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Combining Events and their Set-ups

Started by CONMAN, July 06, 2015, 08:47:44 pm


July 06, 2015, 08:47:44 pm Last Edit: July 21, 2015, 12:12:51 pm by CONMAN
I understand Raven discovered that the set-up events prior to real events are unnecessary, hence they can be combined to free up space.  I'm curious just how easy this is to pull off....

1. Would I move my event text over to it's own setup event. 

2. re-point necessary variables in Attack.out, and WorldMap/Battle event conditionals.

?More than just this previous guess work?

As an example  :mrgreen:, say I didn't want wiegraff to kill off Gustav(I know it's an awesome scene), and I wanted to do it.  Couldn't I now manage this with only 2 event spaces?  (Assuming I made the appropriate changes to Battle event conditionals.)     

Ok, actually I thought I would sort of "wing" this earlier and derped the previous sand rats scene- totally throwing off my ability to properly check/ recheck. 
:oops:Yup, I loaded a file at Sand Rats Cellar, save-stated a derped event (without realizing it for a bit) and went back-and-forth checking/changing EVSP/Battle Event Conditionals/Attack.out for 1 1/2 to hours :mad: .... And then I thought, how about I just ask?
  • Modding version: PSX


I wrote a guide for Elric a month or two ago about this so he could share it around. I gave a copy to Emmy just a few days ago too, so just give me a minute to find it and pastebin it and you shouldn't have any problems following it :)
  • Modding version: PSX
Nyzer: Alma teleports out of her own possessed body.
Raijinili: Remember that you're telling a modding community that the game they love could use some fixing.



I didn't post Jumza's tutorial cuz it went into a lot more than it needed too and its actually much simpler than that.

Normally in Attack.out and Worldmap spreadsheets, you'd be calling the setup event. All you do is simply call the actual event instead.

example, normally you'd see something like

00 setup event
01 event
02 setup event
03 event
04 setup event
05 battle
06 victory

Instead you can literally remove those setup events and instead make it

00 event
01 event
02 battle
03 victory

You'd just remap the attack.out GUI, attack.out spreadsheet and worldmap spreadsheet to link right to the actual event (you'd obviously need to change your event offsets as well)

As I always say, if you need additional help, feel free to seek me out on IRC :P
  • Modding version: PSX


  • Modding version: PSX


Bah! Humbug! My tutorial just contains examples! Ah well, he is absolutely right though.
  • Modding version: PSX
Nyzer: Alma teleports out of her own possessed body.
Raijinili: Remember that you're telling a modding community that the game they love could use some fixing.


Yeah, just seems like a while lot of words for something I explained pretty easily above, long tutorials tend to scare people away lol
  • Modding version: PSX


Thanks a bunch.  I'm happy to have it
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Yeah I can be a bit wordy, but I think it does a decent job of explaining it.
  • Modding version: PSX
Nyzer: Alma teleports out of her own possessed body.
Raijinili: Remember that you're telling a modding community that the game they love could use some fixing.


Wasn't denying that it does a good job. Was just more worried that people would be scared away from it. Lol how many people post about sprite issues and say they followed Celdias entire tutorial?
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people like me lol. i like simple things otherwise i just trip my mind over it ><


I wasn't sure if I should start a new topic or add this here... This is a continuation of my initial question.  I wanted to take an event that had only 2 spaces in attack.out/evsp and use it for a battle (which traditionally would require 3).

I wanted to remove the "Finding Teta Missing" event out of the Windmill sequence and set up a secret mission via rumor text.  I rewrote the 50 years war rumor and add a string like the beowolf/nelveska rumors to add to variable A1.  (This part went pretty smooth after finding a message from pride about it.)

I changed the attackout gui so that the windmill shed event went straight to world map instead of next event.

I added in an event to the worldmap spreadsheet on thieves fort (initially I was going to do it in Gariland).  I set this to activate via A1 instead of story progress. 

I adjusted my evsp events and added an actual battle event (virtually a copy of the original Gariland) into the space that originally held the setup event.  I then edited the original "teta is missing" into a after battle/victory event.

I headed on over to the event conditionals spreadsheet and changed the previous entry :0100FD01010019004D00 to 0100FD01010019004C00 to reflect the bump up on my evsp events. and added 160019004D00 to the spot under it-(Victory Event).

Obviously, I adjusted fftpatcher.

Unfortunately, my "setup" event never loads :oops:  My victory event plays in black, I collect my $ and end back up on the world map....  I tried changing around the event in the setup event and no dice.  I checked to see if I didn't have a reveal in the event.  I played around with the event variables in both worldmap and Battle event conditionals to see if I messed up (I still might have) and I understand that the Attack.out gui is off by 1. ....  I think I put all the relevant info into a picture...
.....confuzzled  :?
  • Modding version: PSX


July 16, 2015, 12:42:33 pm #12 Last Edit: July 16, 2015, 02:02:00 pm by CONMAN
I was following along with this set up combining and thought I saw something odd when reading your tutorial Jumza:

Step 2:
That was for Orbonne Prayer, now let's do the battle. The battle takes up spaces 002 to 005. Of course,
it doesn't need to. Orbonne battle consists of 1, the beginning event, 2, the mid battle chat between Agrias and
Gaffy, and 3, the end of battle event. There isn't really a need for it to take up 4 spaces when only 3 are needed,
right? Copy the contents of 002 to 001, 003 to 002, and 005 to 003 (no I didn't skip a number by accident).
Go back to spot 000 and change Next Scen. to 002.

If the battle is now at slot 001, why would I point the "Next Scene" to 002? I didn't think about it too much until I was going to redirect the "next scene" at the end of Orbonne battle to Auditorium.... Would I always be pointing to the next scene +1?

Edit: Went ahead following along with these instruction and successfully condensed half the first chapter!  Very pleased!  Tempted to finish the first chapter like this and stop there-it's a pretty good chunk of space!  Thinking of leaving the deep dungeon where it is -and condensing down the 2nd chapter later if need be.
  • Modding version: PSX


Quote from: CONMAN on July 16, 2015, 12:42:33 pm
Go back to spot 000 and change Next Scen. to 002.

If the battle is now at slot 001, why would I point the "Next Scene" to 002? I didn't think about it too much until I was going to redirect the "next scene" at the end of Orbonne battle to Auditorium.... Would I always be pointing to the next scene +1?

Edit: Went ahead following along with these instruction and successfully condensed half the first chapter!  Very pleased!  Tempted to finish the first chapter like this and stop there-it's a pretty good chunk of space!  Thinking of leaving the deep dungeon where it is -and condensing down the 2nd chapter later if need be.

I'm glad that it worked for you :)
I believe that you do go 1 more than the number (if you want to go to 007 you put in 008, etc) until there are a few bumps in the road that Elric has mentioned in the editor where you have to skip a bunch of numbers.
  • Modding version: PSX
Nyzer: Alma teleports out of her own possessed body.
Raijinili: Remember that you're telling a modding community that the game they love could use some fixing.