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Lijj's Sprites

Started by Lijj, April 29, 2010, 06:45:40 am


Hmm, thanks for the insight. I haven't actually done the palettes yet so I was hoping for some feedback on that. I was trying not to stray from the order of normal color combos but I'm not too keen on that purple with black so it's definitely going to become pink! So I think I'll try that using complimentaries as #2. So #1 would have orange trim and #3 would have green perhaps?
  • Modding version: PSX


Quote from: "LastingDawn"Though I personally cannot help thinking that if the cap were lower that only the very bottom of her eyes could be seen would maximize the creepiness factor. Especially when she attacks you can only see a single eye.
Kindly upload the images to other image hosting sites. I can't view imageshack. Thanks.


Looking forward to see the sprite finished , you surely improved a lot in a short time .
I have a suggestion though , why don't you change the colour of her hands ?
The skin tone doesn't look very good and is taking away the 'black mage feeling' from it .
Just my opinion , do as you see fit .


Thanks Kyou, that' a nice compliment, I learned a bit in this last month.
So I tried a few things and with the hat to try and fulfill Lasting Dawn's requests but the only way I could make it work would be to make her look down as she walks or it'll just ruin the fighting head tilt all together.  So naw, can't do it; luckily I saved a backup. What a waste of energy... Oh well good practice :)
I can look into giving her gloves though.
  • Modding version: PSX


Gave'er some gloves, that was a good idea  :idea:
Here are the actual palettes:
& the 5th one with some attack frames:
  • Modding version: PSX


I'm still not a fan of the first palette, but the rest are really good. The head on the rear attack animations is definitely doing some wonky stuff though.
Current Projects:


Yes, I agree. Rest of the palettes are really good. I really hope you could give the evil, creepy look, because those attack frames really creeps.
Kindly upload the images to other image hosting sites. I can't view imageshack. Thanks.


May 04, 2010, 06:32:50 am #47 Last Edit: January 16, 2011, 06:03:45 am by twinees
<img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_razz.gif" alt=":P" title="Razz" /> Alright I fixed the hat. Do you like gray any?

I may need to fix the back standing 3/4 view
  • Modding version: PSX


the greyish color is a bit "off", i liked the "swampy" look it had, it just needed a bit more pallete tuning. Thats just me though.
15:05   slave: consensual slavery is the best thing ever~


The port is off. I dunno if he is watching at the same "spot" as female black mage, or if he is looking straight at us. Making him look at us is a bad idea, not a single sprite have such portrait in FFT, this just isn't FFT style. Change it so it will look more FFT-ish. Oh, and hat looks good though.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Quote from: "Kagebunji"The port is off.
Kindly upload the images to other image hosting sites. I can't view imageshack. Thanks.


It's pretty hard to tell what we're looking at on the portrait. Consider changing the angle a bit. The sprite concept is fantastic, but it needs a few tweaks: there's too much of the lightest shade on the clothes. Add a wee bit more of the middle shade all around to give the sprite depth. The frilly things on the sprite could use another shade as well. And finally on the walking frames, her hat should bob a little, right?

Great job and good luck. Man, I've only been gone for a week and I'm seeing so many phenomenal sprites pop up.


Quote from: "mav"Great job and good luck. Man
Ekhem, *woman :P

Yeah, do what Mav said, but if you are bored with sprite, leave it, Meliadoul and Balmafula use the same clothes anyway.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Now I'm making my own Generic Black Mage... only not as cool looking (it isn't really supposed to be cool looking, though) >_>


WtF Kage. I'm amused. What makes you think I'm  a girl? Cause I type in purple sometimes? :lol:  I'm 29 year old male and I'm not gay either. Don't jump the gun now. What's it matter anyway as long as we make these things work.

DeadManWalking: Why don't you make a generic time mage instead? That way we could just move on. If the black mages aren't going to be as cool as mine why bother.(Not to sound egotistical but you said so) Consider replacing the wacky looking Time mages. They seriously get on my nerves; the whole design just stinks. For such a great position Time Mages hold, they could easily be ten times better lookin.

Mav: I'll look into the shadows, they don't strike me as bad and it's true this is based from Balmafula i just added frillies. -The hat is smaller and less floppy than the original. I haven't tested in game. I'll consider this though if it looks odd.
Glad you're back!  Yes, it's been a good week for ffhacktics sprites. Atma and MasterGrand working on neat things too.

Kage: Now the portrait; Maybe i could just tweak the hat a little and make the angle of the character match the others. Think that would work?
  • Modding version: PSX


I'm fairly certain he thought that because of your avatar.  I did too actually...



Ah! I see. I was weary my lingo was too feminine.
  • Modding version: PSX


The adjustments to the side rear sprite hat are what was needed. Though I think you forgot to do the standing side/rear frame. The portrait needs a lot of work.
Current Projects:


Don't worry, I knew you were a boy, Lijj. =P

That mage is look great, by the way.
But yeah, the portrait like everyone says. xD
It looks real good, but it is kinda hard to tell where he's facing and looking.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
As the puppeteer pulls His strings,
The fragile doll spreads Her wings.
To dance a ballet as He directs
That is the Curse of the Marionette.

Controlled by a hand far, far above,
Forbidden to care, forbidden to love.
Forever shall She mime what She cannot know,
Until the day She loses her illusory glow.

Propped up on a stilt where wine once stood,
The Marionette is, once more, only wood.
Her glossy eyes have lost their shine,
Her silken hair, turned to twine.

What a fate awaits the poor little doll,
Who dances and runs but cannot stand at all.
And the puppeteer is applauded at the end of every show,
But the audience's joyous response the doll can never know.

I am but a doll on an endless stage,
Dancing for others whilst I slowly age.
My puppeteer sits far above,
Hiding His face behind a white glove.

And when I have aged to nothing but wood,
I will be tucked away in a closet where a doll once stood.
Then, as I gather dust and the world passes by,
I will be forgotten by the vast, blue sky.