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"No known abilities can be used with Arithmeticks" help!

Started by MTCruvinel, November 15, 2017, 12:58:25 pm


November 15, 2017, 12:58:25 pm Last Edit: November 16, 2017, 09:42:54 am by MTCruvinel
After changing my Calculator skillset, I realized their skills must work differently. Is there a way for me to fix this on the WoTL version?

If not, is there a skillset that is mostly left unused in-game that I can edit and works correctly with normal skills?

IMAGE: https://i.imgur.com/auWpPrw.png


You can change what the Skillset Type is somewhere in the Patcher tabs.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


You also need to change the skillset's behavior, and I made a spreadsheet for that, but it's for the PSX version... I don't think there's a way to accomplish this for WotL, sorry. Nyzer only has half the solution; it won't work without the other half. You'll probably get abilities that have 0% chance of doing nothing.
  • Modding version: PSX
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<R999> My target market is not FFT mod players
<Raijinili> remember that? it was awful


Okay... for the sake of preventing MTCruvinel from being mislead I'll just post the PM that I sent them earlier now that there is some conflicting information in this thread. 

Quote from: Ildon on November 15, 2017, 02:45:19 pm
A few quick questions. 

1: Are you using FFTPatcher version 492?

2: Are you attempting to use chemist/archer/geomancer/dragoon/samurai/ninja/calculator abilities in the list? 
Note: As the abilities from those classes normally do not function as intended or at all outside of specific menu types.

3: Did you go to the "Action Menus" tab of FFTPatcher and change "15"/"Arithmeticks" from "Mathematics" to "Default"?
Note: So long as you are using 'normal' abilities then changing the menu type to "Default" should lead to a usable menu. 

If you are still having issues feel free to PM me with whatever specific details that you can provide and I will attempt to troubleshoot the issue for you. 

If you have resolved the issue on your own or I somehow pointed you in the direction of a fix for your issue then please mark your thread in the help section as solved.  Feel free to take credit for figuring out the issue since all I have really done so far is ask basic questions. 


P.S. Have a nice day and thank you for your time.

Now... So long as MTCruvinel is attempting to modify the U.S. version of FFT: WotL for the PSP, since that is the PSP version that I have done most of my testing of modifications on, they should be able to create a 'normal' skill set for the "Arithmetician" by altering the "Arithmeticks" skill set and action menu 'type'... 

There are some limitations on what can be achieved relating to what I mentioned in section 2 of the PM that I had sent MTCruvinel earlier.  However, nearly all abilities found in skill sets originally "Default" 'type' action menus should function as expected if FFTPatcher version 492 is used and what is mentioned in section 3 is done. 
Note: If a "human" character uses certain non-"human" abilities there will be issues with the animation(s).

I retested this about 20 minutes ago by changing 15"/"Arithmeticks" from "Mathematics" to "Default" in the "Action Menus" tab of FFTPatcher.  Then I changed the original abilities in the "Arithmeticks" skill set to consist of the first eight abilities in the "White Magicks" skill set in the "Skill Sets" tab of FFTPatcher.  After that I patched a copy of the FFT: WotL (US) ISO to apply the changes.  When I loaded a test save the abilities had changed, and in combat the skill set functioned as expected when set as either the primary or secondary skill set. 

@ MTCruvinel, If you have already set your modding version tag in the forums and it does not display you can force it to display by adding a signature that says just about anything. 

@ MTCruvinel, If any clarification is needed/desired feel free to send me a PM like I had mentioned in the PM that I sent you earlier. 
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
(PSP) FFT: GGL Edition 0.9.81 is now available. check here


Thank you everyone for the answers!

As I replied in a PM for Ildon, I ended up creating another skillset and changing the Arithmetician's skillset to match and it worked very well.


Pretty sure that makes it unlock abilities according to what the Squire job has learned, regardless of what that Job learns.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Quote from: Nyzer on November 16, 2017, 01:52:03 pm
Pretty sure that makes it unlock abilities according to what the Squire job has learned, regardless of what that Job learns.

I'll admit that you managed to get me to double guess myself.  [Snip]

Here's what happened
1: made appropriate changes in FFTPatcher
2: patched a FFT: WotL (US) ISO
3: loaded a test save
4: unlocked Arithmetician on 2 characters (one with squire skills learned and one without)
5: checked Arithmetician skill set on both characters in formation menu... nothing was learned on either character
6: set the skill set on both characters and entered a battle... the skill set had no usable abilities on either character
7: a quick save scum back to the world map then learned abilities in the modified Arithmeticks skill set for both characters
8: entered another battle... the skill set had the appropriate abilities for each of the characters AND the abilities functioned as expected... 

@ Nyzer, did you ever actually test what you stated with version 492 of FFTPatcher and a clean FFT:WotL (US) ISO?  Because if you are still having trouble modifying the "Arithmeticks" skill set I could write up a step by step tutorial for you if needed. 

  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
(PSP) FFT: GGL Edition 0.9.81 is now available. check here


So I retested it again... And guess what I found... I wasted my time retesting it. 

Lose the high and mighty, or don't post.
Also, while I'm here I should add that it's not okay to delete a message and replace it with "..." we don't allow deleting posts, for a reason. Circumventing this again will result in a warning followed by suspension.

Thank you
  • Modding version: PSX


Quote@ Nyzer, did you ever actually test what you stated with version 492 of FFTPatcher and a clean FFT:WotL (US) ISO?  Because if you are still having trouble modifying the "Arithmeticks" skill set I could write up a step by step tutorial for you if needed. 

Firstly, I was replying to MTCruvinel, not you (if there isn't a quote or a name referenced, assume it's a reply to the most recent post) - and they stated that they didn't just change the Arithmeticks set, but they slapped another skillset onto the Arithmetician. This was not what you'd said to do. You advised to change the Arithmeticks skillset (and so did I, an hour and twenty minutes before you did, even if with significantly less detail).

Also, I only said I was "pretty sure". I do know that I experimented with the Onion Knight, trying to find a way to give it a skillset, and that's one of the things that happened there when I just tried to slap a different skillset on the job. And as it's been a while since I tinkered with the Arithmetician specifically, I could easily have just misremembered what I did with it, and it might function differently than the OK does.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Both the Onion Knight and Mime classes have a slew of reported issues, and as such I have generally avoided trying to make those classes something that they are not.  Aside from editing the innate R/S/M of the classes and linking to Onion Knight to an empty skill set so that they would have something buffer the Attack and Reequip 'commands' in combat. 

I do recall that the last time that I looked at giving the Onion Knight any learnable skills it messed up how the class gained job levels and immediately reset the game and turned it off.  After that I abandoned trying to make the Onion Knight into a relatively normal class. 
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
(PSP) FFT: GGL Edition 0.9.81 is now available. check here