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Final Fantasy Tactics: Kind Of PSP (Current Version: 2.6)

Started by Eternal248, April 21, 2012, 08:53:46 pm


It's exactly what it says in the topic title. An almost identical version of FFT: KO, made and optimized for the PSP. It's been tested by me personally up until Goug, and I'm still going through it as we speak, but I figured others can help test alongside me. :D

For a comprehensive changelist from the original FFT, please view the changelog in the PSX version's thread.

Some of the PSP exclusive changes include:

-Multiplayer items have been imported into Singleplayer by overriding some existing, rarely used items.
-Multiplayer battles have been imported into Midlight's Deep.
-Ability to purchase any type of good from any town, assuming you've reached the proper point in the story to buy it. (Thanks to Celdia for the idea!)
-Ability to steal from Elmdore.
-Jobs that required level 8 in a job were lowered to requiring level 5.
-1 Day Errands (due to lack of save/loadstating for randoms when they come up)
-Onion Knights get a skillset comprised of basic skills from most jobs.
-Mediators have some slightly altered skills due to lack of ASM for WotL.
-Balthier gets ranged, albeit less accurate Steals and loses Barrage.
-Luso gains normal Squire skills and stats, but has Innate: Poach, Tame, Beastmaster, and Beasttongue.
-Lucavi aren't as tanky as they are in the PSX version of KO, but still have increased HP from the original.
-Enemies may not have the exact setups as they do in the PSX versions of KO.
-The new battle with Algus at Limberry has very rare treasure which can be found if you bring Treasure Hunter.

Some people have had issues getting this to run on their PSP, and I encourage you to post if it crashes and what firmware you use if that happens to you. Argy and myself have had no issues running it, however. If you're having issues getting it to work, I advise patching an ISO, not a CSO.


-The odds of a unit having a Rend [Equipment] skill has been reduced by 20%.

-Job growths have been altered ever so slightly.
   -Squires get a buff to HP, PA, and EVD.
   -Knights get a buff to HP and a nerf to Move.
   -Archers get a buff to HP and Speed, but a nerf to Move.
   -Monks get a buff to HP and Jump, but a nerf to Move.
   -Thieves get a buff to HP, Speed, and PA, and a nerf to MA.
   -Geomancers get a buff to MA.
   -Dragoons get a buff to Speed.
   -Samurai get a buff to HP and MA.
   -Ninja get a buff to HP and PA.
   -Dancers get a buff to Speed, PA, and EVD, but a nerf to MA.

   -Chemists get a buff to HP, MP, MA, and EVD.
   -White Mages get a buff to HP and MA.
   -Black Mages get a buff to MP.
   -Time Mages get a buff to MP and Speed.
   -Summoners get a buff to HP and Speed.
   -Orators get a buff to HP, Speed, a nerf to MP, and lose Innate: Tame (to prevent a bug where enemy Orators could Invite the party's monster units.)
   -Mystics get a buff to HP, Speed, PA, and EVD.
   -Arithmeticians get a buff to HP and MP.
   -Bards get a buff to HP, PA, MA, Speed, and EVD.
   -Mimes get a buff to EVD.
   -Dark Knights get a buff to HP, MA and EVD, but a nerf to PA.
   -Onion Knights get a buff to MP, Speed, PA, MA- note that they also no longer "evolve", in order to prevent glitches. Their skillset has also been reduced to five skills- Tailwind, Chant, Steel, Shout, and Ultima. This is an experiment to see if this allows them to have something of a skillset, and it makes them something of the other half of Squire, giving them some of Ramza's abilities.

   -Delita gets a buff to HP and PA.
   -Mustadio gets a buff to HP, Speed, and Move.
   -Agrias gets a buff to PA.
   -Rapha gets a buff to HP and MA.
   -Marach gets a buff to Speed, PA, Jump and EVD.
   -Orlandeau gets a nerf to MP, PA, Speed, and Move.
   -Meliadoul gets a buff to HP and MP.
   -Beowulf gets a buff to MA and a nerf to MP and PA.
   -Reis (Dragon) gets a buff to HP.
   -Reis (Human) gets a buff to EVD and loses Innate: Tame (see above for reason).
   -Worker 8 gets a buff to HP, but a nerf to Move and EVD and loses Soulbind for Counter and Ignore Terrain for Defense Boost.
   -Cloud gets a buff to PA.
   -Byblos gets a buff to HP, Speed, PA, but loses EXP Boost for Arcane Defense.
   -Luso gets a buff to Speed, PA, and MA, and loses Innate: Tame (see above for reason) as well as Beastmaster and Beast Tongue.

-Huntcraft has been completely changed to make Luso more of a Blue Mage, akin to a potential job of his in FFTA2. The following abilities can be learned Blue Mage style on Luso:
   -Choco Esuna (Chocobos)
   -Goblin Punch (Goblins)
   -Self-Destruct (Bombs)
   -Blaster (Coeurls)
   -Dischord (Mindflayers)
   -Chop (Skeletons)
   -Drain Touch (Ghosts)
   -Doom (Ahrimans)
   -Glitterlust (Cockatrices)
   -Bequeath Bacon (Pigs)
   -Guardian Nymph (Treants)
   -Feral Spin (Minotaurs)
   -Bad Breath (Malboros)
   -Twister (Behemoths)
   -Ice Breath (Dragons)
   -Dark Whisper (Tiamats)

-Hesitation and Repose are now effectively switched- Hesitation is now AoE, whereas Repose is single-target. Hesitation now costs 18 MP and is 5 CT whereas Repose costs 12 and is 3 CT. Both now cost 300 JP.

-Human units are now immune to Invite and it now only works on Monsters. In other words, if you want human units, you'll have to recruit them from the Soldier's Office.

-Praise now restores 30% of an ally's HP.

-Intimidate now removes Protect, Shell, and Haste from an enemy.

-Beast Tongue is no longer needed for any Speechcraft ability and has been removed.

-Rousing Melody's Accuracy is down to base 20%.

-Battle Chant/Magickal Refrain's Accuracy is down to base 30%.

-Slow Dance's Accuracy is down to base 20%.

-Polka/Heathen Frolick's Accuracy is down to base 30%.

-Nameless Song can no longer bestow Reraise.

-Forbidden Dance can no longer inflict Confuse.

-The AI now correctly sees Bad Breath as adding statuses as opposed to removing them.

-Tail Sweep now correctly inflicts Immobilize.

-Adrenaline Rush has been removed from the player's use. On Balthier, Adrenaline Rush was replaced with Critical: Quick.

-Balthier's Plunder abilities should now (hopefully) work as ranged abilities as intended.

-Safeguard's JP cost has been reduced from 100 to 50.

-(Hopefully) fixed a bug where under certain circumstances units could use Rend skills on themselves.

-Fixed a bug where a duplicate Ramza could potentially join the party after a certain battle in Midlight's Deep.

-Tietra now uses Summons in Midlight's Deep rather than Arithmeticks.

-The bug involving Lezales not appearing in the Lezales' Revenge fight in Midlight's Deep should be fixed now- please let me know if it's still not working!

-A bug involving Dark Behemoth using Ramza's sprite in the Dark Halidom has been fixed.

-Move +3 has been properly removed from Cloud's skillset.

-Jump +3 has been properly removed from the Dark Knight's skillset.

-Move +1 has been moved from Knights to Thieves.

-Thieves have lost Jump +2.

-Archers have lost Jump +1 and gained Jump +3.

-Jump +3's JP cost has been reduced from 300 to 200.

-Flame/Ice/Thunder Rod no longer boost their respective elements (in order to balance them for when they're available), but in exchange, they now cast Fira/Blizzara/Thundara potentially on hit, rather than the tier 1 spells. They're now available at different times in shops as well to compensate. Black Robe will be your go-to for elemental boosting.

-Various other small bug fixes and balance changes have been made, namely to certain fights in Midlight's Deep to try and fix a few bugs therein.

-Chocobos are more rare early-game, meaning they won't rez loop as often.
-The Ninja Gear originally at the Brigands' Den has been relocated to be stealable from a Ninja at Lionel Castle while battling Aliste.
-Salamander properly added to the Summoner's skillset.
-Meliadoul gains Magicksap, Mindsap, and Powersap.
-Orlandeau gains Magicksap and Vengeance.
-Move +2, Move +3, and Jump +3 have been removed.
-Zodiark's CT has been reduced to match KO PSX.
-Various small bugs have been fixed.

-Salamander returns, and now inflicts Blind in addition to Fire damage, as a sort of physical foil to Sylph. (PSX/PSP)
-Faerie JP Cost down to 200. (PSX/PSP)
-Summoners now have a higher MP pool. (PSX/PSP)
-Alicia, Rad, and Lavian come with 70 Brave and 70 Faith. (PSX/PSP)
-Level 3 magic has had an MP cost increase. (PSX/PSP)
-Cloud's Limits no longer require the Materia Blade, but do require a Sword to be used. (PSX/PSP)
-Braver, Cross-Slash, and Omnislash are now based on PA and WP. (PSX/PSP)
-HP Restore/Critical: Restore HP and Abandon/Reflexes have been removed. (PSX/PSP)
-Robe of Lords is now Initial: Protect/Shell, no longer grants 2 MA. (PSX/PSP)
-Chocobo Cure no longer has AoE. (PSX/PSP)
-Attack Boost and Arcane Strength's JP costs have been increased. (PSX/PSP)

-Propositions are now properly 1 day long. (PSP)
-Monsters lose Non-Charge/CT 0. (PSP)
-Meteorain now matches KO PSX. (PSP)
-Multiplayer items have been added, and have replaced some existing items. Most can be acquired by beating battles in Midlight's Deep. (PSP)
-Jujitsu Gi is no longer PA +1, is now Immune: Doom, Death, Undead. (PSP)
-Onion Sword WP down to 17. (PSP)
-Francisca WP down to 15 becomes Add: Disable. (PSP)
-Golden Axe becomes Add: Death. (PSP)
-Orochi WP down to 9. (PSP)
-Stardust Rod WP down to 3 and becomes Cast: Gravity. (PSP)
-Sagittarius Bow gains Speed +1. (PSP)
-Durandal gains Initial: Reflect. (PSP)
-Gae Bolg gains Jump +3. (PSP)
-Gungnir WP down to 19. (PSP)
-Reverie Shield P-EVD down to 10%. (PSP)
-Brass Coronet gains Immune: Berserk. (PSP)
-Grand Armor gains Initial: Reraise. (PSP)
-Onion Armor loses Initial: Reflect. (PSP)
-Minerva Bustier is now Absorb: Wind, Water, Earth, Holy. (PSP)
-Brave Suit now provides 120 HP, no longer provides 40 MP. (PSP)
-Sage's Robe now boosts all elements. (PSP)
-Brigand's Gloves are now Always: Float and gain 20% EVD/M-EVD, Initial: Haste has been replaced with Speed +1. (PSP)
-Onion Gloves no longer guard against debuffs, instead giving +2 PA and +2 MA. (PSP)
-Empyreal Armband is now PA/MA +1 instead of Speed +1 and Immune: Crystal/Treasure. (PSP)
-Sage's Ring is now Absorb/Weak: Fire, Ice, Thunder, and Holy. (PSP)
-Chaosbringer, Deathbringer, Arondight, Balmung, and Valhalla are not included. (PSP)

Stardust Rod -> CHAPTER I, SHOPS

Golden Axe -> DARK BYBLOS (FLOOR 1)
Sagittarius Bow -> TIETRA'S REVENGE (FLOOR 1)
Gaius Caligae -> TEIOH (FLOOR 1)

Minerva Bustier -> GLABADOS' LIGHT (FLOOR 2)
Brigand's Gloves -> SHADES OF THE PAST (FLOOR 2)


Fomalhaut -> SANDBAGGING (FLOOR 4)
Nirvana -> TENTACLED (FLOOR 4)
Sage's Robe -> FOUR FIENDS (FLOOR 4)

Moonsilk Blade -> TRIAL BY FROST (FLOOR 5)
Moonblade -> TRIAL BY FLAMES (FLOOR 5)


Empyreal Armband -> THE FETE (FLOOR 7)

Durandal -> ALL STAR MELEE (FLOOR 10)
Dreamwaker -> NIGHTMARES (FLOOR 10)
Brave Suit -> AN ILL WIND (FLOOR 10)

-Every Treasure Hunt item in Midlight's Deep (except for one) has been changed to Elixirs. Below is where you can find the items that were previously Treasure Huntable in Midlight's Deep:

Yoichi Bow:
Treasure Hunt at Mount Germinas.

Zeus Mace:      
Treasure Hunt at Gollund Coal Shaft.

Blaze Gun:      
Treasure Hunt at Mount Bervenia.

Glacial Gun:      
Treasure Hunt at Dorvuldar Marsh.

Steal from Folmarv in Mullonde Cathedral.

Lordly Robes:   
Steal from Cletienne in Mullonde Cathedral.

Perseus Bow:      
Treasure Hunt at Mount Bervenia.

Staff of the Magi:   
Treasure Hunt at Mullonde Cathedral.

Koga Blade:      
Treasure Hunt at Mount Bervenia.

Rod of Faith:   
Steal from Bremondt.

Kaiser Shield:   
Steal from Zombag.

Faerie Harp:   
Treasure Hunt at Lake Poescas.

Iga Blade:      
Treasure Hunt at Dorvuldar Marsh.

Ninja Gear:      
Steal from an Onion Knight at Brigand's Den Redux.

Treasure Hunt at Fort Besselat Sluice.

Steal from Zombag.

Grand Helm:      
Steal from Zombag.

Venetian Shield:   
Steal from Aliste.

Steal from the Samurai in the Chrono Trigger battle.

Chaos Blade:   
Treasure Hunt at Terminus, same location.

-Fell Sword WP has been reduced. (PSP)
-Plunder JP costs reduced. (PSP)
-Aim skills are faster. (PSP)
-Barrage returns, albeit only learnable on Mustadio Blue Mage style from Balthier in Midlight's Deep. (PSP)
-Sylph is now properly Wind Elemental.(PSP)
-Luso's stats have been increased. (PSP)
-Break skills have become cheaper and are slightly more accurate. (PSX/PSP)
-Negotiate/Beg now hits at MA+45%. (PSX/PSP)
-Stasis Sword now inflicts Immobilize and costs 10 MP. (PSX/PSP)
-Split/Crush Punch are now unevadeable and costs 5/10 MP each. (PSX/PSP)
-Heave can now inflict Immobilize/Disable/Float. (PSX/PSP)
-Many R/S/M skills cost less JP now. (PSX/PSP)
-The Bio spells are now more clearly named. (PSX/PSP)
-Gigaflare has been nerfed. (PSX/PSP)
-Summons have been lowered to Blizzard power. (PSX/PSP)
-Spells that didn't have CT have it again, more enemy-only spells have MP costs now. (PSX/PSP)
-Hi-Potions now heal for 50, X-Potions for 100. Prices/JP costs have been lowered to compensate. (PSX/PSP)
-Ivory Rod is now buyable at the start of Chapter IV. (PSX/PSP)
-Persia is now buyable at the start of Chapter III. (PSX/PSP)
-Cashmere is now available at the start of Chapter IV. (PSX/PSP)
-Sinogue is an Archaic Demon once more. (PSX/PSP)
-Dispose range down to 4. (PSX/PSP)
-Destroy now targets enemies surrounding oneself. (PSX/PSP)
-Ninja PA Multipliers have been greatly lowered. (PSX/PSP)
-Demi2/Graviga have been nerfed. (PSX/PSP)
-Hashmal gains Hamedo. (PSX/PSP)
-Magic Attack Up and Half MP swap jobs. (PSX/PSP)
-Artemis Bow gains Add: Immobilize (PSX/PSP)
-Artemis Bows are now available at the start of Chapter IV. (PSX/PSP)
-The Dragon at Lenalia Plateau has been moved to Araguay South. (PSX/PSP)

Floor 1:
-Dark Byblos
-The Guarded Temple
-Tietra's Revenge (Tietra's sprite may bug, this is normal and will be fixed eventually.)

Floor 2:
-Shades of the Past
-Desert Minefield
-Chrono Trigger
-Glabados' Light

Floor 3:
-Littering (Ninja Trial)
-Arithmetician Trial
-Hollow Demons
-Lezales' Vengeance

Floor 4:
-Ode to the Deathbringers
-Four Fiends

Floor 5:
-Chicken Race
-Trial by Flames
-Trial by Frost
-Trial by Tempest

Floor 6:
-Onion Knight Trial

Floor 7:
-Brave Story I
-Brave Story II
-The Fete
-War of the Lions

Floor 8:
-Brave Story III
-Brave Story IV
-Brave Story V
-Brave Story VI

Floor 9:
-Brave Story VII
-Brave Story VIII
-Brave Story IX
-Brave Story X

Floor 10:
-All-Star Melee
-An Ill Wind
-Bequeathing Bacon (Pig Trial)

Dolbodar Swamp East:
-11 Greater Malboros
-11 Skeletal Fiends
-11 Revenants
-11 Elder Treants

Dolbodar Swamp West:
-11 Gobbledegucks
-11 Mindflayers
-11 Vampire Cats

Bervenia Volcano North:
-11 Red Dragons
-11 Exploders
-11 Plague Horrors
-11 Sekhrets

Bervenia Volcano South:
-11 Cockatrice
-11 Red Chocobos
-11 Dark Behemoths
-11 Tiamats

Zirekile Falls East- 11 Archers
Barius Hill South- 11 Thieves
Lenalia Plateau South- 11 Black Mages
Dolbodar Swamp West- 11 Mimes
Grog Hill South- 11 Monks
Bervenia Volcano North- 11 Geomancers
Barius Valley South- 11 Summoners
Finath River East- 11 Orators
Germinas Peak North- 11 Dark Knights
Araguay Woods South- 11 Samurai
Yuguo Woods East- 11 Mystics
Fovoham Plains West- 11 Knights
Doguola Pass West- 11 Dragoons
Sweegy Woods East- 11 Chemists
Poeskas Lake North- 11 White Mages
Zigolis Swamp West- 11 Dancers
Mandalia Plains South- 11 Squires
Zeklaus Desert South- 11 Time Mages
The Hollow- 11 Arithmeticians
The Hollow- 11 Ninja
The Palings- 11 Onion Knights (Required to beat DD)

  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817


Well done Et, for bringing KO to the PSP. There are quite a few of users us out there that appreciate all of the time and effort that you have put into the project to bring it in fruition!!
  • Modding version: PSX
Kotetsu Quad Killer!!


I have a PSP with Final Fantasy Tactics (FFWOTL) do not guarantee anything, because the game sticks at all times.


  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817


Updated to 1.1, which brings the PSP version to about the same as the PSX version. Enjoy!
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817


Made a very small update, namely lowering the JP cost of some Orator skills and fixed a bug where the Behemoths in Luso's battle weren't set to the proper levels.
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817



Could you please wrote what version of Firmware you are using?

I'm patching USA iso. Vanilia iso works. PPF for 1.3.10 also worked with this iso.
However when try to run iso patched with FFT KO 1.11 console just shutdowns.

I'm using CFW 6.60 Pro-C. I tried with M33, Inferno and Sony NP9660 "UMD iso modes".

Thank you very much!


Update - It works now! I used different iso copy, patched the same way and now its ok.

I have a question - Is psp v.1.11 similar to psx v1.1 or newest psx v2.1?


The PSP version is slightly behind the PSX version. The PSX version has some changes that the PSP version doesn't have yet (such as the large amount of changes to monsters and some job/item things), but I'll be updating the PSP version sometime later this summer after I make the final changes to the PSX version. As always, feel free to post feedback and bug reports. Enjoy! :D
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817


I'm only playing the PSP version, not the PSX version, but a few things I've found include

  • Finding items with treasure hunter displays "found **" where the asterisks are the first two letters of the item, not the whole item name.  So finding a golden helm would read "found Go"

  • That's the big one.  Minor annoyances include missing sword skills and the (opinion) over-nerfing of calculators, but I understand they are balance ideas.

Overall, I'm having a great time with this hack, and it's certainly breathed new life into a game I've beaten into the ground.  Thanks.


Huge update incoming very soon, with a ton of monster, DD, and item changes that'll hopefully balance things out a bit further.
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817



Any chance on date of the new patch?
I would love to start playing  PSP KO version but don't want to start over after the update..


  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817


Wow! If that was was the fastest patch update i have seen :)
If I own the the game making company I would hire you!  :cool:


June 21, 2012, 03:03:17 pm #13 Last Edit: June 21, 2012, 03:39:28 pm by Eternal248
I've had the update ready for a while now, I just didn't post it. :P

EDIT: KO PSP 2.1 will feature some decent Poach changes, but that won't be for a while.
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817


First BUG:

In the first fight on Mandalia Plains: Panther has unlimited range of claw.
Was this intended?


Sorry about that, I used that skill for testing and forgot to set it back. Whoops! =x

Here's a fixed version. Be sure to patch a clean ISO each time! If you find any other bugs, don't hesitate to let me know. I'm on chat as well, if you wish to report them on there.

Fixed version: http://www.sendspace.com/file/id0enj

  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817


i have a reason to play FFT on my psp again! i love you!


No problem! :D

Just be sure to report any bugs and tell your friends. :P
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817


More (small) bugs:
Text description of thunder says it has 50 radius :) in game its ok.

Also I noticed that thunder magic is slower than others:
Thunder   Sp 50   Fire/Blizzard     Sp 34
Thundara  Sp 34   Fira/Blizzara     Sp 25
Thundaga  Sp 20   Firaga/Blizzaga   Sp 17
Thundaja  Sp 17   Firaja/Blizzaja   Sp 14

Not sure if its also in game or only in description.


  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
"You, no less human than we? Ha! Now there's a beastly thought. You've been less than we from the moment your baseborn father fell upon your mother in whatever gutter saw you sired! You've been chattel since you came into the world drenched in common blood!"
  • Discord username: eternal248#1817