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Topics - Wiz

I ran into a snag because when I edited the ENTDs of a Vanilla AI Tournament Hack I made to model those from Arena 137b (Download Links Provided), I noticed a big problem when I loaded up the game....

But first, here's the formation screen

As you can see, the 4 ladies (who are a team; Team 1) have Unit IDs 9,10,11, and 12 and the men (Team 2) have 13,14,15,16 respectively.

Now here's what the ideal starting positions are, which Arena 137b represent (This is Map 95, The Church, as a point of reference)...

And now the problem using my personal Vanilla AI Battle .ppf...

To be specific, in Image 2, Team 2 consists of the 4 proper units in the correct order; Male Squire Unit ID 13/Male Chemist Unit ID 14/Male Wizard Unit ID 15/Male Thief Unit ID 16 or Unit 1/Unit 2/Unit 3/Unit 4. This is the result I wish to ultimately achieve.

Now for the dilemma in Image 3, Team 2 consists of 2 of the 4 proper units and are in the incorrect order; Female Chemist Unit ID 10/ Female Wizard Unit ID 11/Male Chemist Unit ID 14/Male Wizard Unit ID 15 or Unit 2/Unit 3/Unit 2/Unit 3.

So with all of this mind, what steps do I need to take in Image 3 to get the same results of Image 2? And this is a request for all the maps mind you. Not just Map 95, the Church, because it's the same problem for every map.

Basically, with the the vanilla version, it reads the unit list exactly as how it's supposed to in the ENTD with the first four units listed as Team One and the 2nd four as Team Two even with the team colors being different and I don't know how to fix this.

If someone could help me out, that would be appreciated. It's for an upcoming event and I want to alter the Unit Order so it looks like: 1,2,2,1,1,2,2,1 as opposed to 1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2 which is imbalanced. I explain it more in detail here at the bottom post of the page.
Tutorials and Learning / Camtasia Tutorial
April 22, 2012, 09:48:48 pm
Settings are what are primarily focused on that way you can make very high quality if you ever decide to record for whatever reason.

Here is the link. Hope y'all like it.

I'm aware that this doesn't necessarily pertain to FFT Hacking per se, but I do know that a lot of people have asked me about it and thought I'd make it easier and just share with everyone all at once so no one asks questions later.

Btw, this should be stickied.

Celdia's Complete Patch / My Memory Cards 1.965Z - 1.967
February 28, 2012, 02:53:10 am
I thought I'd submit these in case anybody wanted to give each of these fights a fair shot with the designated setups I made. Or, you can continue off wherever and have your own little adventure and go a different way if you so desire.
The Lounge / YT Update
February 16, 2012, 05:26:21 pm
I'll still be active on the forums and try to on chat as well, I just won't be making anything for a while.

Here is the video.
The Lounge / My Birthday Present!
January 14, 2012, 06:38:57 am

BBL like @ around 6:30 PM CST / 18:30 when I get off of work which is < 3.5 hours from now with 0 sleep XP
The Lounge / Re: FF7T:CC...my two cents
January 14, 2012, 02:17:40 am
"Locking and moving this to Archives."

Simple solution XD0097, keep your ideas to yourself and privately discuss with people about "X" or at the very minimum, post in the "Help" Forums.  Feel free to post about requests and such for your hack(s) publicly on the forums once you have something substantive to display for everyone to see (i.e. a presented demo at the very minimum according to the "READ BEFORE POSTING" thread in the Progressing Patches forum, something that Jot5 doesn't have). This is exactly why I'm keeping everything I'm working on to myself and am only asking those I need help through the use of PMs (Private Messages...both here on the site + the IRC).

However, it is fair to say that you overreacted and were being far more demanding than you should have been.


Here are the two main points

1.Pleas ask politely for assistance next time.

2. If you want people to pitch in out of their own free time to help you with w.e. it may be, show them a shitload of them results.

It's my b-day btw, so go get me a present like a birthday cake...bitches :P
Tutorials and Learning / My Six Pack Tutorial
December 26, 2011, 03:28:44 am
No, not on getting abs, I meant on this kind of thing ;)


Eternal asked me to c/p that from the news section and it does kinda make sense because chances are, it's gonna get overwritten by another news topic and people won't see it for easy use, so yeah, have fun watching it and happy hacking :mrgreen:
The Lounge / YT Announcement
December 11, 2011, 09:12:09 pm
Just a GIANT heads up!

Idk when it'll start, but I bet the disabling of YT accounts will start at midnight (12:00 AM EST), so yeah, if you need to do this, do it (just in case).

Also, got it in my subs, but TYT (TheYoungTurks) had the original vid up and deleted it for w.e. reason. Regardless, I'd still do it if I were you and cared about your YT channel.

'Go to http://www.livestream.com/wizdaddy714 @ 8PM PST/9PM MST/10PM CST/11PM EST and watch lark get his ass whipped in CCP PvP Style where minimal amounts of lag are present - Wiz'

^, wanted to add a couple of notes here (Topic in IRC atm)

- lark and I will be using Skype to talk to each other while this is going on tonight
- If you want to join in on the Skype call, you must have a microphone, no exceptions.
   --  The reasons for this are: 1. The Screen Sharing function (Which displays little to no lag, much less than a stream) Skype offers can only take place w/ two people and having people w/o mics prevents this from happening and forces lark to participate via viewing the stream as the outlet making it harder for him overall, and 2. You guys as the viewers can already chat irc-style on the stream anyways so it'd be pointless to join in the call w/o one.

Whoever sees this, tell lark ASAP on irc to PM me (on #FFH of course) his CCP Team with the following info...

Gender, Class, Brave Value, Faith Value, and Compatibility.

^, the rest he and I can get work out in the formation screen (Gear and Abilities) in-game.

For those who want to join in, my Skype Username is Wizdaddy714, the same as my Youtube and Livestream Account Names
Sup ladies, just thought I'd pitch in a couple of sprites/portraits and wanted your guys' opinions on what you think of them? :D

^, Just Changed the RGB value's around to get the corresponding results. Even so, something feels funny when looking at the Green Portrait, and idk what, but if y'all have something to say, that'd be great >_> Don't worry about that lonely pink pixel right below the nostril on the sprite, I think I accidentally plopped that in or it was already there ;)

^,Twin's told me that you hate Shrine Knight Sprites Kage XD

Hope you don't feel the same with portriats. Speaking of which, is the neck ok because there was like 6 pixels of a hot pink that I replaced to match up the hair (Copy/Pasted the head over the Guardian Portrait resulting in different shades of the hair, but fixed that)?

Tutorials and Learning / Hex Editing Tutorial
August 15, 2011, 12:55:55 am
Enjoy :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

I advise you watch in Full Screen in 720p for the best-looking results.
The Lounge / Another Absence of Leave
August 02, 2011, 09:12:51 am
Yep. Not for school though (Not the best of times to go right now...not that I'm not ready, but prefer get used to the business world first and have something on my resume), it's called getting job and me being too lazy in making a conceited effort to get one and attain my own personal wealth :P

^ Once that's acheived, I'll most likely be lurking exclusively on the forums (Probably whilst in the process of doing this as well) and such, but posting/being active on IRC, not as much.

Don't get me wrong, there's TONS and TONS of shit to do here, but I need to take it one step at a time in the things I want to do (Both here and IRL).

As a sneak preview, I'm currently making a patch called "Final Fantasy Tactics (FFT): RPG Collaboration" and am going to show you a couple of the sprites and the respective colors I'll be using for the generics (All generics are done, and to me the hardest part...have yet to do monsters...won't do all, but most probably).

As of this moment in time, Lijj is working on fixing them up (Palette and Portrait alike) and if anyone wants to assist him in doing so, ask him for the BMPs. Just PM/Email (Wizdaddy714@hotmail.com) me then the results (you too Lijj) and I'll reply to what I think of them. I know some changes off the bat that should be made such as the portrait or palette of the Female Magic Fencer and of the like, but I'm not an expert in spriting, so yeah :D

ENTD, Stat + Item Editing, etc.. should be easy considering FFTPatcher's not that hard to use once you figure it out and the experience I've had playing other hacks should help as well.

Anyways, gonna grab all the ASM's currently available after publishing this then mozzy on along \o
I found the .bmp files for the respective sprites and they're not buggy whatsoever like Arch's "Death Knights" are in 1.3. Testing confirms this to be true as well as Shishi with all its frames intact.

I exported them using shishi from the download link in the description of this video in case you're wondering what the source is. Also, 8 palettes are indeed loaded in with 6-8 being repeats of 1-3 iirc so you've got extra room :D

Perhaps I should contact that guy and inform him of our site with there being no indication that he knows of our existence. What do you guys say? He is a patchmaker afterall, so I see no reason in not doing so <_<

Just a tiny complaint, the search function SUCKS and I got nowhere near good results when it came to these sprites, so unless I'm not typing in an accurate enough description, "WotL Dark Knight Sprites", and these sprites are listed in the trenched depths of the spriting section, someone point out where they are for me please :P

In all seriousness, is it alright if I post this in the "Site Submission" forum considering these are not up on the custom sprites page? To me, it makes sense that they'd go up there because by "literal" definition, these are custom such that they aren't present in the PSX version of FFT at all >_>

Mari's stickied thread here in the spriting section should get updated. There's been quite a few new sprites added to the "Custom Sprites" page like the Power Rangers, the Paravirs, Hector.
News / Season 5 is over!
July 14, 2011, 09:44:16 am
As indicated by the title, the Season has been completed in a record amount of time!

Roughly 6 weeks for 126 VIDEOS, not ROUNDS is an astounding number.

Even if you aren't fond/interested in these, you should still watch the FINALE because it's got more goodies packed inside than JUST two teams spilling each others blood :mrgreen:
Celdia's Complete Patch / CCP - Battle Logs
June 24, 2011, 02:50:07 pm
Post your progress of CCP here, whether it's in the form of a video, a photo, and/or a blob of text. It doesn't matter ;)

♈ ♉ ♊ ♋ S 5 ♌ ♍ ♎ ♏ T O U R N A M E N T ♐ ♑ ♒ ♓

Hosted by Barren, CT5Holy, formerdeathcorps, Gaignun, Piercewise, Pride, and Wiz


Red = Winner's/Regular Bracket Commentators

Extra Notes

Barren = Checked/Registered, and put the data of the individual teams in spoilers
Wiz = Made S5 registration page via copy/paste, made this page via copy/paste, made S5 Intro clip, randomized maps for all 126 matches (includes Winner's + Loser's Bracket and Final Match; 126 videos in total, 252-378 rounds in total)

Blue = Loser's Bracket Commentators

No Extra Notes XD

Yellow = Helpers who structured S5 and put the pieces together

Extra Notes

CT5Holy = Checked and Registered teams
Pride = Patched tourney hack with 1.3038 data + added ENTD changes to nine of the maps due to poor unit placment

Honorable mentions =D

Mando = Fixed map numbering error for the tourney hack
Philsov = Came up with the primary rule changes (1x ability/gear) + allowed a few non-purchasable weapons
Squidgy = Generated Monster Stats due to changes from 1.3030 to 1.3038

And of course everyone else for giving input and those who put their foot forward making the transition from pussified silly boy/girl to a merciless warrior ready to shed blood :mrgreen:

FFH Season 5 Youtube Account (You can also click on the 1.3038 image to get there too)


Match 1 Pierce vs dinosaur
L: Germinas Peak (Map #90)
M: Underground Book Storage Second Floor (Map #58)
S: Church Outside of Town (Map #36)

Match 2 FFMaster vs Fanatic
L: Goland Coal City (Map #27)
M: Inside of Limberry Castle (Map #16)
S: Office of Igros Castle (Map #11)

Match 3 OhGodBears! vs Celdia
L: Cemetery of Heavenly Knight, Balbanes (Map #46)
M: South Wall of Bethla Garrison (Map #66)
S: Finath River (Map #88)

Match 4 RedWorld vs Otabo
L: Murond Death City (Map #69)
M: Arena (Map #116)
S: Inside of Windmill Shed (Map #73)

Match 5 PX_Timefordeath vs UniqueTownPortal
L: Mandalia Plains (Map #85)
M: Lenalia Plateau (Map #77)
S: Doguola Pass (Map #86)

Match 6 skiploom188 vs yohyzo
L: Ruins Outside Zaland (Map #37)
M: Back Gate of Lesalia Castle (Map #2)
S:  Inside of Zeltennia Castle (Map #20)  

Match 7 Carmine vs Zenius
L: St. Murond Temple (Map #50)
M: Sweegy Woods (Map #74)
S: Nelveska Temple (Map #70)

Match 8 Derevish vs Vigilanti
L: Main Street of Lesalia (Map #99)
M: St. Murond Temple (Map #51)
S: Besrodio's House (Map #41)

Match 9 veliuz vs Eternal248
L: Bervenia Free City (Map #44)
M: Goug Machine CIty (Map #38)
S: Hall of St. Murond Temple (Map #3)

Match 10 jansported vs Shade
L: Public Cemetary (Map #100)
M: Slums of Zarghidas (Map #48)
S: Office of Limberry Castle (Map #18)

Match 11 The3rdOracle vs st4rw4k3r
L: Graveyard of Airships (Map #55)
M: Inside Castle Gate in Lesalial (Map #97)
S: Bed Desert (Map #82)

Match 12 Barren vs TrueLight
L: Slums in Goug (Map #40)
M: Underground Cemetary of Limberry Castle (Map #17)
S:  Igros-Belouve Residence (Map #92)

Match 13 Pride vs Aquilae
L: Colliery Underground First Floor (Map #28)
M: Underground Book Storage Fourth Floor (Map #60)
S: Office of Lesalia Castle (Map #4)

Match 14 Havermayer vs Smitson
L: Warjilis Trade City (Map #42)
M: Araguay Woods (Map #80)
S: Chapel of Orbonne Monastery (Map #62)

Match 15 philsov vs Jaakl
L: Lost Sacred Precincts (Map #54)
M: Underground Book Storage Fifth Floor (Map #61)
S: Doguola Pass (Map #86)

Match 16 LordBobBree vs PrismSword
L: DELTA (Map #106)
M: Chapel of St. Murond Temple (Map #52)
S: Windmill Shed (Map #103)

Match 17 Odal vs Melancthon
L: Banished Fort (Map #115)
M: At the Gate of Lionel Castle (Map #12)
S: Belouve Residence (Map #104)

Match 18 Gaignun vs Lizovs
L: BRIDGE (Map #109)
M: Riovanes Castle (Map #8)
S: Inside of Lionel Castle (Map #13)

Match 19 CT5Holy vs Wiz
L: Orbonne Monastery (Map #56)
M: Yardow Fort City (Map #25)
S: MLAPAN (Map #111)

Match 20 Angelus vs Ryason55
L: Underground Passage in Goland (Map #39)
M: Inside of Riovanes Castle (Map #7)
S: Broken Down Shed - Stone Building (Map #94)

Match 21 natureguy vs Lijj
L: Weapon Storage of Yardow (Map #26)
M: Inside of Igros Castle (Map #10)
S: Fort Zeakden (Map #49)

Match 22 formerdeathcorps vs pokeytax
L: Underground Book Storage Third Floor (Map #59)
M:  Yuguo Woods (Map #79)
S: Granary of Bethla Garrison (Map #65)

Match 23 fattyzilla vs DomieV
L: Church (Map #95)
M: Bariaus Hill (Map #84)
S: Military Academy's Auditorium (Map #24)

Match 24 Kokojo vs Mando
L: Fovoham Plains (Map #72)
M: Bethla Garrison (Map #68)
S: Broken Down Shed - Wooden Building (Map #93)

Match 25 zxpr0jk vs AeroGP
L: Colliery Underground Second Floor (Map #29)
M: Outside Castle Gate in Lesalia (Map #98)
S: Church Outside of Town (Map #36)

Match 26 LightningHax vs Dol
L: Colliery Underground Third Floor (Map #30)
M: Ruins of Zeltennia Castle's Church (Map #45)
S: Office of Igros Castle (Map #11)

Match 27 Nharayana vs Tonberry
L: Noth Wall of Bethla Garrison (Map #67)
M: Entrance to Death City (Map #53)
S: Finath River (Map #88)

Match 28 Kagebunji vs Kaz
L: Zarghidas Trade City (Map #47)
M: HORROR (Map #113)
S: Inside of Windmill Shed (Map #73)

Match 29 Master_Arbiter4 vs Seijin
L: Tutorial 2 (Map #102)
M: Golgorand Execution Site (Map #63)
S: Doguola Pass (Map #86)

Match 30 thi13en vs lurker
L: Orbonne Monastery (Map #56)
M: Zeltennia Castle (Map #21)
S: Inside of Zeltennia Castle (Map #20)  

Match 31 efrate vs ThrowAway
L: Poeskas Lake (Map #89)
M: In front of Bethla Garrison's Sluice (Map #64)
S: Nelveska Temple (Map #70)

Match 32 Squidgy vs BlameGod
L: At the Gate of Riovanes Castle (Map #6)
M: Hospital in Slums (Map #33)
S: Besrodio's House (Map #41)

Match 33 Pierce vs FFMaster
L: Cellar of Sand Mouse (Map #34)
M: Pub (Map #96)
S: Hall of St. Murond Temple (Map #3)

Match 34 OhGodBears! vs Otabo
L: Dolbodar Swamp (Map #71)
M: Underground Book Storage Fourth Floor (Map #60)
S: Office of Limberry Castle (Map #18)

Match 35 PX_Timefordeath vs yohyzo
L: Zaland Fort City (Map #35)
M: Goug Machine City (Map #38)
S: Bed Desert (Map #82)

Match 36 Zenius vs Derevish
L: Checkerboard Stairs (Map #125)
M: Thieves Fort (Map #91)
S: Igros-Belouve Residence (Map #92)

Match 37 Veliuz vs Jansported
L: VALKYRIES (Map #110)
M: Tutorial 1 (Map #101)
S: Office of Lesalia Castle (Map #4)

Match 38 The3rdOracle vs Barren
L: VOYAGE (Map #108)
M: Underground Book Storage First Floor (Map #57)
S: Chapel of Orbonne Monastery (Map #62)

Match 39 Aquilae vs Smitson
L: Zeklaus Desert (Map #76)
M: Belouve Residence (Map #24)
S: Doguola Pass (Map #86)

Match 40 philsov vs PrismSword
L: Zigolis Swamp (Map # 78)
M: TERMINATE (Map #105)
S: Windmill Shed (Map #103)

Match 41 Odal vs Gaignun
L: Bariaus Valley (Map #87)
M: Bervenia Volcano (Map #75)
S: Belouve Residence (Map #104)

Match 42 Wiz vs Angelus
L: TIGER (Map #112)
M: Roof of Riovanes Castle (Map #5)
S: Inside of Lionel Castle (Map #13)

Match 43 Lijj vs pokeytax
L: St. Murond Temple (Map #50)
M: Riovanes Castle (Map #8)
S: MLAPAN (Map #111)

Match 44 DomieV vs Mando
L: Zaland Fort City (Map #35)
M: Inside of Igros Castle (Map #10)
S: Broken Down Shed - Stone Building (Map #94)

Match 45 AeroGP vs Dol
L: Dolbodar Swamp  (Map #71)
M: Riovanes Castle (Map #8)
S: Fort Zeakden (Map #49)

Match 46 Nharayana vs Kaz
L: Magic City Gariland (Map #22)
M: Underground Book Storage Second Floor (Map #58)
S: Granary of Bethla Garrison (Map #65)

Match 47 Seijin vs lurker
L: VALKYRIES (Map #110)
M: Pub (Map #96)
S: Military Academy's Auditorium (Map #24)

Match 48 ThrowAway vs Squidgy
L: Orbonne Monastery (Map #56)
M: HORROR (Map #113)
S: Broken Down Shed - Wooden Building (Map #93)

Match 49 Pierce vs Otabo
L: Bariaus Valley (Map #87)
M: Bervenia Volcano (Map #75)
S: Church Outside of Town (Map #36)

Match 50 yohyzo vs Derevish
L: Zigolis Swamp (Map #78)
M: In Front of Bethla Garrison's Sluice (Map #64)
S: Office of Igros Castle (Map #11)

Match 51 Jansported vs Barren
L: Cemetery of Heavenly Knight, Balbanes (Map #46)
M: Lenalia Plateau (Map #77)
S: Finath River (Map #88)

Match 52 Aquilae vs PrismSword
L: Colliery Underground First Floor (Map #28)
M: Sweegy Woods (Map #74)
S: Inside of Windmill Shed (Map #73)

Match 53 Gaignun vs Wiz
L: Lost Sacred Precincts (Map #54)
M: Slums of Zarghidas (Map #48)
S: Doguola Pass (Map #86)

Match 54 Lijj vs Mando
L: Slums in Dorter (Map # 32)
M: Checkerboard Land 1 (Map #117)
S: Inside of Zeltennia Castle (Map #20)  

Match 55 AeroGP vs Kaz
L: TIGER (Map #112)
M: Tutorial 1 (Map #101)
S: Nelveska Temple (Map #70)

Match 56 Lurker vs Squidgy
L: Warjilis Trade City (Map #42)
M: South Wall of Bethla Garrison (Map #66)
S: Besrodio's House (Map #41)

Match 57 Pierce vs Derevish
L: Zarghidas Trade City (Map #47)
M: Inside of Riovanes Castle (Map #7)
S: Hall of St. Murond Temple (Map #3)

Match 58 Barren vs Aquilae
L: Zeklaus Desert (Map #76)
M: Yardow Fort City (Map #25)
S: Office of Limberry Castle (Map #18)

Match 59 Gaignun vs Mando
L: Graveyard of Airships (Map #55)
M: Roof of Riovanes Castle (Map #5)
S: Bed Desert (Map #82)

Match 60 AeroGP vs Squidgy
L: Underground Book Storage Third Floor (Map #59)
M:Entrance to Death City (Map #53)
S: Igros-Belouve Residence (Map #92)

Match 61 Derevish vs Aquilae
L: Underground Passage in Goland (Map #39)
M: Yuguo Woods (Map # 79)
S: Office of Lesalia Castle (Map #4)

Match 62 Gaignun vs AeroGP
L: Slums in Goug (Map #40)
M: Checkerboard Land 2 (Map #118)
S: Chapel of Orbonne Monastery (Map #62)

Match 63 Aquilae vs Gaignun
L: Weapon Storage of Yardow (Map #26)
M: Underground Book Storage Fourth Floor (Map #60)
S: Doguola Pass (Map #86)

Match 1 dinosaur vs Fanatic
L: Murond Death City (Map #69)
M: Underground Book Storage First Floor (Map #57)
S: Windmill Shed (Map #103)

Match 2 Celdia vs RedWorld
L: Tutorial 2 (Map #102)
M: Inside Castle Gate in Lesalia (Map #97)
S: Belouve Residence (Map #104)

Match 3 UniqueTownPortal vs skiploom188
L: Public Cemetery (Map #100)
M: Outside Castle Gate in Lesalia (Map #98)
S: Inside of Lionel Castle (Map #13)

Match 4 Carmine vs Vigilanti
L: Bervenia Free City (Map #44)
M: Ruins of Zeltennia Castle's Church (Map #45)
S: MLAPAN (Map #111)

Match 5 Eternal248 vs Shade
L: BRIDGE (Map #109)
M: At the Gate of Lionel Castle (Map #12)
S: Broken Down Shed - Stone Building (Map #94)

Match 6 st4rw4k3r vs TrueLight
L: Main Street in Lesalia (Map #99)
M: Arena (Map #116)
S: Fort Zeakden (Map #49)

Match 7 Pride vs Havermayer
L: Goland Coal City (Map #27)
M: Zeltennia Castle (Map #21)
S: Granary of Bethla Garrison (Map #65)

Match 8 Jaakl vs LordBobBree
L: Inside of Limberry Castle (Map #16)
M: Bariaus Hill (Map #84)
S: Military Academy's Auditorium (Map #24)

Match 9 Melancthon Lizovs
L: Germinas Peak (Map #90)
M: Goug Machine City (Map #38)
S: Broken Down Shed - Wooden Building (Map #93)

Match 10 CT5Holy vs Ryason55
L: Noth Wall of Bethla Garrison (Map #67)
M: Ruins Outside Zaland (Map #37)
S: Church Outside of Town (Map #36)

Match 11 natureguy vs formerdeathcorps
L: Poeskas Lake (Map #89)
M: St. Murond Temple (Map #51)
S: Office of Igros Castle (Map #11)

Match 12 fattyzila vs Kokojo
L: Colliery Underground Second Floor (Map #29)
M: Thieves Fort (Map #91)
S: Finath River (Map #88)

Match 13 zxpr0jk vs LightningHax
L: Checkerboard Stairs (Map #125)
M: Grog Hill (Map #81)
S: Inside of Windmill Shed (Map #73)

Match 14 Tonberry vs Kagebunji
L: VOYAGE (Map #108)
M: Hospital in Slums (Map #34)
S: Doguola Pass (Map #86)

Match 15 Master_Arbiter4 vs thi13en
L: Church (Map #95)
M: Belouve Residence (Map #23)
S: Inside of Zeltennia Castle (Map #20)  

Match 16 Efrate vs BlameGod
L: Cellar of Sand Mouse (Map #34)
M: Araguay Woods (Map #80)
S: Nelveska Temple (Map #70)

Match 17 BlameGod vs FFMaster
L: Colliery Underground Third Floor (Map #30)
M: TERMINATE (Map #105)
S: Besrodio's House (Map #41)

Match 18 thi13en vs OhGodBears!
L: DELTA (Map #106)
M: Underground Cemetery of Limberry Castle (Map #17)
S: Hall of St. Murond Temple (Map #3)

Match 19 Tonberry vs PX_Timefordeat
L: Fovoham Plains (Map #72)
M: Underground Book Storage Fifth Floor (Map #61)
S: Office of Limberry Castle (Map #18)

Match 20 zxpr0jk vs Zenius
L: Banished Fort (Map #115)
M: Chapel of St. Murond Temple (Map #52)
S: Bed Desert (Map #82)

Match 21 Kokojo vs Veliuz
L: Mandalia Plains (Map #85)
M: Bethla Garrison (Map #68)
S: Igros-Belouve Residence (Map #92)

Match 22 formerdeathcorps vs The3rd Oracle
L: At the Gate of Riovanes Castle (Map #6)
M: Back Gate of Lesalia Castle (Map #2)
S: Office of Lesalia Castle (Map #4)

Match 23 CT5Holy vs Smitson
L: Dolbodar Swamp (Map #71)
M: Checkerboard Land 3 (Map #119)
S: Besrodio's House (Map #41)

Match 24 Melancthon vs philsov
L: Slums in Goug (Map #40)
M: At the Gate of Lionel Castle (Map #12)
S: Doguola Pass (Map #86)

Match 25 LordBobBree vs Odal
L: Slums in Dorter (Map #32)
M: Slums of Zarghidas (Map #48)
S: Windmill Shed (Map #103)

Match 26 Pride vs Angelus
L: Germinas Peak (Map #90)
M: In Front of Bethla Garrison's Sluice (Map #64)
S: Belouve Residence (Map #104)

Match 27 TrueLight vs pokeytax
L: Murond Death City (Map #69)
M: Underground Book Storage Fourth Floor (Map #40)
S: Inside of Lionel Castle (Map #13)

Match 28 Shade vs DomieV
L: BRIDGE (Map #109)
M: Checkerboard Land 2 (Map #118)
S: MLAPAN (Map #111)

Match 29 Carmine vs Dol
L: Zeltennia Castle (Map #21)
M: Araguay Woods (Map #80)
S: Broken Down Shed - Stone Building (Map #94)

Match 30 Skiploom188 vs Nharayana
L: Church (Map #95)
M: Ruins of Zeltennia Castle's Church (Map #45)
S: Fort Zeakden (Map #49)

Match 31 RedWorld vs Seijin
L: Public Cemetery (Map #100)
M: HORROR (Map #113)
S: Granary of Bethla Garrison (Map #65)

Match 32 Fanatic vs ThrowAway
L: Zigolis Swamp (Map #78)
M: Lenalia Plateau (Map #77)
S: Military Academy's Auditorium (Map #24)

Match 33 ThrowAway vs RedWorld
L: Zarghidas Trade City (Map #47)
M: Bervenia Volcano (Map #75)
S: Broken Down Shed - Wooden Building (Map #93)

Match 34 skiploom188 vs Dol
L: Colliery Underground Third Floor (Map #30)
M: Underground Book Storage Fourth Floor (Map #60)
S: Church Outside of Town (Map #36)

Match 35 DomieV vs pokeytax
L: Checkerboard Stairs (Map #125)
M: Riovanes Castle (Map #8)
S: Office of Igros Castle (Map #11)

Match 36 Angelus vs Odal
L: Fovoham Plains (Map #72)
M: Arena (Map #116)
S: Finath River (Map #88)

Match 37 Melancthon vs CT5Holy
L: Mandalia Plains (Map #85)
M: Yardow Fort City (Map #25)
S: Inside of Windmill Shed (Map #73)

Match 38 formerdeathcorps vs Kokojo
L: Cellar of Sand Mouse (Map #34)
M: Back Gate of Lesalia Castle (Map #2)
S: Doguola Pass (Map #86)

Match 39 zxpr0jk vs PX_Timefordeath
L: Warjilis Trade City (Map #42)
M: Checkerboard Land 1 (Map #117)
S: Inside of Zeltennia Castle (Map #20)  

Match 40 OhGodBears! vs BlameGod
L: DELTA (Map #106)
M: Entrance to Death City (Map #53)
S: Nelveska Temple (Map #70)

Match 41 OhGodBears! vs Wiz
L: Cemetery of Heavenly Knight Balbanes (Map #46)
M: Roof of Riovanes Castle (Map #5)
S: Doguola Pass (Map #86)

Match 42 zxpr0jk vs Lijj
L: Colliery Underground First Floor (Map #28)
M: Underground Book Storage First Floor (Map #57)
S: Hall of St. Murond Temple (Map #3)

Match 43 formerdeathcorps vs Kaz
L: Main Street of Lesalia (Map #99)
M: TERMINATE (Map #105)
S: Office of Limberry Castle (Map #18)

Match 44 Melancthon vs lurker
L: Zeklaus Desert (Map #76)
M: Inside of Igros Castle (Map #10)
S: Bed Desert (Map #82)

Match 45 Odal vs Otabo
L: Goland Coal City (Map #27)
M: Pub (Map #96)
S: Igros-Belouve Residence (Map #92)

Match 46 pokeytax vs yohyzo
L: Weapon Storage of Yardow (Map #26)
M: Inside Castle Gate in Lesalia (Map #97)
S: Office of Lesalia Castle (Map #4)

Match 47 Dol vs Jansported
L: At the Gate of Riovanes Castle (Map #6)
M: Underground Book Storage Fifth Floor (Map #61)
S: Chapel of Orbonne Monastery (Map #62)

Match 48 ThrowAway vs PrismSword
L: Bariaus Valley (Map #87)
M: Hospital in Slums (Map #33)
S: Besrodio's House (Map #41)

Match 49 ThrowAway vs Dol
L: Underground Book Storage Third Floor (Map #59)
M: Underground Cemetery of Limberry Castle (Map #17)
S: Windmill Shed (Map #103)

Match 50 yohyzo vs Odal
L: Banished Fort (Map #115)
M: Yuguo Woods (Map #79)
S: Belouve Residence (Map #104)

Match 51 lurker vs formerdeathcorps
L: Tutorial 2 (Map #102)
M: Bethla Garrison (Map #68)
S: Inside of Lionel Castle (Map #13)

Match 52 Lijj vs OhGodBears!
L: TIGER (Map #112)
M: Sweegy Woods (Map #74)
S: MLAPAN (Map #111)

Match 53 OhGodBears! vs Pierce
L: Bervenia Free City (Map #44)
M: Inside of Riovanes Castle (Map #7)
S: Broken Down Shed - Stone Building (Map #94)

Match 54 formerdeathcorps vs Barren
L: VALKYRIES (Map #110)
M: Underground Book Storage Second Floor (Map #58)
S: Fort Zeakden (Map #49)

Match 55 Odal vs Mando
L: VOYAGE (Map #108)
M: Chapel of St. Murond Temple (Map #52)
S: Granary of Bethla Garrison (Map #65)

Match 56 ThrowAway vs Squidgy
L: Lost Sacred Precincts (Map #54)
M: Ruins Outside Zaland (Map #37)
S: Military Academy's Auditorium (Map #24)

Match 57 ThrowAway vs Odal
L: Inside of Limberry Castle (Map #16)
M: Bariaus Hill (Map #84)
S: Broken Down Shed - Wooden Building (Map #93)

Match 58 formerdeathcorps vs OhGodBears!
L: Noth Wall of Bethla Garrison (Map #67)
M: Belouve Residence (Map #23)
S: Church Outside of Town (Map #36)

Match 59 formerdeathcorps vs AeroGP
L: Orbonne Monastery (Map #56)
M: Outside Castle Gate in Lesalia (Map #98)
S: Office of Igros Castle (Map #11)

Match 60 Odal vs Derevish
L: St. Murond Temple (Map #50)
M: Golgorand Execution Site (Map #63)
S: Finath River (Map #88)

Match 61 AeroGP vs Derevish
L: Zaland Fort City (Map #35)
M: South Wall of Bethla Garrison (Map #66)
S: Inside of Windmill Shed (Map #73)

Match 62 AeroGP vs Aquilae
L: Graveyard of Airships (Map #55)
M: Goug Machine City (Map #38)
S: Doguola Pass (Map #86)

Match 126 Gaignun vs AeroGP
L: Colliery Underground Second Floor (Map #29)
M: St. Murond Temple (Map #51)
S: Military Academy's Auditorium (Map #24)
The Lounge / Happy Birthday Twin & T2!
May 26, 2011, 04:58:47 pm
*Gives Twin AND T2 EACH a gallon of chocolate milk as a substitution to those tempting alcoholic beverages they can now drink legally*

Cheers <3

MMM, look at those jugs :D

Archives / My Streams
May 14, 2011, 09:15:36 pm
Sup all, apart from my YT channel, I also got into streams using Livestream recently and just wanted to display a little piece I did last night with a quite a few members of FFH.

This one includes:

Barren (Skyped too)
AeroGP (Skyped too)
RedWorld (Skyped too)


If I forgot anyone from that list, let me know and I'll add the names right away.

Anyways, enjoy the stream

Castlevania Bloodlines Stream as John Morris Expert Difficulty Starting With 1 life

Note: If you want to watch any YT vid in high quality, add "&fmt=18" to the end of the URL (already did so to the link up above >_>). More's also coming soon enough, just not at this very second, gotta edit tons of stuff to make it look sexy <_<).

Tutorial CamStudio FTW!

What you need

- CamStudio
- Divx 6.8.5 Video Codec (Codec only)

Camstudio found on this website
Divx 6.8.5 can be found here

If you ever feel like feel like sharing a visual tutorial in the future, these settings allow you to do so in excellent quality.

Saves everyone time if they can see how to do something vs. having to figure it out on their own.

The Lounge / !!!
May 01, 2011, 11:50:19 pm
Osama bin Laden is dead.

Now, it's time to get out of Afghanistan.
The Lounge / Happy Birthday Eternal!
April 04, 2011, 03:00:23 am
20 huh? Only one year away before you can legally DRINK XD

Cheers to ya bro.
A couple of days ago, my "no time limit" on YT was reduced to 15 min for the "Content ID Matches" that I had, but luckily it's been fixed and wanted to express my thoughts with this video.

Very well articulated I might add

I pretty much agree with everything that guy says (1:50-6:12 is the cream-filling inside if you want to know).

When I decided to actually get some confirmation for myself, I found two sources that contradicted  each other when it comes to recording game play

http://www.ehow.com/facts_6022824_copyright-laws-video-games.html <-- States that putting video game footage on the internet is illegal.

http://www.google.com/support/forum/p/youtube/thread?tid=7e81ccf275addacc&hl=en <-- Popular/Best Answer from replier states it isn't copyright infringement because it follows under the fair use clause and provides a .gov link along with it, I'm inclined to believe that this is true, but don't know with absolute certainty. Anyone want to confirm that >.> ?
The Lounge / My LP's
March 15, 2011, 07:38:22 pm

All four games in the Super Mario All-Stars Collection are covered with our man in the shadows Luigi :P

Call of Power (CoP)

Kokojo's hack here on FFH. Pretty badass patch if I say so myself <3

Celdia's Class Patch (CCP)

The IRC Matriarch's Home Improvement-Styled patch that was considered a lulz one initially, but is now out in full force with all 19 jobs (excluding mime) finished for both sprites and abilities respectively.

I Wanna Be The Guy (IWBTG)

Michael "Kayin" O'Reilly, the creator of this game Wanna Be The Guy, went hellbound when it comes to difficulty and implemented a system based off of Battletoads and used the Multimedia Fusion 2 Engine as a platform for making this epic game. Basically, you're "The Kid" who on his 15th birthday, decides to go out on an adventure to become "The Guy" the supreme lord of all things that are awesome!


1. Aspect Ratio's messed up for SMB1 and others due to the fact I didn't know what I was doing when I uploaded these at first XD.

2. Audio quality was fixed for part 49 of my 1.3 playthrough and beyond, so now you can more easily recognize my voice. ROCK MIC FTW >_>

FFT: Parted Ways / FFT: Parted Ways Battle Logs
March 07, 2011, 09:07:45 pm
To start, here's my video of the Parted Ways (PW) demo. ET, edit this thread as you see fit by making it a sticky and look nicer pretty please :D

The Lounge / Oy one and all!
February 14, 2011, 12:31:43 am
Sup, my first name's Austin and prefer to be called Wiz as indicated by my username here so refrain from doing that otherwise :lol: Love video games and music A LOT and used to play the euphonium/baritone and trombone and hoping I can go back to playing them back in my HS days <.< Currently, I don't have vasts ammounts of $$ atm, but hey who does? I'm a player rather moreso than a hacker and currently I'm in college taking boring bs generals but hey, I'm only a few months away before I kick into gear big time ^_^ Visiting tonight since it's valentines and just wanted to say hi o/ Other than that, let's have fun boys and girls, I'm looking forward to it :D

Here's me

The Lounge / Departure
January 24, 2011, 12:12:05 am
Hello all, this is Wiz and as you can see from the title of this thread I'm going to be gone for a while. As of 1/10/11 (monday), I've been in college and have only been capable in maintaining both a presence here and there because the classes haven't picked up in pace at all. The worry I have is that they will drastically and I want to be ready for that transition as best as I can. Similarly, most likely the only way I'll be attaining a 6-7 figure salary is if I continue my education and commit to my studies even if at this moment in time I'm taking generals. College is important to me because the realities of attaining a living wage without one as an sole individual seem minimal (no bunking in with random people in apartment complexes, parents, family, friends, etc...)

tl;dr (too long; didn't read) -- I want to become financially independent as well super smart and sexy to the maximum degree where the girls squirt themselves to bed at night because they hunger for me and my god-like presence. At this stage of the game, I'm a LONG ways away from that. Still, time whisks away and that reality becomes closer every second that passes and there's no disputing that :)

Just to emphasize, I'll only be temporarily gone for school, so when summer hits around for me 5/11/11, I'll be back in action here.

I also want to thank everyone for all the good times we've had so far and that it's been a pleasure being around you guys and gals. Other than that, check out in what *might be* (hint hint XP) the final vid you'll be seeing from me as a token of my gratitude before I go.

P.S. If you didn't notice any foreshadowing, you're stupid :P
The Lounge / Today's a sexy day ^^
January 14, 2011, 11:49:15 am
Because the server doesn't list B-Days anymore, just wanted to let you guys know today's my B-Day  :mrgreen:

1:21 PM (CT) is when I turn 19!

As a birthday wish, I'd like it so that the B-Day listings would show up for future members so that they feel special too.

I gotta gift as well that I'll put up later today, so until then...

Later  :twisted:
The Lounge / For Criss
January 01, 2011, 07:04:53 pm
Here, since I can't PM you an attachment, here's a photo of my CamStudio Video Settings. Looking up the Camtasia Video Setting should be similar; Hope this helps :D

P.S. If there's no attachment for some reason (don't work), someone just delete this thread since it takes up space.
Spam / Don't F*CK with me.
November 12, 2010, 04:47:08 am
Quote from: "Voldemort"Wizzy had another huge treequote post here. I didn't read it and I deleted it.

I have work to do, and I am not going to listen to any more walls of text from you.

This topic is about 13032 discussion, not your own personal vendetta against "the man".

1st warning.
1st Sentence: Why did you intentionally leave out the fact that the seperate responses to you and Zenius were in spoilers? If people wanted to read it, they have the option to do so w/o this page getting flooded by this ridiculous discussion in which you would've got your ass whipped on if people saw the post and the context within it.
2nd Sentence: Close-Mindedness at it's best.
3rd Sentence: Whoever implied that you're obligated to respond to them? Nobody's forcing you to to READ "any more walls of text". Reply back if you want, but don't delete them just because you can't get to 'em right away. Logic please. If you can't tolerate a dissenting opinion, then I pity you.
4th Sentence: YOU'RE the one who provoked the discussion in the first place by saying that playing 1.3032 after 1.3030 is pointless. Not only that, but by your own definition, any post that doesn't DIRECTLY talk about 1.3032 SHOULD be deleted which includes some of yours. IF NOT, it's clearly marked that discrimination's taking place and that double-standards are being applied by arbitrary means. But yeah, to DIRECTLY respond to 4th Sentence, WHEN THE FUCK WAS IT CONSIDERED OUT-OF-BOUNDS TO CALL OUT SOMEBODY ON FALSE CHARGES BROUGHT UPON THEM!? If you were to have READ it, you wouldn't be saying the low-quality shit you did from this quote up above.

If I'm being warned because of some flawed logic and that I'm standing up for myself and calling you out on bullshit such as ad hominems like these
QuoteWhoa, you have 1.3 videos on youtube!? NO WAY. You must be guy #382 to put up videos of 1.3 Izlude! You must be pro.
, I truly feel sorry for you for exhibiting the attributes of a biased dickweed.

I would reply to your ?'s Zenius, but I already did and unfortunately that got deleted after spending 4 HOURS on that one post just because I disagreed with him (only logical and pathetic reason which is rather a cop-out) so I'm not doing nor explaining again what was in the original post. But yeah, thanks for wasting my time typing this up.
Idk where this thing I want ask should go since it's a question, but it's also a suggestion in case it's not doable at the moment.

Anyways, is it possible able to upload .avi files directly to FFH from your computer as opposed having to upload it to YT or any other video-sharing site first?

Dome sometimes would do that via upload a vid to YT then post the edited clip in the form of a comment.

I thought it would be faster uploading it here first as opposed to taking the two step approach. Not only that, but I'm pretty sure it would be very convenient to do so because getting your message out in a few minutes talking vs typing it for 45+ minutes saves everybody time (i.e. onlookers, and more importantly the poster of the comment).

I tried to upload it as an attachment, but after a few minutes of waiting, it just directed me back to the preview screen without it attached.