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FFT type-R

Started by ruwin, March 31, 2011, 08:50:19 pm


Hi! Sorry for asking, can I politely ask how you made Awareness? I'm really interested in altering reaction abilities!
if you can't spare the time though, that's understandable, I'll work with what I can
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL
""The only thing more hardcoded than FFT, is more FFT."
    - A wise man"
       - Talcall
  • Discord username: Talcall


Quote from: IronJustice on September 12, 2020, 01:14:10 amMost of the speed growth rates have been set to 102, I'm curious what the reason for that is.
First, thanks for the feedback! I believe the 102 speed growth rate is a relic from an earlier version of the mod, but if I'm to attempt to discern my reasoning for the change, I believe I wanted speed to grow just a little more slowly for generic classes versus the special classes and monsters. 102 vs. 100 isn't a huge change, but over a long enough time period it can become noticeable.

Quote from: IronJustice on September 12, 2020, 01:14:10 amYou have updated this mod multiple times over the years, do you have any advice for things you didn't initially think of? I just submitted my own mod on here and I wouldn't be surprised if I find out through further testing and feedback about areas for improvement.
It pays to do entire runs of your own mod to find out what's missing or could be tweaked. I've played my own mod through over 10 times and each time I found something I felt needed changing. The Necromancer class originally was called Arcanist and borrowed spells from other existing classes, but I felt it wasn't very unique. I originally gave Ladd a custom class called Dark Fencer (as he worked for Gaffgarion) which was an inferior version of the Dark Knight/Fell Knight, but decided that Ladd didn't have enough story presence to deserve his own custom class. Chapter 4 Ramza used to be much more powerful than he is now, but I felt that this discouraged using generics in chapter 4 even more than this mod already does. Lastly, Deep Dungeon/Midlight's Deep was originally unchanged from the main game aside from making all enemies level 99. A big stat increase doesn't add much challenge to generics who aren't kitted out but it makes my custom monsters much more deadly. I felt this was unbalanced and set out to make a truly challenging but fun version of the optional dungeon. Even now I feel like some things could be changed - Summons, for example, are straight up better than Black Magic in my opinion and aside from the MA growth/multiplier I think I'd rather field a summoner for the superior spell list. I did enjoy using a Black Mage with Draw Out/Iaido a lot, so I guess there's still a use for them, as Manafont doesn't mean much if you're spamming sword spirit attacks.

Please let me know if you have any other critiques. I'm open to the idea of returning speed growth values to 100 if that seems to make more sense.


Quote from: Portalenthusiast on September 12, 2020, 11:19:06 pmHi! Sorry for asking, can I politely ask how you made Awareness? I'm really interested in altering reaction abilities!
if you can't spare the time though, that's understandable, I'll work with what I can
Unfortunately I believe I copied this one from an ASM hack thread buried somewhere in the forums and as of now I'm unable to find it. I think FFT Arena also uses this RSM ability.


Following these posts, I have decided to nerf summons in yet another update. IronJustice, I will attempt to play through your mod once I'm finished testing mine once more.


sorry for ask... it's for PSP or PSX version?
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown
I Play Every Mod


Quote from: Feuholden on October 24, 2020, 05:21:29 amsorry for ask... it's for PSP or PSX version?
This is for PSX Version
  • Modding version: PSX


Do samurai have innate doublehand in this hack?
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown


Just downloaded the mod and looking forward to trying it out. Unless I've overlooked it somewhere in the notes the Squire ability "Focus" has changed to a charged ability. Was this intended?
  • Modding version: PSX & WotL


I opened up this mod and loaded up a save from another mod where I'm in chapter 4 just to take a peek at skills and equipment and what not. Just wanted to say I really like the new abilities and palette swaps on the swords and armor, very cool. As soon as I finish up the game I am on I am looking forward to trying out your patch in the near future.


Looks very nice!
Have new game plus?

  • Modding version: Other/Unknown



I like this mod overall, but the only con for me is the Summoner Magilark skill that makes the game super broken with no MP cost on any abilities.
  • Modding version: Other/Unknown