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Messages - Fantactic1316

FFT Arena / Re: FFT Arena Beta 138c Download
September 10, 2012, 02:23:49 pm
Just saw an Ice Brand proc the Geomancy skill Water Ball.
FFT Arena / Re: White Magic Memcard Bug??
September 08, 2012, 07:56:38 pm
All good in the one from the download. I guess I didn't think about the fact that those two spreadsheets would be different.

And it's worth noting that the one from the download is showing me Masamune in the Squire skillset after Ultima. Doesn't seem to impede functionality at all, though.
FFT Arena / Re: White Magic Memcard Bug??
September 08, 2012, 07:33:20 pm
I used the one from Xif's thread. I'll try the one from the download and get back to you.
FFT Arena / Re: White Magic Memcard Bug??
September 08, 2012, 07:27:23 pm
FFT Arena / Re: White Magic Memcard Bug??
September 08, 2012, 06:47:12 pm
Upon further testing, I've found even more errors with White Magic. It seems like the check boxes slipped somewhere along the way. I've had units with Cure and Raise that do fine, but after Regen it goes to hell.

I've got a unit with Shell, using Shell 2. Checking Holy does nothing at all. Checking Esuna teaches Dia. And checking Dia teaches Holy.

Comparing against the in-game ability list, the Memcard is listing Reraise, but the in-game list doesn't have it. As I recall it was moved to Paladin for this build. So checking Reraise in the Memcard generator learns Protect, and everything slips by one from there. Basically, Reraise just needs to be properly removed. None of the check boxes make you learn it, but everything's mislabeled because of it. And I think the JP costs may have slipped as well. This happens both with Priest as a job and with White Magic secondary.
FFT Arena / Re: Dia Bug??
September 08, 2012, 01:31:44 am
D'oh! *facepalm*

Thanks for the tip.

Evidently they know neither Holy nor Esuna...just Dia.
FFT Arena / White Magic Memcard Bug??
September 07, 2012, 11:41:35 pm
Not sure if this is a memory card bug or a patch bug.

I've got a team with two White Magic users. Both of them are consistently using Dia instead of Holy...in spite of the fact that neither one of them even knows Dia.

They actually both have Esuna and Holy (which surround Dia in the Memcard spreadsheet). So, I suppose I can't be 100% sure that Holy is the problem, since they didn't use Esuna in my tests either. If Esuna got crossed with Dia then they may have just chosen Dia over Holy as the better action for the turn. Regardless, neither one of them has Dia and yet they're both using it. I would guess that it's a Memcard issue, but I could be wrong.
FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
July 06, 2012, 08:18:53 pm
Yeah, that "Greatest Hits" team idea just has not worked out very well at all. I think I'll just pull them from my team list once 1.38 comes out.
FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
June 30, 2012, 01:42:15 am
Tropical Storm Reks Ravages the Fantactic Coastline - Part 2

Girl Power vs Severe Weather Alert

The Black Mages vs Severe Weather Alert

Night Attack vs Severe Weather Alert

Battlebot vs Severe Weather Alert

TeeHee vs Severe Weather Alert

Greatest Hits vs Severe Weather Alert

I had a pretty good time running these, once I got the technical issues sorted out. I'm sure I was just as eager to watch my teams fight as Reks was to test Severe Weather Alert. I especially had fun picking out the music. It might be fun to run other matches in the future.

Well, I definitely learned a lot. My teams may not be the greatest ever, but I like to think that most of them are pretty well designed. Reks, you should definitely pat yourself on the back for a job well done. One loss in twelve matches against a pretty good variety of teams.

I particularly enjoyed The Black Mages match. Round three had me on the edge of my seat when I was running it. I'm a fan of long, back-and-forth matches, as well as undoubtedly biased when my own team is involved. I loved that I kept thinking, "Oh, I've got this wrapped up" ... "Oh, he's gonna win it here" ... "Or maybe I will" ... "Nope definitely him." It was very entertaining.

Night Attack was another fun one. And here I saw another good design choice on Severe Weather Alert: Even Charm doesn't do much good against them when they can't hurt each other. Great way to take advantage of compatibility without having it turn against you when Charmed.

The Battlebot match was torturous. I knew pretty early that I was going to lose, but I also knew that the team would hang on for ages.

Good games all around.
FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
June 28, 2012, 11:40:25 pm
Tropical Storm Reks Ravages the Fantactic Coastline - Part 1

Fanboy Moment vs Severe Weather Alert

Dolls vs Severe Weather Alert

Girls With Guns vs Severe Weather Alert

Statii vs Severe Weather Alert

Comical vs Severe Weather Alert

Hybrids vs Severe Weather Alert

Camtasia is infinitely better than CamStudio. Thanks again for the recs! I still had a few hiccups along the way, but nothing major. Assuming the video quality is satisfactory, I'll run the other six matches tomorrow.

Wow. When I saw Severe Weather Alert on paper, I just went, "Pfft. Some kind of lightning gimmick team. I hope he doesn't think I'm cheating when I beat him twelve times."

But apparently I'm developing a knack for underestimating teams on paper. Running the matches always tells the real story. This team is very solid against a pretty good variety of builds. Even the one match I won went to a third round. Thunder Flare works excellently here. Tornado/Bolt + Counter Magic is super effective!

And one thing I realized in the first match is that a lot of power is gained just by being able to get around Reflect. So many high Faith units run Reflect and rely on it to protect them against the weakness high Faith brings, but Lore, Tier 4 Black Magic, and Magic Guns all walk right around that.

Suddenly Magic Evasion, Shell, and elemental halving gear start to look a lot more tempting. Like with Dolls round 2 at Mandalia Plains, with Victor hanging on there at the end and taking crap damage from all four units.

Bottom line, this team is really well made. Looking at the back half of my teams, I think I might win one match tomorrow, if I'm lucky. Time will tell, I suppose. Good games.
FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
June 28, 2012, 11:36:20 am
Ouch. Statii definitely doesn't stand up well against heavy damage. And Raise definitely doesn't cut it with a unit like that Lancer in the fray. In spite of landing a lot of negative status, I still got my ass handed to me. Ah well, can't win them all.

And I'm going to try again with Camtasia (thanks for the recommendation) and see if it gets any better results.
FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
June 27, 2012, 12:13:12 am
After all that thanking, I feel a little bad to say I don't think I'll be able to do the matches after all.

Evidently I got just a little too eager to help out without preparing first. I've done videos from SNES and Sega emulators, but this is the first time I tried to do a video with ePSXe. I assumed that the PSX would demand a bit more RAM, but I've actually gotten a better computer since back when I did my old Sega videos, so I didn't anticipate quite the level of slow-down that I'm getting if I run CamStudio and ePSXe at the same time. In addition my new (and supposedly "better") computer doesn't have the stereo mix recording option, forcing me to do an awkward work-around with a stereo cable. And CamStudio started throwing me some weird audio errors when the video got too long.

So, unless someone has some tips for making CamStudio (or an alternative screen recorder) play nicely with ePSXe (or an alternative emulator), I regret to say I won't be able to record matches after all.
FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
June 26, 2012, 09:42:44 pm
Cool. You should get a decent variety of matches out of me. I'll try to have something up later tonight or mid-day-ish tomorrow.
FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
June 26, 2012, 09:32:08 pm
I could put together some non-commentary videos of a gauntlet against all of my teams if you'd like.
FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
June 25, 2012, 06:46:09 pm
Yeah, my team didn't really work out very well in this one. With Zareb resisting/absorbing the Ice and Koutetsu damage, plus Bizen Boat, I never had a chance. Good game though.
FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
June 13, 2012, 11:02:35 pm
Yeah, I was never gonna win that one.

Loved the music though.
FFT Arena / Re: Arena battle videos and discussion
June 05, 2012, 04:27:00 pm
Good healing, good MDef, and just an all around good team. My team was definitely outclassed here. Reks even missed two revivals in a row in round one and I still lost. And one of those Harp-wielding Bards did very nice damage. I'm a bit surprised that I even forced a third round. And who knew there were usable panels behind the wall in Ramza's house? My twin Samurai can cling to the jaws of defeat like nobody's business, but it seems they were on the receiving end of the ass-kicking this time. I respect the ownage. Good game.
Well, round one was certainly embarrassing. They did what they were supposed to in round two though. Round three started nice, but the big flaw on my team is that if any one of those four units is dropped, their overall effectiveness is dropped as well. If either Mime is dead, that's less buffing from the songs. If the Samurai drops, they lose all hope of Revival. And on the off-chance that the Bard falls first, then they're just two mimes and an Equip Light Blade Samurai with no hope of getting any stronger. Good job on Barren's part, giving the undead Geo a Flash Hat. That mimic Raise could have been useful otherwise. It was a fun watch, regardless of the outcome.

Team Greatest Hits just doesn't quite work the way I was hoping they would. Still, they made a nice fight of it. Couldn't figure out those Chaos Blade Paladins in round two. "Oh, we've had our PA buffed to hell and back, but we're just gonna hang back and let the Scholar do all the work." Craziness. I saw Yuuto was the last man standing and checked the time: "Seriously, he's going to hang on for four minutes? That's ridiculous." But then I had a flashback to PX vs Zeron in S2 and thought: "I guess that does fit his M.O." I did pick those four units for a reason after all. They hang on nicely, but not quite well enough. Good game, all the same.
Ooh, neat! Two teams with so much in common going back and forth like that was pretty entertaining. Me with two undeads, veliuz with two undeads. Me with Hidden Knife, veliuz with Sunken State. Both of us with a lot of speed to expedite the undead counter and buff up the bows. High speed chaos on the battlefield.

I spent most of round one thinking I was going to get my ass kicked, but they just kept hanging on. Good luck for me with the Thieves evading so often. I'd say the key was that my last Ninja kept getting Petrified instead of killed. If he'd been dropped, the Thief wouldn't have been able to help him and he'd probably have been killed by that last Archer before the Ninja could have a chance to get back up.

I'm surprised I did so well in round two. I thought Masamune would outclass skills like Yell and Cheer Up, but the Archers kind of squandered the opening rounds by casting it over and over. Gave my team just enough of a window to gain an advantage.

Really good game though. With the two teams having so much in common, a couple of different twists in the RNG could have completely tipped that match the other way.
I like -a, -aga nomenclature. Also, that's a fun word, isn't it? Nomenclature. =)