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Raven's Spreadsheet Shop [LOTS OF BUGFIXES!]

Started by RavenOfRazgriz, June 02, 2011, 10:40:26 pm


June 02, 2011, 10:40:26 pm Last Edit: July 15, 2013, 06:25:19 pm by RavenOfRazgriz

NEW NEW-ISH - New Starting Inventory Editor based on work from Chotokukyan.  Basically this rewrites the routine that determines the player's starting inventory to use proper Item IDs, unique Quantity values for each, and ups the amount of items the Starting Inventory can contain to 24.  Otherwise this is just a bugfix release.

STILL TECHNICALLY "NEW" - Status, Terrain, and Multiplier Workbook - Contains Status Coloration Rewrite, Terrain Data Editor, and Multiplier Editor, made possible with the help of Secondadvent, Choto, and FDC. Yeah.  These are things now.  With the Status Coloration Rewrite, you can freely modify the visual effect (sprite size and coloration) of up to 16 different statuses with this.  Obviously this doesn't affect how the status will modify the gameplay end of things, but this will make a nice compliment to any ASM that modifies a status effect already, allowing you to change its visual to match.  The Terrain Data Editor allows you to change the Movement Costs of various terrains, which statuses they inflict (or remove!), and which Ability is defined as that Terrain's Geomancy command for the Elemental command and Counter Flood Reaction Ability.  It also lets you determine Movement speed for various Movement skills such as Fly, Teleport, etc. - so you can do things like make Teleport/Fly require 2 Move per tile to get across the battlefield.  However, this only affects Move : 1 Tile cost ratio, secondary effects such as Teleport's, well, Teleporting, Swim's ability to act in Depth 2 water, etc. are all defined somewhere else and will require separate ASM hacks if you want to modify them further.  The Multiplier Editor gives you free reign over Zodiac Compat, the various UPs in the game, Martial Arts, Protect, Shell, etc. with a X/128 system allowing nearly any value.  They also all affect the Final Damage Output, meaning no superfluous rounding.  Oil isn't in this update because the currently included Element Rewrite doesn't allow for adjusting its boosting value or affected Elements anywhere I can find that also allowed for the other, more important functions given here as well.

Other Updates: The Weapon XA Rewrite was updated with Choto's help!  Abilities using 01 Weapon, 02 Weapon, etc. (basically everything except 03 WP*WP) can now input a Y value to boost that skill's damage by, following the same concept as the Charge skillset's boost, which gives for better damage scaling that the format used by Holy Sword, and allows you to more realistically emulate the Charge skillset with non-Charge skills.  The WORLD_MAP_1.00 Workbook Xifanie made a long time ago has also been added to the Game Progression Workbook Compilation for my own convenience and for completion's sake - damn thing can be hard to find if you don't know where to look otherwise.  It also now exports an XML like all my other Workbooks.

When you're done editing each Workbook set, go to the "XML" tab.  Take the info there, and paste everything from there into a Notepad file.  Then, save it as a .XML file and place it in the same folder as your favorite version of FFT OrgASM.  These hacks should appear among the ones listed there, allowing you to quickly and painlessly apply them without even knowing what a Hex Editor is.

Currently, my workbooks contain the following:

* - New!
& - Updated!

Quote"Item Workbook Compilation":
&- Weapon Battle Sprites and Palettes Editor (By me, information researched by Cheetah, Vanya, RandMuadDib.)
&*- Player Starting Inventory Editor (By me, research by formerdeathcorps, rewrite of routine by Chotokukyan.)
- Unrestricted Equip X and Gender Equips ASM (By Secondadvent.)
&- Weapon XA Rewrite ASM (Originally by FDC, rewritten by Pride, updated by Choto.)
- Weapon Proc Rate ASM (By Pride.  Spreadsheet updated to a v1.5 version Pride made himself)
- Critical Hit Rate ASM (By Secondadvent, also covers monster jobs.)

"Job and Skillset Workbook Compilation":
- Generic Skillset Fix (By Xifanie.)
&- Pre-Raw Stat Editor (By me, information documented by Razele, newer info documented by secondadvent.)
- Job Defense Boost ASM (By Pride, original spreadsheet by Pokeytax, bugfixes by me.)
- UWEntries Editor (By Glain, included because I added it for a personal version and didn't feel like un-adding it.)

"Game Progression Workbook Compilation":
- ATTACK.OUT Battle Event Conditionals Editor (Original Spreadsheet 100% by Xifanie, all I did was trim some code and make it output an XML file.)
*- WORLD MAP 1.00 Editor (Original Spreadsheet 100% by Xifanie, all I did was make it outport to XML.)

*"Status, Terrain, and Multiplier Workbook Compilation":
*- Status Coloration Rewrite (ASM work by Secondadvent, Spreadsheet by me, full explanation inside.)
*- Terrain Data Editor (Research by Pokeytax and Choto, Spreadsheet by me, full explanation inside.)
*- Multiplier Editor Rewrite (ASM work by FDC, Chotokukyan, and others, Spreadsheet by me, explanation inside.)

For a quick overview on how each Spreadsheet works:

"Item Workbook Compilation":

- Weapon Battle Sprites and Palettes Editor:  Use the graphics at the top of the spreadsheet to input which sprite you want in the Weapon Graphic Column.  To find what the palettes of weapons and shwooshes look like, open WEP1.SPR and WEP2.SPR in ShiShi, respectively, and cycle through their 16 palettes.

- Chotokukyan's Rewritten Player Starting Inventory Editor: Changes the start-of-game inventory of the player (IE, Potions / Phoenix Downs / etc.)  It can add any Item to the player's Inventory at the start of the game, for up to a total of 24 "beginning" Inventory items and a unique Quantity value for each.

- Unrestricted Equip X and Gender Equips ASM:  Columns are Equip Functions and Male/Female.  Rows are Gear Types.  Use non-0 values to fill in the functions as you want them, same as the Store Inventory Editor.

- Weapon Formula ASM: This allows you to, using drop down windows, change the formula of any weapon type to any existing Weapon Formula in FFT.  It also fixes various "Gun Glitches" and other related things.  This does not allow you to change the formula of a weapon type to one that does not already exist - you'll need to go in and edit the hack yourself for that.  See here for details.  However, it does include four new Formula - PA*(Brave/100)*Naked_PA, STAT1*STAT2, STAT1*CONST, and STAT1*STAT2/CONST*STAT3. It also modifies the rather bad original Vanilla Random Damage Formula to (PA/2...PA*3/2)*WP.

- Weapon Proc Rate ASM: Enter the desired Proc Rate for each weapon (in Hex) going down the Row, and if desired, enter a Gear Type/Item ID for an Item that can double Proc Rate.

- Critical Hit Rate ASM: Enter the desired Critical Rate for each weapon (in Hex) going down the Row, and if desired, enter a Gear Type/Item ID below the Output field for an Item that can double Proc Rate.  Above the Row, enter the *divisor* for the Critical Hit Rate you want, in Hex.  (It's defaulted at 100, so you really shouldn't need to touch it.)

"Job and Character Workbook Compilation":

- Generic Skillset Fix: This "Fix" causes Skillsets to copy the properties of other skillsets, for the purposes of things such as dodging the hardcoding of Throw/Jump/Etc.  Just enter the Hex ID of the Skillset you want to mime in the Row, or FF if you want it to work normally.  I mostly added this because I know some people have trouble using this hack without a guide for anything other than the defaults Xifanie set it to on her page, when it's really good for so much more.

- Pre-Raw Stat Editor: This allows you to edit several things.  The first is Ramza's starting Gear, Gender, Brave/Faith, Level (which will affect Soldier Office recruitment level) PA, MA, SP, HP, MP, and variance in each.  The second thing it'll allow you to edit is the base stats (HP/MP/SP/PA/MA) and variance for each the Male, Female, and Monster Genders.  By "base stats" I mean the Level 1 stats of any unit of that Gender regardless of Job when equipped with no gear.  This allows you control of the gap between Males and Females, allows you to add randomness to human stats or remove it from monster stats, etc. with ease pending needs.  Now has a preview of the converted Raw Stats on the bottom half of the sheet, which can then be used to calculate growths over time with a program such as LvlSim.  Also includes miscellaneous functions like setting the modified HP/MP raw stat divisor for ???-flagged units.  Because this is a divisor, making it smaller will increase the HP/MP gain, and making it larger will decrease it.

- Job Defense Boost ASM: This allows you to give every Job without exception it's own innate Defense and Magic Defense damage reduction percent.  The percent is set in the spreadsheet as XX/FF, and to make a skill become affected by either, you set the AI DEFUP and AI MDEFUP flags in FFTPatcher.  The original spreadsheet work was by Pokeytax, hence why the layout is different from what my spreadsheets usually used.  I fixed a number of bugs, added some instructions, and did some miscellaneous things to it though to make it work for OpenOffice users, and included it here for completion's sake with Pride's permission.

- UWEntries Editor Sheet by Glain: Allows you to edit which Jobs are associated with which WLDFACE/etc entries.  Pretty simple, really.  It's included here mostly because I added it to my personal copy of my workbooks that I keep as a base for ease of use, but if he doesn't want it included in my workbook set, I'll remove it.  :v

"Game Progression Workbook Compilation":

- ATTACK.OUT Battle Event Conditionals Editor:  A rather amazing spreadsheet originally made by Xifanie, allowing you to edit in-battle triggers for events.  All I did was edit out unnecessary code to make editing easier and allow it to create an XML file for use with FFT OrgASM.  For a Tutorial on how to actually use this spreadsheet, I made a handy one here.

- WORLD MAP 1.00 Editor: Another amazing spreadsheet originally made by Xifanie, allowing you to edit triggers, line draw commands, etc. for the World Map.  All I've done to it is allow it to export to XML in the same manner used by all my other workbooks for use with FFT OrgASM.

- ATTACK.OUT Map, Music, Squad, Etc. Editor:  Sets the Map/Music/Squad Formations/etc. loaded by the game for each corresponding event.  Drop-down boxes make this incredibly easy to handle, unlike its GUI counterpart.  Currently incomplete and missing default settings.

"Status and Multiplier Workbook Compilation"

- Status Coloration Rewrite: Allows you to edit which statuses apply which kinds of colorations to a target, such as Oil's gunking, Poison's green hue, etc. for up to 16 different status effects.  It also allows you to make two status affects that modify the sprite size of thet afflicted unit, modifying its width and height independently in increments of 6.25%.  Note that these are all visual effects, and you'll still need to use other ASMs/etc to actually modify how any status affects gameplay.  Also includes an optional ASM to remove the "Stop" visual from Dark/Evil Looking.

- Terrain Data Editor: Allows you to edit the Move cost of various terrains and which status each terrain inflicts when you stop movement on it.  It also allows you to control which Ability ID is tied to each piece of Terrain as its Geomancy/Counter Flood command.  More details inside, but it's quite robust for what it is.

- Multiplier Editor: Allows you to edit most of the various ability multipliers in the game with a highly accurate X/128 system that applies to that skill's final damage, removing XA rounding.  This includes all the UP skills, Two Hands, Martial Arts, Protect, Shell, Haste, Slow, and Zodiac Compatibility. Oil is still missing but will hopefully be included in a later update.


Hmm, Raven... just tried out the SecondAdvent Equip X table and it didn't appear to work, at all. It didn't seem to cause any freezes but it didn't seem to do anything.
"Moment's anger can revert to joy,
sadness can be turned to delight.
A nation destroyed cannot be restored,
the dead brought back to life."

Art of War

Beta & Gretchen Forever!!!!


Oh yes, it also seems that your Skillset Hack Spreadsheet is off by 0x20, the original post says it is 0xE9358.

Though that in particular hack still seems to be freezing the game when I go to use one of the skillset's skills. Is there some sort of commonly used ASM that could be competing with it?
"Moment's anger can revert to joy,
sadness can be turned to delight.
A nation destroyed cannot be restored,
the dead brought back to life."

Art of War

Beta & Gretchen Forever!!!!


What are you doing specifically with the hack?

I'll look it over for errors.  I'm also overhauling the output area slightly so you can quickly make it into an XML file for OrgASM use instead of having it formatted as paste bars.


Oh, just turning Jump and Throw into normal skillsets. I can hope the .XML will fix the freezing, it worked well enough for ARH becoming a .XML so it may work here, heh.
"Moment's anger can revert to joy,
sadness can be turned to delight.
A nation destroyed cannot be restored,
the dead brought back to life."

Art of War

Beta & Gretchen Forever!!!!


Anyone using these spreadsheets should download these updates to avoid errors.  Please read below as to why.

I found the error in the Generic Skillset Fix.  I was concatenating Cell F2222 onto the end instead of F222.  Your problem there should be solved.

I also fixed a minor error in the Weapon Battle Sprites and Palette Editor sheet where Cell 144 instead of 145 was being concatenated, meaning your changes to the last 4ish Shields were being ignored.

That should fix all the errors with the sheets anyone's told me so far.


All the pastebars have been removed.  Instead, there's now a sheet at the back of the workbork merely labeled "XML."  When you're finished editing all the sheets in the Workbook, move to the XML sheet, copy everything shown, and paste it into a Notepad.  Then, Save As .XML and move it into the same folder as your favorite version of FFT OrgASM.  The hacks should appear in the list of applicable hacks, higher up the higher up the XML file is in your folder.  (FFT OrgASM reads the XML files top down from the folder, if you're having trouble finding particular hacks you've added to it.)

Repeat: Anyone using these spreadsheets should download these updates to avoid errors.


Thank you Raven, this should hopefully fix all of the problems that were plaguing me and its good to know that it wasn't my incompetence which was making things go wrong in this case.
"Moment's anger can revert to joy,
sadness can be turned to delight.
A nation destroyed cannot be restored,
the dead brought back to life."

Art of War

Beta & Gretchen Forever!!!!


I think... I already see an error. In the .xml part you have both addresses writing to the same place in Battle.bin for the Generic Skillset Fix.
"Moment's anger can revert to joy,
sadness can be turned to delight.
A nation destroyed cannot be restored,
the dead brought back to life."

Art of War

Beta & Gretchen Forever!!!!




At least these spreadsheets are easy to maintain and error check on.  Ugh.

I made most of them during all-nighter sessions so I'm not surprised there are so many bugs. 



Hmm, now I'm having the strangest glitch I've ever seen in FFT.

Now whenever my characters move to attack anything the game freaks out with a bunch of error codes which look exactly like the Skillset hack and my damage is mitigated quite heavily to where the most I can do with any skill or attack is 6 damage and the majority of my skills do no damage, but skills that take % amounts of HP still seems to function.

Any idea what may be causing this?
"Moment's anger can revert to joy,
sadness can be turned to delight.
A nation destroyed cannot be restored,
the dead brought back to life."

Art of War

Beta & Gretchen Forever!!!!


I lied.

All the code is correct and the offsets are correct.

I have no friggin' clue what your error is.

Did you set the Action Menus for the skillsets you're changing to <Default> in the Action Menus Tab of FFTPatcher?  Did you remove all the hardcoded skills such as Horizontal Jump 3 from the skillsets?  Did you make sure to reference Basic Skill (Skillset 05)?  Did you make sure to apply this hack to a clean BATTLE.BIN?  (Or at least, one you hadn't applied one of my errored versions of the hack to?)

Unless I'm pants-on-head retarded and can't properly configure an XML file with a fucking tutorial on how to do it sitting right in front of my face, everything on my end is correct.  I just checked every tiny thing and it matches perfectly to what it should be.


Hmm, it seems that the SCUS may somehow have been the culprit, I replaced that and everything worked fine afterwards. Though it was strange, when I was using orgASM to put in the normal hacks (for non broke Battle.bins....) it wouldn't fully read the Generic Skillset Fix, instead it would display all of the skills as normal weapon attacks. Though when I patched that one hack alone it fully went through. But it seems that it works fine now.
"Moment's anger can revert to joy,
sadness can be turned to delight.
A nation destroyed cannot be restored,
the dead brought back to life."

Art of War

Beta & Gretchen Forever!!!!


UPDATE: "Skill and Skillset Workbook Compilation" renamed "Skill and Character Workbook Compilation" after gaining my shiny new Pre-Raw Stat Editor.

I've not had the chance to test it in game yet as I'm doing another all-nighter and want to stay far away from PSX, but everything should line up flawlessly against Razele's notes.  It is OrgASM compatible, as per my new standard, of course.  If anyone encounters errors with it, report them and I can fix them rather quickly.


Secondary update: The Pre-Raw Stat Editor now has a Raw-Stat preview beneath it.  Once you've entered your Pre-Raw Stats on the upper half, you can take your Raw Stats from the bottom half and use them in conjunction with a program like LvlSim to see how your characters grow over time.



You fuckers best enjoy that shit.

Next on my list is a Weapon Formula Editor Spreadsheet based on FDC's Weapon Formula Hack and updating my modified version of Xifanie's ATTACK.OUT Conditionals Editor Spreadsheet to have an XML output for easier patching.


I was just thinking about messing with Propositions, great timing.

If you could get the attack.out conditionals to be more easily paired up with the main attack.out battle ordering that would be incredible helpful.
Current Projects:


Unless I'm remembering horribly, ATTACK.OUT via Editor, ATTACK.OUT Battle Event Conditionals Spreadsheet, and TEST.EVT are all ordered exactly the same.  All ordered in a completely retarded manner that looks like someone just shuffled the events together with a card shuffler but uniformly ordered nonetheless.  Unless you mean something else?  Clarify what you mean and I can try to deliver.

Something I forgot to note on the Proposition Editor Spreadsheet - your "Base Gil Reward" also affects the base JP gain.