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Built from the ground up FFT in Unity.

Started by grillv20, May 24, 2015, 06:00:10 pm


May 24, 2015, 06:00:10 pm Last Edit: May 25, 2015, 03:02:18 am by grillv20
I've been around on the forums lurking for a long time now and I decided to say hello to everybody. First off, I managed to make my own patch with tactics but I never got around to the whole changing of the story and custom events. Now, while I'm well aware of the extent that you can mod the PSX version of the game I have come to some realizations that there could be easier ways of actually building and inserting your own things into the game without having to worry about the size and limitations of the game.

I saw the progress that was going on with Tethical and downloaded it and played around with it but I couldn't really do anything with it because I have next to no knowledge when it comes to python or really any programming for that matter. I have started making an attempt in Unity to build the basic foundations for a clone of final fantasy tactics. I know this thread might be absolutely pointless and people will probably laugh at me and call me retarded. I think its pretty retarded too myself but I really want to make a good attempt at at least building  a basic version of the game. I think at this point, depending on how terrible my coding is I could make an attempt at streamlining some way of inserting content into the game to move through building the game up easier.

I know this is basically the most challenging game somebody could even hope to attempt to create, let alone create it by themselves but I want to at least give it a go. I really like the idea of having a version of tactics that I can edit more freely and introduce new stuff into without having to worry about limitations. I really love the whole prospect of creating my own maps to play on for example.

Has anybody else attempted to do anything like this before? I mean obviously they have but I would like to know other people's opinions on the matter and what they think.

I have almost created a totally working title screen. Lol <_>

1680x1050 is what I'm testing it at currently. It looks like crap at other resolutions. I can't test higher than that resolution currently because of my monitor limitations.

If anybody is bored enough to help, let me know. I'm currently not satisfied with that particular font so if you have any awesome suggestions let me know.


  • Modding version: PSX


Yeah, sorry. I'll re-upload when I get some more done on it.


If you get this idea working on Unity, I'd be happy to have you on my game team. Finding game folks is a different beast than finding art folks, I tell you. Mhmm. 


May 27, 2015, 08:04:51 am #4 Last Edit: May 27, 2015, 09:06:16 pm by grillv20
A little update on what I've been up to. I've managed to get the title screen working with an actual button that closes the game. Things look pretty good as far as me actually having the ability to make things happen. I managed to find something called "Play Maker" for Unity that allows code ignorant monkeys like myself to actually build working events.

I will upload something for you all to look at shortly if you're bored.


aeg0ianegeagin I thought I had the exit button working right but apparently you can just click anywhere to exit. fml


I have just found this thread. I'm curious about the progress. As I have started in a  similar journey.


There hasn't been a post in this thread in over 6 years...
  • Modding version: PSX


I would have enjoyed seeing this in the unity engine.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
  • Discord username: Aletheia


This is my first time posting here. 
I came up with the same idea as the thread owner and came across this site and thread.
I am very interested in being able to re-create my own version of this game that I was addicted to as a child.

I had actually tried to develop it 3 years ago, but had been frustrated along the way.
Recently, I have become motivated again and am thinking of trying again.

The following video is an animation demo of a simple 2D sprite that I developed previously.

I will report back here as I make more progress.
  • Modding version: PSX