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Started by Xifanie, December 31, 2014, 01:43:44 pm


December 31, 2014, 01:43:44 pm Last Edit: January 01, 2015, 01:02:26 pm by Xifanie
Spoiler Alert!
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  • Modding version: PSX
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<R999> My target market is not FFT mod players
<Raijinili> remember that? it was awful


I read through this and I know we already talked about most of it but I really like were it's going. And some of this should be relatively easy work on my end :D
  • Modding version: PSX


Looks like a golden idea.


I'd like it to be noted that this is not instructions for a step-by-step telling of the story, but rather, a tool that I think could be a valuable reference. Use whatever you will, or cut out whatever is too much; I only wish to contribute and hopefull some of this will be of use. Attached is my work in a better wordpad structure, but otherwise:

Delita's Story


   The story should be told from Delita's perspective, as the historian obviously views Delita's story as at least slightly less significant, and cares more about the secret of Ramza's tale. By having the narrative be told from Delita's view, we can get a whole new view on his story.

   Instead of the scheming "do what has to be done, underhanded or not" kind of dark hero, who cares only about himself and seemingly cuts the bond he shared with Ramza, we can show that, inside, its exactly the opposite. He never cut his bonds, or stopped caring, in fact, it is because he cares so much that he is willing to be the bad guy if he has to to protect his friends and change the world for the better.

It begins with a paused event scene as Delita is sitting at a desk in a room, writing in his journal; (he is dressed in a brown priest robe; later the room is revealed to be a room inside the Church of Glabados).  Like the paused cadet scene, white text rolls across the screen.

    1st Entry:
   "My sister and I were brought to the Gariland orphanage after our parents had died from the black death. The orphanage runs on the charity of the noble House of Beoulve, which also heads an order of knights called the Northern Sky.

   2nd Entry:
   The orphanage is frequented by members of the Northern sky, always looking to conscript new workers or foot soldiers. But the other day, the head of the Beoulves and leader of the Northern Sky, Barbaneth Beoulve, came in to visit with my sister and I.

   3rd Entry:
   Apparently, he too had lost someone he loved to the black death, and showed great empathy. He seem very strong, but he also was just as kind, as he offered to adopt us and raise us in the Beoulve family. I eagerly said yes, as I thought it meant my sister could live a much happier life than we could ever have elsewhere.

   4th Entry:
   I was such a naive child then...

Chapter 1

An event battle involving a young Delita and Ramza with wooden swords in hand about to square off in a sparring match. Standing watch over the match as arbitrator is Zalbag, and far behind him is Dycedarg and Barbaneth, along with Teitra and Alma watching as well. Player controls only Delita, and there is only 1 spot to place him during formation phase.

   "Alright you two, let's try not to injure each other this time. As always, the one to force their opponent down is the winner.
Zalbags leans in:
   "(Father is watching, and you will both recieve your first assignment at the academy tomorrow, so you better look sharp!)"
   "Alright, are you both ready? ... Begin!"

The battle starts. Delita is first, but just outside of walking distance to Ramza to be able to attack on the first turn, so this serves as a teaching method; 4 hits on either Delita or Ramza will cause them to be defeated, so Delita SHOULD just wait and let Ramza come to him. The player must win to advance the story.

As the battle ends, the scene continues with a defeated Ramza kneeled and frustrated at his loss.

   "Damn! I thought I had you!"
   "You might have, if you hadn't been so impatient. I knew you'd rush me, so I waited to counter your attack."
   "Hahaha, so smug. Still, your skill is really something Delita. You might be a knight before me! Haha."
   "You really think so? Hehe, maybe, but don't sell yourself short Ramza. Your much better than you think. Besides, I want us to become knights together."

The two friends maybe do a fist bump, or shake hands. Barbaneth nods, Dycedarg closes his eyes.

   "A fine job, the both of you. You have done well to come this far. Ramza. Delita. Know that you have honored the House of Beoulve, and that I am proud of you both.
   "You spoil them, father. They will grow into conceit if they do not learn humility. Especially Delita."
   "That's enough Dycedarg! You need to-"
Delita Kneels
   "No, Lord Barbaneth, Lord Dycedarg is correct. I am not worthy of praise yet, but I will work harder to earn my standing, and do my best to-"
   "Delita, how many times must I ask you? Please, call me father. Do not listen to Dycedarg, he is too harsh sometimes, but he only means to bring out the best in you both."
   "Yes, my lor- .. uh, I mean.. Yes, Father."
   "(You did great.)"

   The scene ends. The entire rest of the first chapter should start with the academy scene and the first battle in Gariland, all the way up until Teitra's death at For Zeikden. The "Guest" character in the player's formation should be Ramza, and Delita is controled since he is the main character. Most of the original chapter revolves around the two of them as the main characters, and I can provide tweaks here and there to the script to put more focus on Delita.

   The only real reason Ramza felt as the main character in the original was the historian's introduction of him, the battle at the monestary, and Delita being the "guest" in the formation. With the above scene replacing the Monestary battle, and making Ramza the "guest" instead of Delita, we effectively acheive that main character feel as Delita with very little actualy work.
  • Modding version: PSX


That's a very interesting approach Lyrithus, I like it!
  • Modding version: PSX
Completed Sprites
  • Discord username: Valkirst