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Original Jot5 Thread

Started by 3lric, October 24, 2011, 04:53:34 am


March 20, 2013, 09:31:22 pm #560 Last Edit: March 20, 2013, 10:16:09 pm by Elric
Okay, so I updated the OP of the topic. I know this has been said MANY times before, but Jot5 is coming VERY soon.
Problems before mainly had to do with building an amazing team, and once this happened, everyone wanted to improve
Journey of the Five. As obviously everyone knows this is a HUGE project, and with the team that has developed because of
it there was soooo much to improve that I alone had never even thought of.

That being said, as of friday after work, ALL events for Jot5 CH1 will be done. There is still a couple small bugs (more like
hiccups) in 1 or 2 events, but none that involve the main story. And I could wait another year and continue to find and work
out every single little bug that exists... But Square didn't and I refuse to let you guys wait anymore. It's time to get this
fucker done and start Ch.2.

So once the events are finished everything for playing on a emulator should be about 99% done and I can push
to get the rest done within what I hope will be a weeks time.

Modded Console / PSP playable versions should follow shortly afterward. This will not be abandoned, my goal from the
start was always to be able to play Jot5 on my modded PS1.

Anyway, yeah, I updated the OP. I removed mostly everything from it, and added the current team list, as well as the
Chapter 1 ASM list. I would like to also add 1 framers of all the main Character sprites and Generic sprites in Ch1,
but this is not up to me, but rather the spriters.

What I can tell you is this:

Chapter 1 Features:

- 164 event slots used.
- 18 Battles.
- Intense boss battles.
- Many different battle conditions in boss battles.
- 56 Completely new scenes (this doesn't even count some of the scenes that lead to other scenes).
- Over 80 Custom sprites (many of which were custom made for Jot5).
- 14 completely new EVTCHR sheets spanning over 35 palettes.
- 2 Returning (but modified) EVTCHR Sheets.
- Over 40 ASM's (Several custom made for Jot5).
- Deleted Scenes (Unlocked in the Bravestory at a specific point in Ch1).
- Backstory Events (Unlocked in the Bravestory at a specific point in Ch1).
- Marks to replace Rumors (Unlocked in the Pub at a specific point in Ch1).
- Letters to Ramza from many vanilla characters post FFT. (Accessed via Bravestory).
- Ramza's Journal (Accessed via Bravestory).
- New title screen and intro.
- Edited Worldmap.
- 4 Edited Maps.
- 2 Vanilla maps that were never used in Vanilla.
- Several battles on maps that couldn't previously be battled in.
- New Backgrounds for ALL Shops.
- Removal of opening videos of FFT.
- And certainly much more... Hungry Yet?? STAY TUNED!

Jot5 is coming soon, and it's gonna kick ass!
  • Modding version: PSX


Quote from: Elric on March 20, 2013, 09:31:22 pm

More like Too Intresting ; Read Twice (TI;RT)
I am so psyched for this, OMGGGGGGGGGGG...
  • Modding version: PSX
Nyzer: Alma teleports out of her own possessed body.
Raijinili: Remember that you're telling a modding community that the game they love could use some fixing.


March 20, 2013, 10:13:33 pm #562 Last Edit: March 20, 2013, 10:20:28 pm by Elric
XD haha, thank you Jumza, I'm glad you stuck around. You and Argy were 2 of the first people to join my Youtube channel and
support Jot5.

It's people like you that gave me the motivation to make Jot5 what it is now in the first place. Thank you!

EDIT: Updated the OP with Chapter 1 Features.
  • Modding version: PSX


Wow, I feel like it's Christmas eve. I've been checking this thread weekly hoping for some special update like this. Thank you for pushing this project forward Elric! I look forward to playing it through soon.

But seriously, a comprehensive patch which offers a completely new storyline, map, and events... this is what I've been waiting for since I beat Ultima the first time (no offense to anyone else who's attempted to do this). Anyway, I don't know why Square hasn't done this yet, but perhaps this is even better. I'm confident that this will live up to the hype.


This is definitely great news.. every minute of the extra wait will be worth it of course.
about listing the one framers.. at least post release for sure.
j_b l__g maybe?
  • Modding version: PSX


Elric, im still around!! This is brilliant news, the amount of work, just for chapter 1 is amazing. Light at the end of the tunnell!! I will be more than happy to do some testing on diff formats!
  • Modding version: PSX
Kotetsu Quad Killer!!


Argy! I'm glad to see you are still around, I know it's been over a year and a half since you first watched my intro events,
All your patience will be worth it  ;)
  • Modding version: PSX


Thank you for your patience everyone, it has indeed been a very long and interesting journey thus far.

And with that I would like to say that after 18 months, Journey of the Five Chapter 1 will finally be released.

I have issued a last call for anything that is being included in Chapter 1, which AFAIK there is nothing left,
but this gives us time to finish any last minute testing/polishing anyone on the team is working on.

If everything goes perfectly than you can expect a release within the next few days.
But EITHER WAY. You will be able to download Journey of the Five this Friday 03/29/13.
  • Modding version: PSX


March 25, 2013, 08:56:57 pm #568 Last Edit: March 26, 2013, 01:25:12 pm by Jumza
So pumped for this, can't even put it into words. (Damn you tiny vocabulary! *Shakes Fist*)
EDIT: Wait I got it!
  • Modding version: PSX
Nyzer: Alma teleports out of her own possessed body.
Raijinili: Remember that you're telling a modding community that the game they love could use some fixing.


Yo what's up just finished the Jot5 demo and wow!  Really impressed!  Love seeing the old character add-ins like Cloud and Link, also Dante is very funny!  I cracked up laughing at the "no nose" jokes when they first meet at Ramza's castle, and I've always loved interactions with Sephiroth. For some reason I have the same affinity for him as Cloud does.

On the topic of job-skills I like how you reduced the speed and movement of Knight classes (you call them Guardians) who wear armor. It makes sense and gives a more realistic feel.

Also I like how the potions cure only 20 HP instead of 30 and the wish skill revives for only 1 HP. I always felt that the healing and raising the dead in the original Vanilla FFTactics was overpowered, making the game too easy.

Huge fan of this work! Looking forward to Friday!!
  • Modding version: PSX
Every word man speaks is a plagiarism.


Good to hear that you guys have an release date Elric!


Confirming that the game is 99% ready for release and mostly bug-free on emulators, meaning it will take an act of God or the ISO melting to prevent a March 29th release.

Also confirming that the console compatible release will not be coming on March 29th, because that requires some more in-depth debugging and a large volume of blank CDs.  In order to get the game to you on time we had to call off console testing and just get the game assembled as best we can.  There seem to be no emulation errors we could find that were not already native to FFT so anyone who doesn't mind using an emulator should be able to get the full Jot5 Ch1 experience this Friday.  The console-compatible release is running on Valve Time but it definitely will come at some point before the second installment is released.