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Roll to dodge!

Started by Kokojo, September 09, 2014, 12:19:08 am


Previously on Super Dark Knight Nacht's Souleaty Tenebrous Theater: Roll to Dodge Edition:

Nacht's attack was sucessful, but much to his disapointment, the wonder liked the sword. That only made him angrier "That stupid wonder wont give up will it?" His rage was building and he wasnt going to let it go that easily
Suddenly a strange feeling covers the world, it was affecting everyone, including Nacht "What is that?" He asks himself only to find Kokojo with a paperclip and a stabbed apple, and of course using logic he finds out what is happening "Red apples look like those cartoony hearts everyone draws, the heart represent love, therefore Kokojo stabbed love. That monster!"
His anger was only building, as if he was blaming his dog half for feeling love, if Concourt didnt fuse with him, love wouldnt affect him. But love being stabbed wasnt his main worries, he wanted to kill the wonder, because it been resisting his attacks the whole time, and he was very pissed.

Then only to his amusement, a portal emerges, and some messed up stuff are coming out of it, nightmares, uranium and fire "What the..." and, before he finished his sentence, Captain Dynamite jumps out of the portal only to Ryqo close it. Captain Dynamite was going to support him with petals and friendship, and that was the motivation he needed to try and destroy the

And now on to today's episode:

With his anger built, he attemps to deal massive damage to the wonder by jumping in the air, opening a portal between dimensions and summoning out of it Dragonball's Shenlong but made of darkness so Shenlong consumes the wonder.

>["Dark Shenlong of Consuming Chaotic Obliteration Summon!"]
"    One of these days I'll fly an airship of my own. I'll be a sky pirate, free to go where I will.    ,,
   ~ Vaan


I keep leaving, I keep coming back. Boomerang boy.


>Grab and eat some of the Wonder's wonderful cookies!

*munch* *munch*

Thanks for the love power Ryqo!
  • Modding version: PSX
Nyzer: Alma teleports out of her own possessed body.
Raijinili: Remember that you're telling a modding community that the game they love could use some fixing.


Love forever love is free
Let's turn forever you and me

ooo... I have my quote for today! ^_^
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


Quote from: Ryqoshay on November 07, 2014, 02:00:53 pm
Love forever love is free
Let's turn forever you and me

Didnt know you were into Gorillaz, that must be why we re linked together. On my phone i have the full discography of Gorillaz (not counting the remix albuns with Spacemonkeys, although i have them on my computer)
"    One of these days I'll fly an airship of my own. I'll be a sky pirate, free to go where I will.    ,,
   ~ Vaan


Well I have to go to work tonight apparently... so... roll at 1am here :/

Mother of coincidences.

Quick Edit : > Finish love of with a kick of pure hatred.
I keep leaving, I keep coming back. Boomerang boy.


Quote from: Vaan on November 06, 2014, 01:34:08 pm
"That stupid wonder wont give up will it?"

What did you expect? its my alter-ego, of course it won't giveup!

Quote from: Jumza on November 07, 2014, 11:33:35 am
>Grab and eat some of the Wonder's wonderful cookies!

*munch* *munch*

Thanks for the love power Ryqo!

Stop that thief! I need to convert my cookies into turbines....to build this

why does the overlord need to work so much? i just wanna rule everything in existence, its that simple.
thief....your time has come
>hire a scarecrow
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Time to roll... so sleepy.... kokojo needs.....less work.

Quote from: Dome on November 04, 2014, 03:13:53 am
>build "TEH UBER SPAM BOMB" to blow up the world

Your roll : 6 (-1)

You build a giant bomb out of styrofoam, internet memes and all of your posts. It's so gigantic, it starts to crush the rest of the world and self-ignites because ''it must bomb ALL THE THINGS, amyrite?, cauz they added a bomb in the bomb, so you can bomb while you bomb with sucess kid and Good guy greg.

Speaking of Good Guy Greg, he assures you that no one will ever mess with the bomb because it's a ninja and can't be found! New event : Giant spambomb, Global RTD in 3 turns, cannot be deactivated).

Quote from: Ryqoshay on November 06, 2014, 07:55:22 am
>["Apathy Upside Down Love Ryqo Shining Vitality Spiral!"]

Your roll : 2 (-1) = 1

''Hatred Downside Up apathy someone dark draning square!''
You speak those words and conjure up a global apathy. So much so that the carebears falls off from the sky and each and everyone one of them dies from the impact with the ground. The conjuration takes place and envelops the world once more. (-1 to all rolls next round... again)

Quote from: Vaan on November 06, 2014, 01:34:08 pm
Previously on Super Dark Knight Nacht's Souleaty Tenebrous Theater: Roll to Dodge Edition:
>["Dark Shenlong of Consuming Chaotic Obliteration Summon!"]

Your roll : 2 (-1) = 1

''White sheep of adding order building unsummon!''
You unsummon the white sheep of order and building, and the effects are fairly stale on the world, since it was probably not summoned in the first place.

Quote from: Jumza on November 07, 2014, 11:33:35 am
>Grab and eat some of the Wonder's wonderful cookies!

Your roll : 3 (-1) = 2

You decide to get some milk first, and can't find any.

Quote from: Kokojo on November 07, 2014, 05:04:21 pm
Quick Edit : > Finish love of with a kick of pure hatred.

Your roll : 6(-1)

You sucesfully stab love with your foot, sucesfully launching the world, besides the other players, in a loveless atmosphere. Mass suicide, general depression and darkness prevail now with the human race. You take this as an occasion to sucesfully mount an army of dark minions that will obey your every move, as long as they are evil. (+1 to evil rolls)

Quote from: rrs_kai on November 08, 2014, 02:16:40 am
>hire a scarecrow

Your roll : 2(-1)

You instead dismiss a human from your team, causing him to be very frustrated...

Quote from: Cluster of dancers
>Dance with Rufio

Your roll : 3 (-1) = 2
You try to dance, but first, you must take a break at the McDonalds.

Quote from: Captain Dynamite
>Fly around, spreading love and bliss and stuff.

Your roll : 3 (-1) = 2
You decide to fly around, but you must first drink some soda to power up and gain your dynamity powers of awesome.

The 2s man. The 2s...well, 3.

Quote from: Wonder
>Be built (d10)

Your roll : 9 (-1) = 8
The king visits, and proceeds to give 800 units of meat for your construction.

Dome: Cannot roll a 0, Immunity to meteors.
Ryqoshay: Life-Bounded with Vaan, directs Captain Dynamite next turn not using up her turn.
Vaan: Airship, Hates Tristan (+1 to attacks vs Tristans), Magic gem (+ 1 on all RTDs), Life-Bounded with Ryqo.
Kokojo : Immune to meteor, +1 to evil rolls
Rufio: Is a zombie, +1 to attack rolls, +1 to dance moves,  is in a MJ's zombie horde, has a horde of wolf dancer and some mermaids to ride on.
rrs_kai : Has a mixing bowl that's nasty,Has a Wonder, 2hp, If you include FUSRODAH in your roll, it'll get +1, once.
Jumza :
Barba :Dead
Artmicion: Dead
TristanBeoulve: Dead

MC Nail :
Cluster of dancers : Friends with Rufio.
Wonder : Wins the game for RRS_Kai in 60 turns. (2 hp) Now is the alter ego of RRS_Kai, and produces cookies, being built SUPER fast(D10)
Captain Dynamite : Flying~

Apathy : -1 to all rolls next round.
Giant spambomb, Global RTD in 3 turns, cannot be deactivated
I keep leaving, I keep coming back. Boomerang boy.


>Build a Bunker to hide from the bomb

"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"


I'm seeing a pattern here.

when everyone rolls a 5 or 6 Kokojo rolls a low 1 or 2 and the converse also seems to happening quite frequently as well O.o....somethings up hmmmm

the diamond like thingy in Kokojo's picture must be the cause.....I shall find the perpetrator of these crimes

>eat spinach to find out what is happening
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Previously on Super Idol Ryqo-Ry's ʎddɐH Bouncy Love Smile Theater: Roll to Dodge Edition:


The words were wrong. Ryqoshay had no idea what was leaving her own mouth, but it was nowhere near what her mind had conjured, in fact, it was quite the opposite. She had intended to reverse the wave of apathy washing across the world, but instead whatever she had done only made it stronger.

This wasn't the first time something like this had happened. But it was because this world was tainted, right? She was here to make things better, right? Certainly it wasn't because of her... ... ... right?


Something impacted the ground with a sickeningly wet sound and brought Ryqo back to the hellish reality before her. The girl glanced around and gasped when her eyes found the broken body of a care bear that had fallen from the clouds above. However, like the first drop of a storm, more followed. Dozens more. Hard rain doesn't last, but soon the area was littered with disturbingly cute corpses as the miasma of despair continued its reign.

Through tear misted eyes, she watched the man with the pear draw back his leg before delivering a devastating kick to the fragile container of Love. The air left her lungs rapidly as though she herself had received the blow and the girl collapsed to her knees, clutching her chest in agony.


It was all gone. All of this world's Love had been gathered into a tiny container and subsequently destroyed. And with it, hope was all but lost, happiness waned and laughter subsided. It was over. Done. This was the end.

"Heh..." One corner of Ryqo's mouth twitched upwards momentarily. "Hehee..." She blinked, drew a sharp breath and let it out slowly. Slowly, she returned to her feet. "Captain!" She called, seeking her friend. She found him taking a soda break, which didn't surprise her much. It was quite obviously hot wherever he had been before she had summoned him, so he must have been parched. "Please! This world needs you!

>[Spread your rose petals and friendship]

as far and wide as you can!"

"Aye, ma'am!" The captain said with a salute.


"Thank you." she replied. Turning away, she gritted her teeth and gathered her strength. There was still one more thing she could try.
              on to today's episode:

Ryqo produces a Love Arrow and holds it in her hand for a moment. Running her finger across its head, she winces a bit as it bites into her, but she keeps studying it. This would have to work or... She shakes her head. She does not want to think about what will happen if this plan fails. This world's natural Love may be gone, but that didn't mean it could not be replaced. The good Captain's work would help, but to gain root, the new Love would first need a new container. She intends to become that container.

Gripping the arrow in both hands with its tip facing her, she draws a ragged breath before driving it into her heart.

>["Love Forever Love Is Free Love Ryqo Recursion Recharge!] Loop!"
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


That was the 2nd worse roll ever, only losing to when we had to include hammer in our moves, but everyone thought it was only for celdia because kokojo only wrote it on celdia's move and didnt add the said event.
"    One of these days I'll fly an airship of my own. I'll be a sky pirate, free to go where I will.    ,,
   ~ Vaan


I do agree it was a shitty roll, but truly man, I keep the dice to what it rolls.
I keep leaving, I keep coming back. Boomerang boy.


Keep the rolls and dodge with them!

Or roll roll roll with them... or... uhm... I forgot where I was going with this...
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


Previously on Super Dark Knight Nacht's Souleaty Tenebrous Theater: Roll to Dodge Edition:

When Nacht tried to destroy the Wonder by summoning a Shenlong made of darkness, all seem'd to go well, but the apathy was draining his powers, and much to his disapointment he didnt open a portal, he closed a portal, unsummoning something, he didnt know what he did unsummon since it wasnt summoned.

"This is not over, the apathy will go away!" - Nacht exclaims while pointing at the wonder, as the skies start to shine brighter again, losing the darkness and corruption and soon to his surprise he looks at Ryqo-tan, and what he saw was Ryqo, conjuring another apathy, the whole world starts to get wrapped in darkness all over again, but why was Ryqo doing that?

"R-Ryqo-tan...?" - He asks himself confused while Carebears rain from the sky.

Nacht was confuse, but as soon as he looks up and sees the skies pitch black, he realizes "The skies are darkness now....Darkness... Wait, Im a Dark Knight! Darkness should boost me!"

And now on to today's episode:

Determined to use the Apathy in his favor, Nacht attempts jump in the sky and spin quickly, canalizing the darkness onto himself to create his beloved Shenlong of Darkness to consume the wonder, as he didnt have to summon him from another dimension, Darkness was already there.

>["Dark Shenlong of Consuming Chaotic Obliteration Summon!²"]
"    One of these days I'll fly an airship of my own. I'll be a sky pirate, free to go where I will.    ,,
   ~ Vaan


Funny, that the person who uses love and the person who uses apathy are linked :P You'll either win gloriously or kill each other attempting to do so.

>Conduct a satanic ritual to summon cookies from the Wonders storehouse of cookies
  • Modding version: PSX
Nyzer: Alma teleports out of her own possessed body.
Raijinili: Remember that you're telling a modding community that the game they love could use some fixing.


Its only physics, opposites attract, and that causes a zapping reaction. Now we just have to see who is hit by our electricity
"    One of these days I'll fly an airship of my own. I'll be a sky pirate, free to go where I will.    ,,
   ~ Vaan


Quote from: Kokojo on November 08, 2014, 01:36:06 pm
I do agree it was a shitty roll, but truly man, I keep the dice to what it rolls.

I was only joking because I found your picture very interesting....what were you holding?

Tell me now or I shall use this tape-recorder look-a-like which is actually a pen
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


I know I am a bitch.

Time to roll!

Quote from: Dome on November 08, 2014, 03:51:56 am
>Build a Bunker to hide from the bomb

Your roll : 3 (-1) = 2

You decide to build a bunker made out of air instead.

Quote from: rrs_kai on November 08, 2014, 04:29:38 am
>eat spinach to find out what is happening

Your roll : 5(-1) =4

You eat spinach and grow muscles of the biggest measure. Nothing can stop you now! (PM me for awnsers on anything)

Quote from: Ryqoshay on November 08, 2014, 05:40:30 am
>["Love Forever Love Is Free Love Ryqo Recursion Recharge!] Loop!"

Your roll : 5 (-1) = 4

You sucessfully drive the arrows/power of love into your hearth, fueling inside of you the new flower of love. Within you blossoms the beacon of motherly care, the proudness of a father watching his childrens, the timid attachement between first-graders and the over-complicated romance of presumed tortured teenagers. You managed to stop the apathy in the world (well, next turn)

Quote from: Vaan on November 08, 2014, 07:08:18 pm
>["Dark Shenlong of Consuming Chaotic Obliteration Summon!²"]

Your roll : 2 (-1) = 1 I can't help but laugh

"White Sheep of Regurgitating Order Maker Unsummon!¼"

Once again, you unsummon a weird godly sheep that was not there in the first place, making your actions pointless and frustrating.

Quote from: Jumza on November 08, 2014, 08:24:34 pm
>Conduct a satanic ritual to summon cookies from the Wonders storehouse of cookies

Your roll : 5 (-1) =4

You conduct your ritual and manage to steal the cookies from the Wonder's storehouse! Much to your avail, nothing much happens after that, but you have a considerable ammount of cookies.

Quote from: Captain Dynamite
>[Spread my rose petals and friendship]

Your roll : 6 (-1) = 5
You fly around, going kaboom as you launch petals and kitties to people in need, hug the hugable and high-fiving the guys in need of approuval. As you go around, you stumble unto a 40-leaf clover. Clearly it will help your summoner! (+1 to next roll for Ryqo)

Quote from: Wonder
>Be built (d10)

Your roll : 6 (-1) = 5
The king removes 4 peasants from the building site, slowing down the process.

Dome: Cannot roll a 0, Immunity to meteors.
Ryqoshay: Life-Bounded with Vaan, directs Captain Dynamite next turn not using up her turn, +1 to next roll
Vaan: Airship, Hates Tristan (+1 to attacks vs Tristans), Magic gem (+ 1 on all RTDs), Life-Bonded with Ryqo.
Kokojo : Immune to meteor, +1 to evil rolls
Rufio: Is a zombie, +1 to attack rolls, +1 to dance moves,  is in a MJ's zombie horde, has a horde of wolf dancer and some mermaids to ride on.
rrs_kai : Has a mixing bowl that's nasty,Has a Wonder, 2hp, If you include FUSRODAH in your roll, it'll get +1, once.
Jumza : Metric fuckton of cookies.
Barba :Dead
Artmicion: Dead
TristanBeoulve: Dead

MC Nail :
Cluster of dancers : Friends with Rufio.
Wonder : Wins the game for RRS_Kai in 55 turns. (2 hp) Now is the alter ego of RRS_Kai being built SUPER fast(D10)
Captain Dynamite : Flying~

Giant spambomb, Global RTD in 2 turns, cannot be deactivated
I keep leaving, I keep coming back. Boomerang boy.


So, He Who Hath Killed Love isn't going to do anything this turn? Is the hateful being still targetable?
Hurry down the chimney tonight.