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WotL - Ramza has Blade of Ruin. /Add description of status effect to related skills.

Started by UnrealPH, March 31, 2023, 12:12:12 pm


I just wanna play with Zalbaag skills and end up adding a lot of changes to it.

How to patch is already included in the RAR.



Hint: Debuff is very powerful in this mod. If u find yourself a wall then a little grind for Debuff jobs such as Mystic and Orator (or the overlooked Toad spell from Black Mage) will do the trick. There are no walls that can not be climb in this mod (Except bonus bosses and Wiegraf that are delibirately very difficult but they are still vulnerable to some debuffs).

After the taste of power from the very first battle you will have to relearn it. The skills are under Ramza basic Squire job. Meaning that the second battle in the Magic City of Gariland you will not have them so do not panic.
I made some buff for the skills.

From chapter 2 onward the enemies will scale with you (their equipments are also better than base game for the most cases). Try not to go overboard with your grinding on chapter 1 or else you will die almost instantly on the very first battle of chapter 2.

RAMZA HAS BLADE OF RUIN (pretty obvious lol) and it is better than base game!
1. All jobs have innate abilities. Check them in the job requirements menu or press SELECT at the Party Roster then click on the job's name to check.
2. All story battle will have at least 1 boss enemy.
3. There is NO easy story battle.
4. Everything that the base game does not tell can be found in the related job.
5. All weapons have their damage formulae display.
6. Buff to all shitty rare items. (Ex. Staff of the Magi has 19% to cast Zodiark on hit, Luminous Robe is not just a plain robe anymore.)
7. Enemies will start using uber gears at level 40. Good news is that you can steal them. Bad news is that they are very strong.
8. Some items from Multiplayer mode are swap in for fun.
9. 2nd and 3rd tier monsters will have at least 3 skills and they will have very high HP on higher level. 1st tier monsters are a little bit more stronger.
10. Starting from chapter 3, some green dots will have special battle. (U can check in the text file.)
11. All errands are now 2 days. (Too bothersome with little rewards.)
12. Bequeath Bacon no longer crystalized the user. It will just K.O. so you can finally leveling Master Onion Knight with a pig and 99 revive.
13. Starting from chapter 2, all green dots will randomly have some humanoid enemies (some are undead).
14. New skillset for Archer.

1. JP Boost is always active. All abilities are discount by 40-50% from base game for less grinding. Have fun!
2. Need Squire/Chemist level 3 to advance to 2nd tier jobs.
3. Counter is now learn from Squire and Equip Axe is now learn from Geomancer.
4. Geomancer abilities have +1 vertical range.
5. Growth rate for PA related jobs will focuses on HP and PA while all spellcasters are now focuses on MP and MA.
6. Speed growth for most jobs are the same but Archer, Monk, Thief and Ninja are higher respectively.
7. Special characters will join with more jobs unlock so that u can field them right away with some changes:
          Agrias : High MP, PA and MA (because she is the best waifu).
          Mustadio : Average but he has Safeguard and Barrage.
          Rapha and Marach : Very high growth rates overall because they are gifted assassin, right?
          Orlandeau : The same but he has Concentration!
          Meliadoul : High HP and hit hard as always.
          Beowulf : More tanky.
          Reis : OP character as always.
          Balthier : Lower speed growth and got Ignore Elevation instead of Safeguard.
          Luso : Can equip almost everything and have Ultima2, Divine Ultima and BEQUEATH BACON
          Automaton and Byblos : More Speed.
          CLOUD IS GOD
8. Dancer and Bard has same support abilities (Move&Jump +3), HP Boost to Dragoon and Fly to Mystic.
9. Dark Knight can now learn Master Teleportation and Instant Charge (2000 JP).
10. Master Onion Knight is now the strongest job bar none. Comes with 5 purposedly OP abilities that will make the entire party unstoppable.
11. Dancer/Bard have their base stats increased but growth rates remain as shitty as base game for min-maxing purpose!
12. Dance and Sing are faster! No more waiting 10 turns for their ultimates!
13. Slightly increased Arithmetician speed.
14. Mime has very high base stats and can be use for min-maxing even better. Mimic can copy ALL ABILITIES known to human characters (special characters included!).
15. All status effect abilities have higher success rates. Good when you use. Bad when the enemies use!
16. All jobs now have higher C-EV. Encouraging players to go around them and be more careful about positioning.
17. Some of Reis abilities can work on all allies intead of just dragon.
18. All special swordskills are no longer require sword equip but with shorter range for most skills. Dark Knight skills remain the same because the job is very hard to unlock.
19. Rework to Archer. Still has the aiming ability but the entire skillset is infinitely more useful. (Aiming has visual bug but the damage is still correctly done so no problem at all.)
    - Name change to Marksman
    - Can not use shield
    - Can use gun

Special Battle!!!
******Very special battle at Mount Bervenia (where u get Cloud's sword). Fight against 4 super strong NPCs!  (Bring 1 Mystic or Beowulf or u will die!)
        - Master Ladd. Ladd from the far future come back to challenge you! Do not disappoint him! Show him your motivation!
        - That one Archer that forgot his bow on chapter 1 at Dorter! This time he is a Monk now and he is very angry!
        - J7Jase. The FFT content creator that truly love this gem! He sent his avatar into this mod to test your strenght! Give him your all! And go check out his channel on YouTube!
        - Leos Klein. He stream every day on YouTube (09:00 GMT+2). This guy love to exploit the hell out of the games he played and eventhough he is a newbie at FFT he still beat this bullshit difficulty mod without a sweat!  Check out his channel on YouTube
Rewards: Javelin2, Escutcheon2, Dagger2 and Master Ladd's Cape!

===This is the most hardest battle. Required all sort of exploitations and best possible gears for the entire team!!!

  1. Special battle to Entice Delita, Ovelia, Izlude, Wiegraf, Olan and Balmafula in one of the random battle at Midlight's Deep (aka Deep Dungeon)
          - The Crevasse: Wiegraf and Izlude
          - The Stair: Olan and Balmafula
          - The Hollow: Delita and Ovelia
          - The Switchback: Algus (He has no new special ability but his base Squire has the best stat growth. Even better than Master Onion Knight!)
                  = Algus battle is very special. This is the second most hardest battle but also the easiest out of the 3 super hard battles if u know their weaknesses.
            (Delita, Izlude and Wiegraf do not have model for Party Roster menu and Deploy menu so they will appeared as another model but no problem in battle at all.)

  2. Chapter 3 Dolvauldar March West (Dancers, Bards and Mime with Ultimate)
  3. Chapter 4 Mandalia Plains South (Very Strong Dragoons. A tribute to J7Jase)
  4. Chapter 3 Araguay Woods West (All Dragons)
  5. Chapter 4 Bddha Sandwaste South (All Red Dragons)
  6. Chapter 3 Balias Tor North (All Dark Knights)
  7. Chapter 4 Dorvauldar Marsh East (Very Strong Summoners)
  8. Chapter 3 Lenalian Plateau South (7 Female Archers)
  9. Chapter 3 Balias Tor South (10 very strong Geomancers and Ninjas)
  10. Chapter 3 Balias Swale East - The third hardest battle in this mod. (Very strong Mystics and White Mages with some twist from J7Jase video lol) This battle is VERY HARD. Just reload the game if u are not ready.)

/////// Delita come with one special ability to debuff all enemies.
/////// Wiegraf come with some of Beowulf abilities, too.
/////// Izlude got new set of Swordskills.
/////// Balmafula got some boss only abilities and one unique ability.
/////// Olan is already OP so there is no change.

(Invisibility Cloak become one of a kind item.)

Optional: Sprites Patch!
        - Female Mime Unmasked by R999, Lijj and Smash
        - Meliadoul Unveild by Tojoe, Lijj and Twinees. Recolor by avocadoclock
        - Agrias Ponytail and Long Coat by Atma, Mitchi, Twin and Erosenning36
        - Female Samurai by R999, Lijj
        - Cat White Mage by ??? (Don't know like everyone)
  • Modding version: WotL
  • Discord username: UnrealPH