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Messages - LV99 Vivi

Bugs and Suggestions / cursor memory
October 11, 2021, 04:16:12 pm
idk if its possible but...

in other FF games it was always an option but imo this is the game that needed it the most.
have it so the act menu keeps your cursor position saved for next turn like it does when backing out of a sub menu or back to main battle menu in the vanilla game.

TLDR: if anything i would at least like to know if a button could be dedicated to auto selecting wait then you pick the way ur facing.
so itd be menu pops up->square->dpad direction->confirm.

anyway heres the full spiel:
the problem is it gets tedious to select some options sometimes especially if its just stone or phoenix down or especially selecting a spell in math skill even if its just CT 5/4 holy. [tbh im mostly talking about grinding here but would be good in normal gameplay too]

to compensate for this memory option you could make square or triangle act as picking the common/top option in a menu for example:
[] or /_\  auto picks 'wait' when in the main battle menu. also make it so [] or /_\ button auto picks 'attack' when in the act menu and maybe it goes to the top option without confirming it for sub menus. you would still have the old way it would just be a different button.

*could maybe even have the whole idea flipped where the game behaves normally but square makes it auto confirm the option you picked last turn

You could have an option where using [] or /_\ to select an option does or doesnt affect the memory selection so you could pick
act->black magic->bolt 2 one turn and next turn if you just kept pressing confirm button after 'act' it would do the same thing again but you could press [] or /_\ and it would auto confirm on 'attack' instead but next turn would still be set up for bolt 2 if confirm was pressed after 'act'

i still think the default position for the cursor in the first battle menu should be 'move' unless people figure that its good to have it based on memory also. i figure it would affect my muscle memory too much tho where as having a dedicated wait button or attack button given the context i think would make the game more playable to me since i beat it fully like once month for 10 years and always thought how i could make even just the menus smoother.

i jsut want to throw this out there and maybe someone could think of something cool to do with it.
War of the Lions Hacking / Re: 2 actions per turn?
October 10, 2021, 03:31:54 pm
could you make it so every other targets ct gets reduced by their spd value x2-3 and yours gets auto put to 100 [somehow modify temporarily the no act/move ct amount] after the turn is over, twice?
War of the Lions Hacking / Re: Reduce XP received
October 10, 2021, 03:26:45 pm
i want to know this as well and possibly specify when it gets reduced/increased, like if the target was friend/foe, how many were hit, percent of current hp/mp/speed/str/mag/brave/faith value changed, status effects have a static multipler for each based on how game changing it is. all this compared to only LV of target vs your LV.

but my real issue is when grinding with monster LV unscaling mods it makes it easier to stay normal LV but if you grind on your party its no different since they are grinding with you. so a huge penalty for at least dealing damage to your own party wouldnt give xp or just reduced like 75-25%.
is wotl better now or something?
PSX FFT Hacking / Re: ASM Requests
October 10, 2021, 01:59:21 pm
idk if its found or requested or made yet but i would love to mod in more options for math skill targets or the multiples. Targets in general or keeping the same theme as og game like targeting based on faith or brave values or even weird stats like:

gender / zodiac /unit #

or the other obvious ones like: spd / PA / MA / HP / MP / wpn pwr / evasion %

or make it weirder with using a mixture of base 16 or base 2 instead of 10.  using multiple of 0x4 could target a person with 10 value since 10 = 16 in hex and there could also be normal 4 for og method of targeting in the same menu or a new job that has these weird ones but it has access to literally all abilities.

Could call it ASM Math Skill or Hex magic or just 0x0FF70101 for the lols.

could also add a third menu instead of the usual 2 for calc. why not a forth.

sorry just thinking aloud, one can dream.
what about 16:9 widescreen ratio
The Lion War / Re: The Lion War 1.05 - DOWNLOAD HERE!
January 26, 2020, 12:12:19 am
did you patch out the item duplication glitch? i cant seem to duplicate excalibur...
edit: nevermind it works it just doesnt highlight in orange like it normally does