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Messages - coldds

Journey of the Five Ch.1 / Re: Chapter 2 Progress Log
January 18, 2023, 10:23:32 am
I tend to avoid spoilers but, for an overall idea, how many "unique" characters will be available during Ch2 release besides the main Five, Agrias and Jill?
I just love unique characters, hope we get some surprises along the way!

I have some questions:

1/Can Connor (or other character) learn Ultima from Ramza in Goland Coal City battle?
2/Will my save break in this new patch?
3/All the new custom musics are bugged for me. Could this be related to the emulator that Im using or some kind of configuration that needs to be added? I use DuckStation

This mod is awesome, thanks :)
Hi Conman,
you mentioned that some adjusts on deep dungeon will be added in the future.
Do you plan to add more battles/items/quests or this is the final version, and future patchs will be focused in bug fixes?
Journey of the Five Ch.1 / Re: Chapter 2 Progress Log
January 25, 2021, 10:15:57 pm
Since you guy are adding new mechanics and systems to the game from scratch, this may take time to design, implement, test, fix bugs and balance it. With that in mind, when we receive a Ch1 Re-Release + Ch2 those new features will be ready with it. How many chapters do you guys want to release chapters besides 2? Or Ch2 is the last one?  Do you guys want to add new features for future Chapters too or Ch2 will have all the desired features and future Chapters will be usual "more stages and items" (which means that it will be released faster)?
Sorry if these questions are already answered somewhere else...
We all love FFT and you gave me a new perspective of this game with this patch. Dont feel bad. I really enjoyed CoP in every single stage.
sorry if it is a dump question but... what is TLW? i have no idea
tip: use equip change on battle and equip the stoled itens if they are realy good cause you probably gonna lose the old ones
i'm from Brasil and here 02/19 is aquarius (01/21 - 02/19), diferent countries have diferent days?
plus, it says 20 January - 19 February on english wiki and 20 January - 18 February on espaƱol wiki
if chapter 4 releases...
February 19, but i'm aquarius, for some reason the game says pisces
CoP: Archives (Original Release) / Re: CoP progress Log.
December 16, 2015, 07:42:08 am
chapter 3: my christmas gift from you  ;)
any news from CoP? i realy enjoy this patch  :cry: