. Absolutely fantastic.

Leviathan stands out to me because of the colors used for him. Looks great in a general sense but I'd like to see him done with other palettes.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


Sick pixel art... really I admire the hell out of concepts like that built from scratch.

Also had the giant in the sprite animator while i was working on Umaro and caught a glimpse of the club attack, to be completely honest it looks smoother than I thought! I hope you continue spriting so I can osmosis some of your talent =)


That Taurus is fantastic.  I agree with Celdia about the colors on the Leviathan though,
the sprite is great, just a bit to bright for what you'd expect from a Lucavi. None the less,
absolutely fantastic work. I eagerly await concepts of the rest!
  • Modding version: PSX


Thanks all : D I'll work on Duma/Taurus shading, and Lotan/Leviathan/Pisces's palette. I might elaborate or remove the hooks from Lotan's mouth.

I mostly wanted to see if this is what you were thinking with Lotan -- instead of a humanized fish. Still working on the base idea for the other 4.

Choto: you've done amazing work with animations, so far :O


Ya know, with all the event space we freed up due to finding out that Setup events aren't needed and merging other events that allow it,
someone could actually work these into the story of FFH somehow... (I mean like 1/3 of the event space was freed, so there is a lot of room)

There is sprite space for the 6 sprites (enemy only, not formation) however, ability space would be one of the main issues...

I would volunteer to do this, but I have enough events on my plate. Now, if someone ever wrote some cohesive additions to FFH
to add all the extra Lucavi into the story, I might change my mind, depending on the workload.
  • Modding version: PSX


I would absolutely write you more content for FFT with the other Zodiacs. I would however need the sprites (Also, I'd want them to resemble their FFXII counterparts like the existing ones).
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Timbo


April 10, 2014, 11:05:35 pm #78 Last Edit: April 10, 2014, 11:17:54 pm by Luiakyn
Quote from: Elric on April 10, 2014, 04:50:20 pm
Ya know, with all the event space we freed up due to finding out that Setup events aren't needed and merging other events that allow it,
someone could actually work these into the story of FFH somehow... (I mean like 1/3 of the event space was freed, so there is a lot of room)

There is sprite space for the 6 sprites (enemy only, not formation) however, ability space would be one of the main issues...

I would volunteer to do this, but I have enough events on my plate. Now, if someone ever wrote some cohesive additions to FFH
to add all the extra Lucavi into the story, I might change my mind, depending on the workload.

That is awesome news, indeed. : O Lucavi abilities are very limited, and almost redundant (if not outright so).

I'm not going to be doing FFXII ones as I felt they were cheesy renditions/replacements for the original 6 that were left out.

In any case, what sort of palette do you all think would work for Lotan? I might let him be a"free" one. The concept is that he is wrapped up in thick fishing line, with hooks in his mouth.

I'll be starting on Sel's full body, soon.

Lastly: Was Duma's old shading better?


Can I ask a favor of you? If it's not much trouble could you periodically copy the sprite so we can see how you progress? Concepts from scratch are my weak point with spriting and i'm curious how you approach it.

if not I totally understand, life is busy :P