Vanilla FFTA but the in-game AI controls all actions during battle. (found by Rurusachi)
I also applied a levelcap mod. (made by Aya and Myself)
I was planning to do a big release post but I'm feeling uninspired at the moment.
Level caps
"Fight" Priority Values
A-ability Priority Values (if a move is not in this list it is because the AI will not use it)
Explanation of PVs:
(It's just weighted probabilities)
My Discord
Happy Holidays.
Vanilla FFTA but the in-game AI controls all actions during battle. (found by Rurusachi)
I also applied a levelcap mod. (made by Aya and Myself)
I was planning to do a big release post but I'm feeling uninspired at the moment.
Level caps
SnowballFight 1
LizardMen 1
HerbPicking 2
ThesisHunt 3
TheCheetahs 4
DesertPeril 5
TwistedFlow 7
Antilaws 8
DiamondRain 9
HotAwakening 10
MagicWood 12
EmeraldKeep 12
PaleCompany 13
JagdHunt 14
TheBounty 15
GoldenClock 16
ScouringTime 18
TheBigFind 19
DesertPatrol 21
QuietSands 22
MateriteNow 22
PresentDay 24
HiddenVein 25
ToAmbervale 26
OverTheHill 27
RoyalValley 29
PostGame 30
LizardMen 1
HerbPicking 2
ThesisHunt 3
TheCheetahs 4
DesertPeril 5
TwistedFlow 7
Antilaws 8
DiamondRain 9
HotAwakening 10
MagicWood 12
EmeraldKeep 12
PaleCompany 13
JagdHunt 14
TheBounty 15
GoldenClock 16
ScouringTime 18
TheBigFind 19
DesertPatrol 21
QuietSands 22
MateriteNow 22
PresentDay 24
HiddenVein 25
ToAmbervale 26
OverTheHill 27
RoyalValley 29
PostGame 30
"Fight" Priority Values
Soldier 70
Paladin 60
Fighter 70
Thief 60
Ninja 50
White Mage 15
Black Mage 10
Illusionist 10
Blue Mage 30
Archer 70
Hunter 70
Warrior 70
Dragoon 70
Defender 70
Gladiator 70
White Monk 70
Bishop 20
Templar 70
Time Mage 10
Alchemist 30
Beastmaster 50
Morpher 50
Sage 20
Fencer 70
Elementalist 30
Red Mage 40
Summoner 10
Assassin 60
Sniper 60
Animist 60
Mog Knight 70
Gunner 70
Juggler 30
Gadgeteer 20
Paladin 60
Fighter 70
Thief 60
Ninja 50
White Mage 15
Black Mage 10
Illusionist 10
Blue Mage 30
Archer 70
Hunter 70
Warrior 70
Dragoon 70
Defender 70
Gladiator 70
White Monk 70
Bishop 20
Templar 70
Time Mage 10
Alchemist 30
Beastmaster 50
Morpher 50
Sage 20
Fencer 70
Elementalist 30
Red Mage 40
Summoner 10
Assassin 60
Sniper 60
Animist 60
Mog Knight 70
Gunner 70
Juggler 30
Gadgeteer 20
A-ability Priority Values (if a move is not in this list it is because the AI will not use it)
Name PV Target unit with low/high HP
Cure 80 Low
Cura 65 Low
Curaga 50 Low
Esuna 100 Low
Life 100 Low
Full-Life 100 Low
Auto-Life 40 Low
Shell 20 Low
Protect 20 Low
Dispel 30 Low
Holy 30 Low
Barrier 20 Low
Judge 20 High
Break 40 High
Water 70 Low
Aero 70 High
Drain 60 Low
Blind 40 High
Raise 70 Low
Giga Flare 30 Low
Bio 50 Low
Ultima Blow 30 Low
Fire 70 Low
Fira 60 Low
Firaga 50 Low
Thunder 70 Low
Thundara 60 Low
Thundaga 50 Low
Blizzard 70 Low
Blizzara 60 Low
Blizzaga 50 Low
Sleep 40 High
Quicken 10 Low
Slow 80 High
Reflect 20 Low
Stop 40 High
Quarter 70 Low
Demi 50 Low
Silence 40 High
Haste 40 Low
Prominence 40 Low
Tempest 40 Low
Freezeblink 40 Low
Star Cross 40 Low
Stardust 40 Low
Deluge 40 Low
Soil Evidence 40 Low
Wild Tornado 40 Low
Fire Whip 70 Low
Earth Heal 70 Low
White Flame 70 Low
Shining Air 70 Low
Evil Gaze 100 Low
Heavy Dust 70 Low
Sliprain 70 Low
Elementalshift 20 High
Astra 10 Low
Rasp 30 High
Death 30 High
Meteor 30 Low
Flare 30 Low
Poison 40 High
Toad 40 High
Unicorn 60 Low
Ifrit 30 Low
Ramuh 30 Low
Shiva 30 Low
Kirin 20 Low
Carbuncle 10 Low
Phoenix 100 Low
Madeen 30 Low
First Aid 60 Low
Powerbreak 30 High
Mindbreak 30 High
Magicbreak 30 High
Speedbreak 30 High
Mug 30 Low
Provoke 30 High
Body Slam 80 Low
Greased Bolt 80 Low
Downsize 80 High
Nurse 70 Low
Saint Cross 80 Low
Holy Blade 80 Low
Defense 10 Low
Drop Weapon 30 High
Tremor 60 Low
Hibernate 30 Low
Mow Down 70 Low
Aura 20 Low
Expert Guard 10 High
Meltdown 10 Low
Whirlwind 80 Low
Earth Render 80 Low
Chakra 70 Low
Revive 80 Low
Exorcise 50 High
Holy Sign 50 Low
Air Render 80 Low
Far Fist 80 Low
Air Blast 80 Low
Backdraft 10 Low
Rush 80 Low
Wild Swing 80 Low
Beatdown 60 Low
Blitz 20 Low
Fire Sword 80 Low
Bolt Sword 80 Low
Ice Sword 80 Low
Ultima Sword 30 Low
Warcry 40 High
Cheer 30 High
Soul Sphere 30 High
Lifebreak 80 Low
Jump 90 Low
Lancet 50 Low
Fire Breath 80 Low
Bolt Breath 80 Low
Ice Breath 80 Low
Wymkiller 80 Low
Bangaa Cry 80 Low
Mog Attack 80 Low
Mog Guard 20 Low
Mog Lance 60 Low
Mog Rush 60 Low
Mog Shield 20 Low
Mog Aid 70 Low
Ultima Charge 30 Low
Swarmstrike 80 Low
Shadowstick 30 High
Checkmate 30 High
Featherblow 60 Low
Swallowtail 80 Low
Manastrike 30 High
Piercethrough 80 Low
Nighthawk 80 Low
Throw 90 High
Wood Veil 80 Low
Fire Veil 80 Low
Earth Veil 80 Low
Metal Veil 80 Low
Water Veil 80 Low
Unspell 60 Low
Oblivion 30 High
Shadowbind 30 High
Last Breath 30 High
Aphonia 30 High
Nightmare 30 High
Ague 30 High
Rockseal 30 High
Ultima Masher 30 Low
Steal: Armor 20 High
Steal: Shield 20 High
Steal: Access. 20 High
Steal: Helm 20 High
Steal: Weapon 20 High
Steal: Gil 50 High
Steal: EXP 50 High
Steal: JP 50 High
Steal: Ability 20 High
Boost 30 Low
Aim: Legs 80 High
Aim: Arms 60 High
Cupid 50 High
Burial 60 High
Take Aim 80 Low
Faster 80 Low
Blackout 60 High
Sonic Boom 80 Low
Advice 30 Low
Aim: Vitals 30 High
Addle 30 High
Ultima Shot 30 Low
Sidewinder 5 Low
Hurl 90 High
Ring 30 High
Firebomb 60 Low
Ball 30 High
Dagger 60 Low
Smile 20 Low
Gil Toss 50 Low
Beso Toxico 80 Low
Death Sickle 30 High
Doom Archer 80 Use at LowHP
Doubleshot 80 Low
Aim: Armor 30 High
Aim: Weapon 30 High
Aim: Wallet 30 High
Sheep Count 30 High
100% Wool 20 Low
Cuisine 70 Low
Tail Wag 30 High
Chocobo Rush 80 Low
Frogsong 30 High
Friend 60 High
Catnip 30 High
Fireshot 80 Low
Boltshot 80 Low
Iceshot 80 Low
Confushot 80 Low
Charmshot 80 Low
Blindshot 80 Low
Silenshot 80 Low
Stopshot 80 Low
Red Spring 30 High
Blue Screw 30 Low
Green Gear 30 High
Silver Disc 30 High
Gold Battery 30 Low
Black Ingot 30 High
Chroma Gem 30 High
Yellow Spring 30 Low
Potion 50 Low
Draw Weapon 100 Low
Goblin Punch 80 Low
Magic Hammer 30 High
Mutilate 30 Low
Acid 30 High
Sacrifice 70 Low
Blowup 100 Use at LowHP
Flame Attack 80 Low
Chill 80 Low
Mighty Guard 20 Low
Guard-Off 30 High
Dragon Force 20 High
Night 30 High
Twister 40 Low
Hand Slap 60 Low
Poison Frog 30 High
Kiss 30 High
LV3 Def-less 20 High
Sandstorm 40 Low
LV5 Death 20 High
Suffocate 40 High
Resonate 40 High
Limit Glove 70 Use at LowHP
Matra Magic 40 Low
Munch 20 Low
Knife 100 Low
Karma 100 Use at LowHP
Voodoo 100 Use at LowHP
Poison Claw 60 Low
Hastebreak 30 High
Rend 60 Low
Blaster 60 High
Bad Breath 60 High
Goo 60 High
Soundwave 60 Low
Stare 30 High
Roulette 20 High
Devil Gaze 30 High
Circle 20 High
Drain Touch 60 Low
LV? S-Flare 20 Low
Miasma 30 Low
Zombify 50 High
White Wind 60 Low
Angel Whisper 60 Low
Meteorite 30 Low
LV?D Holy 30 Low
Explode 80 Low
Stillness 50 High
Azoth 90 High
Omega 30 Low
Abyss 30 Low
Life Render 80 Low
Heart Render 50 High
Ripcircle 80 Low
Furycircle 80 Low
Lawshift 30 High
Amber Gleam 30 High
Alpha 80 Low
Descent 80 Low
Magi 80 Low
Spellbind 80 Low
Breath of God 80 Low
Lightspeed 80 Low
Firestream 80 Low
Howl of Rage 30 High
Presence 80 Low
Logos 100 High
Judge Sword 80 Low
Bind 80 Low
Judge Sword 80 Low
Yellow Card 30 Low
Palaistra 40 High
Blank Card 40 High
Cure 80 Low
Cura 65 Low
Curaga 50 Low
Esuna 100 Low
Life 100 Low
Full-Life 100 Low
Auto-Life 40 Low
Shell 20 Low
Protect 20 Low
Dispel 30 Low
Holy 30 Low
Barrier 20 Low
Judge 20 High
Break 40 High
Water 70 Low
Aero 70 High
Drain 60 Low
Blind 40 High
Raise 70 Low
Giga Flare 30 Low
Bio 50 Low
Ultima Blow 30 Low
Fire 70 Low
Fira 60 Low
Firaga 50 Low
Thunder 70 Low
Thundara 60 Low
Thundaga 50 Low
Blizzard 70 Low
Blizzara 60 Low
Blizzaga 50 Low
Sleep 40 High
Quicken 10 Low
Slow 80 High
Reflect 20 Low
Stop 40 High
Quarter 70 Low
Demi 50 Low
Silence 40 High
Haste 40 Low
Prominence 40 Low
Tempest 40 Low
Freezeblink 40 Low
Star Cross 40 Low
Stardust 40 Low
Deluge 40 Low
Soil Evidence 40 Low
Wild Tornado 40 Low
Fire Whip 70 Low
Earth Heal 70 Low
White Flame 70 Low
Shining Air 70 Low
Evil Gaze 100 Low
Heavy Dust 70 Low
Sliprain 70 Low
Elementalshift 20 High
Astra 10 Low
Rasp 30 High
Death 30 High
Meteor 30 Low
Flare 30 Low
Poison 40 High
Toad 40 High
Unicorn 60 Low
Ifrit 30 Low
Ramuh 30 Low
Shiva 30 Low
Kirin 20 Low
Carbuncle 10 Low
Phoenix 100 Low
Madeen 30 Low
First Aid 60 Low
Powerbreak 30 High
Mindbreak 30 High
Magicbreak 30 High
Speedbreak 30 High
Mug 30 Low
Provoke 30 High
Body Slam 80 Low
Greased Bolt 80 Low
Downsize 80 High
Nurse 70 Low
Saint Cross 80 Low
Holy Blade 80 Low
Defense 10 Low
Drop Weapon 30 High
Tremor 60 Low
Hibernate 30 Low
Mow Down 70 Low
Aura 20 Low
Expert Guard 10 High
Meltdown 10 Low
Whirlwind 80 Low
Earth Render 80 Low
Chakra 70 Low
Revive 80 Low
Exorcise 50 High
Holy Sign 50 Low
Air Render 80 Low
Far Fist 80 Low
Air Blast 80 Low
Backdraft 10 Low
Rush 80 Low
Wild Swing 80 Low
Beatdown 60 Low
Blitz 20 Low
Fire Sword 80 Low
Bolt Sword 80 Low
Ice Sword 80 Low
Ultima Sword 30 Low
Warcry 40 High
Cheer 30 High
Soul Sphere 30 High
Lifebreak 80 Low
Jump 90 Low
Lancet 50 Low
Fire Breath 80 Low
Bolt Breath 80 Low
Ice Breath 80 Low
Wymkiller 80 Low
Bangaa Cry 80 Low
Mog Attack 80 Low
Mog Guard 20 Low
Mog Lance 60 Low
Mog Rush 60 Low
Mog Shield 20 Low
Mog Aid 70 Low
Ultima Charge 30 Low
Swarmstrike 80 Low
Shadowstick 30 High
Checkmate 30 High
Featherblow 60 Low
Swallowtail 80 Low
Manastrike 30 High
Piercethrough 80 Low
Nighthawk 80 Low
Throw 90 High
Wood Veil 80 Low
Fire Veil 80 Low
Earth Veil 80 Low
Metal Veil 80 Low
Water Veil 80 Low
Unspell 60 Low
Oblivion 30 High
Shadowbind 30 High
Last Breath 30 High
Aphonia 30 High
Nightmare 30 High
Ague 30 High
Rockseal 30 High
Ultima Masher 30 Low
Steal: Armor 20 High
Steal: Shield 20 High
Steal: Access. 20 High
Steal: Helm 20 High
Steal: Weapon 20 High
Steal: Gil 50 High
Steal: EXP 50 High
Steal: JP 50 High
Steal: Ability 20 High
Boost 30 Low
Aim: Legs 80 High
Aim: Arms 60 High
Cupid 50 High
Burial 60 High
Take Aim 80 Low
Faster 80 Low
Blackout 60 High
Sonic Boom 80 Low
Advice 30 Low
Aim: Vitals 30 High
Addle 30 High
Ultima Shot 30 Low
Sidewinder 5 Low
Hurl 90 High
Ring 30 High
Firebomb 60 Low
Ball 30 High
Dagger 60 Low
Smile 20 Low
Gil Toss 50 Low
Beso Toxico 80 Low
Death Sickle 30 High
Doom Archer 80 Use at LowHP
Doubleshot 80 Low
Aim: Armor 30 High
Aim: Weapon 30 High
Aim: Wallet 30 High
Sheep Count 30 High
100% Wool 20 Low
Cuisine 70 Low
Tail Wag 30 High
Chocobo Rush 80 Low
Frogsong 30 High
Friend 60 High
Catnip 30 High
Fireshot 80 Low
Boltshot 80 Low
Iceshot 80 Low
Confushot 80 Low
Charmshot 80 Low
Blindshot 80 Low
Silenshot 80 Low
Stopshot 80 Low
Red Spring 30 High
Blue Screw 30 Low
Green Gear 30 High
Silver Disc 30 High
Gold Battery 30 Low
Black Ingot 30 High
Chroma Gem 30 High
Yellow Spring 30 Low
Potion 50 Low
Draw Weapon 100 Low
Goblin Punch 80 Low
Magic Hammer 30 High
Mutilate 30 Low
Acid 30 High
Sacrifice 70 Low
Blowup 100 Use at LowHP
Flame Attack 80 Low
Chill 80 Low
Mighty Guard 20 Low
Guard-Off 30 High
Dragon Force 20 High
Night 30 High
Twister 40 Low
Hand Slap 60 Low
Poison Frog 30 High
Kiss 30 High
LV3 Def-less 20 High
Sandstorm 40 Low
LV5 Death 20 High
Suffocate 40 High
Resonate 40 High
Limit Glove 70 Use at LowHP
Matra Magic 40 Low
Munch 20 Low
Knife 100 Low
Karma 100 Use at LowHP
Voodoo 100 Use at LowHP
Poison Claw 60 Low
Hastebreak 30 High
Rend 60 Low
Blaster 60 High
Bad Breath 60 High
Goo 60 High
Soundwave 60 Low
Stare 30 High
Roulette 20 High
Devil Gaze 30 High
Circle 20 High
Drain Touch 60 Low
LV? S-Flare 20 Low
Miasma 30 Low
Zombify 50 High
White Wind 60 Low
Angel Whisper 60 Low
Meteorite 30 Low
LV?D Holy 30 Low
Explode 80 Low
Stillness 50 High
Azoth 90 High
Omega 30 Low
Abyss 30 Low
Life Render 80 Low
Heart Render 50 High
Ripcircle 80 Low
Furycircle 80 Low
Lawshift 30 High
Amber Gleam 30 High
Alpha 80 Low
Descent 80 Low
Magi 80 Low
Spellbind 80 Low
Breath of God 80 Low
Lightspeed 80 Low
Firestream 80 Low
Howl of Rage 30 High
Presence 80 Low
Logos 100 High
Judge Sword 80 Low
Bind 80 Low
Judge Sword 80 Low
Yellow Card 30 Low
Palaistra 40 High
Blank Card 40 High
Explanation of PVs:
(It's just weighted probabilities)
My Discord
Happy Holidays.