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Messages - Nyzer

In theory, I could. I have no plans to, however.

Mustadio got that Tweak-inspired buff because he had some design issues in comparison to other special characters. The obvious comparison is to Agrias, who joins in literally the next story battle. Agrias can go from Holy Knight directly into Knight and immediately start working on Equip Sword, allowing her to take her base skillset everywhere she goes. And Equip Sword isn't super necessary: Holy Knight, Knight, Geomancer, and Dark Knight can equip swords just fine without it. These jobs give Agrias a massive number of build options if she chooses to invest in them. Maybe she won't be rocking Dual Wield & Blade Grasp if she sticks to them, but she can go Vehemence, Attack Boost, and Move +1.

Every other special character is like this - or better. Rafa and Malak, WotL Luso, and TLW Ashley all have issues in the versions they're originally from, and Meliadoul couldn't hit monsters in the PSX versions, but after their skillsets were reworked, they're all right about where I want them to be for when they appear during the game. But Mustadio's issue wasn't that he suffers from bad or gimmicky abilities. His abilities are pretty fucking solid! They just serve as an anchor around his legs if you have any intent of actually moving up the job tree, so you have to either ditch them for ages or just keep him locked in to Chemist and Engineer all game.

Mustadio has to go all the way to Mediator if he wants Equip Gun. While Snipe doesn't actually require any specific weapon, melee-range Arm Aim or Leg Aim isn't particularly great, especially if he's facing off against a target that doesn't have good compatibility with him. Those abilities are absolutely balanced around having an 8 panel range. Bows and Crossbows can make up for some of that, but it's still a downgrade so massive it would be like if Agrias started with a Knight Sword and only her base job could use it. I'm sure some folks out there have gone Archer Mustadio, but for the most part, I think everyone either leaves him in the base jobs or makes a beeline for Mediator. And what does he get out of that? Does anyone actually turn him into a mage? Probably not.

Bard and Dancer work differently than that, being intentionally deeply locked behind generic job progression. And while there could be some use to bringing their equipment out into other jobs, there are better equipment abilities on both sides of the aisle that are unlocked well before that point. Why use a harp when you could use a pole or a gun? Why use a cloth when you could use a spear or a katana?

Also, the way the hack accomplishes this feat is by making Snipe automatically activate the Equip Gun support ability. I am completely out of support abilities at this point, so there isn't anything left to bind those weapon types to.
Probably. I'm not sure why you would even consider this, though. In ReMixed, Defend gives the benefits of Protect and Shell, offers immunity to many status effects, and retains the evasion boost of vanilla. If it persisted through Acting, it would essentially be a permanent massive defensive buff to the player.
Quote from: Zaxs85 on September 16, 2024, 06:31:09 amWhy does Scream remove reraise?

Well, it's definitely not supposed to. Someone did recently report a weird bug regarding losing transparent when screaming, and this is probably related to that.

If I had to guess, this is because when I removed the hard coding on stat alteration formulas, I had them read the information in the previously unused status infliction field. That shouldn't matter, because these abilities don't run the code for status infliction process. But it's quite possible that some other shenanigans are happening along the way.
Help! / Re: ASM Patches on top of existing hacks?
September 15, 2024, 04:04:48 pm
Tzepish has done a great job of working on those. The original Valhalla author(s) also got a lot of them converted, I believe.
Yes, it's 10 benched units. 20 in the regular roster, 10 more in the bench.
FFT TLW ReMixed / Re: ReMixed Bug Reports
September 15, 2024, 04:02:39 pm
Quote from: layerP on September 12, 2024, 12:08:22 pmI know it's not a gamebreaking bug, but I couldn't stop laughing when I saw this:
FFT ReMixed 1.2.07-240912-122559.png
Ramza was KO'd during the battle and stayed that way for half of the dialogue, lol

And I loved everything about this event! It's so lighthearted, exacly like FFTA2, and the nods to that game's mechanics gave me a big grin.

I was disappointed when they replaced Luso with another character in TLW/TLWOTL (which I plan to replace with Lady Frimelda someday), so it was refreshing to see some FFTA2 appreciation here.

I never saw this comment until just recently, heh!

I was never disappointed with Luso being replaced in TLW because a zero progression Ramza clone in late Chapter 3 was just underwhelming as hell anyway. Especially as a "Game Hunter" who had no skills that were actually used for game hunting. I was also very underwhelmed with him as a character in FFTA2. He felt like he barely had an impact on the story, and like the story barely had an impact on him.

But after watching streams of Reach the Future and hearing how Jumza designed Guy as a bit of a himbo, I felt inspired to lean into Luso's carefree whimsy, especially when I realized how well he would bounce off of the characters if I made him mandatory in Chapter 1. Having him be just completely oblivious to how cold it is if the player chooses not to save him (and thus won't even introduce themselves to him) felt pretty fitting. And not even picking up on Algus' scorn and distrust helps it feel both like it's there just for comedic value (on the off chance the player doesn't know about Algus yet) and that it's hinting towards Algus' true personality (if the player does know). It let me both play it straight and play it for laughs at the same time, which is just such a perfect fusion of FFT and FFTA2.

And I've liked the idea of having a full Blue Mage for a long time. Luso, who can be a Blue Mage, felt like a great opportunity for making that happen without replacing anything. Making him a mandatory encounter in Chapter 1 allows the player a lot of opportunities to get him on the field so he can fill his skillset, too! Makes for a nice little optional collectible quest.
Help! / Re: ASM Patches on top of existing hacks?
September 15, 2024, 12:18:18 am
The general answer is always maybe, but don't count on it. The only way to know for sure requires having the ASM hacks for the mod yourself.
It just lets you cancel the Defend if you change your mind.
FFT TLW ReMixed / Re: ReMixed Bug Reports
September 13, 2024, 09:04:19 am
That's not a glitch. Benching has always dropped unit nicknames and unspent JP, and reverted their total JP to match the minimum for the current job level. If they didn't, the number of Bench slots would have been far more limited. The memory card space had to be increased to the maximum just to get Benching to function. There's no way the roster space could have been increased for this instead.

That said, levels and job levels do not actually drop to 1.
FFT TLW ReMixed / Re: ReMixed Bug Reports
September 11, 2024, 10:39:36 am
Quote from: old school on September 11, 2024, 08:17:08 amGame Over occurs when poaching an allied unit.  Unsure of enemies and guests, will edit with updates when available.

I deployed a Black Chocobo and poached it without any issues. You'll need to be more specific.

Quote from: pontifficator on September 11, 2024, 09:39:20 amIn the second battle (the one where you save that guy) I'm getting a rather long delay before enemies take any action. Also, the enemies first turn has me controlling him for some reason.

Neither of those things was happening for me. Are you using an incompatible emulator or a bad copy of the game?
The .401 designation is for 4/01; the first of April. Because I had a few visual edits for an April Fools joke.
FFT TLW ReMixed / Re: ReMixed Bug Reports
September 11, 2024, 08:46:52 am
I can guess one possible reason why that game over issue is happening.

Zodiark being called something different is largely because this is the PSX translation, so I felt it was fitting to simplify his title a bit.
Version 1.2.07 is now out! Mostly just bugfixes, but I also added a backstab mechanic to Gil Taking if using Bandit's Eye and a knife as your primary weapon.

Might be more bugs that need fixing, especially with regards to deploying Guests. It's past 10 PM on Sunday night though and I really need to call it here.
New Project Ideas / Re: Job Ideas and Concept sharing
September 08, 2024, 01:46:27 pm
Nothing is increased. The damage formulas just all have a check in there for Protect/Shell and reduce damage if so.

I don't want to discourage you from coming up with ideas, but ideas alone from someone who isn't fully aware of how the game works aren't particularly useful. There's no shortage of ideas around here, and most people who make mods already have their own ideas they want to use anyway. If you want to see any of these ideas implemented, it'll be up to you to do so yourself.

There's also already a pinned topic for jobs and other ideas to be shared.
New Project Ideas / Re: Job Ideas and Concept sharing
September 08, 2024, 03:44:33 am
None. They do not increase a stat.
Event Editing / Re: How to make an event give an item
September 05, 2024, 08:54:51 pm
You would also need to set the ATTACK.OUT settings for that event to return you to the world map. I have no idea if that can be done with the Patcher.
FFT TLW ReMixed / Re: ReMixed Bug Reports
September 05, 2024, 12:31:31 am
Quote from: Mutteo on September 04, 2024, 10:32:12 pmI was comparing an older version to the beta and the Koutetsu Knife raises the stat to 255 for some reason in the beta, which could be possibly problematic if an enemy uses it for 999 damage on you.

Dammit. I changed two of them to have different WP for testing purposes and didn't close or reopen the Patcher file before the next time I saved it. Thanks for the report, that should be fixed in the next version.
Tutorials and Learning / Re: Tutorial Requests
September 02, 2024, 06:22:15 pm
Quote from: ChuckyMclove on September 02, 2024, 05:22:48 pmIs there any way to add or edit damage formulas? MA (y), PA (x) SP etc. I would like to know if there are any tutorials that explain anything about this, as I have not found any.

This falls under the category of ASM hacking.
Adding other hacks onto the mod would come with some risk. It would really depend on what could be added without conflicting with the existing hacks used by it.

Smart Encounters would probably be fine. It removes more lines of code than it uses, and I doubt anything else was put over its code location. I think all the rest of the QoL stuff uses kanji space, though. Which is a common dumping ground for code that got too big to fit in the routine it belongs in. All it takes is for something else vital to be using the same kanji space, and crashes start happening.
Quote from: Ripley on September 02, 2024, 09:29:01 amOne thing I've noticed is that in a NG+ run, when you already have Orlandu for instance, as you reach the point where you'd get him you don't receive his Items like when you do with Agrias. It would be nice to receive his items too. Another Excalibur is always welcome. xD

In The Lion War, you get the items that guests are holding, not the ones that the joining units are holding. I may have given the joining guests' items through War Trophies to account for the fact that your guests retain their progress (and gear) before joining for real, but I don't remember? Anyway, I wouldn't be changing that.

If you want more Excaliburs, the best thing to do is to knock off some Rendezvous battles.