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Messages - Odal

Quote from: NeronW on June 14, 2021, 01:19:41 pmCan you tell please where should I use this code? I do not understand.

You may or may not have figured this out by now... But partly in an effort to reduce the number of dead threads that never got answers on the internet and partly because I'm sure I'll forget and this will be useful in the future:

In PPSSPP you have to enable cheats by ESC out of a game to the main menu, enabling cheats in the system section then going back to the previous screen. Click Cheats and click Edit cheat file. You'll paste faoronkenlee's code into that and save, though I think you'll need an iso which does not have the previously mentioned unstretched patch applied.

Also, I downloaded a cheat.db file which I don't think was necessary for this, but in case it is, there ya go.
Help! / Re: Changing which monsters come from eggs
February 09, 2016, 10:35:14 pm
Thank you for the responses.
Quote from: Raijinili on February 08, 2016, 01:16:52 am
You need to ASM hack it.

Here's the starting place:

The first function calls the second. I think the second tries to add the egg to the party, and the first actually decides the ID of the monster.
I'm really not sure where to even start with this.  I'll probably just use:

Quote from: Emmy on February 08, 2016, 10:19:55 am
I don't remember who made this hack, but this disables monsters laying eggs:

<Patch name="No monster breeding">
    <Location file="WORLD_WORLD_BIN" offset="045b6e">42</Location>

Also, another somewhat related question.  Is there a way to change monsters' UNIT.BIN resolutions?  Some monsters use the typical 24 x 40 while others use 48 x 48.  I could possibly work around this if I were using all 24 x 40 sprites, but I'm using sprites which would need the 48 x 48.  So, for example, I'll need to replace the goblin UNIT.BIN file with something which is 48 x 48, but fftevgrp won't allow me a resolution different than what is native to goblin (24 x 40).  Can this be changed?
Help! / Changing which monsters come from eggs
February 08, 2016, 12:49:55 am
I'm working on a monster-based patch and I'm curious if there is a way to make monsters breed any other monster eggs outside of their own monster class.  The way this I want this to work is to remove the family aspect of the monsters.  The only thing that binds this together that I can see is that monster number 1, for example, is going to lay eggs for only monster number 1, 2, or 3 and monster number 4 lays eggs for monster 4, 5, or 6 etc.  I'd like if any monster egg can hatch any other monster 1-48. 

And if this is not possible, is it possible to remove egg laying entirely?  I'll be glad to leave it to taming them to get more if I have to.

New Project Ideas / Re: FF1T
December 21, 2015, 11:11:12 pm
Had a pretty big setback on this.  Lost pretty much everything except my sprites folder and my spreadsheets.  I'll have to redo all the patcher work and tactext work which was by far the most tedious.  There's also the little things like shishi and evgrp, but those should not take very long.  Especially since I saved all the evgrp stuff in the sprites folder.

I've tried pretty much everything short of paying professionals an arm and a leg to recover this data but I think I have to give it up.  It'd be more worth it to just start from the beginning again, but I'm kinda disappointed now.  Don't be surprised if this doesn't go anywhere any time soon.  See the below spoiler on external hard drives if you care, but otherwise it's completely irrelevant. 

Lesson learned: Don't store data on an external hard drive - I don't even know why these exist, but if you have to, store everything that is on there somewhere else AS WELL.  I was naive that's for sure.  Thing stops being recognized by my computer.  I jump through a bunch of hoops to try to get it to work.  I did pretty much everything that didn't cost me an arm and a leg.  I break it open and find it's just a glorified hard drive.  So I plug it into my computer and see if I can do some file recovery, but that pretty much failed.  So now I have a nice, fat, empty 3TB hard drive I can store stuff on.  I'm sure I could have done more to try to get the files back, but aside from this patch there wasn't a whole lot on there that I wanted and after a certain point it becomes more of a nuisance to go through all that trouble than it would be to just start from scratch again.
New Project Ideas / Re: FF1T
December 17, 2015, 02:51:45 am
I've shoved the functional RSMs in to the classes which they made most sense to me to go into.  I really don't know of any way to edit them to make them function differently, but if I could I would because there are some movement ones that are next to useless and some are useless as well as redundant (particularly the ones which involve water).  Irrelevant RSMs like Monster Talk and Throw Item are removed.

As for the job tree, yeah Special classes will replace Fighter which does bring up a good point - I may want to add those basic resurrection and heal to those classes as well.  It may be something I look at as I get more into testing.  As for the rest of the fighter class abilities, I doubt if they're going to be sorely missed by special classes - there will be similar ones if they want to upgrade into Knight and really you can just use a generic if they're that crucial.  Classes will be able to be switched freely, but because the 2nd tier will be a straight upgrade, it's inadvisable to do this at the start.

Job tree will be this:
Fighter -> Knight
Thief -> Ninja
Black Belt -> Master
All of the above at level 8 for females opens Assassin

Red Mage -> Red Wizard
White Mage -> White Wizard
Black Mage -> Black Wizard
All of the above at level 8 for males opens Sorcerer

So each character will have 6 choices to choose from to start with.
New Project Ideas / Re: FF1T
December 16, 2015, 09:04:58 am
Stats yes, but for the most part they're going to be functionally the same.  I want there to be more distinction between classes, so multipliers vary more from class to class and in general stat growths are slightly higher.  So everything, as well as special classes, has been reworked to follow a similar stats model.  There is one exception where a character the player can get is completely different but that's just my little personal touch and is not really a huge change.
New Project Ideas / FF1T
December 15, 2015, 11:35:31 am
Pretty simple concept.  FFT with FF1 classes.  I've already made some pretty good progress with this so I figure I'll post about it now and see if there's any good input before I get so far in that a good idea becomes impractical to implement.  All classes stats are completely based on what they were in FF1 in relation to each other.  Each class will have to reach level eight in their class to access their upgraded class.  I took a bit of creative freedom especially with the Fighter, Thief and Black Belt since in FF1 these classes all essentially had the same function.

Here's the creative freedoms I took with the above mentioned classes:
Fighter - A kind of supportive tank.  Uses shouts to buff and debuff; an idea like Diablo Barbarians or WoW Warriors.  This class has access to weak resurrection and weak healing which is available to any other job who wants to use their skill set as a secondary.  This is mainly because Chemists don't exist and thus neither does the item skillset.

Thief - He's still pretty weak but his use is in being ranged.  Daggers use speed instead of PA for damage calculation making the daggers more useful for thieves than other classes.  Crossbows have 1 increased range and they're also able to use bows as well as the usual stealing skill set stuff.  The Ninja upgrade takes this utility further along with a huge stat boost where the Ninja can equip anything and casts Black magic.

Black belt - Has all of the offensive skills and utilities in his skillset with the Master having even stronger ones.  Black belt is restricted to melee range since even his skillset is all melee.  Master upgrade gives wave fist and earth slash so he has some ranged capabilities. 

Casters - Casters are pretty much as you'd expect.  Red Wizard is slightly unique in having summons but they're essentially larger AOE tier 2 spells.  They all have an ability to regain a small amount of mana based on their MA since there is no more chemists for ethers. 

What I have left to do in order of importance:
- Patcher ENTD stuff.  This is pretty much the big hurdle to overcome before I can release a patch.
- Text.  Just some clean up here and there, but this is mostly done.
- Sprites.  This won't stop a patch release, but I do want to get to this eventually.  I've imported all the sprites I want to, however there are a few more sprites I may edit myself.
- Event Sprites. This is something I want to get to eventually but is not a huge deal to me.

I'm open to suggestions and comments or any input at all.

Also, if these sprites already exist I'll gladly add those and save myself some time and of course credit whoever made them: White Wizard, Red Wizard, Black Wizard.  If they don't already exist, I'll just edit existing sprites myself.

Edit - I forgot to mention that since there are still genders in this, there are also incentives for male casters and female fighters in getting special classes.

Assassin - A female who reaches level 8 Knight, Level 8 Ninja, and Level 8 Master gains access to this powerful class.  She has the throw skillset which I'm open to suggestions on because that seems kinda boring.  I could not give her the actual Use Hand skill set since that would be absurdly overpowered.  And the classes she has mastered already pretty much covers a wide range of abilities.  Not really sure what to do with this class.

Sorcerer - A male who reaches level 8 Red Wizard, Level 8 White Wizard, and Level 8 Black Wizard gains access to this powerful class.  Basically has Kletian type of spells being both supportive and offensive.

Also there is Mime for anyone who wants to get level 8 for all classes (aside from the gender specific ones).
Help! / Re: changing skills chemist
August 05, 2015, 03:26:32 pm
Okay, i was just making sure.  I'd rather not build another patch just to have it scrapped again just because i didn't know something so that's why i ask.
Help! / Re: changing skills chemist
August 05, 2015, 03:08:16 pm
The link in nyzer's post has squire listed under not suitable for editing.
Help! / Re: changing skills chemist
August 05, 2015, 02:01:03 pm
Also, just curious: Why is Squire considered not suitable for editing?

It seems like it's a job you would not be able to leave out of any patch that uses special characters.  For example, if my class tree had a bunch of classes except for squire, Special characters could never change jobs.  It seems like it'd be preferable to edit squire to something which most special classes overshadow.  Just like how in the original game most people didn't think "Oh man, I wish Orlandu could learn throw stone"

And thanks for the skillset fix recommendation.  I'll have to give that a try.
Help! / Re: changing skills chemist
August 05, 2015, 12:28:48 pm
This is actually a question I was about to ask so good timing with the thread!  I am a bit upset though because this is patch concept #3 down the drain for me and now it's back to the drawing board again.

I haven't looked extensively into this, but the only problem I've seen with Ninja is that the AI still has throw for all items (I didn't change Action Menu to default though, and that's probably why), but they also were capable of doing the things that I had changed the skillset to as well.  Weird.  I haven't looked into the player character side of things though.
PSX FFT Hacking / Questions regarding ALMA
July 05, 2015, 04:15:58 am
I want to make a lot of stats on gear scale with level so I made a lot of armor have % stat increase.  Unfortunately this means lower level units will have less benefit from any piece of armor, but it seems a bit shaky on whether the units are having the benefits at all.  Perhaps this is because I'm looking at the first battle in the game where things maybe act weird?  I gave Lavian gear which all added up to giving her a total of +60% HP (+20% three times).  I edited raw stats and she should have 54-56 HP base at her level (8) which would mean her health after gear buffs should be 86-89 but it's usually at 66 which is equivalent to one of those 20% buffs.  What's the issue here?  Like I said, maybe it's a first battle problem?  Or is there some problem with applying the buffs to AI?  I know the +60% works outside of battle.

Also, is there a known problem with the character sheet outside of battle?  Most of the character stats show up fine except speed and magic attack which show up at 50 and 99 respectively.  When I equip "best" on a character, the stats go back to normal for a moment and inside of battle they're correct, but it looks pretty bad to have it visually showing up as something ridiculous.  There's also a problem of equipping each piece of gear individually where, outside of battle, speed and magic attack shows up about 5-10 points higher than it should be.  All of these are problems happen regardless of whether the gear the character is wearing affects speed or magic attack at all.

Also, completely random but Ramza finished off the first battle once by hitting an archer for 693 damage out of nowhere.  I didn't get to see what the conditions were since it finished the battle, but characters aren't even hitting above 50 at that point- no reason to be hitting for 693 damage.  Are there any rumors of stuff like this happening?

If it makes any difference the other stuff applied to my ISO are: item, class, and ENTD changes from FFTPatcher, Armor has damage reduction, and, pre-raw stats edits.

Edit - well, I've narrowed it down to ALMA.  With a completely clean ISO I patched my ALMA xml onto it and Gafgarion happens to have gear which gives him 20% health increase in two 10% items and of course, only one 10% applies.  He has about 210 HP in the original game and about 230 HP with my changes.  Also played it through to the world map and get the character sheet bugginess.  Kind of unfortunate :\  Had a lot of my plans depending on ALMA working.
Help! / Re: FFTPatcher Unknown item flags gone
July 03, 2015, 10:26:56 am

Didn't even know there was a .482 but you're right.  Hope they don't disappear from this one too! :P
Help! / FFTPatcher Unknown item flags gone
July 03, 2015, 05:48:00 am
I'm kinda nooby at this forgive me if I'm missing something obvious.

I'm using the ASM in the last spoiler of the first post on this page: http://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?topic=7864.0

It turns the unknown 1 and 2 box into damage reduction functions.  I tried it and it works.  Thing is, yesterday I had the unknown 1 and 2 fields that ASM refers to but now they're not there.  Where'd they go?

They're supposed to be to the left of weapon, shield, head etc.

I use .457 but I've even looked in .478 and have the same issue.

Also I've just tried opening a new PSX patch and it doesn't work.

Even did a quick google search of images of the item page and it's kinda hit and miss of whether or not those boxes are there.  For example, the one on this page has it: http://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?topic=9797.0
Non-FFT Modding / Re: FFVI Hardcube
May 17, 2015, 08:28:54 pm
So apparently this Romhacking.net site has been around since forever and I never heard of it until last week.  Oh well, got my patch uploaded there rather than random file sharing websites.

Non-FFT Modding / Re: FFVI Hardcube V0.3
November 15, 2013, 11:51:34 pm
New update.  Probably easiest to keep up with it here:

Non-FFT Modding / Re: Odal's FFVI Hardtype
August 09, 2012, 09:33:03 pm
Yay for updates!  See updates in original post.
Non-FFT Modding / Re: Odal's FFVI Hardtype
May 27, 2012, 09:42:02 am
Well, in my hardtype, I'm trying to balance it so grinding is not needed until maybe late game where it's almost impossible to avoid at least SOME grinding due levels being a bit staggered when you get your characters.  And even with that, I'm trying to make it as painless as possible with a way to get exp. eggs.

I guess you could do a lot of running and avoiding battles and then do grinding in small doses along the way to keep your levels up if you wanted.  That's more frustrating imo though.

As for showing random battles on-screen, well people can fastforward, or you could edit them out, or you can pause recording (depending on your software) while battles are going on, but that's a bit more clunky. 
Non-FFT Modding / Re: Odal's FFVI Hardtype
May 22, 2012, 05:38:01 am
In the few play-throughs I've done since then, the increased encounter rate is really only noticable in Kefka's tower.  I dun care what you all say, that place should be tough... it's the final area! :o

Alaris, I was the one who commented on your vid saying you should grind up exp more since you ran from battles so much.  I don't know how you can like FF games when random encounters seem to bother you so much :(

Guess I could double the exp gain from random battles, change the encounter rate to the lowest (just above none), and then people can breeze through the game like nuhbuddy beness.  Seems kind of bland when there's already so many ways to avoid battles if you absolutely have to... chocobos, smoke bombs, warp stones.  Also the charm bangle to cut encounter rate in half, if you do the emperor's banquet right.
Non-FFT Modding / Re: Odal's FFVI Hardtype
May 21, 2012, 05:40:40 am
I haven't given up on this project!  There have been lots of changes since the last update.  Currently looking for people to volunteer to test it out before an official release.  PM me.   You know you wanna :D
