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Arena battle videos and discussion

Started by PX_Timefordeath, August 04, 2010, 06:49:51 pm


seeing a team with 18MA using phoenix down instead of raise 2 and elemental instead of black magic made me sad


Quote from: Malroth on February 23, 2014, 01:47:23 am

seeing a team with 18MA using phoenix down instead of raise 2 and elemental instead of black magic made me sad

This team is very likely to be scrapped or changed greatly from it's current form.  Reks has made several SCC Bard teams so I'm going to have to see what he did a little more closely.  Also multiple cheer songs missing made me sad.

the whole purpose of the team was to be able to maximize elemental and bloody strings.  The team is just too frail in it's current form.  I'll give it one more shot, but I won't linger on getting this team to work like I've done for others.
My dreams can come true!


You should know too reinoe that Draw Out Brads are awesome :P
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
You dare cross blades with me?


you know, i can't picture tim curry without fishnets. i didn't expect that result at all 0_0 but the magic defense up and cherche (and 40 fury) allows you to tank anything. GG!
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
The bird of Hermes is my name
Eating my wings to make me tame
  • Discord username: rouroni elmdor


You should know too reinoe that Draw Out Brads are awesome

as are white magic bards, black magic bards, summon magic bards Lore bards and even the very odd steal heart/spell breaker using bards. 


I would hate to see you scrap it because I really liked the team. I think that something as minor as changing the item users to be the first two users instead of the last two would have probably won you round 3...there were a couple times one of the bards got back up and had his turn skipped. That or giving them white magic instead of item would probably be the tipping point. You had me on the ropes all three matches...speed advantage (and uneven terrain on round 2) got me the last two rounds. GG.
You've stepped in puddles less shallow than me.


February 23, 2014, 05:47:02 pm #3027 Last Edit: February 23, 2014, 05:52:56 pm by reinoe
Quote from: Otabo on February 23, 2014, 05:20:17 pm
FFT Arena 1.38d - Barren (Axe In The Face) vs. Reinoe (Speed Savers 2)

I'm sorry shadowdragon.  I tried to make a tribute team worthy of your speed save idea.
And it looks like I succeeded! Huzzah!
My dreams can come true!


Yea that crit double kill in round 3 is what got me. maybe perhaps speed save might be better on the male paladin since he gets PA from battle song anyways. GG reinoe. Good match
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
You dare cross blades with me?


I love those samurai, and distribute to negate the damage he takes... Reinoe, you're a genius. Kudos to you sir, in succeeding where I have failed.
Strategy is just magical.


It's chow time!! Barren, were you eating spaghetti or what? it sounded... saucy!
Strategy is just magical.


Quote from: Barren on February 23, 2014, 09:08:39 pm
FFT Arena 1.38d - silentkaster (The Powerpuff Girls) vs reinoe (Tanqz)

"Hit Tank" was being really dumb, but that's nothing new.  Why did he wake up the sleeping priest?  No reason for that.  None.  I wouldn't go so far as to say it cost me the match though.   That was when "Element Tank" refused to wail on the scholar in order to proc Don't Act.
My dreams can come true!


February 24, 2014, 04:10:46 am #3033 Last Edit: February 24, 2014, 08:53:04 am by Avalanche
Nice idea using Lore spamm and speed save, in fact i wanted to create a Team that utilizes the same strategy
but after seeing the matches i might do something else xD

I wonder how this would work if natural selection would still be available.


thanks barren! sorry i'm still a n00b and never put my jp right (i promise to learn how to count)
that bit of data was very useful to me!

with a bit of an accessory change (and armor for scholars) this could be a deadly and fairly well executed team. it was a (somewhat successful) marriage of a melee scholar team that uses ultima weapon and an undead casting team, however ultima in any shape or form just doesn't stack up to elemental magics. The ice/fire rods will do considerable damage, i had them at one point without any ranged offence, but felt it a waste of a scholar's potential. ideally, the perfect undead casters are my twin oracles. can tank anything, cast undead with minimal risk and finish off units with raise 2.

but i didn't want more teams with those oracles, it is nice to see similar concepts in other teams, and i do take note. the ninja is an experiment gone horribly right. the nurse is a little awkward, but that is the nature of nurse. it's awkward and you move backwards. hopefully in future matches, advancing enemies may give my ninja an incentive to use kagesougi. if not, there is a HUGE pool of free jp on that ninja, and platinum swords could be used instead of murasame if i want him to just do damage, and he can get attack up. however, he's weird and i love him, so we'll see if he uses kagesougi. if not, he's a great canvas for a number of ideas.

please include them in upcoming matches, i have changes to make them a more versatile and formidable team, but i'm not sure exactly what. fun to watch though, n'est pas?

GG shadowdragon! i'll work on mine and you keep working on yours! we'll get our desired results eventually.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
The bird of Hermes is my name
Eating my wings to make me tame
  • Discord username: rouroni elmdor


I quite often have the same problem Rouroni, don't worry about it so much.
Strategy is just magical.


February 25, 2014, 07:47:41 pm #3037 Last Edit: February 25, 2014, 07:58:14 pm by Otabo
Wow, reinoe, dude. What did I ever do to you to deserve that one? :D Last Hurrah always loses to tanky immortal teams that use Quickening + Slow Dance. I mean, that's like a given.

Regardless, thanks for the match, CT5.


Lots of matches! I usually like to comment on each one, but I've been working really long days and I'm so tired, I don't think I want to do that tonight :) and it's been a bit of time so it'd be kinda not so relevant now.

GG Reinoe, anyway. :)

And thank you all the video recorders for your hard work :)
You've stepped in puddles less shallow than me.


Quote from: Otabo on February 25, 2014, 07:47:41 pm
Wow, reinoe, dude. What did I ever do to you to deserve that one? :D Last Hurrah always loses to tanky immortal teams that use Quickening + Slow Dance. I mean, that's like a given.

Regardless, thanks for the match, CT5.

I see.  I expected the two immortal teams to just duck it out into a bloody pulp.  But I do like Last Hurrah a lot.  It's my favorite immortal team.  I don't have the ability to "test" matches so I can't really be sure how they would turn out.  I thought the matches would be quite close.

Thanks for the match CT5HOLY.
My dreams can come true!