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September 20, 2024, 09:07:50 pm


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Valk's, modified Effects for Cloud. Are some impossible to mod?

Started by Valkirst, June 22, 2014, 09:55:55 pm


Thanks Con!

Yeah, my issue is that it leaves open that Omnislash slot, which is a real shame and takes up one of the Dark/Holy Slots. I am also working on Climhazzard using a Sword Skill and that would yet again take another spot not designated specifically to Cloud. Though I did read somewhere on the forum hunting around for clues on trying to resolve this stuff that the Oracle spells (I believe) could be replaced with sword skills.

On that note, if you read this Choto, some help would be greatly appreciated, both for figuring out how to mod seemingly un-moddable effects and how to make single attacks hit multiple targets at once without repeating. :D

EDIT: Two versions of Climhazzard using Split-Punch and Elrics JotF Buster Sword


  • Modding version: PSX
Completed Sprites
  • Discord username: Valkirst


Honestly, none of these are professional looking, which is a big issue to me... I understand it's not an issue for everyone, but JotF wouldn't look nearly as nice if it wasn't of my criticism.

You should really avoid stretching graphics in such strange ways, it's very obvious to the eye and not so pretty.

The buster sword in the singing frames is just a bad idea. It might not even be Cloud's currently equipped weapon (unless the Buster Sword is the new Materia Blade, if so: ow ow ow), looks bad because you can barely use any colours for it, and just feels off overall since the game isn't designed with the idea of holding weapons while charging... I mean, it's ridiculous that only Cloud does it and nobody else.

Unless you figure out how to edit the sounds, you should try to edit the graphic data so that when animated, the sound still fits.

Pretty much my first effect edit ever; raining swords still fit Stasis Sword's original sounds. Made it in not even 5 minutes.

Your latest climhazzard has a weird sound bug.
I know what you were trying to do with Cloud and all, but not only does it mean the ability becomes unusable for anyone else (when making a mod, sometimes sharing abilities is a great way to save ability space) and yeah, having 2 Clouds on the screen is kinda odd... It would work better if you could find out how to hide all the maps and units that aren't targeted, but I'm not sure if that is even potentially an option.

Also, it's totally possible to use an effect into another slot, though it requires hex editing... And the target file being big enough.
  • Modding version: PSX
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Anything is possible as long as it is within the hardware's limits. (ie. disc space, RAM, Video RAM, processor, etc.)
<R999> My target market is not FFT mod players
<Raijinili> remember that? it was awful



Xifanie, that looks amaaazing. Do frigging want.  :more:
  • Modding version: WotL


QuoteThe buster sword in the singing frames is just a bad idea. It might not even be Cloud's currently equipped weapon (unless the Buster Sword is the new Materia Blade, if so: ow ow ow), looks bad because you can barely use any colours for it, and just feels off overall since the game isn't designed with the idea of holding weapons while charging... I mean, it's ridiculous that only Cloud does it and nobody else.

As I personally am not a fan of singing- I feel that the sing frames are wasted if a mod is removing them altogether (obviously not for everybody).  Also, as long as an ability required the materia blade (or buster) this would never be a problem....all the normal charge/spell cast frames would be normal for everything else.

QuoteYou should really avoid stretching graphics in such strange ways, it's very obvious to the eye and not so pretty.......yeah, having 2 Clouds on the screen is kinda odd..

Yeah, I do have to say I like the look of the sing/sword frames, but I don't think they quite look right with "spells" in which cloud attacks with his sword.  It's one thing to have him do that and cast a regular cloud-only magic attack, and another to have multiple clouds on screen.  I'm not crazy about all you new effects, but I think if you changed the animation tab to "disappear" for say braver4 (i think that was it) and omnislash- it would look damn good.  I would have to watch the actual frame by frame but I assume cloud isn't exactly the same color- but I feel that could be attributed to moving at warp speed!

...I'm not a FF7 fan- but I just about wet myself when I saw your omnislash!
  • Modding version: PSX


Hmm, I find it very difficult to respond to this as a lot of this comes from a purely subjective stand point. There are so many things in the Vanilla FFT that I see that look odd or un-professional or lazy. I mean one quick very simple example is the translation, the writing in certain parts, flat characters not a lot of development for them. etc. SO when it comes to the "not professional" looking aspect I can't help but giggle at that. Also, none of us are getting paid. I am having a ton of fun creating these and I think that yeah, some of them need work, like I can definitely work on the slashing sprite a bit in my omnislash, sure. My Split punch Climhazzard is horrifying! I am well aware of that, but this is in the help section for a reason, I have been trying to ask for advice, things I can do etc. Not for the sake of some ill defined goal, but for the sake of being part of a community that enjoys a game, that I thought left me/us wanting more.  However this isn't about presenting a developed finished product , this is about uncovering the untapped potential and getting creative. This is more about showing off the possibilities to new comers so someone might be able to do it better, they see my defective products and maybe they can improve upon it, have at it Hoss. This is my first time EVER, modding for a game and it is fun. However, some of these, given the tools at my disposal, the time that i have dedicated and the level of my lack of expertise; I think some of these look pretty darn good. I mean did you take a look at my silly Ultros in my summoning post? Tentacles everywhere! lol

Look I am just having fun and I get it, you want things to look a specific way for you. It isn't your cup o' tea and that's cool, I am going to keep doing what I am doing. And be unprofessional, because I didn't go to school for this, I don't get paid for this and just barely picked up any sort of sprite editing. I just want to finish by saying that so much of what you said is subjective and has merit for sure, but I am not doing this for you. (Also the recording messes with the way my emulator runs, so sounds start beeping and booping everywhere lol)

And thanks CON! I am glad that my abominations please some folks! ;)

  • Modding version: PSX
Completed Sprites
  • Discord username: Valkirst


Hey whatever man, if you don't want other people to use your effects that's your choice. Don't worry we'll stop bothering you with that nasty criticism of ours. Won't kill your fun again.
  • Modding version: PSX
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Anything is possible as long as it is within the hardware's limits. (ie. disc space, RAM, Video RAM, processor, etc.)
<R999> My target market is not FFT mod players
<Raijinili> remember that? it was awful


I don't mind criticism, I have taken the criticism in other places, but you hardly gave me any actual criticism. You just basically expressed, no, not good, me no likey.

And all I really have to say about that is... okay! You pointed out all of the things I was very well aware of, all of this has been experimenting with how things looks etc. I mean I have been looking all over for more modified effects for things to take from and I have really not found all that much, or anything that is really willing to break the mold. LET'S BREAK THE MOLD! BWAHAHA! ;D

So Xifanie, what do you think is an actual possible solution to the issue surrounding the sound effects? Do you know if they are found in the bin file or if it points to the actual file? If so, where are the sound effects hidden? Because I can play around with that...

BTW! I have also possibly figured out the issue with the file effects that just dont want to seem to want to mod.
  • Modding version: PSX
Completed Sprites
  • Discord username: Valkirst


No dude, you cannot take the writing which has already been proved to be half mistranslated, this is the reason WotL exists.
Giggle all you want, but that was a crappy example.

We are talking about effects here, what was stated was that they don't flow correctly with the rest of the game. The example
above that Xif showed was to display how a good modded effect CAN look correct in game.

As for the Ultros, you mean the one you did with all the non-transparent balls everywhere? That doesn't look very good IMO.
The only summoning one that really does fit currently IMO is Terra.

FYI, None of the Jot5 team gets paid, but we are very strict on quality, because in the end that's what people want, we do
things on a professional level, because that's how things should be. If you start messing with the graphic style of the game
and don't care about coming off professional at all, then you end up with a LOL Patch. Which is fine, if that's what you are
aiming for I guess.
  • Modding version: PSX


I can switch a multi target effect to single target, but the effect would only occur on one unit and wouldn't display damage or anything on any other targets. The type of single target spell you want to change it to would involve doing things beyond my knowledge. I have an idea of how to do that, but I don't think it would be easy at all.


Professional looking or not, I think it is WONDERFUL that someone is at least trying to do something new and is having fun with it. Effects haven't ever gotten a whole hell of a lot of attention in the past and these forays into shallowly-tread waters might just inspire someone to try and dive deeper.

Maybe it's just a kindred spirit sort of thing to me where I can't help but embrace someone having fun with hacking/patching FFT regardless of the output. While quality is of course always commendable as is attention to detail, the days of using a derogatory term like "LOL patch" should be well behind us. Doing something for the sake of having fun should also be commendable in its own way. I know my patch started from the ideas of "this looks like it might be fun to do" and "just because it is OP and broken doesn't mean I shouldn't make it anyways." If everyone had shit on it by saying it was a "LOL patch" and they hated how it looked because it wasn't FFT-looking enough, I probably would have been discouraged enough to not even try. But there were enough voices sounding off that said doing something for fun wasn't a bad idea. I would generally believe that we all gathered here in the first place because something about hacking FFT or playing hacks other people made would be fun. I'm pretty sure we didn't sign up with enjoyment at the prospect of putting in hundreds of hours of mind-numbing work. Seeing the comments both here and in another thread or two I think, I'm left wondering if maybe too many of us have forgotten that initial joy of finding (or even founding) FFH - a joy that Valkirst seems to be embracing wholeheartedly. I worry when I don't hear as many voices of encouragement for someone going wild with something they love. Many great things spawned from something a lot of people felt was extremely silly at the start, but there were always some folks willing to support those newcomers who had a different vision than the old pros. Few succeed, this is true, but I wonder if maybe we are sometimes worse off for having lost others who didn't get enough support.

None of us get paid to do this. This isn't a job, but it can definitely be hard work. We all love the source material here for various reasons, each our own. But when it's all said and done, if we're not having fun doing this then I feel like we've missed something more important than any amount of professionalism.

Valkirst, keep it up. I'm rooting for you and I want to see what else you can dream up.
  • Modding version: PSX
  • Discord username: Celdia#0


Thanks Choto, it was just that when I did my Omnislash as an AOE it performed it every single time. I felt it got kind of redundant lol. I guess I can just make it single target, doesn't really bother me, I was just curious if it was possible or if anyone knew how to do that.

And thank you Celdia, that means a lot. I didn't mean to diminish anyone's hard work in saying that "I personally" don't have an axe to grind in seeming professional. I understand that some do and have worked really hard on their patches and well in some cases even whole games without ever seeing one red cent and that is commendable and shows a real passion for the thing they love. Forget professionalism, that is, it's own form of artistic expression in it's most pure. Again, thank you Celdia for your kind words and Choto for looking into one of my issues for me.

Now, that that is behind me. Here are just a few ROUGH DRAFTS of some personalized Mods that are meant to inspire ideas as to what can be done. Here is Climhazzard and Cherry Blossom

  • Modding version: PSX
Completed Sprites
  • Discord username: Valkirst


Effects are literally the field in FFT we know the least about, although we pretty much don't know anything about the sound effect format AFAIK.
I've been hacking FFT since 2007 and am one of the few people who has researched the game in many areas, allowing people to edit many more things.

Effects have always baffled me to no end.
Choto is now the one who knows the most about it, but even so, nearly everything confuses the hell out of him.
The only things I know about are palettes, block coordinate/sizes, print coordinate/size and changing the header location to be able to use any effect in any slot (providing the filesize is great enough).

Even if you say it might attract people to do more fancy stuff, I highly doubt it. I might be pessimist, but it's wishful thinking. If someone researches that stuff, it certainly won't be you either because I doubt frustratingly trying to decode egyptian glyphs is your idea of fun.

Still, I wish.
  • Modding version: PSX
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Anything is possible as long as it is within the hardware's limits. (ie. disc space, RAM, Video RAM, processor, etc.)
<R999> My target market is not FFT mod players
<Raijinili> remember that? it was awful


Indeed, what Xiffy says is true. See: http://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?topic=9897.msg191174

If you can figure that out you'll be off and running. There's also a .txt file of effect data that I wrote as a working copy and which can serve as an explanation of the file structure. I think it's in the ASM starter kit thread. The reason I haven't kept up with the effects editor though is because it's so complicated to learn how to do things. It just can't be made simple at this point. So now I just use it for my own purposes.

Edit: I attached the effect data file here just for fun ^_^