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FFT: Romance Simulator

Started by Xifanie, August 05, 2021, 12:28:23 pm

Dating Options

8 (42.1%)
14 (73.7%)
4 (21.1%)
4 (21.1%)
Orlandu (Dead)
1 (5.3%)
13 (68.4%)
6 (31.6%)
7 (36.8%)
9 (47.4%)
Beowulf (Married)
5 (26.3%)
Reis (Married)
4 (21.1%)
4 (21.1%)
5 (26.3%)
8 (42.1%)
5 (26.3%)
Gafgarion (Dead)
4 (21.1%)
Delita (Married)
4 (21.1%)
Algus (Dead)
1 (5.3%)
Ovelia (Married)
4 (21.1%)
Dycedarg (Dead)
1 (5.3%)
Zalbag (Dead)
1 (5.3%)
Wiegraf (Dead)
1 (5.3%)
Miluda (Dead)
6 (31.6%)
Teta (Dead)
4 (21.1%)
Celia (Dead)
4 (21.1%)
Lede (Dead)
4 (21.1%)
10 (52.6%)
4 (21.1%)
2 (10.5%)

Total Members Voted: 19


August 05, 2021, 12:28:23 pm Last Edit: August 06, 2021, 12:58:58 am by Xifanie
...you people.

I don't know why you want this. Could I make it happen? Of course!
I guess this is just to gauge interest.

Nothing is decided as to whether or not Ramza would be the MC (I could make it user-selectable), or if it happens before or after everyone dies.

If you want other options, just ask, I guess.

I would make it so that the first 10-25% of a relationship would be getting to know + dating, and the remaining 75-90% would be events that happen after the relationship is official, creating stronger bonds by facing difficulties together + enjoying the good times.

I'm also thinking of equipment boosting certain stats and weapons/shields could be gifts.
  • Modding version: PSX
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Anything is possible as long as it is within the hardware's limits. (ie. disc space, RAM, Video RAM, processor, etc.)
<R999> My target market is not FFT mod players
<Raijinili> remember that? it was awful


Hey, any update on this? I have some ideas for a Ramza harem, haha.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


I still really want to make this happen, but my health has only gotten worse since. :/

I did just come up with a new idea though: If Ramza is the MC, a gender option with a custom female portrait.
  • Modding version: PSX
Love what you're seeing? https://supportus.ffhacktics.com/ 💜 it's really appreciated

Anything is possible as long as it is within the hardware's limits. (ie. disc space, RAM, Video RAM, processor, etc.)
<R999> My target market is not FFT mod players
<Raijinili> remember that? it was awful


Does anyone want to help me making a special class Ramza for this? I have the ideas down on what he looks like, his attacks and such but have no idea how to make it or draw it. The tutorials seem a little over my head.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


September 25, 2022, 04:20:35 am #4 Last Edit: September 28, 2022, 08:56:02 am by Xifanie
Nothing finalized, of course

Game Start
Your main character can be one of the dateable characters or 2-3 custom (male/female/trans), generic characters.
If you pick a vanilla character, he/she will have his/her own original traits.
If you pick a custom character, you won't start with any positive or negative trait.

With custom characters, your first residence will be in the Dorter Slums. Otherwise, it will be the expected residence of the character.

Game Flow
The world map would be accessible, so you can go and buy gifts/clothes.
Events would be battle-style. You'll have 255 move, and be able to move just about anywhere on the map to interact with the different characters on the map, but more often than not it will just be you and your date.
You'll have to use abilities in order to initiate events.

Going Out
Remove Unit will become "Go Out With".
If you're not going out with anyone that day, they might just join you. Characters you're not currently going out with will appear darker. So going out with a character will lighten up the sprite, making the distinction obvious.
If you're already going out with that person, they will stop going out with you that day. Cancelling will hurt your relationship score though.
If you're going out with someone else that day, they'll be like "...oh, I guess you already have plans". This will also hurt your relationship score.
Planning to go out with someone and just going to bed instead will also hurt your relationship score.

They might request specific locations or items to bring with you on the date. You'd be smart to adhere to those requests.

The Bar will have its options revised.
Rumors will allow you to select where to spend time. Once you've read a rumor, you can just head to the world map location to trigger the event.

Factual Events (same as the TLW Rendezvous menu) will be used for jobs to earn gil and other things.

HP = Physical Energy
MP = Emotional Energy

Both your Main Character and your date will have those 2 stats affected depending on the actions you take. Meaning that it doesn't matter if you still have MP left if your date doesn't... night's over.

I'm thinking of making both fully heal each day, but you'll need to increase your max HP/MP yourself to perform more actions

Tree of Love
Jobs will be used to keep track of the character's tree of love. Each branch has its own score and abilities (i.e. traits) for that branch.
Total Job JP = The character's score in that branch
Each branch of each character should start at a score of 1000 or so, with a minimum of 0 and a maximum of 9999.
Traits will not be purchased, but rather learned or unlearned based on how you spent time with each date.
I'm thinking of switching jobs/skillsets for a "boost" in those branches. Your character would simply pay more attention to those things that day. I'm thinking of something similar with RSMs.

  • Romance (NPC)
  • Communication (MC/NPC)
    • + Attentive
    • + Empowered
    • + Understanding
    • + Open-Minded
    • + Emotional Self-Control
    • + Initiative
    • + Curious
    • - Aggressive
    • - Stubborn
    • - Quiet
    • - Rude
  • Empathy (MC/NPC)
    • + Respectful
    • + Appreciative
    • + Accepting
    • + Caring
    • + Humble
    • + Patient
    • - Selfish
    • - Judgmental
    • - Careless
  • Trust (MC/NPC)
    • + Honest
    • + Belief
    • + Courage
    • + Shows Vulnerability
    • + Consistent
    • + Safe
    • - Misleading
    • - Fearful
  • Bond (MC/NPC)
    • + United
    • + Commited
    • + Affectionate
    • + Dedicated
    • + Proud
    • + Serene
    • + Enthusiastic
    • + Rationalized Feelings
  • Growth (MC/NPC)
    • + Dream Seeker
    • + Identity
    • + Effortful
    • + Responsible
    • - Co-dependant
  • Awareness (MC/NPC)
    • + Self-Aware
    • + Self-Love
    • + Confidence

Gifts will have to be equipped in your hands either on the world map, or during events with Equip Change, after which point you'll need to use the "Gift" ability.
Gifts will be able to affect characters differently. Just be careful, because some characters don't enjoy being showered in gifts all the time, and they might not appreciate receiving the same gift twice!
Too many gifts, or gifts that would normally be reserved for a deeper relationship could lower your romance score with that person.
Bitch this is a Romance Simulator, not a dating sim.

  • Modding version: PSX
Love what you're seeing? https://supportus.ffhacktics.com/ 💜 it's really appreciated

Anything is possible as long as it is within the hardware's limits. (ie. disc space, RAM, Video RAM, processor, etc.)
<R999> My target market is not FFT mod players
<Raijinili> remember that? it was awful