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FFT Patcher (.497)

Started by formerdeathcorps, May 14, 2011, 03:57:55 am


Is the fourth byte in this data also missing in the patcher?

80063ab8 - Weapon Secondary Data

   0x00 - Range
   0x01 - Attack Flags
      0x80 - Striking
      0x40 - Lunging
      0x20 - Direct
      0x10 - Arc
      0x08 - 2 Swords
      0x04 - 2 Hands
      0x02 - Throwable
      0x01 - Forced 2 Hands
   0x02 - Formula
   0x03 -
   0x04 - Weapon Power
   0x05 - Evade
   0x06: Element
      0x80 - Fire
      0x40 - Lightning
      0x20 - Ice
      0x10 - Wind
      0x08 - Earth
      0x04 - Water
      0x02 - Holy
      0x01 - Dark
   0x07 - Inflict Status/Cast Spell
  • Modding version: PSX
Check out my ASM thread. Who doesn't like hax?


April 17, 2012, 09:45:56 am #121 Last Edit: April 18, 2012, 09:59:50 pm by Glain
It looks like it. I'll make a spinner for that too.

EDIT - Added it in to my build. The default seems to always be 0xFF.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown

Pickle Girl Fanboy

Could you add map previews for ENTD and Treasure/Trap editing, to FFTPatcher?


It doesn't need to be the actual maps, it just needs to be a visual representation of the following:
*unpassable terrain
*1st and 2nd levels where applicable
*water and water depth where applicable
*X and Y axises

Bonus points if it displays where you placed your enemy units in the ENTD section, and where you placed your traps/treasures in the trap/treasure section.

There will be cake if it takes this data from the actual maps themselves, so that people can add their own custom maps to an FFT disc image and have FFTPatcher grab the above data from those maps.

Because, spreadsheets are really lame for previewing maps.  Honestly.


This would actually be pretty cool to see happen, tho I dunno the amount of work it would take to do.

(Tho I see it being much more useful if many of the current maps didn't have incorrect values on the FFH main page :P)
  • Modding version: PSX


While we're on the topic of what-ifs, would there be a way to add a feature that highlights when two units of the same ENTD are on the same tile?
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817

Pickle Girl Fanboy

Quote from: Eternal248 on April 20, 2012, 06:31:18 pm
While we're on the topic of what-ifs, would there be a way to add a feature that highlights when two units of the same ENTD are on the same tile?

Highlight them both in the ENTD character selection box with, say, yellow; when they are on the same tile, and when you click on one of them?

Or show all occupied tiles/squares/panels on the preview, and then show which units inhabit that square when you click on it?

Which is a better idea?


I don't know how to read the map files. Even if I did, we'd be looking at (for each ENTD):

1. Search through ATTACK.OUT until you find this ENTD being referenced
2. Load the map ID from that entry in ATTACK.OUT (without regard to whether or not it actually is referenced anywhere)
3. Load the map data from the appropriate file(s) (???)
4. Formulate and implement an algorithm to somehow show all that map data you mentioned. I really have no idea how the upper level / lower level stuff would work.
5. Find a place to actually put it on the form.

Alternatively, I could just display an image, if the image was for the right map file, and an appropriate image exists. Probably wouldn't show where you put treasure, etc though.

Highlighting names in the ENTD: It sounds doable, although it adds processing.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown

Pickle Girl Fanboy

Well, could you create some kind of XML crap that can be edited for people who make custom maps, which they can replace themselves (or someone can write a python script to scan their custom maps, and create the XML)?  FFTPatcher will then use this XML to create the preview, with selectable squares/panels/tiles?

Also, where is the ATTACK.OUT editor?  Would it be a good idea to integrate it - and other tools - into the FFTPatcher suite?


A true successor to FFT Patcher! I am glad to see you taking up the mantle of this Glain! These improvements seem really nice!
"Moment's anger can revert to joy,
sadness can be turned to delight.
A nation destroyed cannot be restored,
the dead brought back to life."

Art of War

Beta & Gretchen Forever!!!!



Er, but if you're referring to the most recent suggestions, it's really ambitious and I'm not sure I'm doing that stuff...
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown

Pickle Girl Fanboy

The code for grabbing these things will probably be a pain in the ass, and you have to know how FFTPatcher gets at files that are in the disc image, so I assume that's what you consider ambitious.  The actual preview only needs to be a 2D grid, made up of color-coded squares with numbers on them.


Ah no, I'm referring to the work you've already accomplished. The other stuff if it can be done would just be a topping to the cake.
"Moment's anger can revert to joy,
sadness can be turned to delight.
A nation destroyed cannot be restored,
the dead brought back to life."

Art of War

Beta & Gretchen Forever!!!!


LD: Thanks! Glad to hear I'm doing useful stuff!

PGF: Generating the map previews themselves in XML seems pretty laborious (though that wouldn't require modifying code, thus doesn't have to be done by me). I still don't like the idea of searching attack.out to figure out which ENTD ties to which map, as it seems needlessly complicated. (Not to mention, taking the first match seems hokey... what if it's an unused entry?) Maybe yet another XML file tying ENTD to map ID would be useful.

Generating the preview... I guess I just need to experiment with Winforms. I'd have to check the form controls to see if there's something that would let me generate an image-type thing that I could just edit freely (from the code).

You'd also have to have a way to separate upper level from lower level, at least for squares that have both, and define them separately in the XML, as well as a good way to display them.

I actually think integrating the attack.out editor into FFTP is a really good idea... it just seems really difficult. Particularly the image preview thing that you can rotate/etc in the top right.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown

Pickle Girl Fanboy

Quote from: Glain on April 24, 2012, 10:18:15 amYou'd also have to have a way to separate upper level from lower level, at least for squares that have both, and define them separately in the XML, as well as a good way to display them.

No you don't.  Download my spreadsheet and look at how I do it.


Or check out the screencaps here:
(height of top level)/(height of bottom level)
12/4  /*An example*/

If bottom level is Water, then make background color blue, and change layout as such:
(height of top level)/((height of bottom level)-(depth of bottom level))
9.5/2-2  /*An example*/

If one level is unpassable, then make the level that is unpassable have red text, and give the tile a yellow background.

Quote from: Glain on April 24, 2012, 10:18:15 amI actually think integrating the attack.out editor into FFTP is a really good idea... it just seems really difficult. Particularly the image preview thing that you can rotate/etc in the top right.

I was wondering about that, because:
1. You'd have everything a person needs to hack FFT in one package,
2. Improvements to FFTPatcher's code would become improvements to everything that shares that code.


Maybe I'm misunderstanding, but wouldn't linking Map ID's to specific ENTD's also only be useful for Vanilla mods?

I mean we already have a map section on the FFH home page that has both the Top and normal map views.
Plus we have Ganesha for anyone that really wants to know the terrain heights.

Like you mentioned, it seems like it might be a bit more work then it is worth. But then again I would say the same
about adding the attack.out editor.  The GUI for that already works quite well, the only thing with attack.out that could use
a easier interface would be the Attack.out Conditions sheet that Xif made, since as of now it is still a spreadsheet,
but even that isn't to hard to manage on it's own.

Something I would like to see tho (for vanilla modders) would be a update to the Resources.zip that would give the correct ENTD names
since some of them aren't actually correct, which has caused some confusion in the help section from time to time.

Quote from: Pickle Girl Fanboy on April 24, 2012, 03:17:37 pm
1. You'd have everything a person needs to hack FFT in one package,

Not really, you would have everything that someone needs to make a vanilla mod. and Not even really all of that... Since most people use thing's like ALMA and such.
To have everything a person needs for a full hack you would also need to implement Worldmap 1.00 and several other tools.
  • Modding version: PSX

Pickle Girl Fanboy

Quote from: Elric42 on April 24, 2012, 03:18:11 pmMaybe I'm misunderstanding, but wouldn't linking Map ID's to specific ENTD's also only be useful for Vanilla mods?

Yeah, that's why I want it to NOT be hardcoded.  If there was some kind of XML map_resources.zip you could replace, that would generate the previews, that would be good for non-standard map mods.

Quote from: Elric42 on April 24, 2012, 03:18:11 pmI mean we already have a map section on the FFH home page that has both the Top and normal map views.
Plus we have Ganesha for anyone that really wants to know the terrain heights.

The x and y values of those maps don't correspond to the true x and y values used in the game.  And opening Ganesha (which uses an incredible amount of RAM) every time you want to edit ENTD or Treasures/Traps isn't feasible - does Ganesha even show x and y values?  How would you know where the enemies are being placed?  How do you know you're not placing them on an obstacle, or in a river (if they have Cannot Enter Water)?

Pickle Girl Fanboy

Quote from: Elric42 on April 24, 2012, 03:27:58 pm
Yes they do. I have made over 60 events using these x,y from the main page and they work fine on all but 2 maps. Not sure where you are basing this info off of

*tries to remember why he didn't use those maps (it's been a few years)*
*looks at those maps*
They don't clearly demonstrate which tiles are obstacles.
Also, I don't like downloading and renaming all those web pages, so I can view the first image.  Assuming that the formatting stays intact when downloaded (very doubtful).

^Outside of Lionel Castle being the worst offender.


Quote from: Pickle Girl Fanboy on April 24, 2012, 03:25:49 pm
The x and y values of those maps don't correspond to the true x and y values used in the game.  And opening Ganesha (which uses an incredible amount of RAM) every time you want to edit ENTD or Treasures/Traps isn't feasible - does Ganesha even show x and y values?  How would you know where the enemies are being placed?  How do you know you're not placing them on an obstacle, or in a river (if they have Cannot Enter Water)?

Yes they do. I have made over 60 events using these x,y from the main page and they work fine on all but 2 maps. Not sure where you are basing this info off of. Also, the maps clearly show all the terrain. And unless something is unpassable, which is usually more then obvious, they can be places wherever you choose without issue. That why they can choose it.

I guess the main issue is that you for some reason seem to think that the x,y on the main page are incorrect, when they are indeed not. Only Lionel Office is off by -1 x,y and the Pub is off by -1 Y.. That's it

And no Ganesha doesn't show X/Y it shows the map. But for someone that really cannot figure out the levels on the maps we already have (dunno why) that would be an option.

As I said, maybe I'm just misunderstanding the purpose of this. For which i apologize.
  • Modding version: PSX


I was trying to edit it and accidentally deleted it instead and if you look at the one you just replied after, you would see that everything i said in the first one remains in the one i editing and posted again

But way to fuckin flip out over it without even checking first. Bravo on that.
  • Modding version: PSX