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Final Fantasy Tactics: Crossed Swords [On Hold]

Started by Lydyn, June 17, 2012, 01:57:33 am


.....you spellcasters and your words.....


Do you want ideas for Any class? Or Unique ones, because I have an idea it may sound stupid but I have one anyway...
.....you spellcasters and your words.....



How about Reaver: A unique mystical and dark element class that can use Spears, Ninja swords and I wanna say scythes. Their skill attributes involves Doom magic of all types, MP damaging,MP absorbing, HP Absorbing, Bravery and Faith lowering attacks. (They're more well-versed in dark magic than the dark knight.) I also thought that one of their stongest magical attacks should be a summon of some underworld creature that severely attacks every enemy except for the caster. (one of those leave everyone in crtical condition kind of attacks but it doesn't kill)
.....you spellcasters and your words.....


I'm not too hot on the name, but I thought Reaper or Necro-demon was kinda...., well it doesn't matter
.....you spellcasters and your words.....


Well, I don't have scythes and I've gotten rid of brave/faith altering all together as well. Otherwise it's an interesting idea, but we'll see. If it's anything, it'll be enemy-only.


I really like your idea of having elements play a more vital role in FFT! :mrgreen: ...I kind of had an idea for a class to supplement it, though I'm not sure it would work since your elements are hard-lined to jobs/weapons (plus I don't know if its even possible, hackingly speaking :?).  The idea I had I was calling "Soul-Shifting/Golemancy".  Basically all the elements could all act like statuses and there could be a class of mage who could change the element of units at will.

I think that this could be a cool way to make the game less static in terms of strengths and weaknesses.  For example, maybe the enemy is about to cast Infrit and smoke your guy BAM! your Golemancer shifts him to fire elementals and nullifies the attack.  Or if one of your mages are casting Infrit, your Golemancer could either change the mage to fire elemental to boost his attack or change the enemy to ice to weaken them to it.

I was thinking maybe it could work for your patch if the element "shifts" could stack on the weapon elements.  Maybe? Just a thought...


I like Deverca's idea about a unit that can change elemental weaknesses, however it would probably be much easier to make it a single ability on any x unit (like Black Mage) to have some kind of skill called Elemental Shift like in other FF's, to add a slight bit of randomness. Is this even possible though? Sounds like some serious ASM work to make a elemental weakness shifting ability.
There ain't no gettin' offa this train we on!


December 08, 2012, 03:28:41 pm #48 Last Edit: December 08, 2012, 03:52:40 pm by Deverca
Yeah, I looked at developing a move-set like 'golemancy' in the help section, but it looks like it sounds like it would be next to impossible to do in the way I was hoping.  I guess it would involve a ton of ASM hacking.

But there is another way you could go about it... though it wouldn't be as dynamic during the battles, you could have specialized mage classes, like fire mage, ice mage, lightning mage, etc... they would have innate strengths and weaknesses of that element and boosted MA (compared to normal black mages) at the price of your magic being limited to a single element.  I imagine this could be done just like other job/monster innates. 

Or if you didn't want to use up all those extra jobs, you could make 'fire elemental', 'ice elemental', etc support abilities in place of 'magic attack UP'.

Jon, so this 'shift' idea has been used before?  I haven't played a lot of the other Final Fantasy's, so its news to me.  I thought I made it up lol.


Its not been used too often, mainly for bosses and the like. In FF IX you can change an enemies weakness to a random one, and the same in FFTA. I like having weaknesses and resistances, especially if its a rock paper scissors system. A simple example (since I guess most of you played one at least) is Pokemon's system, especially early on. You get the choice of a fire elemental monster, water, and grass. If this could be incorporated somehow into FFT, it would make a pretty unique mod. For example, you could have weapons have x element but give the wielder x weakness and x resistance, so just like Pokemon or Fire Emblem in a sense, you could have Swords all be water elemental, weak to earth but resistant to fire. Spears could be earth, weak to fire, resistant to water, etc etc. Dunno if it'd work though since there are so many jobs and weapon differences, and I guess everyone would need forced Weapon and Magic Defense, otherwise the damages would soar way too high (or weaker weapons). I'll play around with this in Patcher and see...
There ain't no gettin' offa this train we on!