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Warp-zones, brotherly disputes, and lycanthropic possession

Started by Lijj, August 27, 2013, 10:32:40 pm


This is a pretty strange and disturbing dream I'd had last night/ this morning. (editor's notes in white)

  I am in this sort of household wherein my brother and Elric are working in a garage on Elric's burgundy coloured SUV. My mother (now passed) is also in the household down the hall from said garage entrance. I can hear her watching TV and I saw a glimpse of her passing by.
  I go to check on their SUV situation in the garage. My brother's less occupied so I talk to him first. It's pretty frustrating for them but it's engine trouble and they're a little flustered. I'm completely fine until I look myself under the hood. I'm suddenly annoyed; a letter-man scarf of mine is dangling from the tube connected to the air filter. It's covered in resin of some type and oil stained. So I ask about that and Elric responds angrily, "The patches were falling off anyway and I needed some rags." I then see another garment of mine, a less sentimental flannel also oil stained. I continue to inquire because I'm confused as to why they chose to make rags out of the clothes hanging in my closet. Some fuzzy unpleasant words were exchanged between us that I can't recall fully now.
Next I remember being in my bedroom and looking into my closet full of chagrin; as if I needed to see that the articles really were missing to believe such madness. I leave the room again going into the hallway, in the doorway I run in into my brother. He tells me that it wasn't his disregard for my property and that it was Elric's prerogative, but I should just let it go.
  I see another glimpse of my mother beyond my brother down the hall. Then I see Elric again in the garage, also beyond my brother but much closer. Elric drops some tools and gripes, I gather that the job isn't going too well. He says something to me to the effect of, "Fuck you alright? My problem is way too serious right now for me to give a crap.". At this I get pretty angry, my brother blocks me from going into the garage, preventing further, possible physical confrontation. I ask why he's acting like Elric's minion, I also say, "You know that isn't cool." before heading out another door to the outside of the house. I cool off in no time and realize my brother is actually being noble by not letting a fight happen while our mom is present. Are we all brothers in this dream? seems so.
  I decide to get into this swimming pool, removing my outer clothes and approaching it, I see that it looks as if it hasn't been maintained or cleaned in years. There's a brown of dust floating over the entire reach of it. I get in anyhow, once submerged I notice there are huge clusters of dead and dying insects, mostly bees all about as well. I try to avoid the bug- clusters as I swim about.
  Now this dream takes a turn...  I climb out trying to avoid the more dirty parts so as to get a semi decent rinse with my exit. It's getting darker out, almost twilight now. I'm going to skip forward a bit here cause this transition was so inane and un-sequential, at least in waking terms. To make it short as  possible I got out, ate, and realized I had warped to Puerto Rico.
  It's fully dark out now. I'm in some kind of facility waiting to be processed so I can actually get into PR. I'm given some funny clothes and told to wrap them around myself in a certain way by some guard. So I do wrap the funny pastel coloured clothes around myself as directed. As I wait in the cell this dark woman warns me furtively in broken English (I hear what seems to be Spanish around me otherwise), "Don't wear your clothes like that; they're fooling you You'll be beaten or worst." So I rearrange them.
  I see a street and some dwelling beyond the oddly wide-apart bars. Suddenly my brother's also there in place of the woman (dreams are strange like that), he asks exitedly, Whoa! Can you see those spectres?" He point toward the street, I look but I must've been to slow as I saw naught. I do see one a moment later as we're waiting, it's semi transparent; it looks at me then away as it glides away up a flight of steps toward one of the dwellings. It's odd because we're somehow indoors and outdoors all at once and the dark woman and my brother keep replacing one another... again, dreamscapes tend to do that.
  I decide it's time to get the heck out of the cell, as mentioned the bars are ridiculously spacious and I could easily permeate them onto the street. But there's those spectres, so I decide to exit via the window behind me. I am told as I'm climbing out by the dark woman that I should just wait and that it's dangerous out there. But I lack trust in the guards for they tried to trick me earlier. So I climb out.
  It's a tall tower now and an icy wind blows (I know, this sounds NOT to be Puerto Rico). I can't descend as it's too slippery and steep, but there is another tower a bit taller to the south. The wind also carries from that direction. I somehow shimmy across on this pipe. I have this strange duty to get up to the top of this second tower and I realize that I now have a grappling hook. I use it and get a solid grip onto the roof after a few attempts. I manage to clamber up; the wind almost took me in the last moment as I clenched the frosty ledge kneeling.
  Something strange hits me; there is something occultic about  this place. I feel some unknown dread as if a darkness has just possessed me. I wonder about those spectres for a second. I realize that the roof consists of really thick glass, as if bullet-proof. I also realize that the whole thing is some sort of vehicle and without any reason I take control of it and crash through the other tower's wall and roof. That part really doesn't make much sense in waking terms.

  I climb out of the craft after breaking back into what should have been the cell tower/ customs facility but it warped me back to the household where I started. My brother, Elric and my girlfriend (whom doesn't exist in this reality) all greet me happily completely not giving a fuck that I'd just crashed through a wall out of nowhere into the household. I hug my girl and mention that something weird happened and that I didn't feel like myself fully; there's this drive inside of me, not my own. I lead her into the bathroom and gaze into the mirror. That's when I see it in my eyes; I AM possessed!
  This insane wickedness bubbles up; a wolfish urge to feast. From deep within my stomach it emanates, I want murder! My mind tries to resist as I look into my love's face but the passionless energy rising from my midriff and heart easily overpower it. My teeth gnash into her throat and like a famished canid I chomp wildly into her sweet flesh.
I woke up strangely about 20 seconds before my alarm went off and before seeing anything too gruesome fortunately; I dislike blood. The end of that dream really creeped me out. But I thought I'd share since Elric starred in it.
  • Modding version: PSX


I'd never drive a burgundy SUV :P

Very very weird dream though, sorry I was suck a dick, you musta wanted to punch me when you wokeup!
I also wouldn't steal your clothes, at best I'd just ask to share xD
  • Modding version: PSX


Yeah so much of that dream was just odd.. you were a total dick through most of it and that's so not like you.
Quote from: Elric on August 27, 2013, 10:44:23 pm
I'd never drive a burgundy SUV :P
you wouldn't?! hahaha
  • Modding version: PSX