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Topics - Koruten

PSX FFT Hacking / Rebalancing Jobs
June 27, 2017, 11:41:57 am
I think we can all agree that some jobs in FFT are really overpowered and some go mostly underused because they might just not be fun to play or don't play well at all. I'm mostly going to talk about Generics and avoid Unique classes. I'm also not going to talk about the added jobs in the PSP version. They are their own pool of broken. (Yet somewhat fun)

I understand that ideally, it'd be impossible to balance every class to make them all equally favorable. A lot of classes are one-trick ponies or just gimmicky.

Some suggestions / ideas I've tested that could work to make them more enjoyable / balanced

Overpowered / Widely Used

This one I think would be the hardest to "balance" without just outright replacing the class altogether. Todo.

Underpowered / Rarely Used
Bard (done)

I feel like the Bard class is the outright weakest class in the game. The buffs are hit and miss, sitting in a corner is no fun really, and pretty weak stats. Here are some changes I think could make the class more enjoyable.

  • Reduce song range from 255 to 4 and height to 6

  • Reduce casting time for every song by 2

  • Songs cost MP. 10 MP for most songs, 15 MP for Nameless Song, and 20 MP for Last Song

  • Songs need to be recast after execution

  • Angel Song can no longer target self

  • Raise MP multiplier by 20

  • Change formula for Angel Song to HealMP_(MA*Y)

  • Change formula for Life Song to Heal_(MA*Y)

  • Needs testing : Change formulas for hit chance for song buffs.

  • Todo : Stat balance.

I feel like this would make Bard a more dynamic and fun class. You can't just stick him in a corner anymore. He needs to travel with his party.

Dancer (done)

Dancer is a bit more powerful than Bard, as debuffs do a lot more to the enemy than buffs would to your party, as well as having a larger set of equipment to utilize (knives and cloth, whereas Bards only get Harps), but still mostly underutilized.


  • Reduce dance range from 255 to 4 and height to 6

  • Reduce casting time for every dance by 2

  • Dances cost MP. 10 MP for most songs, 15 MP for Nameless Dance, and 20 MP for Last Dance

  • Dances need to be recast after execution

  • Raise MP multiplier by 20

  • Change formula for Witch Hunt to DmgMP_(MA+Y)% Hit_F(X)% (or DmgMP_(MA*Y) if disabled "May display 'Broken'")

  • Change formula for Wiznaibu to Dmg_F(MA*Y)/b]

  • Needs testing : Change formulas for hit chance for dance debuffs.

  • Todo : Stat balance.

Same with Bard, I feel like this would make Dancer a more dynamic class and fun class. Can't just sit in a corner anymore.

I want to know your thoughts and possible ideas that could go with this. What jobs do you think are overpowered / underpowered and what do you think could be done to balance them. I'll be adding more myself when I get around to testing out different ways to balance some classes.
The Lounge / Koruten's Programming Facility.
July 14, 2015, 10:21:37 pm
Hey guys. I've been delving into C# a lot recently and I finally decided to write my first ever program (no not hello world.).

I present you, something that has been done already but I did it anyways cause it seemed easy enough : The Judge Score Averager!

Download Version 1.0.2 Download Here

GitHub https://github.com/XNBlank/JudgeScoreAverager

This allows you to generate an average score from all of your judges. It allows up to as many scores as you want. (known as judges in the program. Also note that having too many will take a long time to type out.).


Fixed issue where having less than 0 judges would crash the program.
Added snazzy icon.
Cleaned up code. (Thanks Ghosthawk).
Added Highscore option.

Fixed a bug that would crash the program if the user typed in a letter instead of a number for values.
Added an exception that prevents crashing when user inputs 0 judges.
(to be done :P )


ASM Patches
JP Scroll Glitch Patch
Soldiers Office Plus Patch
World Events Patch
No Monster Breeding
Set 'Continue' Default
Allow Generics to Join as Guests
Gain 10% MP after each turn

Clothing is now sold at Castles. Robes will be sold only at Towns. Gives you a reason to visit them. (Might be changed back.)
ENTD Events Changed.
Hi-Potion now heals 50 HP instead of 70 HP.
X-Potion now heals 100 HP instead of 150 HP.
Phoenix Down now restores (1..(35-1)) HP.

Wish now revives an ally. MP Cost - 5MP

Throw Stone Ability modified slightly
Dash Ability modified slightly.

New Skillset : Aim
Description : Aims and shoots at the target to induce status effects and deal damage.
Charge XX is no longer available.

Venom Shot - Deals Damage. May cause "Poison" - 100JP - 6MP
Blinding Shot - Deals Damage. May cause "Blind" - 150JP - 6MP
Confusing Shot - Deals Damage. May cause "Confusion" - 200JP - 10MP
Quick Shot - Deals damage without fail. - 250JP - 8MP
Blaze Shot - Deals Fire damage. - 150JP - 6MP
Spark Shot - Deals Lightning damage. - 150JP - 6MP
Blast Shot - Deals Ice damage. - 150JP - 6MP

Known Bugs
QuoteSpecial members won't join team. (Trying to fix.) Fixed.
Changing the price in the soldier office won't work. (???) Updated to newest ASM. Is now fixed.
Events may not play through properly. (Fixing.)
Archers skills can cause 'double knockback'.

New Storyline WIP
EVENT 001 Finished. Might be tweaked. (Start of Game) //Church
EVENT 002 Finished. Might be tweaked. //Rundown Hut (Hospital)
EVENT 003 Finished. //Finath River
EVENT 004 Finished. //Bervenia Free City
EVENT 005 Finished. //Zarghidas Trade City

Plans for this hack

  • Brand new storyline, with new characters and battles.

  • Major changes to the jobs and their abilities.

  • Major changes to items and equipment.

  • Attempt at making a more difficult game without going overboard.


After the long ending Lion War, 20 years later, the people of Ivalice grow tired of the ruling under the crown once again. Food and clean water have become scarce, disease has spread, and many people have started to rebel, the King has surrounded himself with his men for protection. With the many heads of regions gone, new house families have taken their place, trying to keep equality within their people. Everyone now knows of the Brave Story, and the power of the Holy Stones, which have gone missing from the continent entirely since the Lion War, according to the Church.


PS : I've replaced Ramza with Luso just so I can see a different character. :P It's just a placeholder.

I have been drawing for around 4 years now, and today I decided to try painting. The first version didnt turn out well, but this one looks a lot better.

Took me all day to paint this. Practice makes perfect.

What do you think?
Ok. I'm trying to find the Dorter Trade City ENTD event from Chapter 2 but I cannot find it. What event number is it? Also, I changed a map in ATTACK.OUT editor from Sweegy Woods to Ruins of Zeltenia(Whatever) Church and I set the enemies in the correct spots, but when I test the battle, most enemies appear outside of the map but they still get their turns. Any fixes?
Spriting / Koruten's Sprites
May 19, 2012, 12:58:17 pm
Hey guys. I've really gotten into spriting, so I need some criticism. So far, I've only made part of me.

I'm making it off of the Zodiac sprite. Coments please.
Spriting / Koru's Sprites
June 24, 2011, 05:08:45 pm
Hello FFH! I have started with some sprite making. Here is a basic edit I made. I am going to update it a little bit with a new portrait and some jacket details.
Hi. I used FFTorgASM to patch the "Potions restore % of HP" to the iso. When I tested it, it crashes as soon as a Potion is used. I need help.
The Lounge / Hello FFH Community!
May 17, 2011, 01:49:38 am
Hello FFH! I'm Koruten. I am loving the endless possibilities when using the FFH Haxing Kit. We I'm done with my awesome FFHack, I'm going to show it to all of you! (It will mostly consist of sprite, ASM, Text and Battle edits) I just love this community. I'm so glad I found this community. Hi!