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VGM 3 WINNER: Battle for Everyones Souls!!

Started by Eternal, November 01, 2013, 09:42:44 pm


All righty, I am now accepting four more entries, even if you've already submitted some. One more entry per person only, please!
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817


"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"


  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Reks#0128


Chrono Cross- Dragon God
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Kid Icarus: Uprising - Magnus' Theme


And the submissions are closed! I'll start this tonight after I get off of work!
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817


November 11, 2013, 08:00:02 pm #26 Last Edit: November 11, 2013, 08:13:40 pm by Eternal
The bracket is up, and tomorrow will begin the battle!

EDIT: I made a boo-boo and forgot to add JosephStrife's tracks onto the bracket. Unfortunately since Vire and Kage were the last two to submit tracks, their tracks will be booted from the current contest. Sorry lads. :(
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817


November 12, 2013, 05:56:16 pm #27 Last Edit: November 12, 2013, 07:13:10 pm by Eternal
DAY 1!

Unrestrained Struggle vs. Overture! Which epic track will win this clash and come out on top!?

Let the battles begin!
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817


  • Modding version: PSX
Nyzer: Alma teleports out of her own possessed body.
Raijinili: Remember that you're telling a modding community that the game they love could use some fixing.


Struggle, 100% struggle.

(On a side note, Eternal, your avatar looks like it's from the Matrix. It's pretty badass. xD)
  • Modding version: PSX


Winner of the 1st FFT 1.3 AI Tourney


As much as I love Tactics Ogre, this track is rather...standard.

Go Lezard! Unrestrained Stuggle.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


And Unrestrained Struggle struggles past Overture in a not very struggle-ish struggle!

Unrestrained Struggle: 5
Overture: 0

Today's battle features music from two very different games, each with large but quiet fanbases. Will Valedictory Elegy outshine Banished, or will Banished banish its competition?

  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817


  • Modding version: PSX


  • Modding version: PSX
Nyzer: Alma teleports out of her own possessed body.
Raijinili: Remember that you're telling a modding community that the game they love could use some fixing.


  • Modding version: PSX


And Banished banishes Valedictorian Elegy to the bowels of the abyss!

Banished: 4
Valedictorian Elegy: 1

Today's match is a clash of two Final Fantasy tracks. Which track will meet its final fantasy at the hands of the other?

  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817