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Messages - Gaignun

Some numbers.

Population size = 84 units
N: Number used
AR: Adoption rate (typically N/population)

Raw numbers
  • The majority of units use their secondary skill set for support: 60% of units use Guts, Item, Chivalry, Punch Art, or White Magic.

  • The least popular secondary skill sets are Geomancy, Jump, Ninjutsu, Talk Skill, and Snipe: None is used by anyone.

  • Short Charge is the most popular support skill; it is used by 17% of units.

  • Move-MP UP is by far the most popular movement skill; it is used by 21% of units.

  • Longbows and Staves are the most popular weapon classes: Around 50% of units that can equip these weapons do so.

  • Of the 11 staves available, only 2 are used: Nirvana and Healing Staff.

  • Bags, Books, Fists, Swords, and Ninja Swords are the least popular weapon classes: Fewer than 20% of units that can equip these weapons actually do so.

  • Sprint Shoes are the most popular accesssory (equipped by 16 units), followed by Dracula Mantle and Setiemson (each equipped by 10 units).

Meta numbers
  • Non-elemental attacks are the most popular offensive option: 79% of units can use a non-elemental attack (excluding negligible stuff like bag whacks and staff whacks).

  • Elemental attacks are the least popular offensive option: only 48% of units can use an elemental attack.

  • Among the elements, Wind and Earth are the least represented elements; only two units can use one or the other.

  • Berserk is the most overprotected status; 48% of units are immune to it, but only 6% of units can inflict it on their enemies.

  • Don't Act is the most underprotected status; 25% of units can inflict it, but only 12% of units are immune to it.

  • No unit inflicts Undead.

  • No unit is immune to Oil.

  • The majority of players are cowards: 12 of 21 players have only 40-Brave units.

  • Reks is the bravest of us all: All of Reks' units have 70 Brave.

  • Faith is more balanced: Six players are maximally pious (having all 70-Faith units), and six players are maximally impious (having all 40-Faith units).

  • silentkaster has the beefiest team: Opponents will need to punch through 1470 HP to bring him down.

  • Andante49 has the brawniest units: Monks with 22 effective PA.

  • Andante49 and Barren have the brainiest units; Andante49 has Mystic Knights with 20 effective MA, and Barren has Scholars with 20 effective MA.

  • WKW has the fastest team, with 44 total SP.

Limit: Maximum number that can be used across the entire population (ignoring Equip Weapon/Shield)
AR: Adoption rate (= N/Limit)

Includes elemental boosting and support skills

Includes elemental boosting and support skills
FFT Arena / Re: FFT Arena "Twins" Tournament Sign Up
January 05, 2019, 10:29:09 am
I will participate.  No mimes.
Oh, really?  That is awfully courteous of Raven.  I gladly accept his selfless offer.

By the by, by "avoid a bye," I presume you will follow a Swiss format.  In that case, will we avoid a bye if we had 22 entrants, or any other even number thereof?
You can throw my hat into the mix if you'll accept more than 20.

Offense (%) = Sum{ Number of weapons/skills of the given element }/N*100
Defense (%) = [ Sum{ Number of equipment that absorbs the given element } + Sum{ Number of equipment that halves the given element }/2  ]/N*100

N = 128

Offense (%) = Sum{ (Number of weapon/skill that inflicts the given ailment)*(Weapon/skill infliction rate) }/N*100
Defense (%) = Sum{ Number of equipment that protects from the given ailment }/N*100
Cure (%) = Sum{ Number of skill that heal the given ailment }/N*100

N = 128
FFT Arena / Re: Team Design Tool
November 27, 2017, 10:42:39 pm
Version 1.09 is released for compatibility with FFTA 1.42a.

29 November 2017 edit: Fixed the RSM abilities.  I did not realize that some of these abilities were reassigned to different classes.
FFT Arena / Re: FFT Arena 1.42 Statistics
October 30, 2017, 01:33:56 am
Thank you for notifying me, WKW.

The images appeared properly embedded for me, so I thought there was no problem.  I am using DropBox for the first time, and it appears that I screwed up the file permissions.

The images are now embedded using different links.  Let me know if these links don't work, either. 
FFT Arena / FFT Arena 1.42 Statistics
October 05, 2017, 02:55:49 am
Hello all,

Good work with the release of patch 1.42, everybody!

I thought I would contribute to the patch in my own way: by dumping boatloads of stats on everybody.  Below I have aggregated data from both teams submitted on the forums and teams loaded in the memory card generator that is bundled with patch 1.42.  Only data available up to 1 October 2017 are considered.  Data from patches before 1.42 are not considered unless specified otherwise.

At first, I thought I would write a bunch of unsubstantiated nonsense about how I thought patch 1.42 will change the meta-game.  Now with these stats I can write a bunch of substantiated nonsense.  You can find this nonsense under the "Commentary" spoiler.


Patch version: 1.42
Population size, N = 272 units
The population consists of publically available data submitted up to 1 October 2017.

#: Number of instances
%: Percentage of the population (= #/N)
AR: Adoption Rate (= #/p, where p is the number of units that have the option of learning the given ability, equipping the given shield, etc. The AR is a rough estimate of how popular the given skill/equipment is among others in its skillset/class.)

Std. dev. (max): The standard deviation were every unit to choose either 40 or 70 Brave/Faith to achieve the same average.

PA-based skill: A skill with the formula PA*X, where X is an integer, or something similar

MA-based skill: A skill with the formula MA*X, where X is an integer

Offense = o/N
Defense = (a+c+0.5*h)/N

o: Number of units with at least one weapon or skill with the specified element
a: Number of units that absorb the specified element
c: Number of units that cancel the specified element
h: Number of units that halve the specified element
N: population (=272)

S5: AI Tournament Season 5 (Autumn 2016)
S2: AI Tournament Season 2 (Summer 2013)

  • Year of the Fighter
    The six most popular jobs are PA-based ones (Paladin, Lancer, Archer, Mystic Knight, Monk, Thief). This trend is reflected in the distribution of Brave & Faith, where the average Brave (55.2) leads the average Faith (52.5) by nearly three whole points.

    At 37 units, the Paladin is by far the most popular job.  There are 60% more Paladins than the next most popular job, Lancer.  I suspect that the skyrocketing popularity of Paladins, together with the drop in average Faith with respect to Brave, is due to the introduction of Lay on Hands, which is a Faith-independent resurrection spell on the Paladin skill set, as well as the falling viability of other options (e.g., speed stacking, magic). (I will talk more about this second point later.)

  • The Rise of Punch Art
    Perhaps due to its compatibility with high-PA, low-Faith teams, Punch Art has become the most popular skill set. 60 units (22% of the population) have Punch Art equipped as a primary or secondary skill set.  Chakra, Stigma Magic, and Revive are especially popular, with a minimum of 80% of Punch Art users capable of using at least one of these three skills.

  • The Fall of the Mage
    Due to a variety of nerfs implemented over the last few patches (... I could go into detail), the mage is currently riding the pine pony. The three skill sets that are the purview of high-MA, high-Faith units are also the least popular: Black Magic (11 units), Summon Magic (17 units), and Lore (19 units).  Wizards have taken the biggest hit in popularity.  They are less popular now (4.0% of the population) than in the Season 2 tournament (5.7% of the population) back in 2013, and that was when Wizards didn't have Water, Dark Holy, or Nether skills, and were countered by a single piece of equipment (White Robe or Reflect Ring).

    The declining popularity of mages is reflected by not only the above drop of average Faith, but also the declining prevalence of MA-based damage skills.  There are more units using the damage skills of Punch Art alone (35) than those using all MA-based, Faith-based skills put together (30).

    Mages have not altogether disappeared.  In addition to the above 30 remaining mages still casting damage spells, there are a few dozen mages fulfilling support roles, using helpful skills like Raise, Esuna, Haste, and Regen, and status spells like Slow, Sleep, and Paralyze.

  • Is this the time to write Death Sentences in our Death Notes?
    With only 30 units protecting against it and 18 units able to cure it, Death Sentence is one of the easiest status ailments to spread around.  This is of little surprise to me: Following the loss of Chameleon Robe, the only means for the shieldless to protect themselves from this calamity is with the perennially unpopular Angel Ring, whose other immunity -- Darkness -- is irrelevant to those who do not use PA skills (e.g., mages, which is why you'll almost never find a mage with Death Sentence protection.)  Of course, turning yourself undead with your choice of Cursed Ring or Reaper's Robe can also keep you from having your name written in a Death Note, but the permanently undead have their own set of problems to worry about.

    Death Sentence is also becoming a more popular ailment to inflict.  I have hardly seen anyone use Secret Fist before; now there are 12 units who use it!  Perhaps the overall drop in maximum damage due to the reduction of elemental boosting and the nerf to Attack UP are encouraging people to find less conventional ways of bringing down their opponents.

  • Donny, you're out of your element!
    Although our elemental shields (e.g., Flame Shield, Dewdrop Shield), clothes (e.g., Flash Hat, Golden Hairpin), and accessories (e.g., Aqua Treks, N-Kai Armlet) have been lovingly redesigned this patch, they are hardly being used.  Only 13 of 107 shield users have equipped a shield that absorbs an element.  Meanwhile, only 19 units are wearing clothes and 15 are wearing hats that protect from elements.  The biggest representation of elemental protection is in the category of accessories, where 44 units are sporting an accessory that absorbs an element. (The Magic Ring is the most popular with 13 units, followed by the Tough Ring with 9 units.)

    It seems that players are eschewing elemental defense in favor of maxing out their base stats.  There are more people using stat-boosting body armor (e.g. Power Sleeve, Wizard Robe) alone than there are people protecting themselves from elements with any piece of equipment.  This is sensible: Stat-boosting armor works 100% of the time.  In contrast, elemental protection works only when facing opponents who use that element, which is around 10% of the time at best.  And even then, units typically carry more than one element and/or non-elemental attacks, so it is likely that the elemental protection will be effective for an even smaller fraction of the time.  Spending up to 50 points of your maximum HP (e.g., 130 HP Brigandine versus 80 HP Santa Outfit) at those odds tends not to be worth it.  Up until last patch, one could add some reliability to elemental protection by using it to heal one's own units. However, this technique has become unattractive now that absorption clothes have disappeared and evasion has been added to absorption accessories. Hence, in comparison to past tournaments, we are seeing from a 4% to a whopping 22% reduction in elemental defense across the entire population.

    Elemental offense has gone up and down. Elemental offense has always been sparsely represented among populations, but several elements are sinking to a new low.  Fire, Ice, and Lightning are particularly rare, with only around 6% of the population representing one (a drop of 2~5% compared to Season 5 one year ago).  The only element that became more represented by any significant amount is Wind; its representation increased from 4% to 10%.  This is most definitely due to the change to Wave Fist, whose element was changed from Holy to Wind.  Holy itself plummeted from 20% to 10% partly as a consequence of this change.

FFT Arena / Re: Team Design Tool
September 25, 2017, 01:14:35 am
Version 1.08 is released for compatibility with FFTA 1.42.
FFT Arena Undead Tournament Match 26

Sorry for tripping over my own words more than usual in this one.  I was sleepy during its recording.

The better team wins.  The Elbow Leg Aim combos are very effective at having the enemy run turn deficits.  Good game.
An old version of my team is displayed.

Were team revisions not accepted during the submission period, or has my revision slipped through the cracks?
FFT Arena / Re: FFT Arena Balance Discussion Thread
July 05, 2017, 02:13:57 am
What counterplay are we expecting? For example, the AI will still spam Slow, and teams will still spend a turn healing it. However, those teams with haste will now spend two: One to heal slow, and another to reapply haste.  When faced against slow, the recommended counterstrategies now seem to become either running slow immunity as before, or dropping all haste spells to prevent yourself from running turn deficits.  The most substantive change to the metagame is therefore a buff to slow and a nerf to haste.  (I'm not complaining; I'm just curious about this patch.)
FFT Arena / Re: FFT Arena Balance Discussion Thread
July 04, 2017, 03:56:22 am
Thank you for the prompt response, Heroebal.

If that is the case, then Poison/Slow effectively disables Regen/Haste.  That's pretty powerful.
FFT Arena / Re: FFT Arena Balance Discussion Thread
July 04, 2017, 12:40:09 am
How does that even work, by the way?

Do units affected by both Poison and Regen lose and recover the same amount of HP and MP at the end of their turn? In that event, do they lose or recover the HP and MP first?

Similarly, since Haste now no longer overwrites Slow, can units be affected by both Haste and Slow at the same time, and in that event do the effects of Haste and Slow combine to leave the affected unit's SP at its base value?
FFT Arena / Re: Team Design Tool
June 29, 2017, 10:07:15 am
Version 1.07 is released for compatibility with FFTA 1.41a.

A few quirks in the Weapons spreadsheet have arisen due to the changes patch 1.41a made to certain pieces of armor.  I would fix these quirks, but I simply lack the willpower.  That said, the spreadsheet as a whole should still work mostly as intended for those seeking to compare the relative strengths and weaknesses of weapons.