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Messages - yamish

The Lion War / Re: The Lion War Base Patch Resources
December 04, 2019, 05:53:49 pm
Any plans to migrate these over into their respective author's asm threads? Or is it on the individual authors to do that if they wish?
The Lounge / Discord? Hangouts? Etc?
December 04, 2019, 04:20:58 pm
Just wondering if there are any chats out there other than irc that folks here use. I see an Arena specific discord, but nothing beyond that.
Yes. The way to do it would be to replace the skills within the squire skillset with the ones you want. Then use tactext or xif's text helper tool to change the name as desired.

Of course this means instead of squires in the early game you'd be fighting lots of arc knights and such unless you went into the ENTDs and changed them.
1. Not exactly. Wine doesn't work as well on android as it does on other some other linux distros, making running applications built for windows' framework more difficult on droid. That said, if you have a pc, you can always remote into it from your phone. If you're new to that, I'd suggest chrome remote desktop. It's pretty simple to get going.

2. Are you saying you want special jobs to drop 9999 jp and tons of gil and count as 20 kills? Or are you asking how to do that for those units? Because if the latter, your question doesn't fully make sense. 9999 jp by glitching or save editing. 20 kills by killing or save editing. Gil killing, glitching and selling, or save editing.
PSX FFT Hacking / Re: Pride's ASM Thread
October 15, 2019, 09:53:39 am
Quote from: azavier on October 14, 2019, 02:58:31 pm
Well sucks because its a great hack. Maybe pride will fix one day? Anyways thanks for testing it with me

It's not really broken. If you don't check the add status flag under AI behaviors, the AI will use the skills appropriately. You could, for instance, add sleep to each charge ability. Now they're doing damage and the skillset as a whole adds sleep without any funky AI behavior. The AI just isn't aware it's adding sleep and is not attempting to actually add any status.

To make the AI interpret the added status correctly would require a rewrite elsewhere to make it see the additional field with the status and take it into account when determining actions within its turn.
PSX FFT Hacking / Re: Pride's ASM Thread
October 12, 2019, 02:04:26 pm
Quote from: azavier on October 10, 2019, 09:52:19 pm
i actually just tried it about 3 times and noticed that while it works it makes the AI go into a frenzy and causes them to have a "Free for all" killing who ever is near each other. it works, but .... thats the side effect. Thanks alot ! :D

I just gave it a shot and had the exact same behavior.  Though the AI doesn't seem to attack who is nearest; it is seemingly random. Sometimes friend, sometimes foe, sometimes right next to them, sometimes attacking over another unit to get to a farther one.  Maybe it's because of checking the Add Status flag in Patcher, but the AI doesn't know whether it's attempting to apply a beneficial or detrimental status? I'm not really sure
PSX FFT Hacking / Re: Pride's ASM Thread
October 10, 2019, 06:26:26 pm
Quote from: azavier on October 08, 2019, 10:31:45 pm
hey could you explain how the charge has unique status effects hack works? after i apply the hack what must i do in fftpatcher to the charge skills. sorry if the answer simple but thanks in advance! (:

You use the Inflict Status tab in the patcher as a reference.  So if poison is 3A, for instance, set the skill in the hack to use 3A.  In the patcher, the box labeled power in the charge skills is added to damage calculations.  So if you want regular weapon damage, change this to zero, and manipulate CT as needed.  Since this is not a Y value, the lowest damage you can do is regular weapon damage unless somebody makes a hack for signed values at this location.

Also, it's preferable to ask questions in the help section.  Just a heads up.
Help! / ARH 1.1 and 1.32 questions
September 19, 2019, 10:03:06 am
Finally done making life's lemonade so i can start doing this again, yay!

Firstly, modding psx version, using open office calc

ARH 1.32: I prefer to use this one as it supposedly plays nicer with ALMA. I get everything set up, save my xml, apply with fftorgasm, nothing changes. I have tried it on a mod with ALMA and on a fresh image with no results. Is it necessary to change jump etc in battle.bin and scus as noted in xifanies ARH 1.1 prior to applying the 1.32 patch? On that note...

ARH 1.1: The addresses to the right of data table, jump, and what not, is that the starting location where the data should be pasted? Seems so, just double checking.

And if anybody has tried ARH 1.1 with ALMA I'd love to know your experience with it (admittedly to save myself tons of trial and error by standing on the shoulders of your hard work)

Edit: issues resolved by simply using ARH 1.2. Sidenote: dyslexia plus hex flipping for endian is a nightmare. Thank Ajora for xml outputs.
Help! / Re: Returning Fellow Hacker
September 05, 2019, 11:42:42 am
In forums go to Modding > PSX FFT Hacking > Important Links! Check here first!

Or look at the top of this section for tutorials and learning.

Really, just about everything can be found branching from that Important Links! Check Here First! Thread
Help! / Item Attribute Elemental Behavior Priority
March 19, 2019, 03:45:30 pm
I'm trying to pinpoint how the game determines which elemental altering properties are used in its final damage calculation. I'm placing different behaviors - absorb, cancel, half, etc - on different items for different slots and equipping them in different combinations.

It seems if Cancel is on a shield it is ignored if any other slot has any property. The same is true for cancel on armor, but the reverse: it will ignore all previous slots and simply cancel damage. This would make it seem as if the bottom most slot is the one the game applies. However, it SEEMS that in the case of half or weak on one item and absorb on another, it applies both (i may be wrong on this as i did not check zodiac compat prior to testing and coincidences are a thing..im not perfect, people). Are there special rules concerning Cancel? Did I interpret incorrectly or something?

Can anybody help shed some light as to how this works?
Oh I've straight copied your regen/distribute rod as a staff.

Hmmm Celdia's Asclepius...the Celdiasclepius. It just got named too
Quote from: Nyzer on March 08, 2019, 10:38:46 pm
Aw, come on, they put a lot of effort into all the EVTCHRs for that scene in which Dycedarg dramatically drinks wine just to accentuate how evil he is.

:lol: indeed
Quote from: Elric on March 07, 2019, 09:56:31 pm
What project did i scrap?

I don't even remember now. It was something that google brought me directly to. It may have been in archived stuff? It was something with a job tree that involved lots of combos rather than the more linear progression seen in vanilla.

Quote from: Nyzer on March 07, 2019, 11:05:01 pm
There are definitely inner circles of sorts here, but I think that mostly boils down to just "groups of people working on separate projects" more than anything else...

...we definitely hold ourselves to a fairly high standard when making those. As simple as "a few people standing around and talking, with a bit of walking" would be, that shit ain't gonna fly here.)

Yeah project teams and those maintaining the boards and folks that've known each other for years etc are "inner circles", but not the kind that leave people out or treat others differently because they think themselves the mightiest the internet has to offer. This community is one of the most positive ones i've seen.

And even the opening events of Jot5 ch1, where all the characters are introduced, is more cinematic and creative than anything square originally did with the game. Flinging people into walls n shit? m0ar plz
Wanting things asked publicly being unfriendly just sounds batty to me from every angle. A post means more eyes on your problem than a PM, possible collaboration, and an addition to the info bank for others. Staying PMs limits the one seeking information.

And really this community is very helpful. Granted I've been a lurker for a while and only recently signed up to ask a thing, but the veterans here seem not just willing, but eager to help, rather than being their own inner circle that occurs sometimes in other communities. Probably one reason it's still active after so long.

Nyzer: yeah the one I'm toying with I'm gonna throw out there before any serious event edits (meaning something other than conversation changes) so folks can throw balance issues and what not they see at me, but the idea i want to go with is that olan lied to make his family appear as the good guys. Spawned from my desire to not have orlandu join and make him pop up as an enemy. I haven't delved deeply into eventing and intend to learn it by doing this. It's a minor change and will require me to touch on conditions and scenes.

But your story illustrates what I was saying. You were having fun modding, and ended up on a team project. Because doing it for fun or self education doesn't lead to burnout, keeps you hungry, and takes you further with modding than maybe even you were initially desiring (figurative you).

Xif: you said better what i was trying to sort of highlight in saying make the mod you want to play. Meaning do it for your goals or because you want to see it come to fruition, not somebody else; it typically results in unfinished or half hearted projects.

And I can relate to being the dick and being less helpful than I should have been. I was more than a touch more pompous in my younger days. But there will almost always be people like that. And not everybody adopts a "I'm gonna do it myself and show this smartass" attitude. I've seen the reverse as well, those who think genuine criticism and friendly advice is "coming at them".

I guess I was trying to touch on emotional reasons people give up, why they shouldn't, and how to avoid them in the first place.
The Lounge / Musings of a late-to-the-show modder
March 06, 2019, 05:10:20 pm
Perhaps you're like me. You rank FFT as one of your favorite games of all time, alongside Chrono Trigger and Ogre Battle. You discover FFH. You Download tools and do minor tinkers here and there, a custom class here, make monsters harder there. Playing your tweaked vanilla game on your phone, cycling between it and a few other games for years.

Then the inspiration hits. You want to overhaul FFT, make the game you want to play, and share it with the community. So you get started. You're designing everything, with the patcher open, multiple internet tabs, Calc (Excel, etc). You're going balls to the wall. You keep asking yourself "what if I do this, what if i do that" and constantly reference the forums here to figure out what you need.

Maybe some stuff isn't fully doable, but after years of dedicated people working hard, they've made a vast resource bank that not only meets your needs, but inspires new ideas. And now you have it; you've gone through ASMs, you've thrown tons of shit together all at once, tested what's broken, OP, etc. This is going to be great.

Then you notice your class tree design and rationale is similar to a scrapped project by elric that you found during your forum rummaging. You have ideas for a fully new class..that celdia already made almost to the T in her loremaster class, and then see your idea for chemist is very similar there as well, and what's this? your idea for a desert nomad based class and porting ninja weapons to it is almost just like her bandit. You want to play tactics but not your unfinished patch yet, so you play Jot5 and realize that Snake is pretty on par with what you wanted to do with the ninja.

Is there a point to making your mod now? Do you have anything left to offer a community with years of creative fuel pumped into it?


I've seen people in modding communities - NWN, Elder Scrolls, etc - get disheartened because "somebody already did xyz, so my wxy is irrelevant". If this is the mentality, then your mod was half-hearted from jump. Unless you're taking requests or working on a team project, it's better to make the mod you want to play. You will never be dissatisfied. If you do share with the community and they criticize, don't be a butthurt little bitch about it. You opened that door when you released it. The community can take it as is, or you can keep your original for you and start evolving your mod into something the community wants.

The point is, if your goal is to get notoriety, start a patreon and mod for money, use your mod as a way to get into game design with X company (this happened once and once only that i'm aware of), you have a pretty low chance of achieving those goals, and your uninspired mod will reflect that. If your goal is to make something enjoyable for yourself, you will achieve it, likely make something that IS fun for the community, and possibly segue into those others along the way. Mod for fun.

Anyway, I'm done. Just something that popped into my head while dicking off. Enjoy yourselves, fellow geeks!
No need to do anything extra. I was reaching out to see what all was out there since I won't be using those in my patch
Interesting. I haven't played arena, but that's a cool replacement that offers new playstyle possibilities.

And I didn't mean hiker in real life, i meant in game job..like hiker is not a class.
Help! / Re: Status CT timer to turn number
February 27, 2019, 06:48:29 pm
Thanks. I'll take another look at it when i can and post results/potential full resolution (things crossed).

Edit: while i found what i think was the full stack, i got interrupted by a client and will have to track it down again; I'm going to be tabling this for now until i'm done with the other aspects of my mod.  The purpose of this was solely to balance out haste and slow by giving them turn numbers rather than clockticks, removing the OPness of them in the late game. I did not want a zero speed growth mod, as i'm using speed-reduces-CT-of-abilities patch (whatever it's called) to add another layer to leveling/level planning.

Once i'm done working on linking item reqs to skills and trying to balance out synth shop, i'll revisit this and post my findings. Thanks a ton for the help with this, I've decided to finish what I can instead of letting this hold up everything else since each debug session currently is getting interrupted by life.
Help! / Re: Status CT timer to turn number
February 26, 2019, 01:19:34 pm
Dude. Thanks so much. I've been glancing over the ASM tutorial, on the main site, in the little downtime I've had the last couple days. Seems pretty straightforward.

So basically, locate the location that's 6c from the unit's start address. Pinpoint which routine is changing that variable. Find the spot in that routine that differs from all the other status routines. Then alter a routine in the same way to hopefully make a couple statuses count by turn number. Do something wrong then come back here with another question.

Cake! Gimme 5 minutes (days)!

Edit: OK, so I've pinpointed the change, but am unsure fully what I'm looking at. In the disassembly window, just above the highlighted nop, I see that it is loading unsigned data from r5 to r2 (i think). The beginning of this starts after the preceding nop, with what appears to be summing r6 with r6 and placing the result in r4 (if i'm understanding these instructions correctly anyway). It threw a call stack at me also, as can be seen...is this call stack the location of the routine i'm actually looking for? Nevermind, I realize it's telling me where to look in the disassembly window. Any tips on isolating the routine itself from all this? I didn't realize i would be requesting as much hand holding with this, but I'm trying to limit my own ASM requests for things that seem like they should be fairly basic to me.