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September 20, 2024, 09:25:59 pm

Roll to dodge!

Started by Kokojo, September 09, 2014, 12:19:08 am


You forgot my roll Kokojo
Quote from: rrs_kai on November 17, 2014, 11:54:50 am
>summon Bugs bunny to help Kokojo (eehhhh...whats up doc??)

today's roll
>try to revive by eating cookies and drinking milk, share some with Kokojo
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Previously on Super Idol Ryqo-Ry's Happy Bouncy Love Smile Theater: Roll to Dodge Edition:

Like a bird whose wings had been clipped mid flight, the Counterwave convulsed violently and dropped to the ground with a despondent thwump. With no time or options left before detonation, Ryqoshay could only brace herself for the incoming blast. As it approached, she spotted a man rolling to his side to avoid the explosion. She immediately recognized him from the captain's briefing as the bomb's creator and watched as he collided, likely painfully, with a sizable rock nearby.

Said stone looked sturdy enough, so she decided to make use of it to help shield her from the chaotic energy of the SpamBomb. The girl covered hear ears as waves of illogical hatred, music, insults, pictures, insanity, videos, links and bits of preserved meat washed over her makeshift shelter but did not break through. Despite her efforts, her ears were still ringing by the time the madness passed.

"I said goddamn, what a rush!" Ryqo found herself uttering. "Woo!"

"I assume from your outburst, you are unharmed, ma'am?" the captain's voice reached her.

"I'm fine, I'm fine!" she assured with a laugh. "And I'm guessing Nachy is fine too, since I am." she pats herself down to double check anyway. "But where'd he go?"

"Into a movie, ma'am."

"That's awesome! Why didn't I think of that?"

"Speak of the devil..."

"Ryqo-tan!" Nacht called, running up to the girl with a concerned look on his face. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine! I'm..." she was cut off as she found herself suddenly bound in a tight embrace. "Woo... love you too, Nachy, but... need... air..."


Upon release, she took an overly dramatic breath and let it out before looking up at the man to whom her soul was bonded. "Hee... nice glasses."

Captain Dynamite cleared his throat though the communications device. "Not to interrupt, but I must point out your proximity to Dome, the creator of the foul SpamBomb."

"Oh, right... well.. uhm... don't think I didn't see you slacking just now!

>[Back to work!"]

"Aye, ma'am. Sorry, ma'am..." the captain replies, flying off again.

"As for you." Ryqo turned to Dome. "That wasn't a very nice thing you did just now. I believe you need a lesson in good manners and Love."

And now on to today's episode:

Dome did not seem to be paying attention and appeared preoccupied with summoning something.

"Alright, students, pay attention!" Ryqoshay produces a small handbell and rings it. "Class is now in session!" With a flick of her wrist, the bell turns into a pointing stick. "It's easy!" She slaps the pointer against her other hand. "Like taking candy from a baby!" She points the stick at Dome.

>["1-2-3 A-B-C Elementary Love Ryqo Lecture of Friendship and Respect!"]
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


Quote from: Ryqoshay on November 30, 2014, 11:15:21 am
"Like taking candy from a baby!"

I knew you were evil....Mr. Bark Knight definitely loves you
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Awuuu... It's a metaphor! >.< Ryqo-Ry isn't evil! She would only take candy from a baby if it posed a choking or other health hazard.
Also, she may need to give a lesson in music next. Perhaps with the help of a guest like Bjork!
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


Quote from: rrs_kai on December 01, 2014, 10:48:50 am
I knew you were evil....Mr. Bark Knight definitely loves you

You're lucky you re dead, otherwise i would eat your soul for calling Ryqo-tan evil.
"    One of these days I'll fly an airship of my own. I'll be a sky pirate, free to go where I will.    ,,
   ~ Vaan


Let the music lessons begin!
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


Rolling tonight. The big pause was because of a big projet I had to do for today...
Finnaly done.

Damn you, sociology.
I keep leaving, I keep coming back. Boomerang boy.


"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"


I keep leaving, I keep coming back. Boomerang boy.


Time to roll!

But first, RRS_kai roll that I forgot! You might ressurect from it...
Quote from: rrs_kai on November 24, 2014, 11:49:28 am
>summon Bugs bunny to help Kokojo (eehhhh...whats up doc??)

Your roll : 2

You instead join in the circle of people into picking your nose.

Second, I must retract something : RRS_Kai is NOT DEAD. I did forget he had 2hp!

Please submit a new roll for this round, RRS, and I am very sorry :-(.

Quote from: Dome on November 24, 2014, 04:13:58 am
>Summon an army of Cossack warriors riding Bears to do my bidding

Your roll :1 (-1) = 0 Cannot roll a 0. Reroll.
Your roll : 2 Bleh :/

You decide to do.... knitting. For your army. Maybe. And then you give up knitting.

Quote from: Jumza on November 24, 2014, 10:34:02 am
>steal (the recently deceased) rrs_kai's wonder and force it to work for me.

Your roll : 3 (-1) = 2 Godamnit. It's 4 am. I am tired from studying and this is the rolls we get?

You look at Dome's discarded work and decide you will never abandon something like that. However, you forget what you wanted to do.

Quote from: Ryqoshay on November 30, 2014, 11:15:21 am
>["1-2-3 A-B-C Elementary Love Ryqo Lecture of Friendship and Respect!"]

Your roll : 6 Oh god.

You point your magic wand at Dome and everything that flows out of your pointy stick is knowledge, love and how to cuddle someone. You tell him about the feelings and the magic of friendship better than anypony could do, and you leap towards him with more and more until the day turns dark. The number of words you have said are magnificient, and even Dome must admit you have a point. However, you get overcharged with energy, and since you're now the power of love itself, you get too much into your own element, having flattered yourself to a point. The love power causes you to want to discharge... and there is only one target in front of you!

Dome must ROLL TO DODGE the hiroshima-like hug!
Your roll : 4

Dome sucessfully sidesteps to the side, avoiding a ''Adorable Love Love Ryqo Rush Steam Hug!'' from Ryqo. Of course, the speech would have had an effect on him, if it was not for the sudden attack.

Quote from: Kokojo on December 05, 2014, 03:56:33 am
> Revive as Cow-thulu.

Your roll : 4

You revive, but in another dimension where things die in a minute anyway.

Quote from: Captain Dynamite
>[Back to work!"]

Your roll : 1

You instead slack off and decide nothing should be done for those people today. You even want to buy a TV...

Quote from: Wonder
>Be built! (D10)

Your roll : 7

The enemy tries to use some tribuchet on you, but they end up accelerating the process, somehow.

Dome: Cannot roll a 0, Immunity to meteors,
Ryqoshay: Life-Bounded with Vaan, directs Captain Dynamite next turn not using up her turn
Vaan: Airship, Hates Tristan (+1 to attacks vs Tristans), Magic gem (+ 1 on all RTDs), Life-Bonded with Ryqo, +2 to next roll.
Rufio: Is a zombie, +1 to attack rolls, +1 to dance moves,  is in a MJ's zombie horde, has a horde of wolf dancer and some mermaids to ride on, +2 to next roll.
rrs_kai : Has a mixing bowl that's nasty,Has a Wonder, 1hp, If you include FUSRODAH in your roll, it'll get +1, once.
Jumza : Metric fuckton of cookies made to look like a wonder, -1 to next roll
Barba :Dead
Artmicion: Dead
TristanBeoulve: Dead
Kokojo: Dead

MC Nail :
Cluster of dancers : Friends with Rufio.
Wonder : Wins the game for RRS_Kai in 40 turns. (1 hp) Now is the alter ego of RRS_Kai being built SUPER fast(D10), Wounded for 1 turns
Captain Dynamite :
I keep leaving, I keep coming back. Boomerang boy.


Quote from: Kokojo on December 05, 2014, 04:02:45 am
Second, I must retract something : RRS_Kai is NOT DEAD. I did forget he had 2hp!

Please submit a new roll for this round, RRS, and I am very sorry :-(.

Thanks Kokojo, I forgot as well.
The previous round's roll
>fuse with the wonder (my alter-ego) to revive Kokojo by feeding him a ka-me-ha-me-ha powered cookie. FUSRODAH (+1 roll, one time only).

I'll keep today's roll independent of the outcome of the previous roll.
>uncover the secret behind the art of suplexing a train while running backwards.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Previously on Super Idol Ryqo-Ry's Happy Bouncy Love Smile Theater: Roll to Dodge Edition:

As the aspect of Love itself one can hardly blame Ryqoshay for being affected by her own lecture on the finer points of Love. She finds herself stepping towards Dome as she discusses friendship before bouncing up and down happily when the topic turns its magic. She wants, rather, she needs him to understand and eventually finds herself striding towards him in leaps and bounds. Quaking with unbridled Love power, she finally jumps forward with arms outstretched, fully prepared to give him a hug he will never forget.

"Adorable Love Love Ryqo Rush Steam Hug!" she shouts.

Unfortunately, the SpamBomb's architect simply sidesteps the oncoming tackle hug.

"Hey!" Ryqo complains as her arms close around nothing. "You can't dodge Love!" She whirls around to face him again. "That's no fair!" she pouts. "You're supposed to learn Love and play nice with everyone! Hrm..." She thinks for a moment before pounding a fist into a palm. "I know!" she cries excitedly. "I know how to make you stay a while and listen!"

Almost as an afterthought, she calls over to Captain Dynamite, "Break time's over!

>[Back to work!]

There is still much to do!"

With a snap of her fingers, a purple cowboy hat appeared on her head, cute boots on her feet and a rhinestone studded vest over her blouse. Producing several long strands of pink ribbon, she twirled them around quickly to braid them into something resembling a rope. Then, with a dramatic flick of her wrist, she tied one end into a loop. Lastly, she began to spin the loop in the air above her head. "I'm gonna wrangle me some deviants and make them behave!" she declares proudly. "Gotta catch 'em all!"

And now on to today's episode:

>["Triple Tangled Heart Love Ryqo Lasso Hold!"]
Hurry down the chimney tonight.


>Delete the wonder from reality punching it

"Be wise today so you don't cry tomorrow"