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Arena battle videos and discussion

Started by PX_Timefordeath, August 04, 2010, 06:49:51 pm


New basic team messing about with Squires is up, in the wait for the Tourney.

Did a few personal tests, mostly against Barren's Mostly Maxed Out.... And got very surprising results. Have fun with choosing an opponent for them.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Reks#0128


So quick question for my ninja on my tourney team:

He is currently running sprint shoes and is super weak to berserk. This leaves me two options to protect against it in the accessory slot: dracula mantle or reflect ring. Dracula mantle for the evasion? Or reflect ring for the ability to bounce spells/make him unable to be hit by enemy spells? Not sure which would be more beneficial since these are my two options currently.


Well it depends. If your using the two healing staves then you definitely want berserk protection. Either Dracula Mantle or Reflect Ring will work. Both have their benefits.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
You dare cross blades with me?


Quote from: Mudvayne on May 26, 2015, 01:56:22 pm

He is currently running sprint shoes and is super weak to berserk. This leaves me two options to protect against it in the accessory slot: dracula mantle or reflect ring. Dracula mantle for the evasion? Or reflect ring for the ability to bounce spells/make him unable to be hit by enemy spells? Not sure which would be more beneficial since these are my two options currently.

Is defense ring not an option? It would be the best since you don't really want reflect since you're absorbing the spells and evasion means some of the absorb spells could be wasted. Defense Ring at least presents Berserk plus Sleep (big problem for any unit). If you can't use Defense Ring, then your best option is probably the mantle. Reflect Ring will not prevent spells like Quake and Tornado, but your Oracle's healing will be blocked.
You've stepped in puddles less shallow than me.


Indeed. Both have their ups and downs.

Dracula Mantle: With Abandon, he has around 60% evade from the front with 2x Healing Staves and 22% magic evade which isn't terrible. Without Abandon, it's around 50% or so, which still isn't bad. Probably gonna be a lot of mages/spellcasters, so the m-evade could help out if you're lucky. Berserk protection + evasion could be very useful in the long run, depending on what he's up against.

Reflect Ring: +1 MA isn't completely wasted and reflect status could help a lot against Black, most time magic & Yin-Yang Magic outside of Dispel. Ninja will most likely die by whatever first before reflect wears off, and once it does, you're left with just the berserk protection. You also run the risk of the enemy using it to its own advantage.

But yeah, it's your call, though. Personally, I'd go Defense Ring.


May 26, 2015, 03:10:41 pm #4165 Last Edit: May 26, 2015, 03:18:03 pm by Shintroy
The only problem is keeping 12 speed on an Ice Absorb Ninja with healing staves. I just don't think it's possible without also being weak to berserk or having extremely low health (Thief Hat).

12 SP + Haste = 15 SP
11 SP + Haste = 13 SP
8 SP + Haste  = 10 SP

I don't know how important your turn order is. You do seem to benefit from the Ninja going out and getting wrecked first. Your ninja should still be able to get the second turn against most teams will have at most 10 SP units.


I'd go with Defense ring so at least you'll have an answer against Tornado and Sleep.
Some day my people will be free.


I suppose Defense Ring was something I forgot.

I think that will likely suit my ninja well. I do like the dracula mantle for the evasion though. Got some thinking and testing to do still.


Balanced Team vs Restricted Team

The Time Mage isn't immune to silence, but I like the green beret 3 Move melee units will have a hard time catching her.

Martial Arts increased the PA of unarmed attacks and abilties by 1.5, while Attack UP only increases it by 1.3333..

Monks have a lot of HP in Arena, you could've went for more PA with Power Sleeve and still had a healthy a mount of HP. I think Battle Boots would've been the better choice here for +1 move and still +1 PA.

Preddy good chemist. I'll leave it at that

Even Though this isn't The Damned's team.... I'm betting on Epic.

Round 1 - Talk skill is fair enough for a The Damned team? Strong start for silentkaster, but Epic has tanks and silentkaster seems to have no way to benefit from all these status effects aside from stalling. Due to the heavy stalling Epic manages to get off some Geomancy procs and quickenings.

Round 2 - This map should favor silentkaster since most of Epic's Punch Arts have no vertical range.  30 minutes of stalling later I guess not. Too much stalling and too little damage output/status. Can't tank Death Sentence.

GJ Epic. Strong defense you have there. It could definitely be stronger though

Thanks for the vid Truelight. Welcome to Arena Epic. Congrats on winning your first match too. Some of your equipment choices screamed Vanilla FFT, but they worked out anyway.
Some day my people will be free.


Thankyou TrueLight. I'll heed your advice, and give my monks martial arts, and I guess spin fist with the remaining JP.
Smart monk Silentkaster. Didn't think berserk would hurt me so much, but I'm happy that the stop procs were landing.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown



Thanks, Mudvayne.

Overall, pleased with the team. I was having scholar be like that since I thought maybe she could OHKO some units but she wasn't able to. Oh well. A few small tweaks and I think I've got my final tournament team!!
You've stepped in puddles less shallow than me.


Chemist - 12 Speed. Great Disruption with head bread (muh chakra band). Cherche.

Squire - 12 Speed healing staff Squire. Probably gets stronger as the match goes with Accumulate. Not immune to berserk which isn't a problem since silentkaster has a chemist and mediator to remove it. Still has 300+ HP too. 10/10

Mediator/Whm - Uncommon build, but pretty effective nonetheless . 10Speed with Magic ring and half elementals? Good stuff. Again no defense ring, but not a problem since the 12 speed chemist will almost always be around.

Scholar - 18 MA Scholar with magic attack up. An eighteen MA Scholar with magic attack up. Any spells you use against her that don't kill her will kill you. Great AOE unit with quake. Has Masamune for regen which is always a plus.

Scary team. I give it an A+. I can see a lot of teams, including my own, not being able to get anything started against this team.

silentkaster's probably even more maxed out so the advantage goes to him.

R1 - Double healing staff break. Followed by Don't Act... Petrify... Blitzed GG

R2 - Bio 2 putting in work dealing 160+ and proccing frog. Scary.

R3 - (silentkaster has Range and Magic AOE advantage over Barren @Mudvayne). Didn't notice the no silence protection on the Scholar. R I P

GG. I forgot Barren had earth absorb on his team.

Another absorb earth team. Silentkaster has SP to make up for the disadvantage though.

R1 - Great round for silentkaster. SP proving extremely useful against casters(and everything else).

R2 - Outplayed

R1 - Didn't even get to see what Otabo's team could do.

R2 - Still didn't see Otabo's offense. Outclassed.

R1 - Advantage to Mudvayne at the start, but silentkaster's speed advantage brings it back easily. No chance of Mudvayne coming back at the end.

R2 - Wrecked

Squire + Chemest - They complement each other so well. Great combo when the squire gets close.

Mediator - Raise 2, Mimic Daravon and Stall? Too good.

Scholar - You gave her Masamune just to allow her to keep up with your other units. If the fight takes place on a small map you have OHKO Quake and a really strong non elemental, frog proccing, Bio 2 anyway.

Insane team. Probably weak to status, but it won't matter since the AI will probably focus on taking out the squire first. The other three units way in the back will be there to back him up and then some. Good stuff. Wanted to see this team up against Haste 2 and/or Slow 2. A lot of depth to this team. Makes me worry about my own, but not much since it can take out my bad match ups, casters. Looking forward to the tournament matches of this team. Hope we're on different sides of the bracket too. S Tier team. Has an answer to almost everything.

Good stuff Mudvayne.
Some day my people will be free.


Quote from: TrueLight on May 27, 2015, 02:27:36 pm
FFT Arena 1.39C - Reks (Squired Away) vs. Reinoe (12 Gauge)

Thanks for the match, Truelight.

To be entirely honest, This team was just as bad of a matchup against 12 Gauge as the tournament team was. All they're going to do is speed control and overpower mine, given how none of minehad speed boosting equipment beyond one unit.

Nevertheless, GG.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Reks#0128


Quote from: CT5Holy on May 27, 2015, 09:16:21 pm
FFT Arena 139c - reinoe vs Epic (B Double L)

Thanks so much CT5HOLY.  As much as that squire is a powerhouse I need either a priest or a Chemist to heal status from AFAR.  GG EPIC.  I'd hate to go with TIME MAGE/PRIEST.  Oh yeah, and 12 GAUGE was rocking the Double Staff Ninja before it became cool. ;)
My dreams can come true!


Thankyou Mudvayne & CT5Holy for the matches and advice. I'll have to think about changes.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


May 28, 2015, 11:41:26 am #4179 Last Edit: May 28, 2015, 02:20:10 pm by Mudvayne
I think earth clothes and battle boots while running earth slash on your monks is a good option. 4 move is important on your two main damage dealers. Your time mage has 4 move and your chemist has 5, you want to ensure they stay together if possible by all having 4-5 move. Also, healing staff on your time mage for the 10 speed then switch up the Sprint shoes to maybe setiemson/cherche or maybe magic ring for silence protection, +1 ma and the earth/holy absorbtion which will also heal you with earth slashes. Lose float for move mp up and change your reaction to something besides the mp restore, maybe auto potion? Whatever you see fit is fine. Unyielding or def/magic def up on the chemist and i think your team will be solid. Thats just what i would do personally, its your team so feel free to do what you find appropriate. Note that there isn't anything 'wrong' with your team how it is currently. Just a few tweaks that I think would improve the overall functionality of your team.