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Topics - Skip Sandwich

The Lounge / Conspiracy!
January 28, 2011, 12:32:42 pm
Because I'm a fan of conspiracy theories

The Lounge / Card Saga Wars
January 12, 2011, 02:39:05 am
really awesome indie fighting game in the works

Spam / Postin drunk, BBS gone wild!
February 24, 2010, 10:41:26 pm
woo! posting while intoxicated! :mrgreen: :
Spam / Bardock is a pretty cool guy
November 04, 2009, 11:18:01 am
eh conquers planets and doesn't afraid of anything!

(new DBZ abridged episode, the saga of bardock is up on the TeamFourStar website http://www.tfsabridged.com/episodes/)
Mercenaries / Monster Test Battle!
September 23, 2009, 02:17:50 pm
Okay, so I finally got my special battle data from LD, and was able to see the new demi-human monsters in action, here's how it played out. Ramza was a Gambler, Rad was a Dragoon, and Gaff was himself, the enemy side had a Skeleton, Goblin, and Mind Flayer

round 1
00: Ramza uses Roullette, slows himself and the skelleton, eats a counter flood from something, taking 60~somthing damage, ouch

01: Gaff moves forward and heals up ramza with a body rune

02: Goblin moves forward slightly and defends

03: Squid moves forward slightly and defends

04: Skelleton moves forward slightly and defends, my turn again

05: Rad's turn, too far away to do anything useful, he advances slightly and defends

06: Gaff's turn again, walks up the stairs and uses Abraxsas on the Goblin for 30 damage, Goblin activates PA Save

07: Goblin moves forward and charges something that inflicts frog onto Rad

08: Squid moves out and Aqua Rake's Gaff for 25 damage

09: Frog drop resolves on Rad, deals 52 damage, no frog thankfully, and Rad activates Damage Split, haha!

10: apparently the goblin had initial: Shell and the skelleton Initial: Protect, they wear off now

11: Rad's turn again, he jumps on the goblin (little buggy with the timing of the damage numbers/sound effect, but still really awesome animation) Goblin activates PA Save again, I'll have to kill it quickly before it's next turn and it gets to melee range

12: slow wears off of Ramza and the skelleton, Ramza's turn now, goblin has 59 hp left, taking a chance, I have him use Coin Toss, it works, dealing 82 damage and killing the Goblin! Huzzah for the Gambler!

13: Gaff's turn, Ramza is low on mp from that Roullette earlier, so I use a Mind Rune to top him off

14: Skelleton's turn, it jumps into the air and rains unholy hell down upon Gaff and Ramza with Shadow Lance, before teleporting back to the ground, in what is quite possibly the single most awesome attack animation I have ever seen. Ramza and Gaff are hurting bad, but I don't even care because that attack was so cool. Oh, and Ramza triggers Gilgame Heart, Wee.

15: Squid jumps up onto the stairs and Mind Blast's Ramza and Gaff, it misses Ramza but Gaff is confused, crap...

16: Ramza's turn, I check the at list and see that the next two turns will be Rad and then Gaff, so I go ahead and attempt another Coin Toss to try and kill the Squid, Ramza ends up killing himself instead, dammit.

17: Rad attacks Gaff to break confusion, spear procs a mp drain effect

18: Skelleton hits Gaff with Shadow Lance again, get's bugged up and stays in the air, Gaff is now in critical, not looking good for me...

19: Squid staff whacks Gaff for the kill, it's now Rad vs. the world, you can do it Rad! I believe in you!

20: Rad's turn, he moves up and uses Dragon Breath to knock the Squid down to critical, go Rad!

21: Skelleton's turn, he drops down from the sky and melee's Rad for 30 damage

22: Squid runs away and Mind Blast's Rad, inflicting Berserk...we'll see how this plays out...

23: Rad attempts to melee the skelleton for a measly 39 damage, gets weapon garded and eats a counter flood that leaves him with just 3 hp...this isn't going to end well...

24: yup, Skelleton walks to Rad's side and melee's him down for the win, Me 0, Monsters 1, let's try this again

Round 2
~one load state later~

00: Once again, start the battle off by having Ramza cast Roulette, it misses all three of my units and hastes all three monsters...damnit...Ramza then advances up the stairs

01: Gaff's turn, nothing to do so he just advances and defends

02: Goblin's turn, it runs off to the top corner and defends

03: Skelleton's turn, it moves up and uses Shadow Lance on Gaff for 64 damage

04: Goblin's turn again, it adances one tile and defends

05: Skelleton's turn again, it advances to one tile away from Gaff, and Shadow Lance's Ramza for 48 damage, Gilgame heart activates woohoo...

06: Ramza's turn, so I run up to the Skelleton and hit it with Coin Toss, which works and deals a good chunk of damage

07: Gaff's turn, so he moves to the other side of the skelleton and hits it with a Body Rune for 50 damage

08: Rad's turn, and he kills the Skelleton with Dragon breath with an 85% chance hit

09: Goblin's turn, and it's still just chillin up top and defending, not that I mind at all...

10: Squid's turn, and he again hits Ramza and Gaff with Mind Blast, this time, Ramza get's berserked and Gaff is unaffected

11: Ramza retalliates by taking an immediate turn and attacking the Squid, giving me my first glimpse of the new Card weapon animation, which is really awesome.

12: Gaff's turn, and he finishes off the Squid with Axabras, huzzah!

13: Goblin's turn, and it charges a Frog Drop on Ramza, which resolves immediately for 40 damage, no frog proc this time either, Haste finally wears off as well

14: Gaff's turn, he can't reach the goblin since the corpse of the squid is in the way, so he just heals ramza with a Body Rune

15: Ramza's turn, and he attacks the goblin, inflicting poison, the goblin counters twice for 13 damage a pop

16: Rad's turn, has nothing to do so he just moves forward a bit

17: Goblin's turn, charges Frog Drop on Rad

18: Gaff's turn, he impales the charging goblin for 72 damage leaving it at a measly 2hp

19: Frog Drop resolves, still no frog proc, and the goblin eats Damage Split and dies, a winner is me! Score is now 1-1, time for the tiebreaker match!

Round 3!
~Load State~

00: As per usual, battle opens up with Ramza casting Roulette, Gaff, the Goblin and the Squid get hasted, the Skelleton get's slowed, Ramza eats a counter flood from the skelleton for 65 damage, ouch

01:  Gaff's turn, he advances and waits

02: Goblin's turn, it advances a great deal and defends

03: Squids turn, it waits in place and defends

04: Skelleton's turn, my characters arent advanced as far forward, so it just moves towards the middle of the stairs and defends

05: Rad's turn, he can't quite reach the goblin, so I just have him defend

06: Gaff's turn, so I have him advance and deal first blood to the Goblin with Abraxas, triggers PA Save

07: Goblin's turn, so it starts charging a Frog Drop onto Rad (really seems to love that abillity)

08: Ramza's turn, he sees a charging goblin and attacks for a whooping 80 damage, but I forget about the goblin's counter, the first punch misses, but the second scores a critical hit for 44 damage, knocking Ramza into critical, ouch

09: Frog Drop resolves, and Rad is turned into a frog, not good

10: Gaff's turn, attempt to kill the goblin with a physical, but eat weapon guard, dammit

11: Rad's turn, lacking status healing, rad simply advances and tongues the goblin for 3 damage, eating a 30 damage counter punch, the second punch misses, but rad is down to 10hp now

12: Goblin's turn, and it turn punches Ramza to death

13: Squid finally get's another turn, and it aqua rake's Rad to death, Gaff is now on his own, i'm a little worried, but not as much as before, since he has Scrying secondary, so at least he can heal

14: Gaff's turn, so he advances and hits the Squid with Abraxas, need to take him down fast, before I get hit with berserk

15: Skellton's turn, the Squid is between me and it, so it just defends, rather then kill his ally to get to me with Shadow Lance

16: Squid's turn, it walks up and staff's Gaff for 20 damage, triggering Dragon Spirit, which is too little, too late, unfortunately, Haste does wear off of the Goblin and Squid though, which is a plus

17: Gaff's turn, and he Abraxas's the Squid down to critical, moving to keep the squid between himself and any potential Shadow Lances, since i'm pretty sure by this point he has good compat with the skelleton

18: Skelleton moves forward, and again, chooses to defend rather then kill his ally to hit me with Shadow Lance

19: Gaff gets a double turn here, I have him wait in place and use a Body rune on himself

20: Goblin moves forward and...turn punches the Squid? apparently turn punch deals water element damage, since the squid is healed for a small ammount

21: Squid's turn, and it Mind Blasts Gaff and misses

22: Gaffs turn, and yet again, a potentially killing blow on the goblin eats weapon guard, !#@$

23: Skelleton's turn, it moves into melee range and uses Shadow Lance for 64 damage on Gaff

24: Goblin's turn, and it Turn Punches the Squid again, it's now almost back to full hp

25: Squid's turn, and this time it moves up and uses Dominate to charm Gaff

26: Ramza crystalizes, no game over screen appears, i'm going to count this as a loss anyway, since it's pretty apparrent how the rest of the battle will go from here out

Final score, 1-2, Monsters win!

I had a lot of fun with this, and want to thank LD again for giving me the chance to test this out
The Lounge / Fight world hunger!
March 24, 2009, 09:14:52 am
go here http://freerice.com/index.php and anwser basic trivia questions, for every question you get right, 10 grains of rice will be donated to charity. It doesn't cost you anything but time and a small ammount of effort to participate, so get cracking! :grin:
PSX FFT Hacking / Elemental affinities
December 04, 2008, 04:14:23 pm
i'm not quite sure if this is the right place to put this, but its a close as anything I guess.

anyway, one thing that's always bothered be about Tactics is that they use a sorta hybrid elemental system, as opposed to the traditional mirror system or a Rock-Paper-Scissor system.  For example, things of the fire element are weak to water, but resistant to ice, but the Ice Shield is weak against thunder, when every other ice element is weak to fire.

I would have preferred if they had just stuck with one system, like one of the following
Vannila FFT system (for comparison)

Traditional FF system
Fire <--> Ice
Thunder <--> Water
Wind <--> Earth
Holy <--> Dark

RPS system with FF elements
Holy <--> Dark

also, some monsters have completly random elemental weaknesses, like WTF are goblins weak agaisnt ice or panthers weak against earth?

When i'm messing around with making patches, I tend to use two standards of determining what a monster's elemental atributes should be
1) Elemental affinity and strength
2) monster type


Minor Fire: Half Fire, Weak Water
Fire: Immune Fire, Half Ice, Weak Water
Major Fire: Absorb Fire, Immune Ice, Half Wind, Weak Water

Minor Ice: Half Ice, Weak Fire
Ice: Immune Ice, Half Wind, Weak Fire
Major Ice: Absorb Ice, Immune Wind, Half Earth, Weak Fire

Minor Thunder: Half Thunder, Weak Earth
Thunder: Immune Thunder, Half Water, Weak Earth
Major Thunder: Absorb Thunder, Immune Water, Half Fire, Weak Earth

Minor Wind: Half Wind, Weak Ice
Wind: Immune Wind, Half Earth, Weak Ice
Major Wind: Absorb Wind, Immune Earth, Half Thunder, Weak Ice

Minor Earth: half Earth, Weak Wind
Earth: Immune Earth, Half Thunder, Weak Wind
Major Earth: Absorb Earth, Immune Thunder, Half Water, Weak Wind

Minor Holy: Half Holy, Weak Dark
Holy: Immune Holy, Half Fire/Ice/Thunder/Wind/Water/Earth, Weak Dark
Major Holy: Absorb Holy, Immune Fire/Ice/Thunder/Wind/Water/Earth, Weak Dark

Minor Dark: Half Dark, Weak Holy
Dark: Immune Dark, Half Fire/Ice/Thunder/Wind/Water/Earth, Weak Holy
Major Dark: Absorb Dark, Immune Fire/Ice/Thunder/Wind/Water/Earth, Weak Holy

Monster type examples
monsters may be of multiple types
Flamable: Weak Fire, Half Thunder
Aquatic: Immune Water, Weak Thunder
Flying: Weak Wind, Immune Earth
Earth: Immune Thunder, Half Fire/Ice
Machine: Weak Thunder and/or Water, Half Fire/Ice
Undead: Absorb Dark, Half Ice/Thunder, Weak Holy

well, that's all I have to say, I went from ranting about elementals to outlining both a new elemental system and a set of guidlines to staying consistant with the system, go figure.
Symbols of Rage / The new SoR monster thread
December 04, 2008, 11:29:52 am
okay, thanksgiving is over, and i've had a chance to start playing around with the patch, so its time to start giving some monster makeovers

for now, i'll just use an aproximate rating system (Terrible>Bad>Mediocre>Fair>Good>Great>Amazing). Later on I (or someone else who wants to be a huge help) can figure out how to get those stats from growth/multipier combos (I plan to have all 'families' of monsters have the same growths, with just different multipliers differing the three tiers).

Rough values for ratings, except for hp/mp, these values are subject to change should anyone come up with a better curve. Keep in mind these power curves, while meant for monsters, also include human level values for sake of comparison. I'm planning for even the most powerful human classes be only mediocre in comparison to the weakest monsters (at least, statwise)

Terrible: ~100hp at level 99
Bad: ~200hp at level 99
Mediocre: ~300hp at level 99
Fair:  ~400hp at level 99
Good: ~600hp at level 99
Great: ~800hp at level 99
Amazing: 999hp at or before level 99

Terrible: ~25mp at level 99
Bad: ~50mp at level 99
Mediocre: ~ 75mp at level 99
Fair: ~ 100mp at level 99
Good: ~ 150mp at level 99
Great: ~200mp at level 99
Amazing: ~250mp at level 99

Terrible: ~5PA by level 99
Bad: ~10PA by level 99
Mediocre: ~15PA by level 99
Fair: ~20PA by level 99
Good: ~30PA by level 99
Great: ~40PA by level 99
Amazing: ~50PA by level 99

Terrible: ~8MA by level 99
Bad: ~16MA by level 99
Mediocre: ~24MA by level 99
Fair: ~32MA by level 99
Good: ~48MA by level 99
Great: ~74MA by level 99
Amazing: ~90MA by level 99

Terrible: ~10SP by level 99
Bad: ~12SP by level 99
Mediocre: ~14SP by level 99
Fair: ~16SP by level 99
Good: ~20SP by level 99
Great:~24SP by level 99
Amazing: ~28SP by level 99
Old Project Ideas / crazy mime idea
October 28, 2008, 08:09:51 am
I had a crazy idea involving mimes, and the Counter Magic reaction ability, it goes like this:
1: Make counter magic an uber-counter, triggered by nearly every generic-accessible skill in the game, as well as normal physical attacks and monster skills, but excluding certain special spells and boss abilities (such as Ultima, Dark Holy, Nightmare, Loss, and other such skills).

2: Magic Counter would then ONLY be accessible as an innate reaction on Mimes.

As normal, healing and supportive skills will not trigger Magic Counter (though may still be mimed).

basicly, with this change, mimes will both copy your allies, and will fling any attack they suffer right back in the face of thier attacker. I haven't done any testing with this yet, so I don't know if they'd be able to counter physical attacks like they mime physical attacks (as in, with the same weapon), but it would be cool if they did.

PSX FFT Hacking / Making throw a normal skill
September 04, 2008, 12:45:35 pm
I'm in the process of doing a fairly ambitious personal patch, that involves the complete breakdown and reconstruction of the job and class system (entierely new jobs, and new job trees), and I was wondering if anyone had figured out a way to make the various throw skills work properly outside of a [Weapon Inventory] type skillset.
If what i'm asking for isn't currently possible (or just not possible via FFTPatcher), then i'd like to know before I waste too much time fiddling with it.
As a long time player and DM of D&D and White Wolf games, I've developed a great fondness for undead creatures, so naturally i've made them very plentiful in my own personal patch. I was just interested in what some other people think of the wretched undead, and they're crazy ideas for making them fun/scary/unique. Some changes I use in my own personal patch include:

Innate Defense up for all undead, to represent the difficulty involved in dispatching the unliving with a sword.

Setting the reaction for skellys to arrow guard, and ghosts to blade grasp. Since we can't make ghosts invisble, we might as well make them intangible. As for skelletons, arrows shouldn't be that effective against creatures lacking flesh anyway. This coulpled with innate Defense up makes the undead incredibly physically resillent, which I find fitting.

Skelly's have Innate Move Underwater  and Move-Hp Up.

Skellys have the following abilities
All- Knife Hand (now has a chance to inflict Dont' Act), Drain Touch (using the Blood Sword/Bloody Strings formula), Monster Skill Lich
Skelleton- Mind Break
Bone Snatch- Power Break
Living Bond- Speed Break

Ghosts have the following abilities
All- Throw Spirit (now deals magical damage), Grease Touch (chance to inflict Slow), monster skill Dark Whisper
Ghoul- Demi
Gust- Demi 2
Revenant- Death