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Seushiro's Sprites... Redoing some sprites

Started by Seushiro, August 19, 2009, 12:12:50 am


Some very nice work seushiro!  I love that you are using one of the equipment helmet and managed to make it look pretty good overall! I'm not sue about it on the one side view (doesn't look like the angles of the pointy edges match up) and I'll have to take closer look at the away angle put still very good!  It very much reminded me that I wanted to make the shredder from tmnt!
  • Modding version: PSX


I forgot about the samurai for the backside reference. I used the goblins as reference and yep did not turn out right for the pointed pieces at back view. I have the original edit of the portrait and would make a good Shredder base if you would make the sprite


Since you said something about animating problems, so I went ahead and animated the scarfon forward walking more, since you didn't fo the first two frames. I tested some of Natsu in the game, and overall he looks real nice. Gotta admit I am liking this sprite :)
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Kage I tested your edit and it was smoother now for the walking :D so I will continue my fixing from your sheet making the fight animations smooth will take me a week to clean up again. As for the portrait yeah I took an even closer look looks like I got lazy on the 3rd chunk of hair on the fartest right. So I will use up the tutorial of Twin and even modify his sample for Ryu of BOf


Awesome stuff Seushiro, keep up the good work.
  • Modding version: PSX


What's wrong on the attack frames? It looks okay on the sheet, unless the arm and head placement is off.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


The placements are all right I did it frame by frame even the arms have scarf cloth in the right places. Let us just say like my Sephiroth against the new updated one. There are always things to improve. But I am working on new sprites which I will ask for your critiques on. Maybe by the weekend. I will have one disabled sprite and a fix of a revnant wings Odin I saw that Elric posted.


Ah, so that's what you meant. Yeah there is alwaus something that can be improved. Good luck on the portrait :P
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


I took on Elric's Odin Sprite from Revenant wings and found a GBA Tactics helmet that I once messed with and began assembly. I have a lot of spare colors to make a cape or the cloth with that he would be sitting on but that I will do much later. Also working on a Besrodio Sprite but it is a really challenging sprite and good for using logic as he has a walking stick :)


That Besrodio singing animation :P Fancy
That Odin one needs to have it's walk cycle re-ordered I think. Otherwise nice work with the helmet and everything :)
  • Modding version: PSX
Nyzer: Alma teleports out of her own possessed body.
Raijinili: Remember that you're telling a modding community that the game they love could use some fixing.


Yep I guess it needs an extra frame and not just a repeat to fix the horse walking. I think i also need to move Odin's hand and feet just to not be too stiff riding up there while the entire horse is animated.


Here is a horse that Smash made, you can use it as a reference. Also, look at Journey OF The Five sprite thread here, there is a Besrodio sprite with some frames on there :)
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Those are nice  :O
as said, I think the Odin one needs to have the frames rearranged. Something's off in the animation. Elsewise -- wow


Nice to see some great spriting happening on this site again. I'm particularly exciting for Besrodio, I made an attempt many moons ago but the cane was too much for me.
Current Projects:


I can use that style of horse if I pursue my Shingeki scouting legion but I think the legs on that need work. Besides the horse is armored and set well for Odin so just need to patch it up to fix.


Perhaps this'll help with Besrodio, we use this in Jot5.
  • Modding version: PSX


Thanks Elric. Been searching the forums after Kage mentioned it. it will surely help polish some frames up :)


Quote from: Seushiro on March 21, 2014, 10:45:34 pm
I can use that style of horse if I pursue my Shingeki scouting legion but I think the legs on that need work. Besides the horse is armored and set well for Odin so just need to patch it up to fix.

Shingeki? Does that mean you also read the manga? I've been following it for 3 years, now >.>

</off topic>


Aye I do follow the manga :) Anime may be far behind but the gore is there ^_^


March 23, 2014, 08:54:57 am #539 Last Edit: March 24, 2014, 12:57:44 pm by Seushiro
I guess the Horse by smash was nicely drawn but the degree the horse is  facing is not applicable for ingame. anyone riding on it looks slanting. But at least I tried so if anyone wants to take over then sheet is below. I am now back on focusing on Besrodio, Sting, and Squall (yes Squall, the one no spriter EVER completes this 100%).