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CCP (Celdia's Complete Patch) [Old Thread - Locked]

Started by Celdia, December 14, 2010, 12:41:47 am


December 14, 2010, 12:41:47 am Last Edit: September 07, 2011, 09:09:39 pm by Celdia
This patch is an idea reborn from a silly discussion in the chat. My original patch (Celdia's Enchanter/Alchemist Patch "CEAP") was intended as a test of my own abilities and the tools available here on FFH. It concluded successfully, if quietly, and was pretty much forgotten. This newer undertaking took that old patch and updated it to include the Cook and Homemaker classes listed below. After that, a quirky following started giving me inspiration to continue the trend of strange and fun classes. Thus, Celdia's Class Patch was born from the ashes of the old. That was back in December of 2010. More than half a year later and all of the generic classes have been replaced - some with crazy ideas like the Tactician and others with more grounded roots like the Red Mage - but all of them at least trying to be fun classes to play.

That brings me to the inspiration behind this patch: "Games should be fun." When first approached about my Alchemist class I was told that it was "too overpowered" by a lot of people. My response was a simple truth, "Just about everyone here can beat Vanilla blindfolded so I'm not really worried about how overpowered anything is. I'm not making it to balance the game out. I'm making something fun to play." CCP runs an entirely different difficulty curve than a lot of patches out there but its up to you to decide how to play it as there is no wrong way to have fun, which ultimately is the final goal of this patch. Play it how you want to, so long as you have fun doing so.

With the latest update (v1.9) in the works I've moved on from just modifying generic classes and have completely reworked all of the equipment in the game. A lot of the story battles have been modified already to reflect a boost in difficulty comparable to the new class abilities so the entire game isn't just a walk in the park for those of you seeking a more challenging FFT. Future modifications I have planned include a reworking of the unique characters that join you throughout the story (v1.9 implements a fair number of changes on unique characters already) as well as some changes to monsters and maybe some small event and map edits, but for right now those things are still mostly the same as they ever were. Regardless, I feel its appropriate with the release of v1.9 to rename this project "Celdia's Complete Patch". Thankfully it gets to keep the same old acronym everyone is familiar with. It may not be a 'complete' redesign of the original game yet, but we're well on our way!

~ Changelog ~

The Alchemist and Enchanter are still in this patch but Alchemist has been upgraded to a higher tier class and both have had a few small tweaks to them as well. Some skills were shuffled back around, either to new classes or back to their original positions after a reflection of what I did the first time through. [s:11d7ddw9]That said I think I'm going to leave most of the changes as a surprise this time instead of detailing them here.[/s:11d7ddw9] See my next post for more information.

A special thanks goes out to (in no particular order) Eternal248, Xifanie, Lijj, Zaen, Mando, LastingDawn and anyone else that offered me helpful information, permission to use their ideas and just voiced support of me getting this done (apologies if I didn't name you here!) I'm happy to be bringing something new to FFH again and I hope you all enjoy this.

One last note: Because of the nature of the new job tree, this patch is intended to be played from a new game and not off of an old save file. I have no idea what kind of mess it will create if you try to load old data using this patch.
Edit: You have my apologies in advance for making you play through that opening battle we have all played countless times once again.  <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_redface.gif" alt=":oops:" title="Embarassed" />

Quick Update: Fixed a few things I forgot to modify before the first upload. Thanks, dino!

New Update! Version 1.2 is available now! New classes are Red Mage and Mystic Knight! (For the time being Priest and Wizard are unavailable until the next version update.) More information coming later. Just wanted to get this posted before I went to sleep. One last thought, if you played v1.1 (or v1.11) there are enough changes to the job tree here because of things getting mixed up that you may want to start over. Just sayin'.

Re-Edit: Pulling the patch down for a little bit. Forgot something I wanted added into this and its taking far too long to get it right now. Alright. v1.21 now available. Look for a new weapon available at Dorter before going to the Sand Rat Cellar!

Adding v1.23 now. Will make JP gain for the base classes (Squire, Cook/Homemaker) easier as I gave them innate Move JP-Up or whatever the hell its called now. Noticed on my play testing that Cook and Homemaker just took forever to learn anything useful because they tended to hang back and not do anything. Now at least they'll be gaining something. Moved Gained Jp Up over to Time Mage just because.

Alright! CCPv1.3 is ready to roll! As the classes have been getting shuffled around a little bit of ENTD editing has taken place, but mostly to replace Wizard and Priests with Red Mages until the new Wizard and Priest classes are finished. This update brings us remodels of Knight and Samurai, called Champion and Lapidary respectively. The Champion isn't a great deal different from the Knight since it will still use Break skills, but only on equipment. Lapidary uses Draw Out style skills right now that will use new items to fuel them. Full data rundown to come in the next post, as always. As a last note, in addition to all the others mentioned above extra thanks go to Kagebunji, FDC and twinees for this release of the patch. ^_^

- Known Issues With v1.32 -
Boil refuses to show targeting information still. I've resolved myself to never fixing this.

- Fixed/Changed from v1.3 -

The descriptive text for the Sapphire item has been fixed so it shouldn't bug things anymore.
The Cook's skill 'Gastronomy' has been removed as being both redundant and fairly useless. It has been replaced with Lunch Rush which is effectively a clone of the Time Mage's Quick spell. (I did not however remove Quick from Time Mage for the time being.)
Also, HP Restore has made its triumphant return as Lunch Break. You'll find this in the Cook/Homemaker skillsets now.
The Homemaker's "Hearth and Home" skill was modified to work as originally intended and its skill information was updated to actually list what benefits it bestows upon the target.
A small graphical glitch on the new Chef's Knife weapon was fixed as well.

- Changes from v1.31 -

With some more feedback received in chat (Thanks Skip and Zaen!) I've gone ahead and made a rather large modification to all of the armor pieces that can give HP and MP. Following the trend of my patch giving MP abilities to lots of classes, all helmets have been given MP. Many hats got more MP. Hair Adornments all got +10 MP. Most armor got an MP value. Those that didn't got an HP boost (and Reflect Mail is the only exception.) All clothes all got a tiny MP boost and robes got a slightly higher boost. In addition, a few of those items were changed up a bit for flavor to be a 'Red Mage' equipment set. There is a new shield-type item "Red Cape" as part of this set. Please don't tell me the graphic for it in battle when it blocks is a shield. I know this and I'm not going through the insane amount of work to change it and ONLY it. It was done for flavor.

The other major change is to the targeting of the Lapidary's skills. The skills that used to do an AoE like the old Draw Out now have a special L-shaped Linear AoE. Just target a square diagonally away from your unit and you'll see what I mean. You can also use this to make a normal linear attack if need be. Effect was increased to 4 panels and the price of the gemstones was lowered a bit to compensate for the smaller area.

Newest update: version 1.4! With this latest patch I've removed Time Mage, Lancer and Ninja and they have been replaced by Vanquisher (a play on a popular vampire slaying family), Torero (a variation of the Spanish matador de toros) and Gunslinger (I hope that's a self-explanatory name). Sadly due to a hiccup in coding the Gunslinger's skills don't function exactly as intended but that will hopefully be fixed in the near future.

Oh, to anyone that played v1.3x, the Champion skillset has expanded. Gunslinger picked up the equipment Break skills (now called Sunder skills) and Champion got 4 new skills in their place.

- v 1.41 -

Fixed a few small issues that were noted about v1.4 and I've added a new ASM hack that will allow the Gunslinger's "Aim" skills to deal damage.

Also, for those working on the late-game sections, the Stone Gun and magic guns have been changed. Stone Gun gets a tiny facelift because of how I changed the magic guns. It no longer causes Petrify but is only WP: 14 and is Earth elemental now. The Magic Guns are all 'normal' guns now (Damage is WP^2) with a WP of 16 and they retain their original elements. This was done because the new ASM caused insane damage multiplication with the magic guns. Regardless, they are still powerful weapons in the right hands.

- v 1.42 -

Fixed the latest issues as pointed out by Lucifer_zero and Xifanie (thanks for the info! ^_^ ) as best I could. Boil has been modified to stop PA/MA/Speed Save abuse with it. Holy Sword skills now proc properly instead of 100% of the time. Also I scanned the ENTD again for Wizards and Priests but didn't see any more out of place (though I did only go up to the Underground Book Storage battles. I do want my new magely classes in place past that point.)

- v 1.43 -

Okay. This one was a doozy. A lot of things got little tweaks, some others got more major ones and then some straight up new content has been added. I hope I get the whole list in one go.
I fixed the Light Robe status. It should function fine now. I did verify that Dagger is MA based and will sadly stay that way for the time being. Axe got a modification and should have a better damage range. Its random like the Axe weapons so don't ignore its potential! Holy Water should be a proper line effect now. Holy Book had its range modified and it should animate on miss as well. This will hopefully make it more useful. Torero got a tiny mod and now only has a base Jump stat of 2 to help augment their Move 5 some. They run. Fast.
Enchanter is the big change, though. The entire class was overhauled in function with the new damage formula hack I got from FDC. Their skills will only proc 25% of the time now and will deal normal damage with the equipped weapon as originally intended. To balance this, JP and MP costs on skills have dropped by half or more. Also, the class took Move MP UP from Oracle as a learnable skill and also has it as an innate now.
The new content is in NOGIAS for anyone playing late game. That level of the DD will always result in the same battle now which is where you will find the Ruby for the Lapidary's ultimate skill, but you will have to defeat a vicious Vampire to get it! Enjoy the battle.
There were some tweaks on items as well. A few small functions were changed and some prices were augmented as well. They will either be obvious or you won't notice because you don't care.

I think that's all there is to say.

CCP v1.5 now available!

- Changes from v1.43 -

Well, the white and black magic powerhouses are finally reinstated. Say hello the Ghaele and Warlock! With these additions it should be safe to play through to the end of the game now and not run into any skill-less opponents. Some other notable changes are as follows:
- Champion's Cure spells got tweaked a little. Most noticeably Vitalizing Touch got a boost in power.
- Oracle and Summoner lost a couple skills with this update. I hope to get them replaced in the next version so that this won't be felt too long.
- Female Torero's default palette was swapped out for a new, more flashy red outfit as I felt befitting the class for player use.
- Lapidary's Storm Ring skill got nerfed for being too damned good for that class and the Opal was repriced appropriately.
- Cook lost the useless 'Eighty-Six' skill and gained 'Fowl Play' which is like a weaker version of Beowulf's Chicken.

I need to make an official thank you list at some point so I don't overlap myself but new and extra thanks to Zozma, Raven, Chimp and everyone playing and giving me feedback! ^_^

- v1.51 -

What? Already?! I know. Its annoying but dinosaur's playthrough of Yardow Fort City made me realize that the <Random> equip settings for Gunslingers in the ENTD isn't giving them guns. So v1.51 is mostly a big forced equipment edit on the ENTD for the latter half of the game. I also addressed the Job Level prerequisite oversight on Ghaele and Warlock, not that I think it will make a big difference.

Wow. This update kind hurt to put together. I hope its well received. Welcome to v1.6 and the introduction of the ARH to my patch. Xifanie's awesome hack that let me create the extremely eccentric Tactician class, but more about that later. Time for a quick changelog. Okay, maybe not so quick...

~ Changes from v1.51 ~
- The Amber gemstone for Lapidary is available before the end of Chapter 1 as requested.
-Vanquisher's Axe skill has had its Vertical Tolerance fixed.
-Ghaele and Warlock have gained Half of MP and MP Restore respectively.
- Elmdor no longer shows up equipped with gemstones as weapons.
- Status durations have been tweaked just a tiny bit.
- Red Mage lost the ability to Equip Armor and Helmets.
- Mystic Knight's skills have been powered down a little bit.
- Some animations were changed as well as some text edits made on old things.
- The AI should no longer have access to the Champion's weak healing skills, thus removing their useless sandbagging.
- Also by request, Zalmo's skillset has been updated to not be such a hodge-podge of skills anymore.
- Innate Move MP Up has been removed from Enchanter since they aren't so MP dependant anymore.
- Equip Katana has been replaced by Equip Pole.
- Several of the new class sprites have been updated.
-The ENTD has been updated to make better use of some of the new classes and the new class sprites should be in place at Yuguo Woods and Poeskas Lake.
-Power Wrist has been removed, Bracer has been powered down to +2 PA and a new item, Tactician's Boots replaced the Power Wrist. Check your equipment before restarting from an old save.

Of course I overlooked one rather major change in my haste and its in reference to the Tactician. Poles are now the exclusive domain of the Tactician class (unless you take the Equip Pole Support skill) and they all inflict various status effects on the wielder. Most of these will give the Tactician access to thier skills.

Wow, only 5 days between updates this time and this one is a doozy for me. First off I want put a HUGE THANK YOU here to Twin, Kagebunji and Zozma for their help with the Demagogue sprite and portrait I put together for this update. You guys rock. Also thanks to everyone for the criticism on it while I was working on it; the support I get from everyone here is what keeps me going with this patch more than anything. I need to add pokeytax to my official thank you list while I'm at it. This newest patch makes use of a couple of his ASM hacks that I'm very happy to have.

Alright, now that that's out of the way let's get to the meat of this one. Of course the main update in this patch is the removal of Thief and Oracle who have been replaced by Bandit and Demagogue. More info on them in the following post later.

- The Wall Hack ASM has been applied to make Wall a usable status. This is now known in-game as Antimagic. It both cancels and makes a unit immune to the following status effects: Petrify·Float·Reraise·Frog·Chicken·Regen·Protect·Shell·Haste·Stop·Faith·Reflect (For the time being, Antimagic can only be granted from one armor and one reaction skill.)
- Caution was removed and now adds Antimagic. It was renamed to reflect this.
- Regenerator is now Reflector and adds Reflect status on HP damage.
- Undead status is now immune to Critical status. Bring on the relentless swarms of undead!
- Auto-Potion has been re-instated and the Potion item has been powered down a bit because of it.
- Job levels have been rearranged and are in their final positions for the patch. The job tree in the next post has been updated for the final version. For the time being Squire is in the Warrior position and Archer is in the Nomad position.
- ENTD has been modified in a few places so story characters don't come equipped with Tactician's Shoes anymore. I've tried to keep their new accessories appropriate to the units.
- Ghaele's Rotec Oro skill has had the targeting fixed. It now properly targets only ally units.
- Various text edits were applied to fix some errors in v1.6
- Ninja Swords have been restructured as Bandit Knives. They lost WP but gained W-EV and are equip-able only by the Bandit class for now.
- This last note is just addressing a question from the last version: the Blood Suck skill has been changed to add Undead + Berserk, effectively removing the Blood Suck status I think entirely. It may come back in a future update but its low on my list right now.

~ Fixes from v1.7 ~

- Updated Enchanter skill descriptions to display the correct MP costs.
- Fixed Job Requirement text.
- Changed the Holy Water animation to a blueish fire and reduced the power of the skill a little.
- Added a new animation to the Warlock's Hin Covasair skill.
- Fixed the sprite animation for the Enchanter's Cripple skill. It should animate a weapon strike properly now.
- Re-removed Auto Potion again. Algus has a new reaction skill at Zeakden.
- Replaced the intended Poison Vial on Alchemist with the new Faerie Dust which will Add: Confusion.
- Other small text fixes.

~ v1.8 ~

- Ramza, Delita and Algus all have new base skillsets. Delita and Algus each have a skill unique to them in Chapter 1. Ramza gets new skills in Chapter 2 and again in Chapter 4.
- The Nomad Skill "Gale Force" and the Reaction "Reverse Gale" now have a 100% knockback rate.
- Crossbow formula has been changed to WP*WP.
- Formula 2D has been changed to "Dmg_(MA*(WP+Y)) 100% Status" and is now being used for the Enchanter skills.
- Enchanter skills have been modified to have a 100% proc rate on the status effect for most skills. Slay and Solidify are still only 25%. Gamble should now properly only apply one status from the twelve listed at 100%.
- Bandit gained two new skills, Steal Life and Steal Spirit. They use the Night Sword and Dark Sword formulas, respectively. (PA*WP)
- Bandit also now has Innate: Weapon Guard. An ASM hack has been applied so this shouldn't override any equipped Reaction.
- Lapidary has a new skill, Null Ring, and the shops have a new gemstone to be used for it, the Emerald. Also, gemstones have been given a new graphic in the shop/item lists.
- Rubber Costume has been replaced with the Etherium Shirt. It adds 0 HP and 0 MP but grants Always: Antimagic.
- Undead units are now immune to Critical status.
- The Vanquisher's Holy Book skill got its damage nerfed and now properly hits random targets in the AoE. The max number of hits is 10.
- Brawler lost the Whirler skill for multiple reasons.
- Equip Crossbow has become Equip Bows and now allows you to equip both bows and crossbows.

Text updates for older class skills will be coming eventually. I know there are a good number of old skills that lack range/targeting information in the skill descriptions. I assure you the issue is being addressed. Nothing new for the Known Issues at the moment. Enjoy the patch and have fun with all nineteen new classes! Hell, its twenty if you count Ramza.

~ Changes from v1.8 ~

This update has some odd fixes and changes to it. Some were just things that were long in coming, others were quick fixes to make battles go as intended.

- Warlock skills have been nerfed for damage.
- Mystic Knight skills have been changed to the new Formula 2D and are WP and MA-based now. Status effects should proc 25% of the time on Haunting Hack and Flowing Strike. They are also now evadable.
- Flowing Strike has a new animation.
- Some Red Mage skills have been remodeled a little, most dramatically being Fire, Simoon and Poison (now called Poison Cloud).
- Pole weapons now have all negative statuses as 'Always' (this is to aid AI Tactician units.)
- Several ENTD changes on enemy equipment and unit types. Most bosses have had their HP boosted.
- Job levels 4 and 5 have had their JP requirements raised a small bit. This may affect access to Gunslinger, Mystic Knight and Mime.
- Various text edits were applied to items and skills. More still forthcoming.
- The Bandage skill has been remodeled. Hopefully it will be useful now.
- Bandit skills have had their JP costs lowered across the board.
- Updraft should now Follow Target correctly.
- Brawler has a new skill: Dolphin Kick.
- Panther-type monster skill sets have been remodeled a little. Cat Kick is now their primary attack skill and has had its damage lowered.
- Bandit Knives have been properly updated.
- Lend Spirit and Tend Wound have been removed from Delita's and Algus' skillsets (they were never intended to be there in the first place.)
- Guns are now evadable. This was a quick-and-dirty fix that will hopefully be changed back before a final version. Without this fix the elemental attributes on the guns didn't work and made some planned battles extremely overpowered in favor of the AI.

I think that's all of it for v1.81. I'm sure I forgot something. I always do.

~ v1.82 ~

Just a quick update. Fixed some ENTD issues and setups, some AI issues, the targeting error on Simoon and a few other little things that were bugging me.

~ v1.83 ~

I really wasn't keeping good notes working on the latest update. The major changes here are new ENTD content for all the story battles from the opening all the way to the end of Chapter 2. I may have left everyone in the first battle at Orbonne checked as Controllable so if you're starting a new game, enjoy that while it lasts. (It was a holdover from testing something. I'm not planning for guests to be controllable in the final product. This may change.)

The most notable ENTD change is that the story battles will now have enemies that level with you.

There is a new weapon available in heavy armor shops (Igros/Lionel/etc) at the start of Chapter 2. Be careful how far you grind because enemy units will start bringing this with them as early as level 15.

~ v1.84 ~

Almost a month without an update. It almost feels like I've given up but I assure you that I have not. I did hit a bit if a bad spot in there though and I didn't feel like working on much of anything. Thankfully, that has passed and I bring you yet another update: v1.84. Let's get to the new stuff, shall we?

- Sneak Ring was removed and remade into Renewal Ring. This is available for Lapidary units in Chapter 1 and has a healing effect.
- Knightswords are complete! There are a total of 4 purchasable in shops in the first 3 chapters and all of the pre-existing ones have been rebalanced for the ongoing equipment overhaul.
- Antimagic status has been replaced with a different, new status: Immunity. This new ability cancels and makes a unit immune to all bad status effects for a short time. The Lapidary has a skill which can grant it, Null Ring, which requires an Emerald to use. Also the reaction skill Immunize grants this ability. There may be other items that grant it but you'll have to find those yourself. Additionally, the Mystic Knight skill Shining Stab can now remove Immunity.
- Tranquilizer Dart has be double-checked and is flagged as evadable. Its hit% has been lowered.
- Red Mage got some skill updates again: Death is gone, as is Shell and Protect. Wall now grants both buffs and there are two new elemental damage spells on their list - Stone Strike and Water.
- The ASM for changing unit names has been added by popular demand.
- Nomad's Gale Force skill and Reverse Gale reaction have had their damage output increased as a compensation for terrain issues still managing to stop the 100% knockback. Best I can do about that for now.
- The Main Gauche Bandit Knife has been fixed. If you didn't know what was wrong with it then you won't be missing anything.
- Torero skills have been renamed. Terminar (originally Flourish) has had its formula changed to be PA-dependant only. It should be much more powerful now.
- ASM has been added to make the Darkness debuff reduce accuracy by 50%.
- ASM has been added to make Axes deal PA*WP for damage. Axes haven't yet been rebalanced for the overhaul yet so enjoy some reliably powerful axes for the time being.
- Books have been remodeled into Monster Tomes. They use the same formula and range but now each have a chance on hit to cast a spell unique to monster units. The exception is the Chocobo Tome which uses a healing formula and can trigger Add: Reraise.
- Various text edits were also made.
- The Bandit class has been reset to no longer have Innate: Weapon Guard since it was overwriting any player-set reaction skills. If I can get a fix for this they will get it back later but until then they'll just have to use the normal reaction skill like everyone else.
- ENTD updates have been made going to the end of the game. They're not perfect yet but at least everyone should be working on a Party Level basis. A lot of unit equipment, classes and positions were changed including some early game stuff (notably a minor change in Miluda 2).
- New sprite put in for Male Champion. Now you get a whole new person to hate when Intimidate gets spammed. :D

I think that's everything. It certainly feels like everything typing it all up and I already went back and added 3 bullets to the list before saving this update message. I'm sure I forgot something though. If I didn't then I wouldn't be me. See the post below for some of the changes to the Ghaele's skills. Until next time.

~ v1.85 ~

Just a few quick changes that felt major enough to make another release.

- Fixed the targeting on Bandit's Ambush skill. It properly only targets around the Bandit now. The CT was also lowered to make it a faster skill.
- Reduced the cost of all Tactician skills by 50%. Also the hit% of almost all Tactician skills were increased some.
- Fixed the hit% on a few Ghaele skills that were set wrong. They are much higher now.

While I'll be leaving v1.85 up for the time being, the main info post below will be undergoing some major modifications over the next few days while I prepare for the release of CCP v1.9. Information going up will be for v1.9 and as such all information regarding v1.85 except for the changelog above will be removed. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause to those of you still playing v1.85. Something better is just around the corner though! Stay tuned for more details!

I almost feel like I should just put the v1.9 changelog into its own spoiler from the start because the list is going to be so long. Let's not waste too much space introducing it.

- Story battle ENTDs have been revised for the new equipment and class changes.
- All equipment has been replaced. Some new icons have been added for select items. Most accessory items have been bundled into a new item type simply labeled 'Accessory'.
- With new equipment comes a revision of shops and their inventories as well as a number of Move-Find Item locations and Poach rewards. There are a good handful of unique items out there to go find now. Happy hunting!
- Whips have been modified to use the hack giving them a (Rdm{0..PA-1}+PA)*WP Formula. (Axes are still PA*WP from 1.8x)
- Alchemist items Faerie Dust and Number 9 now inflict Poison in addition to their normal effect.
- Not all items are equal! With the addition of Pride's Individual Spell Proc ASM, many weapons have a unique proc% for their extra effects.
- Not all items are for players anymore, either. There are a few special 'AI Only' items. You'll notice them when you see 'Innate: Maintenance' on them. Don't kill yourself trying to get your hands on them.
- The Chocobo Tome now properly adds Reraise on hit.
- A new headgear type, the Crown, has been added. Crowns are to Helmets what Robes are to Armor. (And speaking of armor...)
- A new weapon type, the Wand, has been added. The damage formula is MA*WP and it has a crossbow-like attack style to a Range of 5.
- Access to Armor now covers a new subset of armor: Magic Armor. These generally have lower HP bonuses but will include an MP bonus as well.
- Brawlers can now equip Hats.
- Warriors can not equip Armor. Base jobs now have the Equip Armor support skill learnable if the job can equip armor normally.
- Special character units (Mustadio, Agrias, Rafa, Malak, Meliadoul, Orlandu) have had some significant changes made to them. Beowulf, Worker 8 and Cloud are as of yet unchanged. (If you can catch the game reference implied by Mustadio's new skillset, give yourself a cookie.) Reis got her Holy Breath skill modified slightly but is otherwise intact.
- Tactician got a lot of restrictions reduced on their skills. Slow is no longer a prerequisite or anything, nor is Death Sentence. Half of the Pole weapons have had bad status effects removed from them as well so they are more viable weapons now for other classes.
- Bandit lost Steal Life and gained Blinding Powder in place of it.
- Nomad skills got moved around a bit. Gale Force was removed since the whole knockback thing wasn't working as intended. They now have a Cancel: Charging/Performing skill, Disrupting Gale. Far Shot was shuffled around with that and now they have a new Reaction: Counter Snipe. (This skill needs some serious testing still)
- Vanquisher's skill list has been half-replaced. Dagger now only hits once and has a shorter range. Axe also has a reduced range. Stopwatch and Holy Book were removed. New skills include Thousand Blades (a multi-hit Dagger-like skill), Axe Sweep (Axe, but bigger) and Hydro Storm (powerful Holy+Water skill). Holy Water and Holy Cross are unchanged.
- The Torero's best skill, Terminar, has had its MP cost lowered from 60 to 40. It should actually be usable now. :D
- Many of the Ghaele's MP costs on skills have been changed.
- Much applause will follow this note: Champions no longer have Intimidate. It has been replaced by a new Regen ability: Rejuvenating Touch.
- Some sprites were updated or changed. You'll know them when you see them.
- On top of all the new equipment text, some other minor text edits were applied.
- The Mystic Knight's Freezing Whirl should have a proper animation now.
- A couple of spells have been noted as 'Ignores Faith'. This descriptor generally only appears in skillsets where Faith is applied to everything else. They function on a straight MA*Y formula.
- Updated SCEAP splash image for the new version.
- Lowered the bonus from Martial Arts to *1.25.
- Job Level requirements have been changed on the lower tier classes. See the new Job Tree in the next post for details.
- If it didn't become apparent with some of the above listed changes, there are no longer any Female-Only equips.
- Fixed the Immunity status to function properly with other status effects.
- Removed the Blind = -50% accuracy ASM and replaced it with the "Blind and Confuse overrides concentrate/transparent accuracy bonus and now divides accuracy by 2" ASM. It appears to be functioning perfectly.
- Fixed the damage/status display-on-hit of a couple skills where it wasn't displaying anything.
- Almost every generic job has had some kind of equipment-access change made. See the chart in the following post for details on who can use what. Some growths and multipliers have also been modified.

Something I just want to point out in bold so people know going into it, there are still a lot of later game changes that are untested so please bear with me as things like that are discovered. One notable untested thing is Rafa's new unique skill. It might work, it might crash the game. At this point I just want to release the patch and I'll fix the big problems later.

As always, I'm sure I forgot a small pile of things. I'm just so burnt out from working on this that if there's more I'm missing I either just can't remember changing it or I forgot to note it. All things considered, I think that's plenty right there.

~ Known Issues for v1.9 ~
- Boil does not display proper targeting information.
- During battle, female units with classes that require levels in Homemaker (Alchemist, Vanquisher, Enchanter, Oracle, Mystic Knight, Lapidary, Red Mage, Ghaele, Warlock, Tactician, Mime) will not display as known classes in the status screen. This should not affect gameplay at all.
- Deep Dungeon hasn't been updated beyond NOGIAS yet, so some enemies there won't have appropriate (or any) equipment.
- Its been noticed that some monsters have been using their third abilities (Panthers using Cat Kick, Bombs using Small Bomb) even though they aren't listed on their skill lists.
- No EVTCHRs have been changed to match the new generic unit sprites so events involving them will look bugged.
- The Brawler's skill Dolphin Kick sometimes causes a little graphical glitch where the unit will hover high above the battlefield. Moving the unit or walking through their panel will return them back to the proper place on the field but their shadow seems to disappear for the rest of the battle sometimes. This doesn't appear to affect gameplay at all. Sure does look awesome when he air-walks back down to earth though. ^_^
- Sometimes it looks like Bandit units are starting the battle with Defend status. This is doesn't seem to be 100% consistent. I've checked everything I can think of that might be causing it and I can't find a reason why.

~ Changes from v1.9 ~
- Modifed Malak's Faith to be a usable amount.
- Changed Innates on Flashy Costome and Guardian Sword to things that will actually work.
- Fixed Rafa's Wild Healing skill to apply the proper status effects.
- Fixed Wizard Guard to properly grant the MP Restore reaction instead of Lunch Break.
- Updated Agrias' skillset to reflect how it looks from the start of the game.

~ Changes from v1.91 ~
- Fixed the AI flags on Rafa's Wild Healing. She should actually use it now.
- Fixed the AI Only item Cursed Ring to properly add Always: Undead.
- Fixed the major issue of female units being able to equip crowns as any job.

~ Changes from v1.92 ~
- Attempted to rebalance the Red Mage spell damage values a bit. Increased the JP cost of Water to 150.
- Modified the Brawler's Pummel skill to have a more narrow damage range so its not such a chancy skill to use. Increased the Y value a bit as well.
- Fixed the Faerie Dust and Number 9 items. They weren't applying any statuses at all but should be working normally now.
- Updated the skill descriptions on all Homemaker skills and on the Cook's Fowl Play.
- Lowered the cost of Hearth and Home to 18 MP.
- Updated Meliadoul's formation sprite and portrait.
- Preset more gear on enemies at Dorter 1 as well as lowering the enemy job levels a bit more. Hopefully this will stop being such a pain to get past now.
- Changed the equipment of a Brawler at Thieves' Fort to give him a better Jump value so hopefully he won't be stuck on the roof now.
- As always I did a few minor text edits as well.
QuoteAlso attached this time is a version of CCP with the No Music ASM applied for people that want to make videos of the patch or stream it and would rather have their own music playing.

This is just a short list of people I owe thanks to for helping CCP become something more than a small dream in my imagination. These are in no particular order and do involve people not even on FFH so there might be a few names you don't know. If I forgot you, please don't believe I think less of you than those listed here: I'm just scatter-brained like that. So, thank you all...even if I forgot you! ^_^

Eternal248, Xifanie, Lijj, Zaen, Mando, LastingDawn, dinosaur, Zozma, Lucifer_zero, formerdeathcorps, Prideful, Wiz, Chimpmaster, RavenOfRazgriz, Twinees, Kagebunji, Wasabi, secondadvent, superjupi, Qwerinty, Zareb, marbles, Aquilae, Zuzka, Kokojo, tithin, Criss, SkipSandwich, Scearcely, Nojgaard, Avenger314, markyjoe1990 ...and Michiru just for putting up with me while I've been working on this whole thing. ^_^
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


Everything listed below is intended for use with CCP v1.9. If you're playing an earlier version some things may not match up.

CCP Job Tree

PA/SP Based Classes
Warrior = Initially available
Champion = Level 2 Warrior
Nomad = Level 2 Champion
Brawler = Level 3 Champion
Bandit = Level 3 Nomad
Torero = Level 4 Brawler
Gunslinger = Level 4 Bandit, Level 4 Torero

MA Based Classes
Butler/Homemaker = Initially available
Red Mage = Level 2 Cook/Homemaker
Alchemist = Level 2 Red Mage
Demagogue = Level 3 Red Mage
Lapidary = Level 3 Alchemist
Tactician = Level 3 Demagogue
Warlock= Level 6 Red Mage

Combination Classes
Enchanter = Level 3 Champion, Level 3 Red Mage
Vanquisher = Level 3 Enchanter
Mystic Knight = Level 4 Vanquisher
Ghaele = Level 6 Champion

Advanced Classes
Mime = Level 8 Champion, Level 8 Red Mage, Level 4 Tactician, Level 4 Gunslinger, Level 4 Mystic Knight, Level 4 Lapidary

CCP Class Stats


First among the generic classes is the Warrior. Not inclined to use magic-based skills at all, they excel only in providing damage with simple weapons.

Quote from: Warrior Skills
There is literally nothing here you haven't seen before. Warriors have the old Archer's "Charge" skillset, but some of the CTs on them have been lowered a bit.

Homemaker and Butler

Homemaker and Butler take the place of the base class to the 'Magic' tree of jobs. Each is gender-unique and they have a wide variety of skills intended to be used from early game until late.
Quote from: Homemaker SkillsSugary Candy -  A tasty sweet to re-energize even the most tired combatant. Cancel: Sleep, restores a tiny bit of HP.
Cafe Au Lait -This caffeinated drink will get anyone moving. Add: Haste.
Boil -  Continuously rain boiling water on a single target. Small, repeating fire and water elemental damage.
Flash Freeze - Chill the surrounding area so quickly it can even freeze units solid.  Add: Stop, moderate ice elemental damage.
Spring Cleaning -  A quick wash will remove all statuses from a target, good and bad.
Last Supper - A death row meal, While it works as a restorative, it is ultimately deadly.  Add: Death Sentence.
Ambrosia - The food of the gods. Empowers one target. +1 PA/MA/SP, +10 Brave.
Hearth and Home - Be given all the comforts of home. Increases defense of one target. Add: Protect, Shell, Reflect.

Quote from: Butler Skills
Throw Silverware - Toss a piece of silverware to distract a target. Cancel: Charging and Performing.
Calm Demeanor - A proper butler should be unfazed even in the most dire of circumstances. Self target, Add: Immunity
Blackmail - A good servant always knows about his master's competition and can use the knowledge to devastating effect. Add: Don't Act
Magic Blade - Every good servant carries a weapon on his person somewhere so that he may better defend his master. Deals damage, ignores Faith.
Stylish Trappings - "'Coz every girl crazy 'bout a sharp dressed man." Only works on Female units. Add: Charm
Intimidate - A few well placed words can make any brutish thug back down.  -25 Brave
Rare Vintage - A knowledgable servant knows how to get the rarest and most refreshing wines. Greatly recovers HP.
Perfect Timing - A good butler can make anyone ready in a moment's notice. CT = 100


The Champion is the early game melee class and tank. It has a series of fast-use but relatively weak holy spells as well as a few more expensive ones. This class can lead your front line from the beginning of the game until the end.

Quote from: Champion Skills

Healing Touch: Channel holy power through your hands to heal wounds and punish the undead. Restores a small amount of HP.
Rejuvenating Touch: Touch an ally and infuse them with rejuvenation magic. Add: Regen.
Remove Paralysis: Apply your holy will to remove various paralyzing effects from your allies: Cancel: Don't Move, Don't Act, Slow, Stop.
Remove Disease: Apply your holy will to remove various ailments from your allies. Cancel: Undead, Petrify, Confusion, Blood Suck, Poison, Death Sentence.
Vitalizing Touch: Channel holy power through your hands to heal wounds and punish the undead. Restores a moderate amount of HP.
Death Ward: Grant a divine blessing against death to an ally. Add: Reraise.
Lay on Hands: Use healing hands to restore life to a fallen ally.  Cancel: Dead.
Behemoth Power: Bless an ally with greater strength. PA +2

Red Mage

The Red Mage is more of an homage to the classic version found in the original Final Fantasy. Their skillset is a combination of black and white magic and they can wear both light and heavy armor as well as having access to a good weapon selection. To reduce overlap, Priest and Wizard are temporarily unavailable so Red Mage is the only base magic user to choose from right now.

Quote from: Red Mage Skills
Cure: White magic cures physical injuries and restores HP to a single target. Restores a small amount of HP.
Heal: White magic cures physical injuries and restores HP to all allies on the field. Restores a small amount of HP.
Fire: Black magic erupts in an inferno all around you. Moderate fire elemental damage.
Simoon: Black magic conjures up a scorching hot desert wind that burns all units around you. Strong fire and wind elemental damage.
Bolt: Black magic strikes down in a flash of lightning in a short line. Small amount of lightning elemental damage.
Thunder: Black magic strikes down in a flash of lightning in a long line. Moderate amount of lightning elemental damage.
Ice: Black magic releases falling ice shards on a single target. Small amount of ice elemental damage.
Blizzard: Black magic summons a freezing wind. Moderate amount of ice and wind elemental damage.
Wall: White magic protects units from all attacks by surrounding them in a powerful magic armor. Add: Protect, Shell.
Stone Strike: Black magic that creates a gigantic stone above your foes and drops it with great force. Strong earth elemental damage.
Water: Black magic that strikes at a distance with a ball of conjured water. Small amount of water elemental damage, ignores Faith.
Regen: White magic that infuses allies with rejuvenation magic. Add: Regen.
Poison Cloud: Black magic creates poison inside one's body, gradually lowering HP as the body is consumed from inside. Affects a large area.
Esuna: White magic cancels abnormal status with its purifying light. Cancel: Petrify, Darkness, Confusion, Silence, Berserk, Frog, Poison, Sleep, Don't Move, Don't Act.
Frog: Black magic turns target into a frog. Can also be used to reverse the effects of this spell. Add/Cancel: Frog.
Raise: White magic revives dead units from abyss. Cancel: Dead.


The Enchanter mixes martial prowess with arcane skill by imbuing their attacks with debilitating magic. They have access to all ranged weapons making even weaker guns extremely dangerous in their hands.

Quote from: Enchanter SkillsBlackout - Imbue weapon with blinding capability.  Add: Darkness.
Cripple - Imbue weapon with debilitating  magic. Add: Slow.
Envenom - Imbue weapon with painful poison. Add: Poison.
Quiet - Imbue weapon with sound dampening magic. Add: Silence
Dazzle - Imbue weapon with mind-altering magic. Add: Confusion.
Gamble - Imbue weapon with a random debilitating magic. Add: Darkness, Confusion, Silence, Undead, Poison, Charm, Sleep, Oil, Slow, Berserk, Stop, Don't Act, Don't Move.
Slay - Imbue weapon with fast killing poison. Add: Death Sentence
Solidify - Imbue weapon with petrification magic  Add: Petrify


The Nomad is a wandering soul with great archery skills and a command over the forces of Wind to boost their skills. While a few of their skills do require a ranged weapon in hand to be used, the others are usable at anytime. They don't wear shoes so that they can better 'walk on the wind'.

Quote from: Nomad Skills
Updraft - Call immobilizing winds to lift your targets into the air and hold them there, helpless. Add: Float, Don't Move.
Disrupting Gale - Summon up a forceful wind to batter your target and disrupt their spells. Cancel: Charging, Performing. Moderate wind elemental damage.
Wild Zephyr - Channel a wind that whispers madness into the ears of all nearby, injuring them as it does so. Add: Confusion. Moderate wind elemental damage.
Piercing Shot - Take aim at point blank range and fire a shot that can penetrate multiple targets at once. Cancel: Defending. Requires: Bow, Crossbow or Gun.
Cover Fire - Provide covering fire with your weapon and continuously rain down damage on a small area of the battlefield. Persistent Effect.  Requires: Bow, Crossbow or Gun
Far Shot - Take some time to line up a shot from great distances. Increased range attack. Requires: Bow, Crossbow or Gun.


The Brawler pays homage to everyone's favorite OP character of FF6: Sabin (DISCLAIMER - Sabin may or may not be your favorite character.) Their skills are my best attempt to make something similar to his Blitz skills. No real rhyme or reason for this. Just seemed fun.

Quote from: Brawler Skills
Pummel - Relentlessly punch an opponent. Random damage.
Aurabolt - Strike an opponent from a distance with holy spirit. Unarmed Holy elemental damage.
Dolphin Kick - Perform a flying kick that unleashes a wave of water to drown your foes. Unarmed Water elemental damage.
Fire Dance - Channel the burning fury of your soul into a wide-area attack. Unarmed Fire elemental damage.
Mantra - Restore a small amount of HP and MP to nearby allies.
Air Slash - Strike so violently that you cause the very air to damage your targets. Unarmed Wind elemental damage.
Bum Rush - Perform an extremely violent attack on a single target. Strong non-elemental damage.


The Alchemist uses and almost entirely new set of items. A few classic standards return but the majority are now very different. Many can be bought in shops throughout the game but a few can only be found and others can only poached from monsters.

Quote from: Alchemist SkillsFaerie Dust - A bottle of mind-altering chemicals.  Add: Confusion, Poison.
Potion - Potion restores 90 HP.
Ahriman's Eye - The eye of an Ahriman retains its ability to petrify even after death.  Add: Petrify.
Phantom Vial - Phantom Vials bestow ghost-like qualities. Add: Transparent, Undead.
Tincture - Tincture restores 50 MP.
Elixir - Elixir restores all HP and MP.
Venom - Venom poisons whatever its poured on.  Add: Poison, Don't Move, Don't Act, Haste.
Panacea - Panacea is used to treat mundane ailments. Cancel: Darkness, Poison, Oil, Sleep, Confusion.
Grease - Grease is simply a flammable oil. Add: Darkness, Oil.
Number 9 - The infamous Love Potion Number 9 enchants those its used on. Add: Charm, Poison.
Adrenaline - Adrenaline is a powerful drug in combat. Add: Haste, Regen, Berserk.
Remedy - Enchanted water that removes magical ailments. Cancel: Blood Suck, Undead, Silence, Frog, Don't Act, Don't Move, Petrify.
Mosfungus - Mosfungus is a poisonous mushroom. Add: Death Sentence.
Phoenix Down - This feather revives dead units. Cancel: Dead.


The Demagogue is a form of 'war chanter' that uses speech-based skills to affect wide areas of the battlefield with various effects. They wear heavy armor and bring a variety of weapons with them into battle.

Quote from: Demagogue Skills
Convert Follower:  Single out one foe and attempt to make them turn to your side permanently. Add: Invite.
Power Word: Blind: Speak a word of power that can blind anyone that hears it. Add: Darkness.
Evangelize: A rousing speech designed to make others contribute funds to your cause. Steals gil.
Sadomasochism: Speak hurtful words that only the most depraved souls would take joy from. Add: Charm. Small non-elemental damage.
Zealotry: Orate an inspiring speech that will draw out a mad bloodlust in others. Add: Berserk, Haste, Death Sentence.
Speak of the Dead: Speak a powerful eulogy for lost souls, drawing them back to the world of the living. Cancel: Dead.
Power Word: Stun: Speak a word of power that can stun anyone that hears it. Add: Stop.
Power Word: Kill: Speak a word of power that can kill anyone that hears it. Add: Dead.


The Ghaele is a more powerful version of the Champion, shedding some of their physical skill for more magical power. They can cast spells to instantly restore or empower their allies.

Quote from: Ghaele Skills
White Wind - A powerful healing spell. Restores a great deal of HP.
Holy Armor - Creates an armor of light to protect units. Add: Protect.
Holy Shield - Creates a barrier of light to shield units. Add: Shell.
Revivify - A spell capable of reviving multiple units at once. Cancel: Dead.
Warp Time - Magic that bends the very fabric of time. Add: Haste.
Cleansing Wind - A spell that summons a magical sprite to restore units to normal condition. Cancel: Petrify, Darkness, Confusion, Silence, Berserk, Frog, Poison, Sleep, Don't Move, Don't Act.
Angelic Blessing - A spell that summons an angel grant a blessing to hold of death. Add: Reraise.
Ruby Light - A spell that creates invisible armor to deflect magic. Add: Reflect.


The Loremaster is a powerful magic user that relies on knowledge learned from ancient, mystical tomes instead of Faith in a greater power. To make use of any spells at all, they will require some kind of Book weapon equipped and depending on the choice of book they will get access to greater and more powerful magics.

Quote from: Loremaster Skills
Forcewall: Trap a target inside a magical box, rendering them helpless for a short time. Add: Don't Act, Don't Move.
Magic Missile: A quick, simple blast of magical energy thrown against one target.
Rejuvenate: A fairly powerful healing spell that can also quickly dispatch the Undead.
Fireball: A dangerous, wide-area blast of flames. Best used at a distance. Fire elemental.
Bless: A powerful protection spell handed down through the royal family line. Add: Haste, Regen, Shell, Protect, Reraise
True Resurrection: One of the most powerful forms of white magic, capable of returning a fallen ally to full fighting ability. Cancel: Dead.
Enthrall: An underhanded spell that charms an enemy of the opposite sex into fighting for you. Add: Charm (Opposite sex only)
Entrance: Use hypnosis to place a member of the opposite sex into a deep sleep. Add: Sleep (Opposite sex only)
Lightning Bolt: Discharge a powerful, quick, but short-ranged lightning bolt from your fingertips. Lightning elemental.
Ice Storm: Conjure up a brutal storm of arctic winds, snow and ice to batter your foes. Ice elemental.
Weakness: Sap the very strength away from an enemy, weakening them greatly. -3 PA.
Feeblemind: Wrack the brain of your opponent, rendering them dull and witless. -3 MA.
Dark Matter: Crush a single opponent with a powerful gravity well created around them. Non-elemental.
Meteor Strike: Draw down a giant piece of alien stone to crush your enemies once and for all. Non-elemental.
FADE: A rare arcane spell that calls the gaze of a righteous god down upon your target. Holy elemental.
NUKE: A rare arcane spell that punishes a single target with the fury of a dark god. Pierces reflective magics. Dark elemental.


The Vanquisher is an homage to another game series that I hope will make itself apparent. The class itself is rather straight-forward.

Quote from: Vanquisher Skills
Dagger: Throw dagger a at a nearby enemy. Small non-elemental damage.
Axe: Toss an axe in a high arc at an enemy. Moderate non-elemental damage.
Holy Water: Throw down a vial of flaming liquid imbued with holy power. Moderate fire and holy damage.
Thousand Blades: Throw a series of daggers at a nearby enemy. Moderate non-elemental damage. Strikes 5 times.
Axe Sweep: Toss a huge axe to crush nearby enemies. Strong non-elemental damage.
Hydro Storm: Summon a deluge of holy rain to cover the battlefield. Strong water and holy elemental damage.
Holy Cross: Summon a great holy power to destroy anything nearby. Powerful holy elemental damage.

Mystic Knight

The Mystic Knight crosses offensive magic with powerful sword skills. It does require a sword to be equipped to use their skills so try not to forget one going into battle. Their damage is based on how powerful of a weapon they're equipped with.

Quote from: Mystic Knight Skills
Burning Blade: Channel magical fire through your blade and swing it in a wide arc, burning nearby units. Fire elemental.
Shocking Slash: Conjure lightning into your sword and slash forward sending it at your foes. Lightning elemental.
Freezing Whirl: Draw freezing cold into your blade and make a whirling strike with it, hitting all adjacent units. Ice elemental.
Terran Thrust: Drive your sword into the earth and summon up a giant blade of stone to pierce those directly before you. Earth elemental.
Howling Rend: Call down a storm of wind that cuts like the blade in your hand to destroy a foe from a distance. Wind elemental.
Flowing Strike: Channel watery magic through your sword and attempt to mire your opponent into helplessness. Add: Don't Move, Frog. Water elemental.
Shining Stab: Summon a holy blade to shatter the protective wards around a target. Cancel: Protect, Shell, Haste, Reraise, Reflect, Immunity. Holy elemental.
Haunting Hack: Slice a hole between this dimension and The Void and cause evil forces to drain away your target's lifeforce. Add: Slow, Don't Act, Death Sentence. Dark elemental.


The Bandit is the swiftest class available and they put that speed to good use. Doing everything from disabling opponents to stripping them of equipment and making use of the uniquely useful Bandit Knives, the Bandit is a oft-overlooked but powerful class.

Quote from: Bandit Skills
Steal Gil: Rob one opponent of their money. Steals gil.
Ambush: Get your nearby allies to help you in setting an ambush for your foes. Add: Haste.
Hamstring: Use your weapon to try disable your opponent with a targeted, non-damaging strike. Add: Slow, Don't Move.
Tranquilizer Dart: Throw a tiny dart that can knockout a target. Add: Sleep.
Blinding Powder: Toss a blinding powder in an arc in front of you capable of blinding anyone it hits. Add: Darkness.
Steal Helmet: Steal the headgear right off an enemy.
Steal Shield: Steal the shield right out of an enemy's hand.
Steal Armor: Steal the armor right off an enemy.
Steal Weapon: Steal the weapon right out of an enemy's hand.
Steal Accessory: Steal the accessory right off an enemy.
Steal Spirit: Use your equipped weapon to drain away an enemy's MP.


The Torero is based on the performance art / sport of bullfighting. They have short range 'dart' attacks for disabling opponents, the ability to draw in enemy units closer and send them into a fit of rage, all culminating in the use of their Terminar skill to go for the kill.

Quote from: Torero Skills
Ralentizar: Pierce your target with a short lance to slow them down. Add: Slow.
Envenenar: Pierce your target with a poisoned lance. Add: Poison.
Debilitar: Pierce your target with a short lance to weaken their attacks. -2 PA.
Provocar: Use your words to draw enemies closer to you. Short range healing AoE to confuse AI into getting close.
Enfurecer: Target a single enemy for ridicule, sending them into a wild, destructive rage. Add: Berserk.
Acelerar: Use your amazing speed to quickly move again.  Add: Quick.
Terminar: Perform your greatest feat of skill, striking all nearby enemies with a single spectacular attack. Powerful non-elemental damage.


The Lapidary is an expert at jewelcrafting and uses precious stones as a medium for engraving magical runewords that create various effects. However these gems are fragile and will shatter after each use, so use them sparingly.

Quote from: Lapidary Skills
Amber - A common stone made from solidified tree sap. When engraved upon, it becomes a Relic Ring. Add: Undead. Moderate Dark elemental damage; ignores Faith.
Amethyst - A mysterious purple gemstone. When engraved upon, it becomes a Czarina Ring. Add: Protect, Shell.
Tigereye - A stone that resembles a cat's eye. When engraved upon, it becomes a Renewal Ring. Restores a moderate amount of HP; ignores Faith.
Sapphire - A deep blue gemstone that is known for its beauty and value. When engraved upon, it becomes a Reflect Ring. Add: Reflect.
Opal - A cloudy stone with hints of pearlesence. When engraved upon, it becomes a Storm Ring. Moderate Lightning elemental damage; ignores Faith.
Topaz - A shining yellow gemstone. When engraved upon, it becomes an Angel Ring. Add: Reraise.
Emerald - A glowing green gemstone. When engraved upon, it becomes a Null Ring. Add: Immunity.
Ruby - A unique, unbreakable stone with a deep red color. Rumored to be a favorite of titans. When engraved upon, it a titan to aid you. Powerful earth elemental damage; ignores Faith. Cancel: Reraise, Float, Protect, Shell, Regen.


The Tactician is a strange duck. They utilize a new approach where the Tactician unit must be under the effect of specific statuses to access their skills. While under harmful effects they can support their allies and while under beneficial effects they can terrorize their opponents. The main thing about a Tactician though is they don't enter the battle directly and instead stand back to observe and direct. For this reason the Tactician has an innate status of Don't Move.

Quote from: Tactician Skills
Lie In Wait - Hide yourself so you can set trap for your foes. Requires: Don't Move - Add: Transparent (You will need this skill or another way to add Transparent to your Tactician to use the last five skills on their list.)
Extended Rations - Keep your allies well-fed and healthy. Requires: Don't Move, Poison - Add: Regen to all other allies.
Wheel Formation - Command your troops to stay in motion. Requires: Don't Move, Float - Add: Haste to all other allies.
East Wind Prayer - A deception of your own troops to raise their Faith. Requires: Don't Move, Darkness - Add: Faith to all other allies.
Call the White Wind - A special prayer of healing. Requires: Don't Move, Undead - Heals a moderate amount of HP of all allies.
Forced March - Rigorous hiking keeps your allies quick and ready to act. Requires: Don't Move, Darkness, Float - All other units gain +1 Speed.
Crane Formation - Command your troops to protect wounded allies so they can return to battle. Requires: Don't Move, Undead - Cancel: Dead on all other allies.
Final Charge - A last ditch effort in desperate times. Requires: Don't Move, Poison, Critical - Add: Quick to all other allies.

Spike Pit Trap - Set a trap of shallow, concealed pits filled with spikes. Requires: Transparent, Don't Move, Regen - Deals damage to all enemies.
Stone Maze Trick - Set a maze-like trap of stones to bewilder your foes and slow their advance. Requires: Transparent, Don't Move, Haste - Add: Don't Move to all enemies.
Taking High Ground - Force your foes to fight an uphill battle. Requires: Transparent, Don't Move, Float - Add: Slow to all enemies.
Empty Fort Decoy - Set a decoy trap to lower the guard of your opponents. Requires: Transparent, Don't Move, Protect, Shell - Cancel: Protect, Shell, Regen, Haste and Immunity on all enemies.
Dragon's Gambit - The greatest military maneuver known to man. If it works, the battle is yours. Requires: Transparent, Don't Move, Critical - Inflict CT 0 on all enemies.


The Gunslinger gets the unique ability to dual-wield guns, giving its skills a far reach that can make them devastating. Capable of destroying an enemy's equipment or just shooting them with an unevadable strike, Gunslingers spell doom for all that oppose them.

Quote from: Gunslinger Skills
Sunder Helmet: Destroy a target's equipped headgear.
Sunder Shield: Destroy a target's equipped shield.
Sunder Armor: Destroy a target's equipped armor.
Sunder Weapon: Destroy a target's equipped weapon.
Sniper Cover: Become nearly invisible by staying perfectly still. Add: Transparent, Don't Move.
Aim: Legs : Target a unit's legs, immobilizing them. Add: Don't Move, Poison.
Aim: Arms : Target a unit's arms, disabling their ability to act. Add: Don't Act, Poison.
Aim: Body : Target a unit's body, stopping them in their tracks. Add: Stop.
Aim: Head : Target a unit's head, attempting to kill them in one shot: Add: Dead.

  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


Sounds like a refreshing change from the generics. Do you plan to replace all the regular classes?


I can't say that I have any specific plans as of yet but as I think up things or as ideas get tossed around I will likely continue to add to this patch. I would like to replace them all eventually, even if they don't really make a lot of sense in the long run.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


Status effects huh? Don't suppose you can add elemental effects also?


Technically I suppose I could add any kind of effects. Did you have something specific in mind by elemental?
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


Fire slash/ice slash/ thunder slash would be very helpful throughout the game.


Dinosaur, something you've repeated a few times now is that you think Sugary Candy is overpriced in the area of MP. I did want to address the 'why' behind this.

I based its cost on the actual Regen spell, which is also 8 MP. While both skills have a range of 3, Candy only has a single target instead of an area of 1. Candy has a vertical range of 2 but while I don't think that comes into play very much, it bears noting that Regen has 0 vertical range. Regen has a CT of 4. Candy has no CT; it is always 'Now'. The other really major point behind it that you might not have taken into account is that Sugary Candy has a 100% hit chance. It can't miss. Regen is of course Faith and MA based to hit. Also, since I know a few of your units started with the Candy skill you might not have noticed that Sugary Candy costs 80JP to Regen's 300JP. It is also on a lower tiered skillset meaning it is obviously faster to access and its true intent isn't as a healing skill but as a Cancel: Sleep skill. I combined it with healing to get the overall effect I wanted for it, but I'm looking at using FDC's formula hack that he's been working on lately to make it do what I really want it to do.

So, since I know you were concerned with this, that's the reason. ^_^ I hope it clears things up and makes you less unhappy with the 8 MP choice on the Candy. If I get the formula hack I want for it to work, it'll actually be a 0 MP skill that doesn't add Regen at all.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


Hooray for v1.2! Red Mage and Mystic Knight make the scene!
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


Fucking thing. The skill Thunder on the Red Mage skillset is bugged. Its only supposed to target in a single line. I'll fix that next patch. I've fixed this fucking thing like 5 times already tonight. I'm not re-uploading it again for just that. -_-
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


Cool, another update. I haven't played with this patch yet but it's definitely on my agenda. Seems like I should just wait and see it update again :)


Yeah, credit goes to Cheetah for his awesome RM sprite. I don't even know if that's been used in a patch before this or not.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


It looks like you're using the Minwu sprite as well, now I feel unoriginal! xD


Okay. To anyone that has previously downloaded v1.2x, my apologies. I was fucking up applying ASM to the right files to get classes to work and everything came out super bugged and I didn't realize it because I was testing off the wrong ISO. The newest and now (should be I hope) 100% functional version is v1.23 which is available in the top post.

Because of a conflict or some other fuck up somewhere, I have removed the Potion % ASM. There is only one potion now and it heals 150HP as a flat number.

I have also lowered some of the Cook's skill JP costs because as I tried playing the patch myself from the start to get a better feel for it I just couldn't get any of their skills worth having.

The Homemaker's Boil skill refuses to show targetting info. I'm sorry. I've tried everything I can think of and nothing will make it display. This is going to have to be something I live with I guess. If anyone has any suggestions for fixing this, please let me know.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


January 10, 2011, 09:14:42 am #16 Last Edit: January 10, 2011, 09:38:38 am by Celdia
Version 1.3 is available now! Go get it!

And go read my first and second posts in this thread! They're updated with all kinds of data!!!
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


Celdia, I actually read the posts \o/

Work on Chapter 2 now! I need to play.


Dino, you should be good to play without any ENTD problems up into the last Underground Book Storage battle. (There is one Wizard there I didn't change to another class yet.) So please go right ahead and continue your playthrough.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


Please see the first post for information about changes on the new v1.32 and to download the latest patch. ^_^
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0