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1000th topic

Started by FFMaster, August 15, 2010, 07:47:33 pm


is mine!

In other news...

"A group of central Ontario parents is demanding their children's schools turn off wireless internet before they head back to school next month, fearing the technology is making the kids sick.

Some parents in the Barrie, Ont., area say their children are showing a host of symptoms, ranging from headaches to dizziness and nausea and even racing heart rates.

They believe the Wi-Fi setup in their kids' elementary schools may be the problem."

"Nearly overlooked during the recent criminal trial of the Tennessee man who hacked Sarah Palin's e-mail account was the testimony--as a government witness--of the founder of 4chan.org, the anarchic message board.

Federal prosecutors put Christopher "Moot" Poole on the stand to identify 4chan records that linked David Kernell to the Palin hack. Poole, 22, had previously turned over to the FBI server logs and other records after being served with a search warrant.
Poole's testimony--which included quaint prosecution queries about b/tards, new fags, trolls, and getting Rickrolled--can be downloaded here (PDF).

Denizens of /b/--where memes are born, cyberbullying campaigns are hatched, and child porn can sometimes be found--might be surprised to discover that 4chan isn't as lawless as it seems."
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown



More on this....

Full testimony:


QuoteQ. "Rickroll"?

A. Rickroll is a mean or Internet kind of trend that started on 4chan where users -- it basically a bait and switch. Users link you to a video of Rick Astley performing Never Gonna Give You Up.


Q. And the term "rickroll" you said it tries make people go to a site where they think it is going be one thing, but it is a video of Rick Astley, is right?

A. Yes.

Q. He was some kind of singer?

A. Yes.

Q. It's a joke?

A. Yes.
Just another rebel plotting rebellion.



Dude, you forgot this one.
QuoteQ. What about "white night"? Does that have a
unique meaning on 4chan?
A. On 4chan I am not sure. White night in
general, I guess, would mean a do gooder.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


I remember I got the 100th or 500th or something th post in the forum... so, Zodiac cheated by deleting ones so that he could have it.

Still, morally, I WON!

And the count didn't go down, so, I still won.

I'm a winner btw.

They even tried asking "Stop winning you winning winner who wins".

No, they didn't.



*runs off*


A family member of mine does scoping, that is proofreading court transcriptions.  Lawyers and court reporters are among some of the dumbest people in the country.

Oh, and those Ontario shenanigans?  They probably load their kids up on caffeine and sweets to distract the kids because they don't want to take care of them.  I normally don't like it when sugar is blamed (because its usually idiotic and an attempt to point the finger at something other than upbringing), but feeding these kids enough caffeine that their hearts burst sounds a helluva lot more likely than wireless internet.